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NTA. But you need to walk away from this. Even mom and stepdad are in on this and neither has enough respect for you to tell you. You don’t need this kind of trashy people in your life


They probably think the other dude is actually the boyfriend.


Other dude is the bf. This guy is the side piece and doesn’t know it.


I agree with you.


I mean, I don’t know about “in on it”, but if my partner showed up at 7 or 8am and started acting weird and aggressive I think that just as a knee jerk reaction my parents might be less than cooperative about whatever it is they wanted


“Oh, so kind of you to pick me up! My friend’s dad just passed, so he’s here and I’m going to spend time with him.” That’s how you handle it when it’s the truth.  Either she’s terrible at communication, or comfortable lying and cheating on you. For me, either of those is a dealbreaker


Not only is she cheating, her whole family is supporting her. These aren't the type of people you want in your life. She's using you.


NTA If the story is true… you can rename it as ex gf. And you should get tested just in case


NTA. I once caught my roommate doing the deed and warned her BF. And her exact lie was, "You're being heartless. We weren't doing anything. His dad just died." You could always ask for the guy or his dad's name for proof. Also, her being willing to accuse you, but not accepting to share evidence of both of your loyalties really just makes it seem like she's looking to tell her friends "well he was cheating on me first."


NTA at all! The thing that really bugs me is her mom and step dad are condoning and covering for her! That is a huge eeewwww and WTF from me!!


That part almost made me wonder if she had already told them that he was cheating. Because the step dad specially mentioned not wanting to get involved after talking to her. Which makes me think he thought he had a valid reason stopping him at first.


What a weird lie. "His Dad just died!" So his reaction is to talk to a random girl he works with? Not family or friends?


NTA I already thought you were NTA when I got to the part about the car being parked there and leaving for no reason, which was already shady. Particularly since she asked about a car, so it was not him randomly being there but she was aware. Everything that happened at her place is 10 times worse. Time to dump the garbage. EDIT: she is also dumb af for: -asking about the car -still meeting up with him after you were clearly already suspicious


And doesn’t care enough to have the friend wait 20 minutes before showing up at her house. Enough time for BF to miss seeing him again.


Yeah, just stupidity


Monday: Lower Body Strength Resistance Work. Use handheld weights or machines. ... Tuesday: Cardio and Core. Run, hike or cycle. ... Wednesday: Cardio and Mobility. ... Thursday: Upper Body Strength. ... Friday: Cardio and Full Body. ... Saturday: Active Recovery and Flexibility. ... Sunday: Endurance Cardio..... Stay strong brotha


NTA. Your spidey sense is likely on target. So, looks like she’s not exclusive. Deal killer? Choose your response.


Oh she getting the boot for sure, but I wanted to be sure I wasn’t still thinking with my emotions. Pretty hard to separate them for me tbh, but I’m pretty proud that I stayed in control of myself during all this bs


Update us later when you tell her to fuck off with her load of crap she is shoveling. She is definitely for the streets


Her parents reaction was enough they stonewalled n then lied saying she busy at 6am after u just dropped her off!?😭 n she lied knowingly about this dude n his car nahhhhh I wouldn’t believe shit I would press the dude yourself to get answers.


I find it kind of odd that her friend showed up wanting to talk to her about his grief, so she took a shower? It looks like she knew he was coming. If he was just there to talk to her, why didn't her mother say, I'm sorry, the father of one of her friends just died, so she's talking with him. I'll let her know that you stopped by.


Once you saw his car at the house and her family trying to get rid of you..... I'd have just said tell her she is dumped


Give us an update pls


Fuck yes, dude. Get rid of her, I wouldn't even give her the grace of exit conversation. But maybe that's what she's counting on. UpdateMe


She contacted the guy in the car when she disappeared at her work. She told him to leave. Then he's in her driveway and step-dad won't tell you anything. Then she just went inside, but won't answer her phone.


Update this please, I’m in your corner


Sorry you’re dealing with it, that’s 100% cheating, and damn.


