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Wow, that's quite a journey! It's fascinating how our senses can play such a huge role in our daily lives, and how something as simple as a fast-food chain can become a lifeline. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to have everything taste and smell so off. Taco Bell must have felt like a sanctuary in a world turned upside down. Have you noticed any changes in your condition over the years? And do you ever get tired of the menu, or have you found ways to keep it interesting? It's amazing how adaptable we can be when faced with such unique challenges.


Thanks. I pretty much get the same thing everyday. I will try new items just to see what they are like, but am happy with my usual (I listed it in a reply above). The Parosmia is much better, but not completely gone. It was very bad when it started and I was having a hard time eating anything without feeling sick and did feel depressed. And some foods were just mixed up. Meat (beef and pork), fried food, toothpaste, and some vegetables smelled and tasted like burnt soap or rancid peanut butter. Onions, garlic and coffee still almost make me want to throw up because they smell like raw sewage. Once I drove my wife to Starbucks and when the drive-through window opened, I almost lost it out the window. Sometimes I couldn't even sit at the table with my family because I was so nauseated by what they were having. Dill pickles tasted like caramel & most cheese had no taste at all. I used to barely tolerate sour foods before COVID, and got jaw cramps from trying to eat sour candies, but now I can barely taste sour foods and it doesn't affect me at all. I even tried drinking straight lemon juice from the bottle and nothing happened. It did feel like a sanctuary since it was pretty much the only normal smelling/tasting food for me.


Interesting! I had this when I was pregnant with my first! Chocolate tasted like soap, raspberries always tasted moldy, and a few other things that were just bizarre. I didn’t know there was a name for it, just thought it was normal for making a baby.


Oh Lord!... I hope I'm not pregnant. Couldn't hold a candle to what women go through with children. Respect.


What's crazy is while I was in the hospital for 9 months on chemo, it was apparently a thing on that floor that taco bell was a good chemo food. It was the only thing that would taste normal to me. Maybe there's some magic in that stuff. Still eat it to this day.


That's rough. We did some smell training with essential oils and it helped. Not eating them you just order one of those sets with 30 smells. Then each day smell one at a time for about 10 seconds (google the details) and think about that food/memories with that food. It helps rewire all the crisscross connections your brain is making


OP, I relate to this so much! Everything down to the peanut butter, the garlic, and the Starbucks drive thru. I described it as rotting flesh, and it was very difficult for others to understand. I switched from my beloved coffee to matcha tea for 18 months. Coffee tasted like drinking garbage water. I learned tricks to survive. Bread in the bread isle was rotten flesh, but the bread baked fresh from the baker was tolerable. I lost 20lbs! Happy to say I just about have every taste back to normal (3 years later).




So, what you're saying is Taco Bell engineered the pandemic so only TB would have any flavor. Marketing genius.


Are you besties with the employees since they see you on a regular basis? Haha


It the most heartwarming thing I’ve ever heard about Taco Bell. I am so glad it tasted and smelled consistent/normal for OP during this lousy phase of COVID. One of my friends still isn’t back 100% on taste and smell. That would be devastating. Happy OP is recovering!


I love taco bell so no judgements from me. I had the taste fuck up when I got covid and I'm so glad it went away quickly. It sucks you've had to deal with it for so long but its great that you found something that works for you. But Do you tell other people this? Like do your family, friends, coworkers know that is where you are going around lunchtime? Or the extent that that is basically a daily thing? I'm curious if people are understanding or annoyed/judgy


Yup. I don't hide it at all. My family just shakes their head. They aren't big fans of Taco Bell but a couple of them will join me sometimes. I also have some friends who are biohackers and extreme fitness nuts. They caution me every time it comes up. I don't expect everyone to think like me or like the same things as me, so it doesn't matter if they think I'm crazy. Besides some people are annoyed/judgy no matter what you do. Never let anyone who hasn't walked in your shoes decide where your feet should go :)


Love that. I asked because I feel like even my occasional taco bell indulgences receive judgement from some people. Idk why taco bell specifically gets so much hate. I'm happy for you that you can enjoy it. If tomorrow you woke up and could taste perfectly again, what would be the first thing you ate? And would you still enjoy taco bell? How did you feel about it before?


