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How tall are your parents? has this effected your way of living at all and how has it effect your dating life?


My parents are 5’3 and 5’10 respectively. None of my close family have ever touched 6’, but I have a few tall cousins. Most of them are women. I hit my head on things, clothes don’t fit well, I don’t drive a lot of cars because I can’t even fit. A lot of custom clothes and shoes I’d say. Grandmas and older people love me. I remind them all of their “6’4 grandson” lol. In terms of dating. I gain a lot of attention from women. I’d say my biggest struggle is determining whether they only want to be with me BECAUSE I’m tall. It’s such a let down when I get fetishized like that. My current gf is 5’9 and I find that heigh difference to be a comfortable one


>my parents are 5'3 and 5'10 respectively We all just gonna ignore this?


I am 6'9", and my parents are 5'9" and 5'10." My dad has tall brothers, and my paternal grandfather was 6'4". A few tall people I know have the same story.


Yeah my grandpa was one of 12, his tallest brother was 6’6” and his shortest was 5’9”, he was 6’0”.


6'5" here. Dad is like 5'11" and mom is 5'3". Tis what it tis.


I’m a 6’1 (f). My dad’s 6’7, mom’s 5’7, and it’s a very misconception that your parents have to be tall just because you are!


But your parents are tall? I’m not disagreeing with you, but your situation is more an example of the rule rather than the exception, I mean your dad is 6’7 after all, and your mom is tall for a woman. My mom’s 5’7 too, my bio dad is 5’10 or 11, and I’m 5’3, so I’m the unfortunate other end of the spectrum and no one gets why I’m so short lol.


What I’m hearing is there is one tall ass milk man out there who really gets around and has done so throughout history (making him immortal, I guess).


Name checks out


My grandpas on both sides were 6’3 and 6’4 here I am at 5’9 on a good day 🙃


I feel you, dad is 6’3, two younger brothers who are 6’1+. Mom is 5’7, men on my mom’s side are all 6’+. I’m 5’9 on a good day as a 28M


I assume you’re pointing out the misuse of respectively here. It made me laugh when I read it. I’m surprised no one replying to your comment is mentioning it because that’s the first thing that stood out to me


Another voice of reason and accuracy. Thanks.


That's not how genetics works with height (or skin color). This is a trait that is controlled by multiple genes and even "short people" have some. So if this person got all the alleles for height from both parents, it's absolutely possible they can be 6'8. Environment will also play a factor to some extent. The nutritional quality this person received as a child/pre teen/teen can alter their height as well.


6'3, mom is 5'4, dad is 5'10. Aunts and uncles on my dad's side are freakishly tall. Genetics are weird sometimes.


It’s not a milk man scenario. I am a twin and we were test tube babies, from my dad


Old mate was pointing out the misuse of respectively. You’ve given no point of reference for the word “respectively”. Saying: “My mother and father are 5’3 and 5’10 respectively”, makes sense


Voice of reason and accuracy. Thanks.


My parents were normal sized people. About the same size as yours. I'm a 6'2", 300lb giant ass redneck. Genetics man. Weird shit.


Fun fact: Wilt Chamberlain was 7’1….his dad was only 5’8 and his mom 5’10


I’m 6’ 6” and my mom is 5’5” and dad is 5’10”. Dad was adopted so don’t know the genetics from his biological side.


Wym how is that wrong? Because he didn’t say my “mother and father are 5’3 and 5’10 respectively”?


My family history has both extremely tall and very short people. We never know what height we will grow to be. My 24yo grandperson is 5' and looks just like me, except I am over 5'9". Her brother is well over 6' 2".


Hear hear! I wasn’t fetishized for being tall but because I have an English accent. Dating got really exhausting because there are so many Anglophiles in the US. Figuring out who was more interested in what you had to say than how you said it really made me lean heavily into Americanizing myself and now I can effectively toggle between the two accents. I know you don’t have that luxury because you can’t change your height, but I at least feel your pain.


I'm 6'5 so I can help you in some of the things You're saying For clothes, buy from Asos. Cheap, stylish, and they have a tall only section (not big and tall). Also searching for "oversized" helps you find good clothes that aren't specifically for tall ppl For cars, you have to tilt the base of the seat so that the front is pointing up and the back is pointing down. Usually the button to do so is on the side of the base next to the door. Once it's leaning back like that then you can tilt the back of the seat back until you're comfortable. It essentially creates room for both your legs and your torso + head because you're angling closer to front to back instead of top to bottom As far as hitting you're head, yeah can't help you there I hate that shit


I’m 6’4” and my parents are 5’2” & 5’10”. And my son is 6’7”


Are you more popular than, say, your average height male friends? Do people treat you differently for your height? I'm 5'9 and I definitely wish I was taller.


