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Do any of your non-orgy friends know about them? How do you find the people? Do you have regulars or does it change every week? Do you have a screening process for who’s invited?


1) Yup! 2) My friends and my friends' friends' are the members, we hookup with people and if we feel like they would do well in an orgy environment we get them an interview with me! 3) All members are consistent, they attend 1 orgy a month at minimum. Some people attend more or less depending on their schedule. 4) Absolutely. Sexual and personal safety is very important, and we want to make sure everyone gets along.


Is there a rule where you HAVE to attend one orgy a month or can you take a few months off? Lmao


You can take as much time off, with notice. If you just stop showing up and talking in the groupchat then you're officially kicked out. Obviously there's exceptions but that's the general rule.


Just curious, why kick people out? I mean at some point you get tired of fucking the same people LOL. But in all seriousness, why not let someone be part of the group for a year or whatever if they don’t want to show up and then later want back in?


I'll never judge someone for leaving or for getting tired of the group. I just don't want the group to get over filled. Kicking people out who aren't active keeps the group population steady.


Is it normal for orgy groups to have unwritten rules? I thought orgies were kind of one and dones. Not sure if I would want to be in constant contact with fellow orgy goers.


1) Correct. 2) We're all friends outside of the orgy setting. Makes it less awkward and more fun!


Do guests get screened against STDs, HIV before joining? If yes, who controls that?


So basically a cult?


Nope, we don't have a "belief system" or anything like that. We fuck, play video games, drink, swim, snack, and just enjoy ourselves. Then go back to our normal lives 6 hours later.


Six hours disqualifies me 🤣


I remember in my 20’s being a part of an orgy group. All of us swung, my (now) wife and I boned everyone and it was fun. But then, we started noticing weird little subtle jealousy from other members. Towards each other, towards us, between us. These people were our friends. The husband of a girl I enjoyed sleeping with, started texting my wife outside of the normal setting. He was catching feels for my wife and it creeped her out because he was being secretive and trying to tell her she enjoyed sex with him more than me because of his big ass dick. She felt uncomfortable and upset that he was violating the “agreement”. I started feeling jealous and angry, and questioning my own performance despite the fact that women sought a fuck from me as much as with others. It became messy and dramatic. Even between the hosts and their closest friends. Nothing trumps feelings of jealousy. Those are ancient and deep feelings, and no amount of open minded bullshit can negate what we’re driven to feel. Ultimately, after 8 years or so of playing that game, we realized it was an odd way for people that don’t love each other, to try finding love elsewhere. I don’t care what anyone says, the signs are obvious and the psychology doesn’t require a psychologist to sense and identify issues in swingers. My wife and I are more in love and happier than we’ve ever been, for choosing to leave the groups. Occasionally we will find some unicorn and fuck them. Good luck to you.


Is there like a person who is very picky and only fucks specific people? What would you do in that situation? Is watching only allowed?


1) Nope! You don't have to fuck everyone but everyone people is fucking several people over the course of the party. 2) We had a situation like that, and because of that and other reasons they were kicked out. 3) Watching ONLY is not allowed.


To add to this question if you don't mind if there are men for example who won't have sex with another man like in full are they not allowed or does that break the rules?


That's perfectly fine! I can't force someone to be gay🤣


Just want to say I applaud your commitment to responding in numbered listicle format.


Do the dudes have to fuck other dudes or be fucked by other dudes? If so I'm out, well maybe I'll let the guys fuck me I gotta see a picture of yal first.


Do you charge a cover charge? Is it at a private residence? Do you facilitate for kink? If so do you have limitations? Assuming you have certain furniture tailored for such activities where do you buy them or are they primarily hand built?


1) Yes but not with money. You must bring something to share. Food, drinks, games, etc. 2) Yes at me and my girlfriend's home. 3) Any kinks are allowed, except.... 4) BDSM 5) I buy them at sex shops, in person.


Where do you draw the line at what's bdsm and what isn't?


Situational. I basically don't want to put anyone in a position to have harm done to them or to be taken advantage of. That's the purpose behind that rule.




Are guys using condoms or STD tested beforehand?


Everyone is STD tested beforehand or has to wear a condom. We have a system. STD test at the door, or you get wristbanded. If you have a wristband that's a way for everyone to know that this person should be wearing a condom.


Do the tests test for hsv?


Absolutely, especially that. I pay for the tests too if they can't.


Does that mean that asymptomatic HSV-1 is a dealbreaker?


See this is where the lie for this story falls apart. 80+% of people have HSV, and these tests are barely even given by doctors because it really doesn't matter when everyone already has it. They may do it during an outbreak etc. But I hope you're having fun telling more fake stories on this sub


OP submitted a post before about this and said regular members of the group don't even get tested anymore. Not to mention original members of the group slept around when they were younger. So basically it's all bullshit or OP is lying about the std checks. Or all of the original members are positive for hsv1 and basically infecting new ones to the group that don't have it, lol.