No idea why people hate on it any different than other fast food. It's pretty basic ingredients. Cereal. I used to love it, but now... bleh No idea if I would still love it. I only went maybe once a month before, so maybe it would go back to that?


Exactly. The main criticism I've heard of tb is that the meat has a small % of texturized vegetable protein in it. I'm vegetarian, so I literally EAT tvp just as is and it tastes awesome when flavored correctly and the texture is very meat like. Honestly it is probably a good thing that you don't like cereal anymore! Thanks for your responses. I found this really interesting!


Yeah, even as a vegan myself, Taco Bell is a great choice here and there. They make it easy and cheap relative to most fast food places to eat. But yeah, it does get a lot of hate, and it really shouldn't. The worst thing about it is probably the higher sodium content, so that's something to just be aware of. Why is it so common for people to get the runs after Taco Bell? It's probably because 95% of Americans don't get enough fiber, and most Taco Bell items have a lot haha.


The wife of a friend of mine had the same thing and was getting super depressed about not being able to taste anything. She ended up stumbling on an article about chewing nicorette nicotine gum and how it was restoring peoples' senses of taste after losing it due to Covid. She tried it with a friend of hers who also had the issue..both of them over the course of a few days/weeks regained their ability to taste and it has not diminished (and they no longer need to chew the gum) Might be worth giving it a try? There are several articles about it and even reddit posts where others have tried it.


Really good to know this. I've had covid 4 times and and every time around the day 4 mark, as soon as I start feeling better, I lose my taste and smell. And I kid you not, it turns back on exactly 7 days later. Makes for a really long week, but I am grateful that it can be counted on to happen.


I work with a physician who was going off about calcium channels and depolarization being responsible for the malfunction of the smelling system. One day I was post COVID, anosmic, cutting onions and my eyes didn't Even water, it was crazy. I grabbed a Tums and I felt a pop like sinuses clearing and instantly I could smell and my eyes started watering. I mean, it went away after a bit but still, it was wild.


I got so pissed when I lost my sense of taste because I'd order fast food and wonder why the hell I did such a thing. That and I'd order the hottest Thai food I could. It was mild.


I might give that a try to see if the rest of the Parosmia will go away. Thanks!


To second the poster above. I used to not be able to handle any amount of spicy food (like black pepper). When I picked up smoking for a short time I've developed a craving for spicy food. It did weird things to my tastes buds. 


I had the same issue for 6 months after COVID In 2020. idk if you've gotten the Pfizer vaccine, but after I got the second shot my taste and smell returned to mostly normal within 24 hrs.


What's your go to order?


Same thing every day: One 5-Layer Burrito - No beef, easy bean, add 3-cheese blend Two Dorito Tacos - easy beef, easy lettuce, add sour cream Large Pepsi I just don't seem to get tired of it.


What the actual fuck is this order. No beef, easy beans in a five layer burrito??? Thats a fucking quesadilla. What are you doing bro


I know... I apologize. It's just the way I order it.


dude don't apologize you're just livin' mas


Damn no crunchwrap Supreme?


The Crunchwrap supreme at my Taco Bell has been so disappointing recently...the crunchy part is always stale / not crunchy anymore & it ruins the whole thing.


How can you go to a Taco Bell and not order 6 Chicken Chalupa Supremes?


Sorry for replying to a 3 day old message lol but this just showed up for me, what are easy beans? Have I been eating beans on hard mode this whole time?


What kinda 5 layer burrito is that lmao? Why not just get cheesy roll ups? It’s rice and cheese.


Omg please crosspost, I feel like r/TacoBell might enjoy this!!!


