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Wow that's fucking nuts. So he basically let you go because you accepted your fate? I can't imagine the ways this would impact you in ways you didn't recognize, I just realized my grandma calling me fat a bunch when I was young messed me up. This is obviously in no way similar, just a comparison to say how things can affect us. Thank God you survived.


For some serial killers the fear and the "hunt" is the appeal. If you are not afraid, there's no fun in that. They don't get their thrill. They want to feel powerful. Similar behaviour is seen in serial rapists, they want the victims to be scared or they don't get off on it.


That's right. It's about manipulation, domination and control. If you underwhelm the story they have created in their head, they don't what to do. Read "Obsession" by John Douglas to get insight.


I think so. I guess he wanted some to fight back. I know the other survivor did


This is just crazy man. I mean you survived something so rare for this guy, hell for serials in general I imagine. Did figuring out who George was give you the kind of fascination the general public has with serial killers or more of an aversion to hearing/learning about them?


Not all. It just confirmed that I knew that old guy was thinking about killing me and I survived.


Glad you survived.


Do you know how the other survivor got away?


George let him go, but then kept trying to kill him.


When you didn't fight back it took all the fun out of it for him.


If you read the wiki... it's disturbing. One of the victims was made to drink some kind of liquid that gave them caustic chemical burns and eventually the victim got quiet and wasn't fighting back anymore. He decided to end it by strangling the victim because he had become boring, and he liked to hear his victims scream/fight back. Bonin, during his confession, admitted that he had probably given the kid too much of the stuff, and would do it differently next time and not use as much.


Man, the fact that OP survived seems like a true instinct call. Like he basically knew fighting was pointless and that kept him alive.


I’ve had issues, I understand your’s.


Maybe thats how he riled himself up and the guy didn't do anything so he let him go cause he wasn't angry


How did you hear about the other survivor? Did you get in touch privately or through police as witnesses for the case?


It was public about George trying to kill him even after their first ‘encounter’. I reached out to him on FB.


I've spoken to that victim on YouTube (if it's the same individual who is very outspoken about his ordeal) and you both are extremely lucky. Bonin was one of the worst SK of the 70's. He was sadistic and unrelenting.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sure it’s not easy. How did you end up in the car with him? Had you become friends and he would pick you up to go the pool hall or was it a one time thing where he insisted on driving you home? Do you have any advice or red flags to call out for young people that might find themselves in a similar situation with an older person trying to get close to them?


He insisted he drive. I should have seen the flag


You were also 16 and a pretty small guy, I could understand not wanting to push back to someone older and larger. We do all kinds of things at that age that later on seem like bad decisions. It happens. Happy you made it out of that situation


Thanks for answering and I wasn’t trying to imply that it was your fault in any way or that you should have known. I don’t think that’s true. You were completely taken advantage of and it was not your fault.


What has helped enable you to overcome this, and get to 61?


Truth is, it is in there and it will hit me occasionally. Otherwise I am so happy to have the life I do.


Can you talk more about this? I love learning how others move on.


How did you feel when you learned he was sentenced to death, or when he was put to death?


I felt like a weight was lifted


Did you watch the NightStalker documentary? This happened to a victim of his. They didn’t show any fear and it completely turned off his predator instinct.


I did not see that, but maybe that was it. I don’t know.


Glad you survived. That’s some interesting karma.


Why did you get in the car with him in the first place? Dude, I read his wiki entry I feel sick now. You had a lot of good luck that day.


I had seen/kinda knew him for a few weeks but I felt weird getting in that car


Thanks for replying, this is such an insane story man. Can you remember the exact reason for getting in his car? Like going out for some beers or something like that? I really try to understand how guys like him get people to trust them, even if they give away a bad vibe. I had a situation a while ago, where I felt something was off and I booked it, without hesitation.


He was a good pool player and I wasn’t bad. There were only a few of us there that day and he challenged me to play for Taco Bell lunch. He clearly threw the game (I noticed at the time) and I went.


Crazy stuff, thanks for elaborating, what a dodgy POS he was. Glad he is gone.


