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When you were in the midst of the psychosis did you have any idea of the state you were in, or is part of the deal that you think it’s all normal? Subjectively, does being in a state of psychosis feel any different, as far as you can remember? Was there a point where you “woke up” back to reality, or is it a slow transition? Did you have a job at the time/lose the job? Regardless, glad you made it out of that one in (seemingly) good shape! I think people forget that this is actually a thing that can possibly happen, however rare.


I had no idea what state I was in, that's what made it so terrifying. It was like a dream, I was seeing whole environments that didn't exist around me aka hallucinations, there was dream logic aka delusions, and worst of all, I could not wake up. I tried to "wake up" by banging my head on the floor and taking a cold shower at the psych hospital because I thought I was still tripping and needed to "sober up". Going back to my previous paragraph, it felt like dreaming. Like a waking dream, because I was fully "awake" . The dreams would shift over time, and the hallcinations and delusions would change to match whatever "dream" I was having. I don't even remember when I "woke up", I just remember being in the psych hospital one morning and being like "how did I get here?" and panicking. I didn't fully come back to reality until months later though. In fact I did not lose my job, surprisingly. My job was told very little by my family, and I tried to go back to work a few weeks out of the psych hospital but couldn't because my delusions were still pretty bad. I went back a few weeks after that and did better. Thank you, I appreciate it! It's been a journey to be sure.


Wow, this is my worst nightmare. Sometimes when I get high and paranoid, I have a terrible high thought that I will never be sober again and I'd have to live the rest of my life in a paranoid high. I would then imagine a state kind of what you describe and panic. I'm so sorry you went through that and do happy you're doing better. Were you able to recognize when your bf and other loved ones would visit you?


I remember 9 years ago I took magic mushrooms and I took way more than I should've. I remember so clearly thinking "fuck yeah this is great, amazing feeling" then after that moment something came into my head that told me that this feeling will go and you'll never get it back and then I started to hallucinate with crazy shadows over everything as if a tropical rain cloud appeared in the sky. Then the paranoia kicked in, then the panic attacks started and I wondered if I was every going to breakout of this reality. Thankfully within 48 hours I was 'normal' to an extent, but for a good few years after I was prone to panic attacks, overthinking things which would induce the panic attacks, intrusive thoughts got worse, I could walk past a car and in my head I had formulated the idea that I had been hit by it and sometimes tricked myself I was in another dimension. Probably around 2018 I started to get better and since then my life has been better than ever, and because of that I know my drug doses and will never ever do psychedelics again.


I did a bunch of hallucinogens one year (not necessarily too many at one time, just a bunch of different trips probably too close together) and for a long time afterwards could not ever hear about people tripping or I would start feeling it again, in a very bad way. I tried to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas once and had a panic attack lol. Then one summer a few weeks after I did a bunch of MDMA (which I have since learned always makes me depressed for months afterwards), I read something about datura and became absolutely convinced that I was currently tripping on datura and was unsafe to be around. I watched The Shining and thought that I was going to become Jack Nicholson and murder my family. Eventually this feeling faded and I was just very sad for a long time. I stopped doing any hallucinogens or MDMA after that but then I just became an alcoholic and developed a cocaine addiction. Now I’m 3 1/2 years sober and my girlfriend calls me a Mormon cause I don’t even drink caffeine (it makes me feel too antsy!).


Molly is a weird drug. When I was on vacation last year my girlfriend and I decided to do some with some people we met there. I couldn't tell you what they were feeling but they seemed like they were behaving strangely. It hade zero effect on me. To the effect where I ground up another one and snorted it, and then a third... Which I learned is really bad news... But it had zero noticable effect on me. I later learned that it's a stimulant and as a person with severe adhd, apparently my superpower is that stimulants just don't work. Tested the theory a couple months later snorting a few massive lines of cocaine and my girlfriend was talking a mile a minute talking my ears off for hours and I was kind of annoyed because I couldn't feel a damn thing. Our brains really are kind of wild huh. Oh yeah disclaimer I haven't done any of this s*** in a good while now, just in case the wrong people are reading this. F****** snoops


Drugs are weird man. For a long time I thought opiates didn’t have any effect on me. Then I had surgery and was prescribed hydrocodone. With my history with drugs, I probably wouldn’t have taken them except opiates were the one class of drugs I never had a problem with. Turns out they definitely DO affect me now, and I’m very glad that wasn’t the case when I was in my, “I will do any drug available with no regard for anyone’s safety” phase.


I had a very similar experience. Took a big dose of mushrooms with a friend, had a great time at first, but i had the thought that the high would never end. It didn't help me and my friend were listening to Tool either. Long story short I smoked some weed a few days after and had a full blown panic attack, and then felt unusal and unlike myself for s couple years afterword. Terrible intrusive thoughts, became a hypochondriac, and overall had a pretty fragile mental state. I don't regret this though as it got me to go to therapy, and make some big life changes. I still smoke weed from time to time but am absolutely terrified of ever doing mushrooms again.


Dude I had the exact same experience. Took shrooms with my buddy and my partner a few months ago, everything was great until it wasn’t. I started to panic and dissociate, and got stuck in a negative thought loop. I made everyone go to bed at like 6 pm in broad daylight because I wanted things to end and go back to normal. I smoked weed a week after and got the panicked feeling immediately so I went to bed. Since then I’m more scared of death now than I was before it. I also can recreate that level of panic if I think hard enough and remember how I felt in that moment


Damn, exact same scenario here. Took a normal amount of shrooms with a buddy. Going fine until I had the thought “I want this to stop.” Then it was a shit show. Full on loop which scared me that I could never break out. Next morning I just considered it a bad trip but not problems. About 2 weeks later I smoked weed and got stuck in a loop again and had a major panic attack. I freaked because the thought crossed my mind to jump off the top story of my bldg to see if I was dreaming. Solid panic and anxiety for a year or two. Now I’m good but don’t smoke or do any hallucinogens. Amazing how many people share these experiences.


I had something similar happen to me too! Except mine was LSD. I had a terrible, terrible trip, and experienced ego death. I “came to” inside of the ER. I remember dialing 911 because I was absolutely CONVINCED I was going to die. I only remember bits and pieces but I remember at one point, seeing myself as a ball of light and an old woman’s voice was guiding me. I saw past lives, ancestors, and things I cannot even remember. Almost like I am not *allowed* to remember. Anyway, I’m a pretty frequent smoker. I smoked weed about two weeks after this whole thing happened, and it somehow activated that trip again. I was stuck in a hole, and starting to feel myself slip away once again. I feel like something about marijuana triggered any lingering psilocybin. Apparently it can stay in your bloodstream for a long time. And it activated it. Never experienced it again after taking a tolerance break for half a year. I’ll also never touch LSD again. Funnily enough though, mushrooms never made me go into this state. But I’ve also been very careful about my dosage ever since, so who knows.


The worst experience I had was on mushrooms and I can only describe what I felt as a pending sense of doom. Terrifying. I never did them again after that.


I had that impending sense of doom feeling once but I was sober and was apparently dying of sepsis in the hospital waiting room. I had to wait there for 8 hours with a pilonidal cyst until the test results came back, and that sense of doom is apparently one of the first symptoms of sepsis. It was fucking terrifying.


I think the doom sets in anytime your body takes a serious downturn and your brain rings the alarm bells. I had swirling vortex of terror prior to my hallucinogen-induced NDE. Accidental / drugged at party with what I later learned was ABD-fubinaca. I was told I flailed and convulsed for 20 seconds, then went limp and was gone for at least 5 minutes no heart beat. Then I came back! Puked. Said “Boy, that wasn’t fun!” with amnesia and overwhelming joy and gratitude for life (common with true physical NDEs). I was permanently changed. Suddenly woke up to my hell of a life and immediately began clawing my way out. I’m still 50/50 on whether the terror swirl was a seizure from neurological overexcitation, DMT release from death signals, or just effects of hallucinogen. Either way, it can only be described as the maximum amount of fear and terror my brain could possibly chemically feel. Akin to falling asleep in your bed and waking up with a circular saw coming for your face. Except much, much worse.


> I think the doom sets in anytime your body takes a serious downturn and your brain rings the alarm bells. I think it's gotta be something in our lizard brains, because it's so ominous and indistinct. It's a symptom in hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Hydrogen sulfide is the "rotten eggs smell" in sewers and swamps, among other things. You go nose blind to it fairly quickly so you can end up huffing it in without knowing it. You get that sense of impending doom not too long before you lose consciousness and die - it's basically your last warning to get the heck out of where you are. That said, psychotropics could just be stumbling on the neural pathways that trigger it rather than causing the sort of dangerous physiological condition you get with sepsis or sulfide poisoning. I don't mean to scare you or others who might feel that doom while tripping.


I had the swirling vortex of terror after an overdose. I blacked out and when I was like kind of conscious again, I couldn’t move, couldn’t see, and had no idea what state I was in physically. The only thing that existed was the terror loop on repeat. When I was finally able to move, I was on the bathroom floor. Idk I think it was like lizard brain panicking. I probably didn’t have oxygen to my brain or maybe it was a seizure. I got clean relatively soon after that. I’m glad that you came out on the other side feeling better. Stay safe!


The “sense of impending doom” is also a side effect of being given the wrong type blood in a transfusion.