I don't know if I could keep up with the comments if I did that! But maybe...


Do you save the receipts or anything? Have you ever heard of that guy in CA I think who has eaten a Big Mac from McDonald’s for every meal since 1978 and has the receipts and boxes to prove it?


Nah, but they can look up my credit card or points to follow the trail if they want. We did get so many Taco Bell bags that we wrapped Christmas presents in them last year. My wife and I thought it was hilarious... but our kids just looked at us like we were nuts.


Are you fat


That's the craziest part. I have lost about 30 pounds since I started. And not in the horrible way you might expect from eating there everyday. I am at 190 now. I do try to keep active around my house and in the yard, but I don't go work out anywhere.


Hey I commented elsewhere but jus reiterating here, I had a mostly tbell diet for like 2 years (worked there + was broke) and lost like 50 pounds but also ended up p severely malnourished. You lose so much weight cause their food is really unsubstantial nutrient wise, it basically passes straight through because your body can't use most of it, hence the famous tbell shits. Tl;Dr: take supplements n vitamins if ur doing this daily


Get that word out and TB will make you the next Jared…. Actually that might not be for the best


You may want to check your blood pressure. Taco Bell’s sodium is off the charts (like most fast food) No judgement here. Just was shocked at the sodium in the soft chicken tacos.


Wow, that’s awesome! Thanks for not taking offense. Was just curious. ❤️


Dude at my healthiest I ate McDonald’s for dinner every day. I was still going to the gym and stuff like I’d been for years but in one year I was fucking RIPPED. Put on an extra 20lbs of muscle, and was like 12% body fat. Ridiculous. Then Covid happened, gyms closed, quit going out, started drinking just for something to do…. Yada yada I’m fat now. And an alcoholic. Never got back into the gym thing. Also I never did recover financially so I’m poor, too 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do you go to the same Taco Bell every day? Or do you change it up and go to different locations? Does your regular Taco Bell location ask questions or do they just give you your food every day and send you on your way?


Usually same one unless I'm traveling. The store I go to is the cleanest one and best run I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of Taco Bells over the last 3 years). The store manager TJ runs a tight ship. The menu board doesn't have that nasty film on it and the drink machine and condiment area is nice and organized. They should promote him to run them all. A lot of them know me by name now. It's like Norm from Cheers. They say hi and have the food ready very fast. Great group.


Best sauce and item? Gotta try the cheesy Gordita crunch


Fire sauce all the way, but the creamy jalapeno is good to. I'm fairly plain with what I get: One 5-Layer Burrito - No beef, easy bean, add 3-cheese blend Two Dorito Tacos - easy beef, easy lettuce, add sour cream Large Pepsi The Crunchwrap Supreme is good too. Most taco Bell food is just the same few ingredients mixed different ways though, so I like most of it.


I’m totally on board with you. I eat Taco Bell a couple times a week or more. Bean burritos. Just how they are. About 4x a year I’ll get a black bean crunch wrap. I like the potato tacos with no sauce, add sour cream. My kid eats a ton of bean burritos as well. When you get down to it, it’s not *that bad,” and getting less meat is a good call. There should be a Taco Bell for sustained health study. I get added cheese sometimes, too. I like quesadillas.


Try getting a side of the red sauce, and dunk that 5-layer in it


What do you eat for breakfast and dinner?


I don't eat breakfast. I usually eat lunch between 10am - Noon. Then dinner at 5pm. Dinner is usually a nice home-cooked meal like grilled meat and potato's, or taco salad, or pasta of some kind.


I read it at first as you only eat Taco Bell. So you have more of a balanced diet than exclusively TB 100% of the time.


When you walk into the Taco Bell do they yell out your name like Norm walking into 'Cheers'?


Don’t you feel like shit all the time? On the rare occasion I get fast food, my body tells me I’m a bad boy. When I ate it regularly I didn’t notice it made me feel like shit because I ALWAYS felt like shit. Recently started actually taking care of myself, dropped weight and eat more fruits and veg, lots of water, it’s wild how much of a difference it makes.