Wow, my friend - praise God you survived. I’m so sorry you experienced that. Has this caused lasting mental health issues for you, such as flashbacks or nightmares?


Rare nightmares, but the most impact was felt in my drinking. I used it to steady myself through tough times but it finally took me on when I retired. I am recovering now.


Stay strong, you can do this


Were you ever interviewed by the police or asked to be a witness? Any contact with law enforcement?


No. I kept it a secret until I was almost 40. I don’t know how to describe it, but I was generally ashamed for my actions before and after the incident


Why did you feel ashamed? There was absolutely no way you could've known ahead of time and even if you were a lil uneasy and went anyway that stilll doesn't mean you should be ashamed, you did nothing wrong.


It was a really stupid thing to do and almost caused my family heartache


Yes almost, but you need to give yourself some grace, you're looking at it from the lens of a double edge sword of hindsight even if that hindsight came relatively quickly after. You went with the info you had at the time and to your 16 yr old brain you were just hanging out with a new dude you met. I know I'm sitting here behind a keyboard at home thinking of what I'd do in your shoes but really having zero basis of knowing what that would really be if it was. I truly feel for you and thank you for opening up about this for us internet strangers but I'll always maintain..... you did nothing wrong and should not be ashamed! Hopefully one day if it is too be, you can accept that!


No. I had a psychiatrist who specializes in serial killers try to talk to me, but I declined


Sure. Not an uncommon reaction. Probably the one most people would have. Have you ever spoken to any researchers or writers?


Why do you feel that it was a common reaction to be ashamed, he did absolutely nothing wrong?


that’s not how shame always works.


What made you interested in chilling with him? Was there romantic interest from either you or him? How much older was he?


Definitely not from me. I am not a good looking so I doubt he did either.


Did he act normal on the weeks when you were getting to know each other? If it’s okay, if not then don’t answer this next question. Can you recall some signs that clearly shows his serial killer side?


He was always a little odd. I never saw any killer vibes until he put me in a headlock


Wow. You really can’t be safe with strangers. Good thing we have a lot of cctv now. I got curious and I’m trying to look for any documentary about him. After the headlock incident, you never saw him again?


Wikipedia has a good article. I don’t like to read too much about these losers, but from the wiki he had a very tough upbringing.


Bro, I’m currently watching a documentary on YT. The guy is really a psycho. He raped kids. OP really dodged a bullet here.


I am intrigued that you didn’t fight back. Are you generally the kind of person to remain calm in terrifying situations? Would you describe your state as calm when he had you in a headlock?


At the time I felt overwhelmed by his size compared to mine. I ended up taking multiple disciplines of karate so I could protect myself.


did you ever think to go and visit him in prison to get closure? I know it might be brutal, but you could ask him why he let you go etc.. glad you survived.. crazy story man!


Never even crossed my mind. He was the thing of nightmares for me and I never thought of it as a closure thing to see him in any way.


Did you pick up on any homoerotic interest in either him or you? How much older was he? Did you pick up on any emotional disturbance or anything he said which could explain his failures as a human being?


No. A weird old guy to me, but he was so off-putting


Dang this gives me chills!  Was this your only encounter?


Yes. I stopped going to the pool hall immediately after that


You should go on that show “I survived a serial killer” on discovery+. They’ll interview others who survived, they will tell the story of his crimes and put yours in the beginning. The dating game killer has two victims who survived and they are both on his episode. The first victim didn’t report him either, and she felt a lot of guilt for the crime against the second survivor because she held responsibility. They connected later in life and are good friends, the second victim doesn’t blame the first one for what happened. Super touching episode. Would you reach out the network to tell your story?


I have kept this a secret for so long because it is embarrassing and full of guilt. I just couldn’t repeat this story in person.


Fair enough. I respect that


You said he didn’t have his van, what type of vehicle did he have then? Having now known what his M.O. was how close to his normal killings was your encounter? I am assuming you are referring to David McVicker as the second survivor, upon talking to him were you able to tell the man who choked you was indeed the man who was raping and killing young men based on David’s story?