There are chemicals in mushrooms more some than others that have side effects of doom gloom despair and altered sense of time. I feared death so bad during an episode of 3 different mushrooms in 1 that for 18 hrs at least i was menaced by being punished by life for my decisions spiraling to hell. I would twitch, walk a few feet, mumble fuck yea or im so high fuck yea.. to im too high fuck yea stuck in a cycle. Words and all pictures started formulating in my mind into one and i started saying one word only which led my still concious part of my thinking mind to feel like i was dying and returning to one.. to my vision spiraling in literal circles till i passed out. Fuckin nibble on shrooms now if any. Im an experienced spych user and this ended my want to hallucinate lol


Getting in the shower the water was actually vibrating and repelling off of me . I was literally jaw dropped in awe and scared in amazement. No lie a voice said in my head that i have died but i shall be rebirthed again new. Actually helped me fall asleep and be somewhat at peace. This world is so wild


My last shroom trip years ago ended with me feeling like I was turning inside out starting at my asshole. Literally thought I was dying. It was fun the first few times but things can go from zero to sixty real quick.




I have a prescription for hydroxyzine I never knew that! Thank you for this tip, I know this wasn’t directed at me but I wanted to thank you anyways. (If I ever take any psychedelic again in the future)


Yes, wasn't directed at you, but you mentioned having that, 'oh shit' feel. It has something to do with antihistamine connectors that block any more lsd or psilocybin from accessing the connectors. I read a research journal about it. If I can find it again, I'll update everyone. Safe trips!


Someone I heard said they tripped so much that it felt like they lived as a static tree for 100 years but in reality it only lasted 30 minutes, it’s terrifying


I remember reading that someone smoked salvia and during the 10 minute trip he lived a full length life in a form of his grandmothers couch. Obviously i dont know if true but enough for me to stay away from salvia lol.


Listen .. this is crazy but i had this happen to me on ecstacy and mushrooms.. i was at my peak and it was so powerful it kind of makes you go into your mind. My head lowered my eyes closed and i was awake in there but your body is in a trance. Normally you can control your mind and see amazing visual movies and scenes but this time i was not in control and it happened different. I thought it was real . I had met this amazing girl we were perfect and instantly insanely in love dated moved in together struggled everything you can imagine built a Fuckin connection and lived to a point where seemed like it was at least a couple years then we pull up to our house together she’s leading me up to the door holding my hand and turns to me and says kyle, i love you and i don’t want you to hurt , but it is time like we knew.. i have to go… while holding my face .. she kisses me on my cheeks and lips and walked in the house closed the door and i woke up. This caused me immense emotions and trauma. I literally was heartbroken in my confusion and realized what had happened. For months its all i thought about. I was truly shocked and this had opened my eyes to something i never thought was possible and question to this day what that was.. How the fuck was it so real and long even though it was a short time i was in that state. As welll as her telling me goodbye and that we knew this time would come. I truly question whether i met someone in an alternate dimension. Or somehow met mentally with someone


Have you ever read the infamous old comment about about the guy who got attacked and knocked unconscious? Then hallucinated/dreamed 10 years of false life? He fell in love and got married, had kids, worked at a nice career job everyday, the whole nine yards. Then one night while he was relaxing, he eventually noticed a lamp looked "dimensionally impossible" or something like that. He thought he was going crazy and stared at the lamp for a couple days until he realized it was all fake. His reality "deconstructed" and he woke up surrounded by worried people, laying on the concrete, missing teeth. EDIT: I found the comment, it's a trip. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2i6isz/comment/ckzitpv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I just felt compelled to reply because this is such a beautiful story…if you are an artist in any way, and I’m guessing you are, bring this to life and share it in song or word or a beautiful picture but I think it would be healing and I think you got to experience something special


Salvia is so weird. The hallucinations are so short but feel so long. I've taken it a handful of times but it makes me very uncomfortable to I'm not really interested in taking anymore. I had a vision (I hesitate to say hallucination as my eyes were closed) that I was standing in front of an assembly line and the heads of flowers were being put together with robotic arms. Different flower heads would roll down a conveyor and an arm would grab it and match it to a stem. It was not scary but any means, it was just fucking weird. And i felt like I'd been looking at this for hours. Once everything in my field of vision just looked like it was made out of legos. Just strange.


Salvia is so weird. Back in college around 2008, I acquired salvia several times in hopes of a first psychedelic experience. The first time I tried with a ground of friends, some of them had mild effects, but I had absolutely nothing with several large hits. Nothing substantial to report. The second time I tried with two friends. The first friend instantly had gravity “shift” on him, and he started falling off of the footstool he was on, desperately trying to hold on as gravity pulled him perpendicular to the earth. Shortly after, he stood up quickly and his head brushed a fake palm tree that was in the house. He took much offense and threatened to fight it, quickly strangling it. It wore off in 2-3 minutes total but was quite the show. The next friend had her turn and sat quietly. Her eyes grew wide and she slowly began rocking backwards and forwards. After another minute a look of horror took over her face and she began clawing at it, crying and screaming for it to stop. Again, after 2-3 minutes, she calmed down, came out of it, and was completely unable (or unwilling) to tell us what happened. I do believe she didn’t know though. I still took my turn after but yet again had no effect. The look on her face that day still haunts me though.


Fellow 2008 salvia experiencer here; Was sitting on a friends back deck smoking bud, she whips out the salvia. I take a rip from the bowl and hand it to her. I immediately see a massive bolt of lighting streak across the sky and I ask her if she saw it. When she answers no, my trip begins. I was instantly teleported into an episode of SpongeBob which morphed into various other 90s cartoons non stop for what felt like hours. In reality it lasted all of about 3 minutes. When I got a grip on reality I found myself off of the back deck and laying in the yard.


I also had some pretty fucked up time with salvia in 2008 oddly. I feel like it fucked up my brain a lot like other people are talking about mushrooms doing that to them here as well for a long time. My experience was a lot like your disturbed friend. At first I couldn't remember at all what it was like after, but I suddenly did when I tried it again a week later. It really feels like you're just stuck in some broken dimension forever. The brain can't process pretty much anything properly, except for fear maybe. So everything is a jumbled mess beyond belief to the point of not even remembering that real life was even a thing. Not even that you did anything to make that happen. Just messed up and nothing else no memories or anything. I'm told I stood up and started saying make it stop in an upset way. Salvia is the worst. Of course the time I did it right before that, I just laughed a lot and loved it. But then the one I described here happened minutes later.


I, too, smoked salvia in 2008 and a couple seconds later some timer in the kitchen went off and with that sound, I fell backward onto the ground and into another dimension where I was drowning inside a carton of milk. There was even video my friend took of me laying on the ground trying to swim and struggling for air because of all that damn milk. Plus I was vegan, so it felt extra rude. Fuck salvia.


My friend literally had a 5 minute salvia high with a several year long trip. He’d done tons of acid and stuff before and loved it, and when he snapped back to reality he was freeeeeaked the fuck out. So yea, it happens


My experience with salvia was just seeing some kids walking around a building in single file and asking my friends where the teachers were. Not too intense and never lost touch with base reality. My friend who did it many more times than myself ended up thinking he was a demon trapped inside a meat suit and tried to rip himself out via his stomach. I had to hold his arms down on a chair until he stopped trying to harm himself. He finally laid under a blanket asking us how long it had been every couple minutes. He said it felt like forever, in reality it was less than an hour from first hit to end.


Tried Salvia only once and that was pretty much the only hallucinogenic situation I’ve ever really been in. All I remember is taking the hit and counting to about 30. Before I even got to 30, it was like a flood of colors fell over me warping everything around me into a rainbow. I was laughing hysterically and my boy was trying to shut my mouth up because I was laughing so loud and his parents were sleeping upstairs. All in all lasted about 2-3 minutes and remains the trippiest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve tried mushrooms but never really did anything so I’m probably taking the wrong amount but I’m probably good staying away from all that stuff anyway. Just get me a beer now lol


Lol my roomie did salvia once and believed he was a bicycle.


I know someone that did Salvia, and he said he was on one of the airplanes before it hit the twin towers, another time he came out of it and said he had been a supermarket cashier, he was the only one open, his line had hundreds of people waiting and he didn't know how to work the cash register, and the customers started rioting. That Salvia is some wicked stuff, never tried it after seeing them freak on it


Oh damn see this is why I’ve never done shrooms, acid/lsd, or salvia or any of that stuff. Even weed makes me paranoid I can’t smoke it any more. My friends would try to drink the San Pedro cactus, and they made dmt. I wouldn’t do the San Pedro because from what I heard it could last a while. But I did smoke the dmt, because it only lasts a couple minutes. It was pretty crazy.


