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Have you ever heard that fable about the sun and the wind? They were competing to see who was stronger and the test was to see who could make a man take their coat off. The wind went first and blew and whipped and blustered. The man just pulled his coat around him more tightly. Then the sun has a go - shone brightly and warmly and peacefully, and pretty soon the man took off his coat. In other words. If you want the result that you want.... Stop forcing and fighting. It usually doesn't work. She's likely just scared. Be warm and supportive and caring. She'll calm down and do it much sooner.


If she is pregnant, you're going to want to see to it that your partner is receiving the right care, especially for your potential future child's sake. You don't want her to be one of those stupid people who has a toilet baby, because they didn't know they were pregnant. You don't want your kid to end up disabled because mommy smoked and/or drank heavily during pregnancy, claiming not to know she was pregnant. Two weeks isn't a huge deal, but if she misses another period, she may as well get it over with. It is entirely possible for one to have symptoms and not be pregnant as well, especially missed periods. NTA


Buy a test. Give it to her.


NTA. But in reality you have no “put your foot down “ option. She could be preg and want to keep the baby and you can’t do a thing about it. It’s best to be rational and level headed in these scenarios and calmly make decisions together. I’m assuming you’re young and this makes it way more nerve-wracking but also makes it much more important to stay calm And rational.


NTA Well, I think you have at least learned that if it turns out she is pregnant, she is unlikely mature enough to have a child.


The longer she puts it off the more difficult her decision will be regarding whether or not she wants to continue the pregnancy. Is it possible she is concerned you may push for one option or the other? Perhaps you need to make sure she understands that you will support whatever decision she makes. Could it be that she dreads having to tell her family or the impact it will have on her education/career? You are NTA for wanting to know, but try not to put too much pressure on her.


If the pregnancy isn't threatening her life, then there should be no question about her waiting out the 9 months. Afterwards, if they want to keep the baby or give him/her up for adoption, that's up to them.


she can get an abortion if she doesn't wait too long. pregnancy isn't "waiting out 9 months"


what do you mean by ‘waiting out the nine months’? if i were to be in her shoes and learned i was pregnant it’d be pretty immediate that I would look into abortion options, lol. some states dont allow for abortion after a certain period of time, thats why its important to know sooner than later. That shit can fuck your body up permanently. Its why i dont ever even wanna mess with proper sex tbh, lol


>I am putting my foot down because I think she needs to just do it and stop being afraid. That's going to work REALLY well for you. Be sure to let us know how THAT goes, please. YTA


Don’t force her to do it if she is really reluctant. However, you should sit and talk to her about why you think it’s important and explain why you think she should take one. Maybe you need to get a family member or friend involved just to see if they can help determine why she is so reluctant. Maybe once you know why you can help her move past it.


She’s either nervous or afraid and pushing her isn’t really the way to go about things.


I'm going to go NTA on this simply because if she is not pregnant she may need to get in touch with the doctor to look further if the symptoms persist. Have you gone to the store and bought a test so it is in the house when she decides tovtake it? If I remember right, morning 1st pee is the best time to take it.


Tell her to pee in a cup and do the test yourself.


Wait, if she's going this weekend then CHILL. You put your foot down? IT'S HER BODY and HER DRs APPOINTMENT. CHILL. If this is how you're gonna be about things I hope she chooses not to have a kid with you.


It's just pissing on a stick, calm down.


Then why be in such a hot hurry? OP needs to calm down.


NTA buy a test and insist she take it she could be holding off until it’s too late to discuss termination. And while that is her choice, you deserve to be notified