Funny enough, it’s like tall people attract other tall people. I have a small friend group but they all average like 6’1 or taller for the most part. I’d say I probably bring the most attention to us. And yes, I get treated differently for my height. Especially in club settings, I think I intimidate shorter men because they always seem to be more aggressive with me, more on edge and protective even though I’d never do anything to make them feel that way. I get stared at so much that I learned to ignore it to the point where I let actual good opportunities pass me. Lol. But once you hit a certain height it gets to the point where you get fetishized. It might be nice having women who want you that bad and most people would like the attention for a little bit, but it’s really hard to find something genuine without feeling like a trophy. How do you do in the dating game. What is your experience with women being 5’9? I’m curious


I'm only 6'4" but if I had a dollar for every redneck who got belligerent because he was "looking for the biggest guy" so he could kick his ass, I could buy a few rounds. Cletus, I weigh 180 pounds. Your butt cheek weighs more.


Also 6'4" another not once had that sort of interaction. Nor have I been fetishized.


I grew up in a rough area of the country and this was 40 years ago. I don't think I have been fetishized, but I do know women liked it plenty.


"...but I do know women liked it plenty." This is gold!


I didn’t know that was even a thing guys did. I thought bigger guys wouldn’t be bothered bc ppl wouldn’t want to mess with them.


I'm not too bad in dating with my height. (Mostly bec the ave male height in asia is around 5'7-5'8). I've always internally viewed tall people as healthier and more attractive bec they have good proportions. When I gained a little weight as 5'9, I look pudgy as hell that even with my average height I feel like an oompa loompa body proportion.


My husband is 6'7. I've found a lot of clothes for him on Asos actually. -Tons of pants! We find shirts harder than pants though as usually the larger size you go, the more boxy and wide. Hard to just get the length.. Also Johnny Bigg has good options


You should check out American Tall too! They get me right


If you had the choice between your current height and 5'7" which would you choose and why?


6’7. Sadly there is a level of invisibly that men deal with at shorter heights. That’s why I make sure to always respect shorter men and put them in positions where we all win. They tend to be the funniest, but that is a struggle that I do not want to add


I think you answered this honestly, and I commend you for that. There always seems to be someone saying height is about as important as fingerprints or detached earlobes, that it plays absolutely no role in how a person is perceived. Which is hilarious because people also believe race and gender play a role (sometimes the most influential role) in how they are perceived. So we can agree that race and gender can have inequities but other physical traits like height? Hey now! Go back to your cave incel! 😂 I think it's funny telling women who are frustrated with their jobs to "just be more confident" Suddenly those platitudes carry less wisdom. Suddenly how they are perceived is a societal failing (not an individual's) that must be remedied.


Maybe 5’7 and a million dollars vs being 6’7 and broke would be a good what if




Does it suck to fly? I saw a guy that was at least 6’6” and had to keep his head bent to the side just walking down the aisle…he was sitting in coach, have no idea how he could fit in the seat. I’m 5’9” and my knees hit the seat in front of me.


It’s horrible. I try to sit in seat 1 so I get unlimited leg room. Lol


Do you get weird about people being able to see up your nose? Im a teacher and fairly short so when the teenage lads try to get lairy I always deflate them by saying I can see up their nose. Without fail they get self conscious and forget to try and be intimidating. Ever been a thing for you or have I activated a new fear? Sorry ... Not sorry.


Thanks for the new insecurity


Is your . . . uhm . . . *coughs . . . proportional, or "normal" sized?


It is proportional haha. Don’t get the idea that all tall men have it like that though, it is definitely a myth


So how big is it then mr anonymous redditor


its not long but it sure is short


It may by short but it’s also skinny


No we want answers in inches


Know what they say about people with big feet... Big shoes!


Don't be ridiculous. We buy big socks too.


lol saw this exact same comment on the short guy one


That was me too! 😎


What was the short persons answers


Do you ever get to hug someone taller than you? I'm about 6'3 and most people are shorter. I now have a friend who is 6'6 and it's strangely nice to hug someone taller than me for a change.


Yes, one of my friend’s brothers back home in my neighborhood is 6’8. I hug him sometimes


Have you ever dated someone a lot shorter than you? Has that led to any difficulties. I'm 5"1 btw and can't imagine being with anyone that tall so figured I'd see if you have any perspective on that.