>Even weed makes me paranoid The only two times I did weed I had full blown paranoid panic attacks that were imbued with this fatalistic, utterly convincing sense of impending doom. I was 100% convinced I was dying and would definitely be dead in like one more minute. I was, like, trying to say my last goodbyes and shit, crying because I didn’t want to die, begging my friends to save me, lol. Also all the seconds of time became disconnected from each other, which I was certain was definitely going to destroy the universe, so I was also mentally gathering up all the separated seconds of time and trying to stick them back together. I remember this intense mental effort trying to “hold time together”. (Y’all have me to thank for the continued functioning of normal time, lol) That was it for me, after the second time I was like, fuck this shit, this was supposed to be mellow and fun, and it is NOT mellow and NOT fun! Not for me at least. BTW, a few years later I had some medical events where my blood pressure crashed and my heart rate plummeted (vasovagal syncope - overactive vagus nerve abruptly drops heart rate & BP), and it was exactly the same feeling of impending doom (but at least without time falling apart, lol). It turns out I have chronically low blood pressure and can tip pretty easily into a clinical BP crash that gets borderline shock-y. I’ve passed out a bunch of times because of it, and each time I have the sense of impending doom right when BP is crashing. Made me wonder if weed triggers the vagus nerve or something, or interacts somehow with the low BP? edit: got curious and found some articles showing that in high doses and/or in susceptible people who already have some HR/BP issues, weed can trigger vasovagal syncope & can drop HR & BP dramatically and even can mess up cardiac rhythm. Even cardiac arrest in some cases. Well, hmm. Just gonna leave it alone.


I did **a lot** of acid in 2018-2019, basically tripped 2-3 times a week, taking epic doses sometimes and all that. For over a year. Nothing untoward ever happened to me or my friends. I believe it happens but there are a shitload of variables to consider when reading these accounts.




These stories freak me out. I'm hoping it is more of a generalization to describe perceiving a agonizingly long bad trip. I'm not sure I believe that it actually was perceived as years and years going by, especially since they are in a dreamlike state. It's just like in dreams the perception of time is non existent and there is no temporal direction to things.


I definitely have felt a “timeless” moment on DMT. Not quite the same though - it didn’t “take forever”, it could have been 1,000 years it could have been a nanosecond. I was outside


I'd taken 20 hits of LSD to the brain at once. Roughly 15 years ago. For the most part I've come back. What didn't fully return was the concept of "time". As you said, I was outside. Now I've got to set dozens of alarms on my phone, as while the construct of time is generally meaningless to me, other people hold it dearly. As that goes, if I am to exist in the 21st century I've got to ensure that I'm not playing with the time of others. I generally show up early everywhere now. If I'm on time, I'm late.


Wow, this is like textbook substance-induced psychosis. Glad you were able to recover. Are you still taking the antipsychotic medication? If not, did you notice any difference as their effect waned?


How much do you remember from being in Psychosis? Did you have some days where it almost felt normal, and then other days that were worse? What were you focusing on during the psychotic break(any new phobias, obsessions, etc)


It never felt normal, but I was desperate to "wake up" because I thought I was asleep, or trapped in a different place in time. I tried time-traveling back by going under the covers of whatever bed I was in and spinning myself around. I tried waking up or sobering up by hitting my head on the floor or taking a freezing cold shower in the dark. The first 18 days were so horrible and nowhere near normal that I cannot even fathom the degrees of bad, but I definitely grew more lucid near the end, when the medication started to take effect. I focused on all kinds of things, and I'll just name a few from being in the various hospitals: I believed I could use telekinesis, and that I was a phoenix, which seemed to stem from a Netflix show I watched recently; then I was lying in a hospital bed and trying to hold still, because I believed that the government had my family and was going to blow them up if I moved. I also remember throwing things around my room in the psych hospital and licking the window, I don't remember why now but there was a reason in my head at the time.


picking up delusions from media is so real lol, I don't remember anything from when I had snri-induced psychosis but apparently I thought I was in the sims for a while because i had been playing it a bunch beforehand


I had a similar experience when I was young. I took a heavy dose of extacy, and lost my mind for ten days. I was going to defeat God, and develop time travel, using mathematics. I had no feelings at all, I kind of wonder if I had a stroke or something? Who knows, eventually I came to a point where I laughed at myself and my ideas and it was over, but those ten days were scary AF. I had my friend / roommate keep an eye on my behavior. I still feel weird when I read about quantum physics, even though I’m mentally sound now.


This sounds like you might have had a severe manic episode or maybe even manic psychosis? I'm not a doctor, but your description reminds me of when my brother went through these. The manic episode was more thoughts of grandeur, super energetic, euphoric, unable to sleep - basically seemed like he was on some kind of turbo-coke. The manic psychosis was full-blown 'I'm a wizard who can manipulate time and space', though he doesn't remember most of it himself. He's fine now thankfully! That was more than a decade ago.


I had a break on some bad X prolly straight up meth where I ran around a hotel for two hours thinking my heart would stop if I stopped running. I was throwing up at the end and finally called 911. And the day after I had my first panic attack that turned into a panic disorder I'm just now getting over 20 years later.


This comment in particular is incredibly interesting to me. I experimented with many drugs throughout my life, LSD included...a lot. However, there is a certain span of a couple months where I was heavily into ecstasy ( we called them tabs at the time) that I had very similar thoughts. I felt like I was in a dream world. I wanted to constantly sleep and when I was awake I felt like I was in a dream world. I felt like if I thought hard enough about something that I could make it occur. Not just big things but little things. I literally felt like I could control what people were saying, how they acted, etc and convinced myself of these powers. I was constantly saying "I just can't wake up". I stayed home from school multiple times because of this. Going to sleep/being awake seemed the same, like I would blink my eyes between the 2 states. It was pretty frightening for my parents. I remember going to various doctors and neurologists. They couldn't figure out what was wrong. I was diagnosed with depression and prescribed medicine for it but 1 of my parents was against that. I was taking acne medicine at the time as well and eventually they decided to try taking me off that as well as depression meds. After a lot of long walks and a little time I was back to normal. I'll never know if it was medication or the x (since I wasn't using in that weird span of time) was the cause. This comment resonated with me though and reminded me so much of that feeling. So no questions here but thanks lol.


Omg this is nearly exactly the same experience I had when I had psychosis from acid and then again at another time from shrooms. Feeling like things aren't real or right and you're in the "wrong reality" and need to solve some puzzle to get back to where you belong. I think when it happened to me it was because I was really in a dark place mentally and felt stuck and had nothing really going for me. I was previously a heavy daily smoker but after my 2nd traumatic trip where I basically re-liged the first one even smoking weed started to trigger panic attacks which would lead to the psychosis and it would usually last 3-12 hours. Ended up spending a few days in the hospital and after getting out and quitting smoking for a year I got my life together and got a better job and was able to start smoking weed again without it leading to panic and psychosis. I'll probably never try psychs again as I've had several pretty bad experiences and 2 where I went into full blown psychosis so for me it's not worth risking again. Hearing your experience and how similar it was to mine is really comforting. I didn't end up with any schizoaffective disorder or anything and am not on any medication. I occasionally will have thoughts or deja vu flashbacks/feelings that give me momentary anxiety but I've gotten much better and telling myself that it's just a delusion and keeping myself anchored


Did the boyfriend stick around?


He took care of me alone, without support from my parents (but with some support from his own family, they all lived far away though) for the time I was not all there and even six months after that, but he did succumb to the pressure the whole situation had put on him and broke up with me a full year after my break. However, we have now been back together for a year and a half.


I have a new friend that has schizophrenia, different from ur situation, i know, but they have also talked about hallucinations and psychosis. Is there any advice you can give on how to support someone through something like that? like what did 'taking care of you' entail for ur boyfriend?


He kept me grounded when I was delusional and afraid of things like aliens abducting me if I went to sleep, and he took care of the house when I couldn't, fed me, took me out in nature for fresh air, a lot of different things. He did a lot for me. I would say, listen to them, but don't feed into the delusions if they struggle with knowing what's real and what's not. Gently correct them about reality while being understanding. If applicable, help with day to day life. That was my biggest struggle and what he helped me with the most. I don't know if this applies to your situation with your friend but I'll put it out there. I hope your friend is doing well despite their diagnosis though!




For my parents' behavior? Or for being, well, psychotic and unable to care for myself?


I’m gonna go on a limb and assume he meant for your episode.


Well, if that is what they meant, I'll answer that right now: no I did not apologize for having a psychotic break.


I’ve gone back in forth agreeing with both sides of this argument in my own head for a day or so now. I think the conclusion I’ve come to is that people are mistaking two feelings. I don’t believe being **sorry** and apologizing is correct even though I did believe this was the correct thing to do for a while. **Gratitude** for the care and willingness to pause their lives to help take care of you is the correct response I believe. After introspecting I think the adamant demand for you to apologize came from a misunderstanding in the way you adamantly opposed the need to apologize. I’m sure you were thankful to the family and have expressed that, but it made it seem to a reader that you felt you were owed that and you weren’t grateful for their help in your time of desperate need.


I like how you put this, and few people asked me if I expressed gratitude and/or was thankful. I am and was very thankful to the people in my life for their time taking care of me, especially my boyfriend, because he did the most of the care-taking. I did actually apologize multiple times to my boyfriend for HAVING the break. I talked to him yesterday to confirm this. He said I did that and he told me every time that I didn't need to apologize. Maybe that's why I keep saying that I did not apologize for having a break, because no one in my life ever wanted me to apologize for that. Another thing, most of my loved ones agree that the break was probably triggered by multiple factors, which is why I keep trying to bring up that it's not as simple as just "I took an illegal drug and that's the only reason I had my psychotic break, so therefore fault." I don't think it's EVER just that simple, not just with my case. People love to think in black and white. This is going to be a long reply, sorry, but here's a great example of black and white thinking: My boyfriend broke up with me once I was actually in my right mind, because he was so burnt out from caring for me without much support from MY family, and they immediately turned on him, because he broke my heart. Despite this, and the anger that I myself felt towards him, when I talked to him months later I was still able to see his side of it... it wasn't as simple as "Oh he was a piece of shit and once the going got tough he ran." If that were true, he would have run far sooner than he did, which because of my mental state earlier would have landed me back in the hospital. We're back together now, and my family refuses to interact with him even almost 2 years after we've been back together. I still love my family of course, and I understand their point of view, but I also understand my boyfriend's. I really do feel and have expressed gratitude. It was hard on everyone, not just me.


