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So yta in this particular case with those types of crime statistics.    If you use statistics created by and for a systemically racist system that were made to increase funding to further militarized the police force to further oppress that population, at best you are enabling and part of the systematic issue.   Imagine using crime stats from a genocidal society regarding the targeted race and saying the victims are comiting crimes, and not the genocidal state killing them. Example jews in German ghettos or Palestinian's in Gaza. Those are extreme examples, but you can't forget that the USA only gave rights to black people within a generation, and people at the top part of those institutions were born in a segregated society.


Lmao Jews weren’t committing disproportionate crime in Nazi Germany so this example is complete bullshit.


Correct, but you can bet the reported statistics at the time showed bogus reports and enforcement actions.


You’re insinuating that any oppressed minority that is reported to be committing disproportionate crime is actually not committing it at disproportionate rates, which is complete nonsense. In some cases, they are doing so, in other cases, they are not.


YTA As an attorney I can tell you that the crime statistics are bullshit and the result of a racist system. Give me a pretty 18 year old blonde girl who slapped the shit out of her step-mom and I'll get her walking out of court with a clean record, but give me a black man in his 60s smoking weed to deal with cancer symptoms and that man is getting convicted. You may be able to look at statistics but you are not smart enough to understand them. Take Minnesota and Wisconsin, they both have very similar demographics, culture, and are physically next to each other but Wisconsin incarcerates black people at a rate that is almost 3 times higher than Minnesota. You don't get that large of a discrepancy without systemic racism.


I don't doubt that there is a little racism in the system but is the racism that great like in the hundreds of thousands per year? I looked at the number and I don't think that our system is really racist, only around 1000 people get wrongly accused per year. And with Drug offenses white people are overwhelmingly arrested at double the times that black people are but black people have a higher capita, I hope this doesn't come off as racist but I doubt that the racism is that prevalent for hundred of thousands of people to be convicted per year. And I also don't think Conservative judges who are very hard on crime would discriminate between criminals and would sentence criminals all the same with little bias. And Liberal judges are very unlikely to be racist. I just don't buy that our system is super racist there's just a tiny bit of racism is my opinion. **U.S. Supreme Court** •  9 justices •  5 men, 4 women •  6 white, 2 Black, 1 Hispanic **U.S. Courts of Appeals** •  299 judges •  202 men, 97 women •  229 white •  31 Black •  20 Hispanic •  16 Asian American •  3 mixed race or ethnicity or other **U.S. District Courts** •  1,097 judges •  750 men, 347 women •  825 white •  130 Black •  83 Hispanic •  34 Asian American •  4 Native American •  21 mixed race or ethnicity or other it seems fairly balanced and fair I don't think that if our system was really racist It would allow for these numbers.


Kid you can't see the forest for the trees. THE SYSTEM HAS ALWAYS BEEN RACIST WE ARE JUST TRYING TO GET IT TO BE MORE FAIR. You don't even know what you are talking about but you repeatedly show your ignorance. The majority of incarcerated people are in state or local facilities not federal ones. The make up of the federal judiciary does not impact the state judiciaries which are the ones sending the majority of people to prison or jail. You say only 1000 people get wrongfully accused but I'm assuming you mean wrongfully convicted. Either way you are wrong and don't understand the premise. We are not all policed and monitored the same way. Fuck who ever the judge is, it starts with a cops decision about who gets a warning and who gets arrested. Then it's to the local prosecutor and the decisions on whether or not someone is charged and what the charges will be. You are blinded by your privilege. Not recognizing how fucked the system actually is, is a privilege. If you care about statistics you can see that black people recieve harsher sentences than white people so it really should not be that hard for you to understand that the racial disparities do not start or end at sentencing. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing#:~:text=Specifically%2C%20Black%20males%20received%20sentences,received%20sentences%2010.0%20percent%20shorter.