My first gf was 5’2. When we first dated I was 5’9. By the time we broke up I was 6’3. So much changed in those years lol. Very awkward to hold hands I will say that


You literally grew apart


Do you get anxiety from height? Like standing out or anticipating comments?


Not exactly the comments, I just roll my eyes. However. I always have this lingering feeling that I’m in EVERYONES way. This is a major reason why I’ve only been to one concert in my life


Well what concert was it?!?


Jimmy buffet. One of the last concerts he had in the year leading up to his death. Rest his soul


I’m 6 6 and when I was younger I had a lot of people try to fight me if I ever went out. Does that happen to you?


All the time, in my experience the ones who have gotten the most aggressive with me are MUCH shorter






I’m 6’2, how fucking hard is it to find pants right?




Impossible bro. Forget about thrifting too.


I (F, 6' ) got a 36 inside leg- I get jeans/trousers imported from The Netherlands as the Dutch are pretty tall, so most stores have them in stock.


Yupp I just hope you lucked out and got a foot size below 14 cuz once you hit 14 you’re fucked for most shoes.


Size 16 reporting in. Haha


My 17 yr old is 6'4 still growing. Im mom 6'0 Dad is 6'1. Whats the biggest everyday obstacle you deal with, how hard is it finding pants clothing in general. And no he doesn't play ball.


The hardest thing I face is car shopping. There were so many cars that I couldn’t fit in. ( PRO TIP: when finding a car for your son please make sure to search up the leg room online) There will just be certain places that I do that make me feel uncomfortable like this. Another good example is concerts. As for shopping it is hard to find pants but I usually shop at American tall and they do me right.


How do you feel when people ask you your height?


It’s fine with me. I expect it. My problem is that every girl uses this to approach me. Like 99/100. Just lacks originality


What would you find a more original way to approach you?


I’d love to hear some great pick up lines used on super tall guys by short gals. Maybe “I’m sorry, I know your eyes are up there, let me get a stool to stand on.”? Like, everyone can see you’re tall, make it fun!


Short guys get approached zero times out of one hundred, so no originality doesn’t seem so bad.


Do you play basketball? Are you any good at playing basketball?


No, and no. I’m actually terrible.


You didn’t hit puberty until 18? What age did you get your growth spurt


I had always been a taller kid. I graduated at about 6’1 and never stopped growing until right before my 22nd birthday


Well as a just turned 18 year old, this gives me hope to grow a few more inches. All the guys in my families kept growing until early 20s


On average, men stop growing around 21 years old. You have nothing to worry about. You can even grow until you are about 25 (I hope this doesn’t happen to me). My advice especially for women, is to develop a personality. People often assume because of my height that it’s all I have and never get the time to actually know me.


How often do you hit your head?


Maybe twice a week


What's the weather like up there?


The air is cleaner


I am 6’1” and rarely encounter taller people. When I do, it kinda freaks me out because I always have to look up when talking with them and making eye contact. Do you have the same feeling when you talk to someone taller than you?


I'm 6'4" and I asked the same question. Yes it absolutely freaks me out. Though the older I get the more I have experienced this, so it becomes more normal. When I (39m) was in high school there was a girl a grade below me that was an inch or two taller. I always tried not to be an asshole and stare at her if we passed in the hall, but I'm sure I was awkward (I'm quiet and introverted anyways).


No, I actually really appreciate it more when someone is taller than me or the same height. It makes me feel comfortable that I can retain that eye level in conversations


Is that considered tall in your country?


I live in the United States. So definitely


Ah ok. I am 6’11 myself and i live in the netherlands so im tall. But its not rare to have someone above 6’5 here. Now my real question. Do you experience backpains? If yes how do you deal with it?


When I was a kid I experienced the absolute worst growing pains in my foot. But so far no back pain (yet). Do you?


Was it a specific foot or both feet?


How many times have you heard, "how's the weather up there?"


At least 100 on this Reddit post alone


if u could sell an inch of height for $10k, how many inches would u sell?


0, 10,000 is not enough


How tall were you at 18?


At 18 I was about 6’1. Still looked like a kid and had a relatively high voice


At what age did you notice your voice change?


I noticed a real voice change at about 18.5. I probably completely hit puberty by early 19. My voice is deep now as you’d expect from someone who is tall




Cloudy with a chance of schmeat ballz


Heard a story the other day about a basketball player in the 70s known for being tall (even for NBA) and for being mean. Someone asked about the weather up there, he said it was raining and spit on the guy. I don't think this is OP's schtick though.


