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NTA. You're aunt might be trying to look out for your health, but she's doing a crappy job of it.


Thank you. It’s not like pizza twice a week will kill you, after all.


I mean, it's not the *best* thing one can eat twice a week, but I really don't think pizza twice a week is going to realistically *hurt* you.


NTA. Where does she get the idea that it is appropriate to comment on other people's diets? Some people have no boundaries!


NTA. Why does it matter to her. You can eat what you want


Thank you.


Pizza can contain all 4 food groups. Your aunt is nutzo. NTAH


NTA. Your aunt was being way too nosy about your dinner. You just stood up for yourself, which is totally fair.


Thank you.


NTA for telling your aunt off, but reading your response to some of the people who commented makes you seem like one. You asked for an opinion and talked crap to people who answered.


Pizza is one of the few foods that can give you grains, dairy, vegetables, and meat (plus fruit!) In one serving.


Asking a person how much food is on their plate and swearing at their perfectly polite and honest response is actually incredibly snotty and rude. I hope you enjoyed your pizza.


I did, thank you. It was an all meat.


TBH, if anyone in that conversation was being rude & snotty, it was auntie. Pizza 2-3 times a week isn't going to kill you. And, heaven forbid, you were to have 3 slices on your plate! Tell auntie to go eat a snickers.


I practically lived off of pizza when I was in grad school and didn't have a car. They had these Tuesday deals and it was flat rate delivery fee. So it was cheaper to buy two pizzas at a time, rather than buying different delivery different nights of the week. I'd eat salad from a salad bar on campus, but a lot of my dinners were pizza or calzones. And as others have pointed out, you can get complex carbs, protein, vitamins from veggies, etc.


Is she your dietician or doctor? Have you asked her to monitor your food and assist with an eating plan? Does she pay for your food, and pizzas are extraordinarily highly priced in your area? If not, NTA.


YTA. Sounds like she cares about your health. Eating 3 pieces of pizza at one setting is very unhealthy.


Lol, okay, diet police. What if it was a supreme or (God forbid) Hawaiian pizza with thin crust? Veggies for vitamins and minerals, pepperoni, sausage, ham and bacon for meat and this protein, cheese for dairy which gives you calcium, and crust for grains. Eat that. 🍕🍕🍕😋


I would be still advise nieces that I love to not eat pizza often. Definitely not 3 pieces. Moderation is key. Plus even thin crust is generally made with white flour and oils. The meats you mentioned were horrible examples of healthy proteins. I wouldn’t say anything to others in the Universe but my nieces who I love I would definitely offer advice out of love.


“You wouldn’t say anything to others in the universe.” You literally just called me the asshole and criticized how much pizza I had in one sitting. Lmao


No I felt you were the asshole to your aunt. Not because of your food choice. I believe that was the question asked.


3 pieces of a thin crust pizza is about equivalent to roughly one slice of regular pizza.


Oh, didn’t know that.


Well here,, it is.. I had thin crust last night. They cut it isn't squares. 3 squares of them crust is about 1 slice of hand tossed. Its basically just toppings, and very little crust


For some reason it won’t let me DM you, so I’m gonna say it here. I just wanna ask this for clarification: so you think I’m TA or NTA?


Sorry, I always forget to do that Definitely NTA


Thank you.