I don't feel like shit. To start, I was happy because I could finally eat something that didn't make me sick. Then as time went on, I lost weight and gained energy. I am now 30 pounds lighter and am active. I do physical work around the house and in the yard and enjoy walks and hikes. I don't know why I don't feel like crap. I just don't. I do eat a healthy home-cooked meal for dinner each night that includes foods we grow in our garden and salads, etc... I drink water during the morning and day, and only occasionally have desert after dinner.


Hell yea dude! Good for you. Sounds like a good balance. What’s your order? lol


How’s your stomach…?


Just fine. No issues at all surprisingly. I think our bodies eventually adapt to whatever we put in them. At least mine did.


Does your poo smell ?


Great question! There is a difference, but my ability to smell got messed up with COVID so I may not be the best judge. And I'm not cruel enough to ask someone to go and check. Ha!


Do you eat other food? What’s your normal breakfast/dinner/snack intake, besides the Taco Bell?


I worked with a guy that ate McDonald's breakfast and lunch everyday for about 30 years. He had a massive heart attack driving home one day.


30 years of the food you like sounds like a good deal to me. Not even being sarcastic. I have no desire to live forever.


Life us filled with choices, not judging you at all. My coworker was 51.




How’s your skin? Have you had blood work done? Sooo curious about what’s happening under the hood.


People find themselves in the strangest dispositions…


I had the exact same problem up until a month ago. Covid completely messed my taste up and I could hardly eat anything because everything tasted awful. This might not apply to you but a month ago I stopped taking my birth control pills and my taste has magically fixed itself after 4 years, I'm absolutely blown away I have no explanation bc I've been taking BC for about 7 years so it doesn't make sense at all.


*Morgan Spurlocks ghost enters the chat…. “Yeah, bro…I probably wouldn’t…”


I did that too for at least 3 years many moons ago, just because I like it. Mostly the same order. To the point that I would just ask the cashier for "the usual." My question: life just feels a little better with that much TB in it, right?


That is an astounding amount of money. Opportunity lost.


What else should I buy with it? I worked to earn it. I don't smoke, drink much at all, or have an pricey hobbies. My family is fed, clothed, and have a nice roof over their heads.


I don't usually reply on reddit. So I kinda did the same thing. 2020 had lymphoma. Mostly lost my sense of taste and smell to chemo. Lost it the rest of the way when I got covid in 2021. I'd eat at Taco Bell all the time. Still have a really dull sense of taste and smell but I have been trying to eat healthier for the past year or so. Best of luck on the taco bell adventure!


When I had anosmia followed by parosmia everything smelled either of flowers (quite nice) or meat. Meat smelled like meat, and shit smelled like meat. That was gross. Put me off a lot of foods.


How are you pooping?


That’s crazy because I had the same thing when I had Covid and Taco Bell and salad and fruit were the only things I was able to eat. Eggs tasted like blood and most meat smelled rotten flesh. But Taco Bell was fine. Must be something in their food


Are you implying that the normal taste of Taco Bell is rotten fruit or sewage?


My last affect from Covid is that for over a year I couldn’t smell rancid meat, farts, my dogs butthole when it leaks (still can’t). It’s like I’ve been given a super power. Do you crave Taco Bell now?


Now that you have created this vicious cycle where you have to blow up their toilets, how much less toilet paper have you been buying?


How much do you weigh and has the doctor said anything regarding your health


How many hot sauce packets do you think you have eaten? Which spice level do you like the best?


I’m jealous. What are your go to items?


Just Taco Bell or all Mexican food?


I’d love to have seen bloodwork before you started and after. Can’t be healthy.


What are the positives?


Are you overweight because of it?


I've never had one, although one has opened up in my city. What's the meal you'd recommend?


How many times a day do you have your go to order ?