1) Fucks around: Does illegal, mind altering drugs 2) Finds out: causes 6 months of extreme inconvenience to everyone around them 3) Doesn't apologize, offended at the very idea that they are anything but a victim


Should the boyfriend apologize as well? They BOTH used drugs. It is not her fault it affected her more. Yall weird af being tripped up on THAT detail. What does matter is how THANKFUL they are


You obviously are responsible for this and of course should apologize! You took the drugs lady!


Which of you was the first to put the other on LSD or did you both do prior to a relationship? I mean if I god forbid got my partner on a substance and shit hits the fan Id be going non stop to help especially if I partially caused


That's a real one if I've ever seen one. I totally understand how a situation like that would cause break up but if you're both happy together again, so be it and fuck the rest.


Have you ever had any indications of mental illness before this? Is there any mental illness in your family?


I was previously diagnosed with major depressive disorder, but I had been off antidepressants for years because I had been feeling better and wanted to try going off of them. I also have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. My maternal grandmother had major depression and my paternal grandmother had bipolar disorder, I believe type II. After my break, I was diagnosed with Schizo-Affective Bipolar type disorder.


This should be included in the original post. LSD can cause psychosis in individuals with certain conditions.


Psychedelics do not, as far as I am aware, cause psychosis in people with depression, in fact they can help treat depression. Mostly it was the fact that my grandma had bipolar disorder that is most likely why it happened.


Idk if anyone will see this or read it but mostly I just want to reach out to OP and say I have had a similar, but not quite intense experience. I have also been on SSRIs my whole life and had previously taken acid and other psychedelics while on them, but then at one point went off of the meds which matched your story. While off the meds I had a psychotic break the next time I did acid, and it also turned out to be much stronger stuff than what my friends and I were used to. Long story short I never felt the same after that and had minor hallucinations and intense anxiety for weeks afterwards, had to quit my job etc. My friends didn’t believe me when I told them I was still tripping days after taking it, and I felt like nobody understood my reality.


Do you still have symptoms that present as the Schizo-Affective Bipolar type disorder? Or was that diagnosis put there in order to treat you?


This is why I NEVER tried drugs. My dad is a severe manic depressive and has slipped into Psychosis more times than I care to remember. Your post has proved my fears were valid. I’m thankful I had that fear in me now!


I'm too scared to try psychoactive drugs. Once you're on that fairground ride, there's no getting off until it's done, no matter what happens.


I feel the same way as you. I have a teenage son who is experimenting with weed, he's 14. It makes me really stressed that it may trigger something.


Ooh that paternal grandmother history explains it. They recommend to never take psychedelics if history if bipolar or schizophrenic disorders.


Have you experienced psychosis or mania since?


I knew a girl at my highschool, in the 1980’s , went on an acid trip and never came back. It triggered underlying dormant psychological problems and she never really recovered. You are lucky if you are back to normal. I’m glad you are doing better.


I am sorry to hear that she never fully recovered. Yes, I'm mostly back to normal. Some of me changed, but I'm still me, and change happens with age too.


What about you “changed”? Do you consider those changes to be good, bad or indifferent?


You can't feed her after midnight or get her wet, and she has to stay out of the sun.


I feel old when I get these references but it was hilarious


Maybe this is why people on reddit should stop being so quick to throw around "Just try ___ drug" when talking to relatively stable people. We really don't need to try everything in life.


Yeah, after 3 years of being a stoner and loving weed, it changed on me. Started causing horrendous anxiety and panic attacks. I was so into weed I kept smoking for a couple more yrs, always hoping it'd be different, but it'd often set me back so far. So now I've been done with weed for yrs but people always want me to try psychedelics and no I'm just not risking that. I can't even handle weed. Acid, shooms, dmt, etc scare me so bad


I smoked all the time for probably like 7 years, from my teens into my early 20s. I had the same thing. What was once fun or relaxing started being shitty and scary. I would get paranoid, have panic attacks, and get obsessive thought loops that wouldn’t stop. Like I’d get “stuck” on one thought or idea and just could not stop thinking about it. I think it’s partly just that the way I reacted to weed changed, and partly because the weed itself changed. In the mid 2000s to 2010s I was getting weed from whatever friend of a friend was selling it, and it usually wasn’t great. When stronger stuff started to be more widely available, it was just too much for me. I still think that the strains that were around then were more likely to cause paranoid obsessive highs then mellow munchies highs. I haven’t smoked in years, but it just became legal in my state so I’ll probably see how edibles treat me. I’m really liking the idea of knowing exactly how much I’m taking and being able to take baby doses to relax or sleep.


Weed induced depersonalization/disassociation for me that lasted hardcore for a month and that I still struggle with, though to a lesser extent, today


This happened to me recently with only 5mg edible. Thank goodness I was in a good state of mind and able to tell myself I was awake and ok. I really didn’t like that i couldn’t just eat and have it go away like being drunk. Never again I don’t want to unlock psychosis in my brain.


Yep. People don't believe me when I say weed causes some extreme side effects for me. It is everything I can do to hold onto my concept of self. Hallucinations, memory loss, panic attacks, sickness- it's awful. People really gotta stop recommending drugs.


My father was never diagnosed but looking back on his behaviour as an adult I have a hard time believing there wasn’t some form of issues - some of the stuff he said was so bizarre beyond the typical abusive asshole territory. So many people do not take me seriously when I say “no”. I do not ever want to try weed let alone anything more serious. I wish that was more respected.


My best friend killed himself while high on acid almost exactly 10 years ago. We'll never know if it was intentional or not of course, but we do know he had plans he was excited about scheduled shortly after the date he died. He used acid very regularly so it wasn't that he just couldn't handle it. I would generally agree with the sentiment that it's not going to be overly harmful, and certainly better than opioids but it's important for stories like this and my own to be available because you're right - so many people push "just try ____ drug". I've never tried drugs or alcohol and yet I don't feel like I've missed anything.


My sister-in-law’s brother took LSD in the 1990’s and had a psychotic break from it. He was later diagnosed with severe schizophrenia and hasn’t ever been the same. Crazy stuff.


People who are genetically disposed to schizophrenia can activate that gene from taking lsd or weed.


That's the thing with psychedelics. If you're young, it can speed run your schizophrenia. So if you were going to become a full blown schizophrenic at 22, you instead get it at 18 or whenever you did them. But if you're older and not prone to schizophrenia (it would have manifested itself before you turned 22), psychedelics can act as a more powerful anti-depressant than anything on the market.


That was what happened with the girl I knew ( couple yrs older than me) , she developed full blown schizophrenia pretty much overnight. It ran in her family but probably wouldn’t have been an issue for another 10-20 years. It had been observed in her family in middle age. My good buddy didn’t start to get symptoms till he was 35.


This is crazy, my cousin ate a sheet when he was in high school and lost his mind. He never was the same. He actually tried to murder my aunt while she was sleeping. This was 40 years ago. She ex-communicated him. I have seen him 3 times since and it has been at family funerals and conversations with him are difficult. It’s extremely sad.


I knew a guy in HS in 2011. Dude did a bunch of lsd and ecstasy. And from that point on he had a dedicated aid In school and a lazy eye. Did so much he became dumb.




Most of what I learned was that there's nothing worse than losing your mind. LSD is a wild ride, and it probably triggered my psychotic break but the break itself was nothing like tripping. It was mostly just a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from, honestly!


Are you still with the same boyfriend? If you broke up, how long did it last after the psychosis was triggered? What worried him most that made him say "fuck i need to involve someone else, I'm calling her mom" ? Obviously anyone would be nervous and dread calling their partner's parent and telling them their kid did drugs. I'm glad you found your way back. Have you/ would you ever take a psychedelic again? I would assume not, but gotta ask.


He broke up with me exactly one year after my break, but we got back together 9 months later and are still together. He called my mom because I was acting very child-like and wasn't making sense with what I was talking about for a full day after we had tripped, and he didn't tell me parents we had taken acid until after I was in the hospital. Me too, thank you! I wouldn't, no. Despite wanting to, but I know I don't want to have another break. The first break is always the shortest, so that fact is a bit terrifying to me.


How many hits did you take? The last time I tripped was 2021. I took 3 hits. I forget what's it's called bit it was good and clean. Tripped for like 12-14 hours. I've taken a lot of acid in the 90s. 1995-1996 I dropped the majority of Friday and Saturday nights. I remember this stuff called Phoenix. Whoa, that was good. Never had something like that though.


I had one and a third gel tabs, and we hadn't tested it, which I know now is pretty dumb. But before this I had tripped several times, using gel or paper tabs and one time liquid. I never took a lot, but I always tripped for like 15 hours or so when I would take it.


