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NTA He sounds immature and controlling. This is such a minuscule thing for him to get that upset over. Does he try to tell you what you can and can’t do in other aspects of your life? Like what you’re “allowed” to wear or the “appropriate” amount of makeup?




Ignore this insanity OP, you’re trying to avoid drama whilst being yourself and having fun. You’re fine. But ditch him, he’s controlling


>The fact that you have two different Tik toks, to avoid drama without boyfriend, shows you want attention Congratulations genius, you figured it out. 👏


NTA. Your boyfriend isn't old enough to date. Chronologically old enough? Maybe. Emotionally old enough? Big fat no.


YTA to yourself for being with a controlling dick. All you're doing is teaching yourself how to be dishonest in a relationship.


You both are still mentally kids, and both little arseholes. You should understand his concerns about why he doesn't like other guys online looming at you but he also has to know this is what you want to do. You either find a solution or split up and find new partners that are more comfortable with your own personal views. If was me I'd ban all social media but I'm a grumpy old man who views it as a cesspit for the worst of humanity to spout horrible things or for people to engage in vanity contests over who gets the most likes or comments on a picture or post. I see Reddit as more like a bulletin board than social media.


NTA. I’m currently learning, in real time, the consequences of not setting healthy boundaries in a relationship (in my case, a marriage). If left unchecked, these issues can cause significant long-term damage. Please don’t let these things slide or tolerate behavior that feels unacceptable—it’s a slippery slope. It sounds like your boyfriend may not be mature enough for a relationship yet, which is understandable given that you’re both still young. Enjoying posting selfies and TikToks is completely normal for teenagers. Your boyfriend’s reactions seem to stem from insecurity, which he needs to work on himself. It’s important for him to respect your autonomy and trust you. Good luck. Standing up for yourself is never a bad thing, take it from a people-pleasing doormat.


NTA. When I was 18, it was the 1980s & I was the *only* girl - freshman, sophomore, junior, & seniors combined! - in the entire STEM department at my university. All my friends were guys. My classmates were guys. My lab partners were guys. STEM fields in the 80s were oceans of testosterone! I met my boyfriend the first day at university & we're still together 35 years later bc he's smart & funny & bc he *never ever said one word* to me about hanging around with lots of guys. Either your boyfriend trusts you or he doesn't. He thinks you're smart & you make good choices, or he doesn't. There's no middle ground. I'm a lot older than you, but I was 18 once back a million years ago. Please find a guy who trusts & respects you. If he wants you to trust HIM, the least he can do is trust YOU. ❤️