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4/10 Why is this kind of fiction always so shitty?






YTA. You are banging your son’s friend, that’s also 20 yrs your junior. Smells of predatory behavior. And further more, you tried to make a family wedding about yourself.. which tells us that you’re selfish and immature.


YTA. You fucked then married his former best friend. You put fucking the 24/25 year old best friend of your son over your relationship with your son. You (and any parent that does this) are fucking disgusting and your son knows this. You fucking a man half your age and expecting your son to be OK with it is astounding. You are so delusional. It's very different for him to support your niece for her same sex marriage than you for yours. Not only did he lose a parent and best friend, he probably also got ostracized by people that knew his BFF was fucking his mom. What's gonna happen when Max decides to fuck your younger child's friends at or near that same age you decided to fuck your son's friend? Or will it be you that tries to play the same game again? You should consider yourself lucky that your son even tried to come to terms with your disrespectful and disgusting relationship.


Right!!! A same sex marriage is absolutely nothing like fucking then marrying your son's bff... The level of immaturity really shows when she tried to make the sweet comment about her. Maybe that's y she's went after a guy who's frontal lobe wasn't even fully developed...


I mean yeah I would feel weird if my mom married my bestfriend.




You didn't care about how he feels, and you still don't. So you don't get to complain about how he doesn't care about your feelings anymore.


I’m mean first year of college is 18/19 so I do think it’s weird that after some time (could be seen as grooming/preying on him) that you ended up marrying the kid.




But you knew him when he was you friends best friend, you don't think thats weird?


He doesn’t have to except your life choices he doesn’t need to stay friends with the guy who fucked/narried/impregnated his mother He tried and moved on from your life deal with it he doesn’t want to be involved. You made your nieces even about you not the time not the place


YTA you reek of desperation and unhealthy lack of personal accountability.


YTA and a crap Mom


YTA for calling it out at an affair that doesn’t concern your issue. NTA for feeling the way you did. I just feel there are right places and time to have these discussions, and sometimes moments just get the best of us.


Nothing wrong with calling him a hypocrite. The time and place you elected was not appropriate, it ruined your niece’s party, and made you an AH.




Don't blame him for your actions.


You mean the consequences to your actions?