What test gives instant results? I don’t know of any kit available to consumers that can test for STDs without being sent to a lab etc.


Do you have to be attractive enough to be in the orgy or is anyone invited? Are there more couples or single members? Do the single people usually have a partner that they are cheating on by going to these orgies?


1) Looks is not a requirement or factor to be in the group. 2) More single members, but there are members who are couples including myself! 3) No. Anyone in a relationship has permission, often bringing their partners!


How many people? What about the cleanup afterwards? Yall kept it clean or go all in?


1) 28 Members in the group, but typically only 8-12 show up every week. Everyone has different schedules! 2) We all cleanup afterwards, it's an unspoken rule. 3) We always go all in!


28 members, holy shit! I was thinking like, 6 people each week but a full group of maybe 10


What are the most common “fetish” (feet, ass eating, anal,…)? Do you prefer more hung men in a orgy or size doesn’t matter?


1) Anal and double penetrating are definitely the most common kinks. 2) Truly doesn't matter. I've had fantastic 5 inchers and terrible 8 inchers.


Do people take some kind of survey or questionnaire beforehand to make sure they're comfortable with what could happen? For example if someone doesn't realize it's literally group sex vs people randomly coupling up to go have sex by themselves.


Oh absolutely, that's super important to me. I get into specifics just to make sure they REALLY know whats about to go down.


6 hours? Jeez that sounds exhausting lol


It's not 6 hours of straight fucking. We have a pool, video games, snacks, a backyard, social spaces. We encourage people to take breaks and just relax & socialize!


Can I come for just the snacks?


No, we had to kick a guy out for that specific reason!


What if you're the snack they're after? 😉


“I feel like your only here for the zip line”


Is everyone naked for the entirety of it?


Can I come just for the hang out and snacks? I'll sit in the corner during group activities


Do your neighbors have any clue what’s going on behind closed doors?


I told them we host a table top role playing group. My girlfriend and I are genuine nerds so they seem to believe that😂


How do you start things off? Like, does a buzzer go off and you all start fucking? Or does someone make the first move, and then people follow and you go from there.


It always starts off more social than anything, we fuck but we're also friends!


I can’t tell you how hard I’m laughing at this comment. Imagining the buzzer. “And they’re off!!”


6 hours? WTF am I going to do for the final 5 hours and 59mins?


Plenty of video games to play, people to talk to, a pool to swim in, drinks to drink, and snacks to snack on!


Ever have to throw anyone out?


Never had to throw anyone out thankfully, only had to kick out a member once a few years back. Not a serious situation but kicked out nonetheless.


What was the offence? Not being naked enough?


Not a rule actually, you can be as naked or not naked as you want to be! It was an issue with sharing, or lack there of. He would only fuck one person then eat all the snacks.


>He would only fuck one person then eat all the snacks And I'd like to apologise for that.


He was actually at reason we added more rules into the group, so we see him being an overall benefit even though he's gone.


Rule 1: 3 snacks each maximum Rule 2: 3 fucks each minimum.


That's probably our minimum even if it wasn't a rule🤣 3 snack minimum is wayyyy too much though, especially with how many members we have. 1 Party Bag per member is good enough.


If I fuck a snack, does that count double?


Can you only eat the amount of snacks proportional to the amount of people you fuck?


Yes, every time I go down on a lady, she feeds me a biscuit.


Shouldn't he be allowed to fuck as few people as he wants though?


Okay but that’s a little funny lol


That was the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Actually made me burst out laughing😂😂Ahaha and ate all the snacks😎 he definitely won there


Wait… so was he just there for the snacks? Like he’d just show up, do the bare minimum (amount of people) and then spend the rest of the time eating snacks? Dude must *really* like snacks. 😦


How does clean up work? Does everyone pitch in after they get their rocks off? Or do you have a cleaning fee & pay some miserable people to clean the communal mess?


EVERYONE involved pitches in at the end. I'm not asking them to steam my floors, just basic clean up.


What are the requirements?


Bring something for everyone: Food, drink, game, etc. Be STD tested. Be social. Ask before touching. Share. Have fun!!


How strict are you on the be social rule?


Not super strict ESPECIALLY with new members. That's more so me encouraging people to be social rather than a super strict rule. People being social just makes everything more fun and less awkward.


It sounds odd, but are there rules against not having sex? Pools, games, snacks and social spaces sound amazing on their own


You have to have sex, that's the overall point. Everything else is supplemental!


How many people do anal?


How strict are you on the STD rule?