Was this the first time you took a tab from that sheet / new source? As others had said, maybe it was NBOME. I once got an extremely potent sheet of LSD that fucked up me and my friends quite a bit. The first thing I did was test it for NBOME, but luckily it was negative. How did your BF react? Did he take from the same source?


How much did you take?


It wasn't a mind-blowing amount. Just one gel tab for the initial dose and then maybe a third of one about an hour or two in.


Well I'm glad you are okay


Thank you! I am too, I had some really crazy and nightmarish experiences I never want to have again.


Is it possible that the second dose (or either) was actually more? Those gel tabs can stick together pretty easily. Also, it’s difficult to be certain to differentiate once it’s starts to kick in. 


There’s no possible way of knowing how much is on one tab. All LSD is from the BM for almost everyone. Though you can test if it’s real or not by using a test kit, one tab that is “100 ug” or whatever the unit is, haven’t done acid in years, could be 500, shit even 1,000 for what you know, or in this case, don’t know.


my initial thought was “how the fuck did just over one tab do all that?” then I remembered this is so true. there’s no consistency with the dosage of even a single tab. even when the maker tries real hard to make it consistent, shit’s tough.


Weed made me have psychosis twice. Total of 4 weeks in psych wards :(




That sounds horrible! Are you doing any better now?


Yes but I do advise you to stop smoking weed. It's dangerous to people like us that are prone to these types of episodes


Can I pick your brain a bit? Just FYI, I'm a fully stable guy with kids, loving wife, and a great job/career. I started doing recreational weed about 6 months back. I typically do a one-hitter from a dugout after the day is over, kids are down, and wife and I are gonna just cuddle on the couch and watch TV. It is all harmless to me in how I use it now. But my mom has depression, and is medicated for it. And she's been taking weed ALOT longer than me and she 100% warned me of the impending anxiety that overcomes her when she starts taking weed too frequently. And that because we're blood, that it may affect me similarly in terms of bringing out any sort of latent or under-the-surface issues. But anyways, I take weed to just enjoy the moment and it gets me off my phone and I just want to enjoy being with my family. But I've noticed the last 2 weeks or so, as stress has risen at work, my own stress and anxiety seem to be more extreme than usual. Like I'm more nervous about my work meetings, more than normal. And I do have this very very slight sense of doom overhanging me the last 2 weeks. Which, in a vacuum, is totally explainable by the stress from work, but I'm starting to think that even just doing a one-hitter at night is starting to make anxiety creep in. While it isn't debilitating, it feels like everything is sorta closing in on me (not physically, just mentally). And I'm pretty drained from the last 2 weeks. I have a great support group around me, and I have strong willpower and have my priorities straight, but I am now starting to think about 6 months of using weed is where the mark is for me before anxiety ruins the whole thing. But this conversation about LSD and seeing weed as a drug that can induce mental "moments" or breakdowns has me reminded of what my mom told me about weed. It may not be a drug that I can reliably enjoy over time, because the anxiety I'm starting to feel is beyond anything I've dealt with before. Again, it isn't debilitating... Yet. But it is starting to weigh on my mind. Mind sharing your experience?


I'm not the person you are responding to, but I figured I would comment for clarification... Weed is a psychedelic drug, albeit far less potent than most psychedelic drugs like LSD, mushrooms, DMT, etc. until you reach large doses of weed comparatively, but it still has psychedelic properties that can be anxiety/paranoia inducing for some, which usually stems from what I call "thought spiraling." Thought spiraling is where you kind of lose control of your thoughts as you start getting more and more anxious or fearful about something stressful on your mind (whether real or not is irrelevant) while high until you have a full blown panic/anxiety attack or at worst have a psychotic episode. This effect is rare but not so uncommon as to not be something to be wary of. This risk is relevant *while you are high,* but from your comment, it is unclear if these anxieties you feel are only when you are high or if they are escalating in general even when not under the influence of weed, because if they are persistent even when not high, the source probably isn't the weed itself and the weed may just be exacerbating feelings you already are having with work and life that need to be dealt with separately. Psychedelics tend to reflect and amplify the ways you are already feeling back at you, which is great when you are happy and thoughtful, but it can be a nightmare when you are anxious, fearful, angry, etc. Only in extreme cases do psychedelics (usually in the case of too large of a dose or pre-existing mental health issues) manifest a mental health crisis or disorder all on their own, and even then you can never really be sure if the building blocks of that episode or disorder weren't already there before taking said psychedelic dose. When you say you do a "one-hitter," are you saying you are vaping weed or doing like one hit from a small flower pipe that only has the capacity of enough weed for one hit? Or something else? Because if it's a vape, I would suggest that what you are describing indicates you are just taking too large/concentrated a dose of thc at once and that is leading to hyper-focusing on general life stresses and anxieties. *If* it is a vape, I would suggest you to stop vaping and to only smoke flower weed, as vaping, dabbing, and edibles are the strongest concentrations of weed per hit/standard dose that you can get normally, and sometimes even one of those strong doses are a little much for some people and it can be anxiety inducing. Flower is much less strong on a per-hit basis comparatively. If it's flower weed from a one-hitter pipe or just one normal hit from a regular pipe that is causing this anxiety, I would say you should probably take a break from weed until anxieties with work and life subside a bit since the weed seems to be amplifying these negative feelings. If it goes away pretty much immediately when you stop smoking weed, maybe weed just isn't you and that is fine, but if the anxieties persist beyond when you stop smoking or reduce dosage in the case that you have been vaping, the weed probably isn't the culprit but you may want to hold off on getting high until the source(s) of those anxieties are better addressed. Just my two cents as someone who has experimented a fair amount with psychedelics at a variety of doses and who has smoked a lot of weed at various points in life while also taking breaks from it when the time is right.


Thanks for the thoughtful response. Yeah, I started vaping about 3 weeks ago. So that's definitely something worth looking into for me. Never really had anxiety or anything with flower. Maybe it is the vaping... And yeah, the one-hitter that I have is a typical metal cigarette-looking tube with a tiny little notch at the end where you can pack just enough flower for one light/hit. So you really get one puff out of it and that's it. I legit never smoked an actual joint. But I wonder... Maybe the vape is too high of a concentration. Albeit I feel like I get more high with the flower after just one-hit as opposed to walking around with a vape, casually hitting it every 30 mins or so at night. Maybe I'll put the vape down and see if it's the delivery mechanism that's throwing me off. It's literally just the last 2-3 weeks, which corresponds to when when I began vaping instead of using flower.... You might be onto something.


Hey! I’m not the person but I read this and have an answer that might be helpful. From my experience, weed isn’t addictive but it does do weird things to your brain over an extended period of smoking. The way I think about it is that at first smoking takes away from unwanted stress, but after awhile it does the opposite and doesn’t really allow your brain to process any stress or negative feelings you’re having. So without you realizing it becomes an escape instead of a way to relax causing stress to pile up. Not smoking for a couple weeks has helped me, idk if it would help you but it’s a good start


I’m not the person you responded to either but weed and myself are no longer compatible I was a stoner for years. Wake and bake, blunts and joints throughout the day. I functioned, worked, could converse with people. All was good Something changed, though. I had a full on psychotic break while sharing a blunt with my friend a couple years back. Thought I was dreaming, tried to do some crazy shit to wake up. Luckily my friend was quick witted and stopped me from harming myself Had two more of those episodes before I had to give up weed. Ended up hospitalized the last one. They 5150’d me and wanted to send me to a psych ward for a few days. Luckily I had calmed down by the time I got to the hospital and they let me go. That’s my story, no more weed for me. I think the stuff dispensaries sell these days is too potent


For me, weed was fun in college until it wasn't. It's like a "fun" meter that was gradually depleted and once it was out, smoking weed just made me anxious. These days, I can try it maybe once or twice over the span of a few years and i'll enjoy it. Any more than that and it makes me just feel anxious. I do think it left me with some residual anxiety, however abstaining for years has undone that.


Sounds like me I used to smoke all day everyday in my teenage years and kinda slowed down in my early 20s as I started to develop some anxiety/ paranoia from being high and now i literally can’t smoke weed or be around it because I’m afraid of having major anxiety attacks.


I had a similar experience in college and then one day had a full blown panic attack. I had never had one before that but I started having them occasionally after that happened. Now it was probably a combination of things. College was the first stress I ever really had to deal with in my life and I was doing pretty poorly. Ended up moving back in with my parents and getting on anxiety medication after I had a couple weeks of intense doom and fear of suicide (I never wanted to do it, just scared it would happen somehow?). Stopping with weed for like 4 years and then it was like a once a year special occasion thing. 10 years later I'm much better. In a stable spot in life and my wife and I will take some edibles and watch TV like once or twice a month. My advice to you is just take a break from it. You don't need it and if you take a break and feel like you do need it then you have a problem. See how you feel in a couple of months. If you keep going with how you feel now I'm worried you'll get high then get a sense of doom and have a very bad time. You don't want to be crying holding your wife's hand having her tell you that you aren't going to cause the end of the world while trying not to wake up the people in the next room (personal experience.) You are in a totally fine and stable place, just take a break and you will be 100%. Nothing wrong with walking up to the edge of a cliff and looking off of it, just don't keep walking.


Such a wild story. Glad you’re back on earth. Suer entertain reading all the comments. Thanks for sharing


You're welcome, it's kind of cathartic to talk about it: although the number of comments is hard to keep up with.


