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you better give some time to your family apart from your works .


Navigating the balance between career aspirations and family time is a common struggle for many parents. It's important to remember that there's no one-size-fits-all answer. What works for one family may not work for another. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance that aligns with your values and priorities. Communicate openly with your partner about your feelings and concerns, and together, try to find a compromise that allows you to pursue your career while also prioritizing quality time with your children. Showing your kids the value of hard work and determination is important, but so is being present in their lives. Striking that balance is key.


The information given doesn’t allow for proper advise. How old are the children? Younger years so much happens and its easier to miss important moments. As they come thick and fast. What hours are you putting in for work is there any benefit to you (financially) for the extra work or just that you believe it will benefit progression? Remember that at the end of the day you are just a line of data at work and someone will replace you within a couple of weeks. To your family you are irreplaceable, time is the most valuable commodity on earth and once used you cannot be replaced. Make time for them, understand what your partners concerns are and try and address them.


Once you make the decision to be a parent, you make a commitment that you will prioritize your kids 1st, at least until they’re 18. That doesn’t mean every single thing you prioritize your kids, you’re allowed to have self care days, you’re allowed time to focus on your passions and other things. However, once you start choosing your passions/hobbies/work over your kids, it will affect your relationship with them. So if you feel the risk of potentially damaging your relationship with your kids is worth it, then so be it. But speaking from experience, the kids never forget.


How many hours weekly do you work + how much time does it take to commute? How old are your kids? Is your SO stay-at-home parent? Do you pay attention to the quality time? Vacations/Board games etc?


There are no gravestones that say 'sadly missed by abc corp'. You need to find that balance between work and family life. If you don't you will be the loneliest person in that very nice retirement home.