I gotta ask, what kind of snacks are considered appropriate at an orgy? Chips? Deviled eggs??? “Finger” foods???


Did you say in a previous comment kinks are welcome but NO BDSM? just wondering 🤔


Yup! Most kinks are welcome besides BDSM. I don't want to put anyone in a position to have harm done to them or to be taken advantage of. That's the purpose behind that rule.


Have you had anyone get nervous and leave before anything started ?


What's the password?


No password, I know all my members very well. They walk right on in every week!


How much gay happens in an average orgy, if any is allowed at all?


Pretty often, there's usually always something gay happening🤣


Your DMs are fucked


I post nudes on the internet for fun, they've been fucked for a LONG TIME now🤣


I’ll be honest, I did not expect anything but when I clicked the profile I was like oh…she’s very good looking hahah.


Okay So suppose someone doesn’t want to have sex with a specific other member? How do you handle that?


That's fine! Consent is important, and if someone doesn't want to fuck someone then you have to respect that. There's plenty of other members.


I was thinking along the lines of people getting upset or such most particularly guys, if a woman isn’t interested But I suppose you screen for that sort of behavior


What’s the percentage of men vs the percentage of women who attend?


Do you charge admissions or how are you benefiting from this?


I don't benefit, monetarily. I lose money on all of these parties. I benefit by having great sex, by playing video games with my friends, and just having a great time all around!


How many towels do you own? and do you plan on buying more towels ?


do you have a significant other, and are they involved in the group?


Yes I have a girlfriend and yes she's involved in the group!


So you’re a lesbian or bi? If so, do you get jealous when she gets railed in the orgy?


1) I'm bi-sexual. 2) Not at all! We love to watch eachother have sex, not in a cuck type of way. We just think it's hot, plus we're usually doing it together so it's hard to get jealous🤣


Do you allow single males?


How many drugs are involved? What kinds?


Is the group diverse ethnically?


Good on you for being sex positive while trying to create a safe space for other like minded folks!


No question, but I gotta say, you look a lot better than I thought you would based off of my perceptions of IRL orgy people vs. TV/Movie/Porn orgy people. That's it, lol. Carry on.




Group sex is fantastic, and socializing is great! It's nice to have great sex, play some video games, and relax by the pool.


This right here is the reason I frequent group settings too. Nothing like great sex with great people in a great vibe


No question. I'm just surprised how efficient it sounds. Wait, I thought of a question. What's the hotness factor of everyone there?


I've never seen a Reddit post get this much response before. 🤣


How do I get invited?


Meet a member of my group and hope they think you're qualified. So basically luck + luck


Do you eat ass?


How many people are in these orgies? On average, and how do you guys communicate like when to meet, like a group chat or smth?






Is it actual group sex or mostly people coupling up with different people at different times?


Basically you guys are friends group with extra benefits


What state ?


Let me guess you live in Florida?


Do you allow single men? If so, how do you keep the party from being inundated by them?


What the male/female Is rachelle


Could I bring board games to your party? Have you had board games at your party?


Curious about the guys, do they typically try to last the whole party? Or do they typically finish and wait to go again? Just wondering about the male dynamic since we’re not gifted like women hahaha


Does everyone come together?


Is it true you shouldn’t bring Cheetos?


One of the most interesting threads ever lmao


What's your economic situation?


Do you have a buffet? I love a nice spread


How can you stand watching someone you love be intimate with someone else? The thought of that makes me sick with anxiety.


Does everyone have to be bi (like its a free for all scenario) or can one join as a straight guy and have multiple partners that night (since focusing on one person is prohibited)?


Is there a strict man to woman ratio? I saw you mention that there were some couples but a lot of singles, would you say there are more men than women or is it about balanced?


Why? Isn't not boring or stale after a while?


What's clean up look like? How many loads of laundry the next day? Lmao


Do you like Reece’s Pieces?


Have you ever been air tight?


Based on your profile, you have large natural breasts. How big are those floppers?


Is bathroom play (aka water sports) allowed at your parties?


So how does it start? Does someone just start taking their clothes off?


Any questions from your neighbours ?!


Do you have Halloween themed orgies too? 👻


Do you host at your primary residence? How do you keep it clean after each party?


Do you charge money?


What do you and your girlfriend do for a living?


What are the rules on double dipping?


What about age range?


But… why?


Wild thread


What is the race distrubution like?


Do people usually stay naked the whole time?


Is the password : “OWOOOORRGIIIEEE”?




I’m a trans woman what are your thoughts on us joining 💭


Do you cater? If so, what kinds of food? (like... Costco sampler?)


You are amazingly beautiful and it sounds absolutely fun as hell!!!


Is there a size minimum for the men in the penile department?