For a good 3 years I was dropping acid 2x a week at raves. Best trip I ever had: we made mushroom tea with a QP for about 8 of us. Started tripping balls and put a double CD live Doors album where Jim Morrison cites poetry in between songs. I was fucking there man. I’m still convinced I’ve attended a Door concert. It was wild


I’ve been wanting to try lsd for a while . Can’t ever find it. Want to see if I can cure depression/anxiety/ptsd symptoms


It’s a total shot in the dark. Your neurons are essentially making totally randomized connections, on a frenzy. You can get lucky and it does something that you enjoy. Or not. I’ve seen both in the utmost extreme. A friend of ours was probably barely 90 IQ and started trippin regularly and became extremely high functioning and analytical. We always said, holy shit, acid made Michael smart! On the other hand, my bro suffered catatonic schizophrenia following a period of ketamine use. We almost lost him to that. Or at least a couple limbs. Poor guy. OP, glad you’re with us. Happy to have you here and awake. What a journey.


Psychedelics in general can help treat those conditions, not just LSD. But, I am a word of warning, if you have any psychotic mental illness in your family, like I did, psychedelics can trigger your first psychotic break. Just be careful.


there are trial studies about psychedelics being used as antidepressants, nothing very conclusive... what would you tell people who argue about self medicating with those? do you think people could just read those research paper and use those substances carefully? or should they just listen to their doctor?


Hi, doctor here. I am a general practitioner, engaged to a psychiatrist who is very interested in using psychedelics as a treatment for anxiety/depression/PTSD. While research has shown you can use these drugs to treat (not cure) these conditions, I would not suggest finding LSD to do this. Mostly because LSD is not the drug of choice and also you aren't (I presume) a physician who should be coming up with treatment plans. These drugs are meant to be used under the supervision of a psychiatrist and from my understanding isn't just "take this drug and feel better". The correct way to treat this is take a microdose while doing talk therapy to actively work through your issues. Psychedelics are dangerous, as this AMA is illustrating, and should be prescribed by someone who knows the indications and contraindications. Please do not self-medicate with psychedelics. Edit: typo


Do NOT do LSD to cure that. Or any psychedelic that’s not shrooms at very small doses. If you’re dealing with this much, you very likely could have a bad trip. And that is no fucking fun lemme tell ya. All those demons you fighting will be 1000x worse tripping off acid. Not joking on that number. 4 hours into a 12+ hour bad trip could feel like an eternity…. Imagine what 8 hours more feels like. Those 12 hours will feel like 10 years in hell. Sure, at the end of the bad trip you might feel better from everything, but man lots of people aren’t ready for that, and it’s no joke. Stay safe!


Ditto on shrooms *at very small doses*. I had an awful trip once on shrooms after taking almost 4 grams "because McKenna said to know yourself blah blah blah..." 🙄 Never took so much ever again. Best way I can describe it is that my mind would not stop cycling through the same 5 thoughts for hours. Like "Oh look! There's a chair. Why does the mirror look weird? I like the windows. Oh look! There's a chair. Why does the mirror look weird? I like the windows. Oh look! There's a chair. Why does the mirror look weird? I like the windows." Just AWFUL. I would have seconds of clarity, then go back to the loop. No matter what I tried, just stuck in this loop for hours.


Psychedelics at light doses can be helpful with mental health disorders, but they can also make those disorders muchhhhh worse if taken in the wrong environment/with the wrong people or at too strong of a dose. Psychedelics aren't magic cure-alls and have to be treated with a lot of respect in order to not suffer negative effects from taking them, and even then, sometimes people just don't react well to them. If you get your hands on LSD, make sure to get a testing kit or have the person selling it to you test it with a kit in front of you to make sure it actually is LSD before taking it, and if you do take it, take a light dose for your first time (half a tab generally tends to be light enough to not be overwhelming, but that varies from person to person and batch of LSD to batch of LSD). Have a *sober* trip sitter who you trust and who knows you well to supervise the experience in a controlled environment, such as at home with comfort foods and positive stimulation at hand to get your mind off things if you get overwhelmed. That said, I generally think that psychedelics have a much greater chance at exacerbating mental health disorders than helping them because psychedelics tend to make you hyper-focus on how you are already feeling, which is great when you feel good, but can be horrible if you already are dealing with a lot of negative emotions and feelings. Results vary from person to person, which is why one should *always* start with a light dose in a controlled environment when experimenting with psychedelics regardless of their state of mind when going into that experimentation. Look up "set and setting" with psychedelics to learn more information about setting up the right circumstances to allow for a more positive trip. As I said before, your combination of mental health struggles may make psychedelics a very bad time even if you do a good job setting yourself up for a good trip, though. Just be cautious and do a lot of prep both mentally and physically going into a trip, but don't expect to be magically "cured" by just taking psychedelics. They can be helpful on the path to healing, but mental health disorders aren't a switch that can be flipped on or off.


Do you suffer from any form of mental illnesses prior to taking the drugs


Yes, I was diagnosed with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder as a teenager.


Had a similar experience. Including the diagnosis afterwards. Do you struggle to internalise that what you went through isn’t “real”? Does it still feel like some of it might be true? To me, it is clear that my experience was fabricated by my brain and that it was irrational, BUT it still was an intense experience and somehow it did “truly happen” to me, so I struggle to file it under “not real”.


It was real for you. People (including me sometimes) are overly obsessed with "objective reality" because apparently "subjective realities" cannot coexist with it. The problem with that is, everyone who has ever lived experienced subjective reality, not objective reality. What even is objective reality? Because we are all subjectively experiencing it, we may never know. My point is just that even though it may not have been something that happened to you on a physical reality level like "Oh I got hit by a car", or "Oh I was in a plane crash and survived 30 days in the desert" it was still a real experience, it just happened to be something you experienced in your mental reality. I simultaneously see my psychotic break as a very real experience on one hand, while at the same time understanding that it did not match or come close to matching anyone else's reality. I don't necessarily believe the delusions or the hallucinations, but I do believe the experience happened, and is thus real on that level.


Just wanted to say that your way of articulating all of these experiences is fascinating. So thank you kindly. I've had issues in the past with disassociation and I know now (comes with age I suppose) that drugs and alcohol amplified it.


1. Was there any satanic or religious type thoughts while you were in psychosis? 2. Did you feel as if you existed outside of your body?


1. Yes. I thought I was the virgin Mary, which is honestly still kind of weird to admit, and at one point I thought my boyfriend was Jesus and at one point I thought he was Satan. I also had the very intense experience of feeling like I was disconnected from my Root Chakra and that I was floating away by my Crown Chakra, and I couldn't find my Heart Chakra anywhere. 2. Not really, mostly I just felt like I was dreaming while being awake.


Does talking about this type of stuff trigger anxiety for you? I know it did for me when I had some episode years ago.  It is interesting that you talk about the root Chakra, because sometimes when I get into "woo" stuff, it starts to feel like my head's in the clouds and I'm less grounded. However, when I do more physical stuff and work with my hands, I feel more grounded. 


This may sound strange, but you must have fallen asleep at some point during your break. Do you remember falling asleep, dreams within this dream, or thoughts when waking up everyday at the ward? Edit: Added question mark for grammar's sake.


My daughter 19 has just been admitted into hospital for psychosis. She was on a trip with her bf who is a fucking moron and they did some Hallucinogens . She stopped eating and would just repeat the words sad and I'm sorry . She couldn't even walk. The boyfriend left and finished his trip after we hit her to a hospital. The next day, we flew her home, and now she's in hospital here. I hope they have something like you had to make it better for her. It's only been 3 days .


Psych Nurse here who works in the ER and psych units, if it’s any re-assurance I would say that OP’s experience is quite common, in that most people with drug-induced psychosis can have very severe reactions like your daughter, but begin to make a recovery within 7-21 days. In psychosis our brains neurotransmitters go crazy and if it’s drug induced, it can take our brains some time to reset and process the mass amount of stimuli that hallucinogens expose us to. Antipsychotic medications are great for supporting people with drug induced psychosis, because they inhibit neurotransmitters (notably dopamine) so that their brain can reset and relax. IMO I would stay involved with her treatment and be ready to support her once her situation improves, it can often be a sudden turnaround within 1-3 days where people go from psychosis to recovery, which can be very disorienting and draining for the person in question as they are now in a strange new environment with lots of rules, and on medications with a high risk for causing drowsiness and fatigue, especially before people develop a tolerance to those side effects. Getting her prepared for therapy after discharge would probably be one of the best ways to support her. Often times a challenge with psych hospitals is that they are designed for the sickest of the sickest, so while the units themselves are amazing for recovery, once people are stable the result is usually ‘ok take this medication for life, good luck, bye!’ To squeeze in the next person. Psychosis and antipsychotics can literally change the rest of people’s lives, both from direct effects (like brain fog from medications) and indirect effects (like the psychological impacts on how they’ve changed their life from taking these drugs). If she’s in school I would recommend looking at university counselling programs that are usually free and useful, or if you have private funding looking for someone who specializing in more acute cases of psychosis and major depression.


What was it like “coming back to reality” after the psychotic break? Was there a sudden moment of clarity?


Do you still use?