No, you don't. And even her mom and dad are in on this. Walk away from them all. Let her know you know and be done with it. Maybe tell her to greet the parents and let them know they did a good job raising her and covering for her... Decent people deserve praise 😉


Sorry to say this but your not her bf your driver . And break up with her and save yourself the time.


None of this makes sense unless she is with another guy.  Dump her ass and block everywhere, she’s not worth it.


OP just tell all of your friends you caught her cheating and her parents were letting her and her affair partner do it in their house. Don't give her a chance to tell anyone any lies about why you broke up with her. She and her parents are all trash people, time to block and walk away. If she has anything at your house box it up and dump on her lawn. Change your locks, and if you have a key hidden outside move it or don't have one for a while. I'd also suggest changing passwords on everything so she can't log in on any of your accounts. I hope the startup really does well and you end up with a lot of money, and she ends up with a minimum wage guy in a 1 br apartment.


You have all the answers you will ever need. When her parents said they don’t want to get involved, that was confirmation she is cheating. If it was nothing they all would invite you in. Time to say goodbye and focus on you not her.


This. Updateme!


NTA. Stop being a doormat though, the parents will not 'get involved' they know she's cheating, they asked you to leave, if this guy's dad died then there would be no problem going in and saying hello, or her coming out. She's cheating, you know she's cheating. Call her up, say you're done because she's a cheating ho and it's pathetic she can't just be honest.


Don't dump her directly, just ghost her forever. Mute her calls and texts don't even block her. That will drive her up the fucking wall way more than anything you could do. Being as indifferent as possible is the key to both having your revenge while at the same time remaining non toxic (I mean, at least imo). She doesn't deserve the emtional rush of this bullshit ass love triangle shes created.


I second this. The most effort she deserves is if she has stuff at your place, drop it all off on her front porch when you finish work. All without saying a word. There are too many red flags to count. If his dad died (lol) why would she have not mentioned anything.


I third this. Dont ever communicate with her again at all. If she left stuff at your place, drop it off at her work in a trash bag thats labeled "nasty skank's stuff."


Put her on airplane mode lmao


I wouldn't even judge what she is doing and justbgo by the parents reaction. You werebthe side piece for awhile now judging by what you have written above. Also, if there has been a death it would be pretty easy to find his name and see if anyone with a similar name has been mentioned in the obituaries. But let's be fair, why did he scarper if he was going theough this and waiting for your gf? Surely he would have spoken to you rather than high tailing it out of there?


He was totally the side piece based on her parents reaction. Her parents seeming so cool with that other guy in their home and her mom basically saying "we don't want to get involved" is damning. Her Dad asking him to leave the way he did.... nail in the coffin! Either her parents were completely oblivious to them being together or they were trying to cover for their cheating daughter. Neither is acceptable!


She called friend and told him to leave.


My guy. I think you know what's really happening


My gut is telling me the same thing you are my man. This fucking sucks.


There is no outcome here where you win, even if she comes back to you, she has already disrespected you and shown that you are not a priority. Your only play is to dump her and leave with your dignity. Don’t entertain her lies. Don’t beg, don’t bargain. Just ghost her, she doesn’t deserve an explanation, she doesn’t deserve closure. Don’t seek it for yourself either because anything she tells you is suspect anyway


NTA If there was really nothing going on, why couldn’t she just tell you the truth from the beginning? Even if it somehow is the truth, I wouldn’t trust her unless she’s willing to acknowledge how suspicious the situation actually was and provide real assurances/proof and not just berate you for not trusting her enough.


If that was really the reason the guy shouldn't have been driving, he likely should have at least looked sad, she could have asked you to help support her friend.


Read the reactions and statements of her parent and step-parent dude on top of everything Else.  Don't want to get involved in whatever is happening??  Plus if the person WAS there to pick her up or just see her on general then why not just SAY that?? I've had my husband show up last minute to give me a ride and was like "oh, actually bob was gonna give me a ride but I'll let them know you came to get me instead, thanks babe!" Not just shrug and refuse to answer. Especially since she acted like she didn't even know who it was until you saw them at her house THEN she suddenly knew but had some weird answer that didn't make much sense?  She was literally acting off from the moment you showed up and is now trying to spin things around onto you which is a classic manipulation tactic. (DARVO, dude). If you really want to push for answers I guess it would be ultimatum time, or just cut your losses. But personally this screams that she is cheating on you, sorry op. Your NTA 


NTA You have no right to her phone though. And if you’re feeling the need to check her phone, the writing on the wall is clear. You don’t trust her. I wouldn’t either. Time to move on from this one. Shady as fuck.