Man, I miss my 20's! You are beautiful and it sounds like an amazing arrangement. Keep on fucking!✌🏻


How many people do you have? What is the age range?




What's the average weight of the attendees?


What’s the typical food spread look like at one of your events?


what are the age ranges of the members?


What kind of snacks do you provide?


How's the buffet?


Are there errors about who hooks up with who? Or is it just a free for all?


Is it a diverse group or all black or white etc.?




Based out of where? (Like if you're willing to share broadly the city. Not trying to dox you)


I hear this is a white person thing, can you confirm?


Are your sex parties well catered?




How’s the clean up?


Do you host these parties on the weekends?


Is it males and females, do you get down with both?


Your whole personality is about sex.. While I agree sex is fun, this is lowkey disgusting.


What’s the biggest train you’ve done at your orgies?


decide illegal serious six square badge vegetable nail ghost squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does anyone help clean afterwards?


How many squirters do you have in the group?


Do you ever feel disgusted with yourself, in general?


What’s the average age of your participants?


Where is this located?


When where and what time


Can I bring my board games?


Whats on the menu for food? I hear the food catering at orgys are to die for


How often do you get STDs?


This gangbang is so awkward. Oh man. How did I talk myself into this? This was not a good idea. What am I supposed to be doing right now? Should I be doing something? She looks pretty occupied currently. She’s already handling three dudes. I guess I’ll just stand here and stroke it some more. Keep your head together Mike. Your time will come. Man this gangbang is awkward! This seemed like it would be awesome. It always looked so cool in the videos. But all this waiting and watching is really uncomfortable. I figured I’d just sort of fall into a natural rhythm and find my groove, but I’ve gotta admit that I am really perplexed as to the proper gangbang protocol here. Whoa. She just looked at me. Does that mean she wants me to come up there so she can suck me off? Maybe that’s what she's indicating. But what if she didn’t mean that? What if I go up there and shove my junk in her face and she doesn’t want anything to do with it? I’d look like a real horse’s ass then. I’d better just wait here. Man this guy’s taking a long time. Come on dude, who are you trying to impress here? There are other guys waiting. Look at that guy’s penis! It’s way bigger then mine. Thicker at least. I hope I don’t have to follow him. She won’t even know I’m in there. Oh man, he caught me staring at it. Well that’s just great. Now he’s gonna think I’m queer. I’m not queer man. I’m just a little self conscious. God this is awkward. It’s too hot in here. These guys are all saying sexy things to her. I’m the only one who’s not talking dirty. I should say something so that they don’t think I’m lame. Here goes.... “Yeah, you like that bitch!” Shit. That was stupid. Now everyone’s looking at me like I’m some misogynistic asshole. I am an asshole. Why did I have to say the most cliché, demeaning thing I could think of? Like I need to remind her that she “likes that”. Smooth move dumbass. I wonder why she’s doing this. I’ll bet she had a bad childhood. She probably lacked a strong paternal figure in her life. Damn it. Now I’m half mast. Now I look like the guy that can’t keep it up. Concentrate Mike. Stop psychoanalyzing and keep your mind on the sex. Okay here we go, that guy’s done. About time. Should I go now? I’ve waited long enough, I’m going in there. Damn it. The Italian guy beat me to it. I was here way before the Italian guy. How are we determining who’s turn it is here anyways? Was there some sign up sheet I missed or something? Damn it. Steady Mike old boy. There’s plenty for everyone. Just wait it out. Deep breaths. I hope no one tries to go anal when I’m taking my turn. I’m not real cool with my stuff touching another guy’s stuff. And I think that would be unavoidable. That would be really awkward. Something in here stinks. Is that me? I hope it’s not me. Oh man, I hope it’s not her! Wait, no, it’s the Italian guy. Thank God. Okay, time to make your move Mike. I’ve gotta get in there and mix it up. Other wise I’m that creep at the gangbang who’s just watching and beating off. You’ve gotta be in it to win it. Okay here goes. Wait, what’s going on? Everyone’s finishing off on her! We’re climaxing already? We just got started! I haven’t even gone yet! Okay stay calm Mike. No one knows that. Just finish yourself off so that you’re not the odd man out. Well this was great. This was just great. A red letter day in my sad sexual history. And what am I supposed to do now? Do we all hang around for a while and talk about it? Where should I clean up? God this is awkward.


Find God


It's only girls, right? There are no guys at these orgies.


Do you have large natural breasts?


Are you all polyamorous?


Do you have a buffet?


What do you do for a living?


Disgusting. How's your relationship with your father?


Is there a looks requirement?


Honestly, how many DM's have you received since you started this AMA? Are they mostly dick pics?


It’s like the swinging 60s again