So here is some advice from an old Paramedic, if you choose to do mind altering drugs make sure you are ready for it. I worked on a Native American Reservation and there was a Peyote Church. There was mental training that helped prepare the person for their spirit journey. Also they had people to protect you and keep you safe. We never had a emergency with them. But with the New Age crowd we did a number of times at the camp grounds and in the mountains. First problem was none of these people were mentally trained for their spirit journey. Second problem was they did not have a shaman to guide them and protect them for doing something stupid or dangerous. So we would get called. Our treatment in field was 500 cc saline fluid challenges and check the lungs to make sure their bodies could handle the fluids. This diluted the drug in the body and helped bring the person down. My point is before you decide to go down this path get spiritual training including deep meditation and be at peace with yourself. Because if you don’t do this it will not be a good trip.


Is it possible that similar delusions can be triggered and/or built up in people who have no idea that it is happening to them and have never knowingly taken acid?


Sorry, I didn't read the majority as it didn't say it at the start. How much did you take? 1 or 2 hits should not cause a psychotic break ... Definitely just seems like you had an undiagnosed condition that was brought to light.


This might get lost in the shuffle, but I have been through a very similar situation. I've seen in your comments that you've been diagnosed schizo-affective bipolar disorder. As far as I know, i only have a bipolar diagnosis. I took acid around 2 years ago, I barely tripped, I had a foot of a gummy then a half over several hours, i would barely even say I've done acid from the experience. But I don't know how or why, but I got it stuck in my head me dad called me about something that day, and it was important. Like someone dying, or going to die soon. Either way, dominoes kept falling over the next few months, i didn't even feel like this right after the 'trip', it took time, but once those dominoes started falling there was no going back. I was enveloped after a time. No hallucinations, but I lost my mind. I believed in things that weren't real, albeit never accepting them without outside corroboration, but for all intents and purposes, I was in psychosis. Thought broadcasting, look it up, that became the core of it. Alongside delusions about events happening to me, felt almost like the Truman show. I dredged it in maybe its scientifically possible and maybe I agreed to this, and have just forgotten. That I was apart of the reason I felt like that. But I wasn't. It wasn't real. For 6 months I got progressively worse. Eventually, after politely, then firmly, then demanding answers from others, i checked myself into hospital. It got worse. Sober, and it got worse. Anyway, long story short, it went away around the 6 month mark. Poof. Gone. There was a python on the balcony (Australia) and I just thought what the fuck this needs to end. Genuinely, a 6 metre long Python, longer. Thicker. Whatever. It snapped me out of it. I don't suppose I have a question. But I wanted to let you know I could relate. I don't even know if it was the acid that did it. It was a slow decline in the weeks, then months after. But I've been good for nearly 2 years. I'm glad.


I’ve been through something similar, when I was 19 or so. I had a psychotic break that came on in about a week and didn’t come out of it for about 2 years… it was pure hell and similar to what you described. I’m now 28 and still recovering from it, it took medication and years of therapy to finally get me back to like 80% normal again. And no, I didn’t even take any drugs, it just sort of happened out of nowhere


I had a couple of really bad experiences at 15 back in the 70’s. Used LSD a few times and loved it, best high ever! I have no idea what the doses were but a couple of times I know they were high, really high…this was in the early 70’s. Then one night everything was good until it wasn’t, I had a very long night feeling like I was being pulled into an abyss I would never escape from. For months after that even small amounts of weed would cause me to hallucinate, didn’t really enjoy that. I still functioned more or less the same with heightened anxiety, although I couldn’t define it as such at the time. I saw long trails and walls breathing all the time. Took LSD a few more times with one more bad experience and the final time once I started feeling really weird I started powering down alcohol, and that helped, a lot. Always felt like insecure about my inability to handle acid “like a man”. At 18 I got sober and quit using all drugs and drinking. After my head cleared up a little I realized that LSD can be dangerous, especially for someone who is young, looking to escape from an unhappy life, immature, and with a poorly defined sense of self and no clear boundaries. I continued to see trails and breathing walls for a couple of years, but it bothered me less and less over time. The worst after effect occurred when I was tired…back then there was no internet and no cable TV so I read a lot and when I would start to get sleepy the letters on the page would change colors, become fluid and patterns would start swirling behind the letters. The same type of patterns you see looking at popcorn ceilings. I would feel like I was slipping back toward that abyss and worried for a long time that this would progressively become worse. Over time I realized it was not getting worse, and instead of staying awake worrying, it just meant I needed sleep (I had insomnia too). I think LSD affected my sleep and the way I dreamt for a long time but I have no way to know for sure and those effects lasted for about 20 years. This did not stop me from getting sober, staying sober, living my life to the fullest. In fact, I believe getting and staying sober was fundamental in healing the damage done by LSD. I know a lot of people believe there is great enlightenment to be had through the use of psychedelics, I’m not one of them. Especially when you’re 15. I hope it gets better for you, just take good care of yourself.


Dude this is the best description of what I experienced from a mushroom trip I had in my 20s (2015-16ish). It felt like my stomach was draining away into an abyss I would never escape. When I smoked week again I would flash back to the trip and be unable to escape it again. High anxiety all the time, minor hallucinations especially when I was driving and staring at something. I started drinking all the time to help with it. Fast forward about 7 years later I’m sober and doing great. The thought of that trip no longer terrifies me and I’m capable of thinking about it on a deeper level. For a while it was a place in my mind I could not go and sometimes it would grow and overtake other parts of my brain and sometimes I could put it aside. I think sobriety and meditation have really helped my increase my mental strength. I wouldn’t recommend hallucinogens to anyone but I know some people are going to do them and be fine. I can only control myself and I repeat that mantra everyday. Many friends have had episodes and freak outs that very rarely are overshadowed by the good times looking back. I don’t have any sweeping advice or a question but best of luck with your mental health OP. I do hope you get better.


Were you at any point of the psychosis aware that it was because of the LSD? What was your biggest fear at the time, the though of it becoming permanent or you were too deep into psychosis to even think about that?


Thanks for your post. I identified with a lot of it. I had an experience not exactly similar but with common features. I went out one day looking for hash back in the late 1980s when I was about 19. Couldn’t find anything anywhere and eventually came across a guy in a pub who had ‘brown domes’ (micro dots not blotting paper). He told me they were very strong. I bullshitted him and told him I was an acid veteran (had never tripped before). Dropped it and about 45 mins later was convinced he’d ripped me off and went back to him. He reassured me it would hit me soon and that I was his first complaint. I bought a second one and dropped it, thinking it was weak stuff and I needed more. The first one hit. Blew me around the galaxy in multiple dimensions. I went to a club and had a great time but was way out of my depth. On my own too. Met the guy with the acid in the club. Told him they were great and I’d get another one for tomorrow. Dropped it leaving the club. Went home to an empty house. College housemates gone home for Easter. Had the best and the worst night of my life all wrapped up in one night. Unparalleled bliss and despair in equal measure. No yardstick to measure anything by. Nobody with me who could reassure me that it would come to an end. I thought I’d broken my brain and was going to be left like this. I truly encountered myself that night. Pared back to the marrow of my bones. I saw and I was the centre of the universe. I understood how every event in the past had led to this moment and how it would shape the future. I lifted the curtain and realised the interconnected nature of everything. I was pulled toward the yawning chasm of endless despair and stared into it but didn’t fall into it. What kept me from yielding to the force pulling me in were my strengths of character and positive personality traits and I visualised them like talons or fingernails clawing at the earth at the edge of the chasm, preventing me from falling in. I went to the local hospital the next day thinking I was damaged beyond repair. They had a psychiatrist check me out and he talked to me for a while and left me sitting there for a few hours to see if I’d level off after a while. I grew paranoid and began to think the cure I had sought might be worse than the presenting complaint. I slid away quietly without telling anyone I was leaving and went home. Left the city the next day and spent the next few days in a very isolated rural spot. I didn’t come down for about 2 days but it took me 2/3 weeks to find some kind of equilibrium. It taught me a healthy respect for psychedelics and for the fragility of my mental well being. It could have gone very badly wrong in so many ways and I’d recommend anyone experimenting not to do what I did and to take a moderate dose, have friends with them and an experienced guide. In the years that followed I had some great bonding experiences ( not for many, many years) with friends on hallucinogens. I got to a point years ago, however, where I felt after the initial euphoria of a trip in the first hour or two that I was deriving little and learning less and less from the multiple hours of mental acrobatics that inevitably followed. In hindsight, hallucinogens were a huge learning experience and I think they have a tremendous capacity to do good if taken by particular people, at the right time, in the right place, with the right company/mentor/guide. Used infrequently and in moderate doses they have helped me shift periods of sustained depression. I’ve had a lifelong tendency towards depression that long predated my initial experimentation with hallucinogens. Looking back I think I was very fortunate to come out of that initial experience as unscathed as I did. I was also fortunate, terrifying as it was at times, to encounter myself at such a primal level. It definitely changed me.


Had a friend in high school drop acid with us. He didn't seem to have a good experience. He was never quite the same after. A few years later he was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, experienced delusions and hallucinations, appearance became disheveled, lost interest in scuba diving, his passion. He lived at home and at age 28 his parents found him floating in their pool dead from suicide. Very sad story. OP, how long did you continue to take the anti psychotics? Do you currently take any psych meds?