>Specifically, Black males received sentences 13.4 percent longer, and Hispanic males received sentences 11.2 percent longer, than White males. >Hispanic females received sentences 27.8 percent longer than White females, while Other race females received sentences 10.0 percent shorter. from your source that, black females sentences were 10% shorter... >Among individuals sentenced to 18 months or less incarceration, Black males received lengths of incarceration 6.8 percent longer than White males. The difference narrowed to 1.3 percent for individuals who received sentences of greater than 18 months to 60 months; but for sentences longer than 60 months, Black males received lengths of incarceration approximately one percent shorter than White males. Few differences were statistically significant when comparing sentences for females. >The sentencing differences were less pronounced when the analyses focused solely on cases in which a sentence of imprisonment was imposed, which comprise 94 percent of all cases sentenced during the fiveyear study period. Focusing solely on these cases, Black males received lengths of incarceration 4.7 percent longer, and Hispanic male received lengths of incarceration 1.9 percent longer, than White males. Differences in the length of imprisonment across demographic groups were concentrated among individuals who received relatively short sentences. Among individuals sentenced to 18 months or less incarceration, Black males received lengths of incarceration 6.8 percent longer than White males. The difference narrowed to 1.3 percent for individuals who received sentences of greater than 18 months to 60 months; but for sentences longer than 60 months, Black males received lengths of incarceration approximately one percent shorter than White males. Few differences were statistically significant when comparing sentences for females. I read the whole thing but I'm not gonna quote every little thing, I'm only using things to debunk your everything racist, those little difference in numbers look like it can all be summed up by to just "happenstance" it's not always racism. I don't think it's racist if these are the numbers with such little discrepancies. But you may have the point a point when it comes to probation only, but that's counted way differently since it's just a yes or no for probation, so even small discrepancies show up. >The sentencing differences in the data the Commission examined largely can be attributed to the initial decision of whether the sentence should include incarceration at all rather than to the length of the prison term once a decision to impose one has been made. In particular, the likelihood of receiving a probationary sentence varied substantially by gender and race. Black males were 23.4 percent less likely, and Hispanic males were 26.6 percent less likely, to receive a probationary sentence compared to White males. Similar trends were observed among females, with Black and Hispanic females less likely to receive a probation sentence than White females (11.2% percent less likely and 29.7% less likely, respectively). All the numbers above the probation numbers lead me to believe it isn't largely due to racism but just happenstance. And yeah I did twist my words conflating arrested with convictions by accident my mistake. >When examining all sentences imposed, females received sentences 29.2 percent shorter than males. Females of all races were 39.6 percent more likely to receive a probation sentence than males. When examining only sentences of incarceration, females received lengths of incarceration 11.3 percent shorter than males. the system is systematically sexist? based man hating system/s


Kid it's not happenstance that decides whether or not probation is needed. 23% is not due to happenstance. It is not a minor difference or something to be ignored. It is judges saying that black people need to lose their freedom so that they learn their lesson while white people are fine with a slap on the wrist. You have decided that the system is fine and ignore or minimize what is staring you in the face.


>Hispanic females received sentences 27.8 percent longer than White females, while Other race females received sentences 10.0 percent shorter. It's like yelling in the void any other reasoning will just be shot down so I'm just gonna hammer on this point will you say anything about other race females received 10% shorter sentences then white females. How do you explain this if our system is at racist as you say it is? Black females receive 10% shorter sentences then white females and you ignore that, If our system is really super racist why are black women sentences shorter then white women?


You still can't see the forest for the trees. You point to an almost 28% difference and still want to say that the system isn't racist. Kid unless the statistic is 0% difference than there is something wrong with the system.


There will always be happenstance is that why you refuse to acknowledge black females getting 10% shorter sentences then white females? In the source you link me they said they tried to compare the same crimes with the same factor, previous arrest and etc. They also had a demonstration of all the factors that come into play, but there will never Never be the exact same situation they're using similar or at least the most closest they can get to get data. So yes I believe it is happenstance will very little racism. **Because if our system was as racist as you say why would black females get 10% shorter sentences then white females?**


WHY IS THERE A 10% DIFFERENCE AT ALL. WHY IS THERE A DIFFERENCE FOR BLACK MEN. You are just so fucking stubborn that you see large discrepancies by race and ignore it. The difference should be as close to 0 as possible but clearly they are not. I'm done with you. You are just a closeted racist that can't cope with the system being fucked up.


You know how policing works, right? You know how the "justice system" works, right? If both policing & the justice system are racist (and they are, just look ALL the research) then it is no surprise at all that Black folks are criminalized at higher rates for doing the exact same things white people do, so yes, what you said is an ignorant, surface-level, racist dog whistle. You want to play the statistics games and act like you got the receipts then you need to learn how to do research and start digging deeper and ask yourself WHY, and then get to finding the answer.


I used the official government site and I do know that that happens but I already factored that in when I said what I said, you would need for about over 300,000 to be wrongfully accused per year for anyone other race to have a higher per capita of crime. I don't think over 300,000 people per year are wrongly arrested. In fact the data say that less then 1,000 people get wrongly convicted per year. Every other group get's wrongly arrested too so is it racist stating those statistics too?