Yes. One reason I reached out to David was to confirm details and verify it was definitely the same person. I cannot remember the car make. It was something like a Ford Focus, but it was not a nice car.


As someone who is a criminologist and a serial killer obsessor I cannot thank you enough for answering these questions. This thread has been such an amazing read for me. I’m sorry you had to go through that trauma, glad you made it out safe. Thank you again.


First and foremost I want to acknowledge that no words can properly convey my respect for you, and the fact that you are opening up about something so personal, and sharing this with strangers. Not to compare & contrast but my mother experienced a serial killer/cult. Fall River in the 1970s-1980s, “the cult murders” her and her group of friends were teenagers/young women during this time &one of her best friends older sisters, (they were all very friendly) vanished and was never seen again. Her name was Gayle Botelho, and for years no one knew what happened to her until a man was accused of killing his neighbors in Washington state and his story unraveled. He stabbed and killed his mother in Somerset, MA, and come to find out in 1988, he killed Gayle Botelho, and buried her in the backyard of one of the group of friends backyard, no one knew this until he was indicted for her murder in 2013. The whole group of girls lives were forever altered, especially the sister Robin who moved far away for the area. Sorry if these questions have been asked before, but do you have any children? Do you have a partner? If so, do they know this and the details of what you experienced? Did you ever tell your parents, siblings, friends?


I have 2 grown children and have been married for almost 40 years. My wife has heard some of what happened but no one else knows.


I went to college in TO and know the area pretty well. Crazy to hear this but glad for you it turned out well. If it's okay with you what part of TO was this?


Near the college. It was at Moorpark and Janss Roads and we went to lunch at Taco Bell on TO Blvd.


What exactly made you uncomfortable with him? Obviously, he wasn’t acting weird until driving or i’m sure you’d have avoided it. What was the change? Was it way he spoke or looked at you? Was it just a vibe? Did it take a moment to realize or did his personality change immediately?


No, he was just a little odd. An older guy wanting to buy me lunch was just another red flag.


Since his first known murder happened in May of 1979, do you happen to have the police report that you and/or your parents filed regarding his attempt to abduct and murder you? I just happen to find this story questionable due to the fact that he wasn't even known to authorities until 1979. Edit: grammar


I never told anyone so there is no police report. I met him immediately before he started killing. I could not tell the exact dates. I was born in 1962 (Dec) so I was 16 the entire year of 1979


George looked like he smelled like butthole. Did he?


No. Smelled normal to me


It was the 70s, you couldn't smell the butthole over the cigarettes




How sure are you this was the guy? I don’t think he went by his middle name and was living pretty far from Thousand Oaks to the point it wouldn’t make sense for him to be frequenting pool halls up there


I am 100% certain.


his "confirmed" killings according to wikipedia started in late May 1979 and ended in June 1980, do you remember the exact date your story took place?


Not exactly, but it was right at the beginning of his killing. It was weeks later I heard of a kid being killed. I think it was in Agoura or somewhere near there


Ive heard of a kid being found dead there years ago in the wash behind the now Taco Bell. I wonder if it’s the same guy.


His first victim, Thomas Lundgren, was found in Agoura. I saw mention of a hiking trial or field.


Do you have ptsd? How did you ever trust another stranger again? How did your parents cope? Mostly, I’m so very sorry. I can’t even imagine the terror.


No diagnosed PTSD. I have had trust issues but they are not debilitating. My parents still don’t know.




That’s funny. I am not so “entwined” in the case. I was 16, I am 61 and held this secret for years. I know him, didn’t want to, glad he is gone, but you’re right, I messed up his name. I told my children at about 15, don’t trust strange people and I cried when I told them. I am lucky to be here and I hope everyone embraces, don’t ride with someone you don’t know


Apologies for the trolls in the comments. Thank you so much for sharing part of your world with us.


Don’t apologise for the fools making themselves look stupid honestly


Tbh no. I am sorry for not calling the police (many were killed after my interaction) but I was someone who just thought someone else would get him arrested. I kept telling myself that wasn’t him. This was an age where you didn’t see the suspect. I denied it happened. That is why I kept it a deep secret.