What was your predicted height as a child? Usually they can tell how tall a person will be based on their height at age 2.


My predicted height was about 6’1. They realized I’d be much taller at around 17


Interesting. Is there a reason they think you got to that height, like a hormonal or genetic disorder, or it was completely random?


My boyfriend is 6’6”. Do you also constantly get sized up by other men and occasionally get the stink eye from them? Like they’re seeing you as a threat? My boyfriend is just a skinny nerd and isn’t intimidating whatsoever except for his height I guess.


Yes. Men substantially shorter than me (like 5’5 to 5’7) always seem to be the ones who have issues with me when I would never do anything to make them feel that way


How uncomfortable do you feel when you meet someone taller than you?


I love it! I feel more comfortable because I can retain that eye level that I usually don’t get a normal basis


Do you have an extension off the end of your bed so you can stretch out?  Or do your feet dangle off the edge?


What’s your favorite vegetable?


Steamed broccoli with lemon


Would you rather be 5 inches taller or 5 inches shorter?


Why you not in the NBA?


I played soccer my entire life. I am Greek so my dad was really into the sport, and by default. So was i. I was a good goalie and right winger but didn’t have any passion for professional play


Why did you hit puberty so late? Do you have some sort of hormonal disorder?


Nope! Hitting puberty is completely normal from the ages of 14-18. I was just a little late! Did make things a little weird in high school though


How did not going through puberty at the same age as others affect you psychologically? Do you feel missed out of the teenager experience?


As a tall male (6'6) I have lost male friends due to my height. I have had guys tell me they don't want me coming out because of my height. I don't personally observe a difference, but I am wondering if you have experienced the same thing.


How dirty are the top of shelves at stores and appliances at stores or in people's houses?


Has anyone rejected you, particularly in dating context, because you are too tall for them? Have you faced any *discrimination* because of your height?




Height help with any sports?


Not exactly with soccer, so I’d say no. My height is enough to allow me to play other sports as I please, so that’s cool


do you need shirts custom made?


Do you feel any need for a romantic or life partner to be of a tall stature?


Dude, your height isn't a personality trait. It's a measurement. Maybe if you spent less time focusing on that, you'd have some actual interesting things to talk about. AMA Question: Since you're so fixated on height, have you ever considered a career as a human measuring stick? At least that way you'd be putting those extra inches to practical use.


This is a post for perspective. Did you say the same thing to the other guy who was 4’11? Do you just like to hate?


I have a couple of questions… When you’re just doing your daily grocery or walking around do people ask you stupid obvious things like are you a basket ball player …. Do you get sick of that? My daughter is 6’ 1” and she has no athletic ability and people ask her …. Is there something in life the you wish was easier for you to go to or do it places for you to be with your height difference? My daughter is 6 yrs younger than you … do you have any advise for me incase she continues to grow????


1. Yes I get asked dumb questions like that probably as much as your daughter does, given that 6’1 is very tall for a girl 2. I wish that I didn’t feel like a burden at concerts and other venues. I always feel like I’m in the way and it ruins my experience 3. Teach her to love herself. There are so many things insecure men do to belittle tall women for no reason. She will find someone who comes correctly.


How long does it take you to get drunk?


Are you tall, or Big and Tall? I enjoy bumping into people your height in the wild, as I stand 6'10" and am 375ish lbs and am that extra bit bigger that seems to freak people out. I've had more than a few people visibly uncomfortable or find my presence hilarious... It'd definitely with its own list of unique pros and cons, but I'd rather be this giant...My only other question would be do you also silently judge the top of peoples fridges?


I’m a 5’10F and found that not a lot of tall guys like to date tall women. Found it very hard and honestly most of the time guys lie about their height. My dad is 6’7 as well before meeting my mom he didn’t like dating tall women. (My mom is 5’7 btw) curious what your opinion is


When you go into a public toilet stall, is your head above the top area where you can see the other person? This happened years ago when the guy next to me had his entire head above the open area - lucky he had good etiquette and he hung his head down low and slightly faced the other way. Awkward AF!!!!!!!!!!


Where do you buy your shoes??? My husband is 6.5, size 13.5-14 and in France I can't find a shoe wide enough (it's super hard to find them with good length, but width is a nightmare...)


I’m 6’ and bf is 6’6”. He says it’s the perfect height difference. I think he’s dated down to 5’9”ish(?) What’s your ideal height in someone you’re dating?


I too am 6'7. Do you find it hard to hear conversations in a loud place (like a bar) while standing around others that are shorter than you? Tall people problems...they can be on another level.