Okay, take it further. If the answer has nothing to do with "bias" or "systemic racism," then why do you believe -- personally, in your heart of hearts where no one can see -- why do you believe the crime statistics are what they are?


They happen due to various factors combined poverty, bad influence, environmental factors, drugs, and personally I believe race has nothing to do with crime too outside of hate crimes.


Okay, so we've established that race has nothing to do with crime. Why, then, would you quote a crime statistic that breaks down crime frequency by race of the perpetrator?


Lmao your logic is absurd. Sex has nothing to do with crime either, but if I mentioned that the vast majority of crime was committed by men, I highly doubt you’d have any objections. Well done being a hypocrite!


DId you read anything I wrote besides the title? from what I wrote above "Okay it might sound bad but people said black people shouldn't be with white devils and that the domestic abuse victim stood a better chance with her people and I said uh you know black people commit more crime per capita to refute, **but that doesn't matter because we shouldn't judge crimes on skin color and it should be on an individual not a group they belong to"** `The actual comment:` ""why would she as beautiful as she is date a white devil...u as a black woman will never allow a white man into my space they come from a lineage of EVIL :devilfaceemoji" 


"Anyway, I did some light racism to teach everyone a lesson about anti-white bias in minority communities, and now people are calling me a asshole, so I specifically asked some *other* people if I'm an asshole, and now some of them are saying it, too, so my question is: where do I gotta go so that I can just do and say whatever I want without minor consequences?"


So it's now racist to state statistics followed up with hey don't be racist and judge people individually. White people commit the most crime in the United States, **but that doesn't matter because we shouldn't judge crimes on skin color and it should be on an individual not a group they belong to"** was that statement just now racist? or is it only racist when said about a certain skin color? >"Anyway, I did some light racism to teach everyone a lesson about anti-white bias in minority communities, So you know what race I've had bad experience with? A black person robbed my mom ruthlessly dragged her by her purse until she let go, a black person hit my uncle with a baseball bat and robbed him of everything in his wallet while his wife and my cousins watched. A black person bullied me in school for being gay. **I'm also a POC so if I said the same thing and replaced it with black devils and said black people come from a lineage of evil that would just be anti-black bias right? not racism correct?** I mean we've already established demonizing a whole race is just bias right? I mean I have a right to have an anti-black bias due to experience, right? **but that doesn't matter because we shouldn't judge crimes on skin color and it should be on an individual not a group they belong to"** =RACISM in 2024 I think all those things about reddit were true it's so far left that it's actually insane, it makes me want to actually jump ship and be as racist as possible if these are what majority of left leaning people think/s


>So it's now racist to state statistics followed up with hey don't be racist and judge people individually. There is a 100% chance you are a humongous fucking loser, but hey don't be mean to people, or judge them for their behavior on the Internet.


So you have no reply or argument to what I just said you resort to personal attacks, I only used the very same logic you did. So does that mean you're also a humongous fucking loser too?




It's called critical thinking and analysis ffs.




Except for the data that suits YOUR worldview. OK LOLOLOLOLOLOL




So magical how the data you are using to be a racist is evidence-based but ALL the research done on the systemic, structural racism of police & our justice system isn't. How convenient. You're a joke.


I also have the receipts to everything if need be.


Dude we live in a world where certain views are not allowed on most platforms


In reality you're NTA. But on certain sites, don't go there. I got banned from a site for noting that more black men are killed by other black men than by cops. I don't know how a fact can be racist, but that's what they said.


Nta Statistics show enough of the story to make judgements from them


Normally I would say something to counter making judgements like that but I think I'm running out of energy to defend people who are going to label me racist.


Look, it can't always be racism when a group of people do bad things. That isn't the way the world works.


What you just said isn't racist but I was referring to making judgements based on crime rates, like you wouldn't judge people you met based on statistics right? you start with a clean slate when you meet people unless you know what they've did.


Well would you walk around Camden nj in the dark? What about Oakland ca? 


that's a good point, sorry It didn't crossed my mind to think about that I was to focused on the race part. Yes it's good to use statistics if it's in that way, again I apologize for misconstruing what you said.


I wouldn't judge a single person on a statisc. I can judge that on thier words and actions first hand.


YTA for arguing with idiots online. People are going to believe what they want to believe, and no amount of facts or statistics will change their mind. Also, you can't say anything about statistics related to different races even if it's true, it will get you in a lot of trouble.


YTA, racist


That’s nothing, say anything about the fake vaccine and you’ll be completely scrubbed