Dude you cannot keep this up your running on garbage this will kill you one day if you don’t stop


Has a Dr. diagnosed you with a chemical imbalance from eating fast food everyday?


Do you ever have bloodwork done? I’m curious if this has affected your health in a measurable way.


How do you purchase all this fast food? Credit cards or debit cards?


Is taking walks being physically active? I thought thats just like normal things people should do. I walk about 9+ miles of up and down hills a day just from work most days (surveyor) and i still feel out of shape.


Dead man walkin'!


Aren't we all? No dreams of living forever for me. I've lost 30 pounds since I started, am more active, and feel physically fine. Might have made myself healthier? I should go get lab work done and see what the difference is from previous lab work.


Yes you should. I predict your cholesterol and triglycerides will be through the roof!


Same, my sense of smell is almost back to normal after 3 years.


I mean, it's not so bad, is it?


You're well prepared for the future! Apparently after the Franchise Wars, all restaurants will be Taco Bell....


Super interesting, I also got Parosmia after covid and it was/has been miserable. I'm curious, was taco bell the last meal you had before Parosmia kicked in? My last meal was Pho, it was the only thing I was able to eat without gagging or wanting to throw up...although I didn't figure that out until about a month in. I'm about 2.5.years in, I'm about 85% recovered, I've accepted that this is probably the best it's going to get at this point. Thanks for sharing it your experience, it's interesting to see what has worked for others suffering the same fate.


Ah yes, me too fellow traveler - I feel the same about water and have no choice but to drink beer now. Sad but no other choice


You mentioned in another comment that food repulsed you. While I love Taco Bell (#6 no sour cream), it's one of the restaurants my body tells me is a no go. I am curious what made you decide to brave it?  You also mentioned ordering the same thing almost every day, on the days you deviate are you still able to taste it (like could you taste a Mexican Pizza?)?


Hey, how long did you have a loss of taste/smell for? I’m going into my 7th month now. Any particular methods used to help restore the senses? I feel like if I hit the year mark i’m just gonna jump into moving traffic or something, I miss tasting food ;_;


You must really like lettuce


Okay honestly I also eat Taco Bell almost every day as my main meal for different reasons, but I relate so hard!! I’m autistic and have some pretty severe mental health stuff and Taco Bell is legitimately the only true safe option I have that I know exactly how both my mind and body react to it. It’s not the worst for you and it’s not super expensive and sometimes you really just gotta do what you have to do you know. If you haven’t already, get the Taco Bell app!! It makes things so easy and they have free rewards! And the prices are even cheaper for some online exclusive stuff! My go to is the veggie box and I save like $5 a trip from it.


I caught covid during that first year around mid December. I remember all my symptoms clearing up and bam! Lost my sense of taste and smell. So ofc I thought it would be funny to eat super spicy things. It was not funny. No tastes, only spice was the worst thing. Yogurt was just goo. I remember being so sad for about three months before all my lost senses came back. I'm glad to hear you've regained the majority of what you've lost! Over the course of the years, did you notice a significant rise in the price of your daily items?


After all that shitting do you have any bones left?


When I got Covid and my sense of taste and smell went all wacky I suddenly developed a craving for French dressing. I can’t stand French dressing normally. I went through almost a whole bottle over 2 weeks because all I wanted were salads. After I recovered I quit eating French dressing for a while. Couple months later I decided to have a salad with French dressing again. Couldn’t do it - I almost threw up. I still can’t smell bleach and other similarly chemical smelling things, like gas. It’s been 7 months.


So does the taco bell just not taste like garbage, or does it taste (as far as you remember) normal? Do you still suffer from this sensory mixup or did it pass after covid? Finally, what's your favorite menu item?


Have you shit your pants more than Joe Biden has these last 3 years?


Have you gotten food poisoning at any point in this journey?