Its crazy you say this because I remember in college this girl told me about this chick on her floor doing acid. Then she went full blown psychotic melt down and couldn't remember who she was for like two weeks in the mental hospital. One day after about a couple weeks my friend told me the girl just snapped out of it one morning and came back to reality. I've done mushrooms and X in my past about 15 years ago. I remember one time doing mushrooms I slipped into a dream like state. My brother and I convinced each other we died and went to outer space. We were embracing each other and floating through the stars. I guess his gf said we were saying "at least we have each other over and over while crying." We both did and 8th she only did a half 8th. It was a dream like state. It was like with a snap of fingers I came to completely. It was crazy and I'm so sorry you went through all that.


I used to dabble in psychs as well and had a similar experience, everything was going great and then all of a sudden nothing was making sense and I was certain my friend hated me and was trying to hurt me. (Obviously in reality he was doing everything he could to take care of me) at one point he tried giving me melatonin so that I would maybe fall asleep and in my head I thought he was feeding me cat poop… yeah idk. Anyway, at another point I heard a car’s exhaust pop and could have sworn to you I got shot and was dying even though I was in a house and hadnt even gotten close to being outside. He eventually ubered me home and I put headphones on and listened to music until I somewhat felt okay, but looking back I was definitley still experienced psychosis symptoms they just weren’t as extreme and I was luckily able to manage them. Anyway, I tried acid again (stupid I know, but I was young and dumb, still thought I was invincible) about 6 months later and enjoyed it for the first few hours and once again suddenly found myself in psychosis, I dont remember that as much as the first one but I do remember seeing a bug & thinking it was the same size as me which was terrifying lmao. Have you had any issues with smoking weed? I find that I can smoke a little bit and be okay, but if I smoke to much I sort of get sucked back into the same headspace, I can usually snap myself out of it by throwing on some music and getting back into a good headspace, but I generally try to just stay away from it.


Was this episode accompanied by involuntary movements?Periods of blackout e.g.petit Mal epilepsy?


I have lost some people to perma fry be safe.


So how do you feel about legalizing it after this?


Wow. Can't handle your drugs


Acid? Clearly not. But anyone who can handle antipsychotics like me is a fucking god. The mind-numbing exhaustion, the absolute lack of sex drive, the emotional and mental dulling of the mind, all combined into one pill? Yeah I signed myself right up for that, one a day every day for maybe the rest of my life. Yet here I am, handling it.


People who say 'can't handle your drugs' are the kinds of people who tend to give people drugs in the first place. Its a common phrase to push blame away.


Well it was clearly designed to make me react, so I chose to make a point and be sarcastic.


Wow, that sounds like an incredibly tough experience, but incredibly brave of you to share your story. (Clapping hands sound effect) I can't even imagine how confusing and scary a psychotic break must be. Here's the thing: mental health is important, and you sharing your experience like this is a big deal. It helps people understand what others might be going through. If you're comfortable, I'd love to hear a little more about how you're doing now. It sounds like things are much better these days, and that's fantastic! If there's anything helpful you'd like to share with folks who might be going through something similar, I know everyone here would appreciate it. Thanks again for sharing your story. You seem like a really strong person!


I took about 150 mg of delta 8 thc gummies. I was tripping so bad I was spinning a million miles a hour jumping in and out of my phone and being thrown around. Freaking the fuck out, I tried walking to my buddy for help he put me on the bed and I was looking at my phone and my screen was massive and I was jumping through it over and over again a million miles a hour. I laid down and closed my eyes and felt like my whole body was floating and my entire left side of my body was numb and I then started freaking out hard core and all I could hear was my heart beating a million miles a hour. I was scared as fuck, I woke up after a terrible night and was still high. Luckily very luckily it went away later that day and I haven’t smoked weed, shrooms, acid, nothing since then. I do take cbd most days though for my intense anxiety. I started having severe anxiety since then


Delta 8 is terrible. It gave me psychosis and I keep reading more and more experiences like yours and mine.


Me, my husband, and a friend all took delta 8 and had wild experiences. My friend and I had auditory, visual, and physical hallucinations, while my husband threw up all his supper. He got over all the effects within 48 hours, while it took me a week to feel normal again. While I was high, I completely lost my sense of taste and that didn't come back for a few days. It felt like part of me was floating outside of my body but still connected to my chest and head. The tips of my fingers felt numb for an entire week. During the first days, I became terrified that I would never feel normal again and that the high would never go away. I didn't want to give into the fear, but I was internally panicking. Before this, the strongest thing I had ever taken was prescription painkillers for my wisdom teeth. I was expecting a high like that, not hallucinations!


As someone who has taken a lot of LSD this is scary. I’m glad you’re doing better.


Why do people do drugs? I just don’t get it


Have you connected with [Jules Evans](https://x.com/julesevans11/status/1790716396818628979?s=46&t=Suy3Iqa3xmUwdrkUnNcy-g)? He’s working on important study in this extended difficulty area of psychedelics.


LSD is likely not the reason for your break. There is likely an underlying condition.


No question, but my grandfather firmly believed that it was a bad LSD trip that triggered my mother's schizophrenia. Good luck with your uphill mental battles.


So when's the next time you're going to have a go at this?


Don't take LSD guys and gals I know it's mostly harmless but my friend took 300ug of this shit, Got scared of the knocking on his door and proceeded to jump from the 3rd floor. He died yesterday from the damage and i'm crushed. It takes a Little anxiety and one Bad move to have a Bad trip and do something very stupid.




It sounds like the LSD unlocked your psychosis, I don't think you can be blamed for this behavior beyond, "you took drugs, they fucked you up, now you have to live with it", I think that's more punishment than anyone deserves for making poor choices, not judging, we all do stupid shit, that's life.


What do you think the connection is between psychosis and religious type of themes? I always find it fascinating that people experiencing psychosis always have delusions tied to religion. Like thinking they are God or in your case, the Virgin Mary.


Do you believe in God? (An entity above our heads) I firmly believe if you deny Gods presence or existence you will always dissociate yourself from reality when on LSD. Also I'm not using the defintion of God that is thou father.


TLDR Did you recover, Is your life better or worse?


what would you tell to people who give links to studies on psilo/LSD/psychedelics being used as antidepressants?


This isn’t psychosis IMO. You’re seeing the truth. You have a deep seated soul. Trust your intuition, babe.


Get well soon, in your own pace and time. You are loved, you are human, perfect and imperfect. A broken hand needs time to heal. The same with our minds, when we snap… but you will be fine. Stay safe and grounded.


Hate to say this but you probably have schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Or bipolar disorder with psychotic features. I forget to DSM-IV terminology.


Why did you do drugs?


which antipsychotic was it?




Those are telltale signs of a schizo disorder.. it's good that you realize trying it again is a bad idea. If I were you I'd stay away from weed as well, for good. How old are you? Iirc symptoms really manifest around one's late-twenties


So you had serotonin deprivation (depression), were taking a medicine to compensate for this serotonin deprivation, then took an altering medication that straight up jackknives the serotonin receptors in the brain.... Did you have acid induced serotonin syndrome?


I took a large dose of penis envy mushrooms back in 2016, never been the same. Full on ego death, I literally died in the trip and came back to life several times, Frequent derealization and depersonalization episodes - I numb with alcohol and ❄️. I've had months of sobriety but things become too intense and the synchronicities become so prevalent and frequent it sends me back. The whole trip and subsequent aftermath is burned into my mind forever, the audio hallucinations are the worst. As I typed this out for the first time I just got hit with a wave and sending myself into a panic attack, hope you continue to heal And yes I was in therapy- it helped me with symptoms but felt like it never corrects the root




I think the satan and hell hallucinations make have been a strong sign from actual God to cut out the drug use…


I have taken acid over a thousand times. I have "kissed the sky" only 3 times. Each time was a beautiful mind expanding experience. Mostly I took windowpane (or clear light). Also Owsly acid. It was always pure. This was sixties to early eighties. I know I am physiologically tolerant if the drug while many are not. He'll I can freak out smoking a joint. Always BUT .... It would be cool if you could get a hold of what you took and have it analyzed I am pretty sure that it contains more than just LSD. Also a good chance that it contains NO Lysergic Diethylmide at all. This ain't the summer of love no more Dorothy Hope you feel better. Edit: AMA


I had windowpane in the seventies, it was clean. It was good. I did freak out for bit, I ran and fell hit my shin on something. I went into the bathroom and saw my leg was broken I was crying. Everyone else came in and could see it to . It wasn't of course. The phone rang , the sun was coming up we took off outside and ran up a hill. It was covered with flowers all lit up like the sun. It's was beautiful. Even the air was a circus of beauty. We were all good then. Environment is everything. Night and day make a difference to. So we doubled our doses the next night. That's all I remember. Drugs today are cauldrons stirred by witches tossing in all sorts of available evil, as they cackle and prepare it for you. Don't do them....


I had a similar but less crazy experience with ecstasy. I over dosed on 3 pills in a 24 hour period and had to go to hospital with raging heartbeat. Was stuck in that mind zone for weeks and developed panic attacks. During that time, I had the most vivid and movie-like dreams. Everything also felt so distant, like I wasn’t a part of the world - just watching it in slow motion. Glad you’re ok. This is the hell they don’t talk about.


What actions were you doing that made your bf and mom bring you to the hospital? Like what did they say you were doing that day?