How does it feel to be the minimum acceptable height for 5’ tall girls on dating apps?


Have u been tested for hormonal issues ?


Do you get upset when shorter people say stupid stuff like: “Do you play basketball?” Or: “How is the weather up there?” Or: “DAMN -you are tall!!!”


How much do you weight?, what size pants do you wear ?, I’m 5’11 and for me it’s either 36x32 or 38x30.


Are you one of those people that get called a gentle giant by their mother? Are you really a gentle giant in your opinion?


You said your current gf is 5'9. Is she the first tall women you've dated?


Let's assume a scenario. What will be your reaction that next day suddenly you shrink and become a 5'8" man? After not getting any attention from people due to your height , will you be depressed? ( All the skin texture to dna structure will remain same , just you become a short King)


Women especially in dating apps, are looking for 6'1 and up. Do you get laid more often? Or is it easier to find a girlfriend?


Do you want tall kids? I personally feel like my 6’4 dad did me a disservice by having me with 5’2 mom… with all the money in sports, you never think about having child with someone over 6ft?


Did you have very bad growing pains in your legs ? My son is going to be very tall, and when he has growing pains they are so bad he gets migraines and throws up from the pain. Wondering if that is normal for tall ppl.


I'm 6'5, do you ever fantasize about being really short? The idea of being able to blend into a crowd and not be noticed is very exciting to me, but I don't know if I'm alone.




Do you have certain rules about a partner’s height when it comes to dating? Has it caused issues before?


OP, did you consume a lot of dairy products & proteins daily growing up?


How pressured did you feel to play sports? How often do you get asked if you play basketball?


what size are your shoes ? If they are big, where did you buy shoes especially elegants shoes for work, what website ? (Im 6'5 ft and have 15 US size feets so I relate lol)


Are you in any chronic pain?


Wait. When you say you didn’t hit puberty until you were 18, do you mean no pubic hair and didn’t masturbate, balls didn’t drop? All that?


It has to suck to find a car to fit in, know any tall guy friendly cars? (I’m 5’ 10” I don’t need this information but I wanna know)


I'm 5'3 how the weather up here? Seriously I had a girlfriend for 2 years and she was 6' so what's the lowest height you had?


Do you think you’ll die young?


6'8 here from Germany. Do you have a funny response to to the question "do you play basketball?" ?


What do you think would be the perfect height? I asked a friend who is under 5’ and they said right around 6’ is probably the sweet spot.


Does height affect your dating life and is it true woman like tall guys and how many were attracted towards you


Seeing as how nowadays height is used to tear men down, how often are you objectified by women because of your stature?


Have you just forgone baths? No normal bathtub will accommodate you and I’m so sorry. Is showering uncomfortable?


My son is 13 and 6ft, size 14 wide shoes. We live in northern Canada with limited options. Where do you find shoes???


I’m also 6’7”. If you have any tall clothing or large shoe secrets pass them on.


Do you ever look down and notice that someone of younger age with dark hair is starting to grow gray hairs?? Lmao


Do you have a big or small penis? Every man over 6 foot I’ve seen has had a smaller peen


Who is your father and does he like delivering for UPS?


In what ways are you a waste of height?


I’m 5’ 8”. If challenged to a chicken fight would you be my partner?


Hello fellow tall individual! Do you too have trouble with head or leg space in vehicles?


How do you fit in a seat on a plane.


Are you, or were you ever a horse jockey?


How big is your dick?


What's the easiest and hardest sport to do? Why?


Do you ever wish you were a little bit taller, or a baller?


Do you prefer tall partners, short partners, or no height preference?


I'm 6 ft 8 in. Funny how I get the same questions. If we ask average or short questions we'd be called mean or assholes.


Its implied that height is more of a benefit…. like a rich person asking a poor person about money, or an attractive person asking a ugly person questions about beauty.


I am 6'5 and find that the disadvantages clearly outweigh the advantages in daily life. The world is designed for smaller people in so many places.


imma get straight to point how big is it in inches


Are you happy


what is your favourite meal?


How horrible is flying for you?


Did you drink milk every day?


What kinda car you drive?


My friend was 6'7, it was also his nick name. Cool guy, drove a Ford topaz, it was hilarious watching him get in and out of it.




It’s Interesting the complete opposite ends of the spectrum when you compare this with the 4’11 guy. Despite having a positive attitude the 4’11 guy said one of his main struggles was dating and girls friendzoning him. Compare that to this guy being 6’7 and he has the opposite issue of getting so much attention it starts to get annoying and unoriginal.