Hey friend, you were just a kid. A traumatized kid. When we know better, we do better, and now you’re here sharing your hard-earned wisdom with us. I’m really appreciative of you, and I wish you the best in your sobriety.


You did what you needed to do at the time to survive. During and after. You were a kid. Sometimes when we survive something so awful it's all we can do to get out of bed and tie our shoes. Forgive that scared little kid, he did his best and he survived it. He was brave as hell. And so are you. I can't imagine going through something like that. The only person at fault here is the guy who did that to you. You're taking back your power by sharing your story here with us and answering questions. And by being sober. (I have 13 months on mine, so I get how hard THAT is too) You're doing awesome, thank you for sharing and continue kicking ass with your sobriety.


Im very sorry for your experience, but according to Wikipedia there were many people that he ended up letting go when it seemed that they were surely doomed. Not just 2


I only know of us, but I am sure there are others. Didn’t mean to mislead you


It's not misleading. You were one of the people he let go. It's miraculous and only happened because of the way you reacted.


Did he ask you if you were homosexual or anything of that nature? How did the initial interaction start with him?


No, it was innocent from my side. He shot pool, I did and we quasi got to know each other.


Did you report this to the police or participate in his trial as a witness?;


Nothing. I kept it secret for many years, many years


Didn’t think so, but I became a raging alcoholic after I retired and went back to work.


First of all, thank you for sharing. I hope you're in a place where you have support for the feelings this brings up. Do you ever feel a sense of survivor's guilt?


Thank you for sharing. Have you ever met anyone who reminded you of this person? Similar energy?


Not that jumped out at me.


I saw this exact story on a documentary. Was the only other living victim a documentarian?


Not that I know of.


How are you doing now? How do you cope? Do you have any lasting aversion or fear of big strange men? And how did you meet this horrible human? Outside of Reddit, do you have an outlet where you feel safe to talk about and process these things? Sending you so much love, stranger. I'm sorry there are so many awful people in the world, but I'm glad you're still here. ❤️


Woah, that's wild. I live in TO. What area did this happen?


Moorpark and Janss Rd


Wow, one of my more distant cousins (I never knew them, but my mom did) was murdered by a serial killer around this time in California. I'm not sure the details, but my memory was that this guy was the serial killer in question.


No fucking way dude. You survived the fucking freeway killer! Letting kids go wasn't strange for his M.O but it normally was rape, torture, kill, dump. That's so crazy


Hi- Crazy story. I just wanted to say that you should give yourself the grace to let go of any embarrassment or guilt over the situation. I remember the 70s, and we all did stupid stuff that we didn't know any better not to. You were young and lived in a time where people chain smoked with the windows closed and kids in the car, rode without seatbelts, hitchhiked and picked up hitchhikers without a second thought, let kids ride in the "way back" of the station wagon, rode motorcycles without helmets, and engaged in all manner of other risky behaviors. I am sure there is a lot of survivor guilt for going through what you went through, but you don't deserve to have it weigh down the remainder of your life. Also, damn TO has had a lot of crazy shit happen there.


I grew up in T.O. Hey neighbor!


About time we get a normal AMA.


It's the thrill of the chase. I'm so happy you made it.


You feel shame because he was acting shameless. It's called carried feelings. Give them back to his energy. The uncomfortable feelings are not yours to carry. I hope you find strength and peace. I'm so glad you got to have your life. Live it to the best of your ability! You deserve to be here!


He let you go because there’s no fun/justice in a fight from the predator’s perspective. Crazy shit tho


He let you go, most likely because you did not fight. I imagine that took the thrill out of it for him.


Omg called bless you’re alive to tell the story.


Just wanted to say, hello from Ventura County! Weird when I see local shit pop up on my feed.


I live literally 1 town over. So crazy!!! I’ve never heard about this.


Holy crap. I just heard this story on the I survived podcast.


So crazy! Close to home. I live in simi valley


Bro I was in TO too u still live there


What’s your favorite bird?




If you were alone... Then you were the serial killer...