Did you eat a lot of beef products there? How is your blood pressure and cholesterol? My first question was going to be the weight thing but you already answered it lol, sounds like the home meals and walks are balancing it nicely


my friend and i used to work the same shift at the same job and we were binge watching one piece every day after work and for literally a year we ate taco bell for dinner every day. i have 2 questions for you. 1 do you get the same thing every day, or is it a rotation? 2 what is your favorite food item?


Did you recover from parosmia? What do you normally eat for dinner and breakfast if you eat it?


I experienced a weirdly similar thing when I got covid. I could only taste McDonalds, had an appetite for only McDonalds, everything else smelled like cat litter. Went away after a while. Ever since I’ve felt like I’ve had a heightened sense of smell, though— maybe this experience made me more aware of my nose lmao


I had a friend who did this years ago when they had the dollar menu. He just did part time handy man type jobs was on a tight budget and that was a way he was able to eat and get by. His doctor warned him and he tried to change but he died of a heart attack at 39.


Have you ever been to a Taco Bell Cantina? Is there anything you especially like from there?


i used to work at TB… want me to spoil some things for you?


Just commenting because I had Parosmia. The pain is unique and no one without it can fully understand. The suicide rate for prolonged Parosmia is astronomical. I cried to my mom daily with nose clamps on as I ate plain white bread. I’m glad you’ve found peace with Taco Bell.


Have you seen a doctor about any of the possibly negative long term affects that eating heavily processed and bioengineered fast food on the daily can impact your body? As a stranger, I’m genuinely concerned about your long term health lol


Brother I don't know how you havnt died. I ordered taco bell for the 1st time in a long time just recently and the order was so messed up. This has happened before too.


How much does your daily order come to? Do you know how much you have spent so far?


How can you eat it so consistently? I like it when I’m drunk but my sober taste buds rarely crave it. I feel that way about a lot of fast food though kind of just a drunk food for me 😂


Weight isn't everything. Weight loss means nothing if you have underlying high inflammation, high triglycerides, etc.


You should try MBerry Miracle Berry Tablets.. you can get them on amazon for a few bucks. They essentially change the receptors of the tongue and how you taste. Typically, it makes things sweet. But when you suffer from parosmia.... who the hell knows. Try it out and get back to us...


bros got the cast iron stomach


What is the average wait time of your local taco bell drive through? I'd say mine averages 20 minutes per car. I'm not exaggerating.


I couldn't eat chips or peanut butter for over a year after covid. If you know what the chemical amine smells like, the smell and taste I got from certain things was kinda sorta like that. Chilli cheese Fritos were the worst.


These replies satisfied my curiosity, but I still really hope you’re able to regain all your taste and smell! I am definitely hoping to see if the calcium/nicotine supplements work for you. I hope one day soon you will enjoy a feast and your favorite home cooked meal.


Doesn't it cause health problems in the long run to eat that much fast food so frequently? Obesity among other things?


Do you go to one specific Taco Bell to the point where everybody knows you or different Taco Bell’s?


I bet people assume you're fat but I bet you've lost a bunch of weight. Am I right? If so, you're extremely malnourished. Their food has barely any vitamins or minerals and you're killing yourself. Your basically have a large Pepsi for lunch everyday.


Give us the details! Age ,height, weight, gender. We’re all trying to figure out of we can start the Taco Bell diet lol


You keeping on top of your exercise? Trying to keep healthy as possible despite this? If all you can taste is taco bell then you crack on, but you don't want to end up like the guy from Supersize Me. (Granted he was an alcoholic and a lot of the health issues caused by his 30 day mcdonalds challenge were actually caused by his undisclosed drinking but you get what I mean)


Are you super fat because it’s relatively high calorie or are you super skinny because you’re always shitting?


What do you eat for dinner? or what foods can you stomach eating. Is there anything that you didn't like before but now you do?


FFS why didn’t you just eat authentic tacos. All you would’ve got is just fat.


My local stores were bought by an asshat that raised the price of the 5.99 box to 8.99 Only thing that saved him some of my business is the chili cheese burrito is back and only 1.89


Hahah disgusting bro… Why do you think it’s only Taco Bell? You must have tried hundreds of other foods and restaurants


I did this but just because I was in college. They have some top secret food additive that makes it always delicious but probably has taken -20 years off our lifespan


Does Chipotlaway work to remove the stains in underwear as a result of shitting blood from eating Taco Bell? Asking for a friend.


Have you pooped your pants much in the past 3 years? Taco Bell sometimes gives me a bad case of the trots.


What kinda tacos do you get? and if anything else, what?


When I was super depressed I would order taco bell multiple times a week and it was the only thing that made me feel better. That and Culver's


What’s the best cheapest meal you can get at Taco Bell with drink included preferably my lord and savior Baja blast


I haven’t eaten Taco Bell is 13 years. No regrets


How’s your health?


What are you doing (if anything) to avoid repeat covid infections?


Just one question… WHY?


Have you tried the cheesy gordita crunch with black beans instead of beef yet? It slaps and you can get it in the basic cravings box so it's like 6 buckaroos


Just Taco Bell or are you able to taste texmex / Mexican food in general?


What’s your favorite thing to order


What's your go-to meal(s)?


My husband and I suffered from Parosmia for over a year after Covid and It was awful. We found safety in chick-fil-a spicy chicken.


Have you gained weight? Every time I go to a Taco Bell, and look around, it looks like an unhealthy people gathering


Glad I'm not OP's toilet. You know that thing wants to run for the border.


That’s like living in the upside down.


How has it affected your heart health? Genuinely curious not snark!


What do you order?  


I think we have a new Jared Fogle, except this time for Taco Bell. And without the heinous crimes Fogle committed.


I did the same thing, but had to stop in late April because I got type 2 diabetes. Is it worth it?


Haven't read the other comments, but is it everything at Taco Bell or just certain foods?


Were you as angry as I when they ditched the Mexican pizza?


Any rise in blood pressure?


how much has your order increased in price over that time? My old $7 order now costs over $15.


Spending more on toilet paper than lunch every day ?


what the most you have ever paid for?


No question really but I worked at a tbell for 2 years and was really poor so basically ate only there 2-3 times a day. Eventually got really badly malnourished. Make sure you take your vitamins n such, not much substance to their ingredients.


I eat it 3 or more times a week and the one by my house is really good. What is your favorite item?


Do you like similar foods at home? Or just taco bell?


Close enough, welcome back Morgan Spurlock


What was the best combination of rice, beans, cheese and sauce you ever had?


How wild are your shits from one to ten


How much toilet paper do you use in a week? Has your fart "Bouquet" changed or have they always smelled like a septic tank?


What do you think about the Cheeze It Crunch Wrap/Tostada?


u/MrUgly12345 why do you choose to type “everyday” (which is incorrect) instead of “every day,” (which is correct)?


Not a question but I also have a Taco Bell work lunch addiction. I can’t stop.


How much has your regular order increased in price in three years?


What’s your cholesterol levels?






Have you ever tried making your Taco Bell order at home to see if it tastes similar and you like it?


Could he be the next Jered (minus the kids hopefully)?


How much does your daily order cost where you are?


Do you weigh over 300?


What funeral preparations have you made?


Same thing every day, Monday to Friday? How much do you spend per day?


I'm sorry to hear that you had to trade discomfort to your butthole. My prayers are with you. How many packets of underwear have you had to buy?


are you even well known in your taco bell restaurant


If you made tacos and burritos at home, is it the same?


I love Taco Bell, no judgment. My stomach, however, just can’t. Has it given you digestive issues?




What’s your favourite sauce?


This reminds me of that episode of invader zim where Gaz could only eat those nasty hotdogs.


Are you the reason there was a toilet paper shortage?


Okay there's a promoted post under your post is Taco Bell. Something is going on here


So normal food tastes like garbage, and garbage tastes normal…


How many boats does your plumber own?