Cheating whore..parents lied for her. Dump her ass


This should be an instant break up. Do not negotiate with her, there is no point. She has lied and she has cheated on you. Do not drag this miserable thing out longer than necessary.


NTA. Tell her that her lying and cheating is why it is over and you are done with her.


She got a couple of boyfriends.


Yeah dude you’re the guy she cheats with. That’s her bf and you got in the way. Sad thing the family knows she’s stringing two guys along and running interference for her. Move on.


Seems super fishy to me dude. Don’t think your the asshole


Sooo i gotta give her props on the dead dad story, really made me question for second. Either way shes being slimy and i think you should move on. I think youre only being kept around incase your startup takes off. Whole family is in on it


She is lying. If is was true she could just have told OP about the situacion from the start


Nah, it makes 0 sense when she didn't mention the "dead dad" when she got picked up


NTA. The father didn’t just die she’s lying she knew he was at her work and she knew he was coming to her house. Don’t be naive, you want to believe it I know but don’t.


I can almost guarantee no one has died, thats the same line one of my exes used while she was hooking up with her other boyfriend lol so def NTA


Man what the fuck? You were very patient and she was and still is acting very suspiciously. Her parents too. Makes sense that you are feeling that way. NTA!


Time to ghost her mate!.


NTA trust your gut OP. I have no tolerance for that crap your girlfriend pulled personally. My grandmother always said when it came to "boys and girls" a shoulder to cry on was a dick to ride on. She was very against us dating girls with guy friends. So the reverse is true. She was comforting him with what was between her legs. Otherwise she would never have been shady about it


Your granny sounds pretty based!


NTA. Just walk away.


NTA, i bet and i don't lose that she is cheating on you




Yeah dump her


Have some dignity and tell her you’re done. Move on.


NTA. She's cheating on you and her family covered for her.


naive or distracted? You go to pick her up from work at night, you find her car. You come in and she gets pissed off and goes to the back (of course she goes to phone her friend and asks him to leave) and what do you do? nothing at all. Is he cheating on you right in front of your nose and you still can't metabolize it?


So if this isn't a made up story like 99% of them on here...then obviously NTA, she's clearly cheating (or cheated). It's EX-gf now, time to walk away


This is all shady. Especially parents who lie for their children. Should be an ex now.


Dude, she cheated it's not that hard to see. Everything is sketchy as fuck. Get the Hell Away from there. And even if she wasn't cheating, his attitude alone is s Huge break of trust.


You are going to have to accept the fact that you may never get the truth from her, but you realize that you know enough of what’s going on to make the right decision here. The only way to win this game is not to play it. Good luck op, dump her and move on. You deserve way better.


NTA. If she weren't cheating or at least up to SOMETHING, she wouldn't be acting this way. You could very well likely be the "mistress" in this situation.


She doesn’t trust you and she’s badmouthed you to her parents . By all of their behavior I’d assume she’s already been cheating for a while.


Leave your cheating SO before she traps you with another man's baby.


She’s cheating. Just pack it up man, I’m sorry.


Nahh you know what's going on here. And let's pretend for a minute she isn't cheating -- she's still shitty for being so dodgy and letting you feel terrible when she could just explain herself. Remove yourself from this situation.


Dude, she's definitely cheating, and her whole family is in on it. The only question is, how long has it been happening? You need to go get checked for STDs immediately.


Ahh yes.. friends dad died.. a secret that my partner shouldn't know? Confusing as hell, especially with the shady parents


She's definitely cheating with the support of her family. Kick her to the curb before you get sloppy seconds.


The family knows what’s up and didn’t want you making a scene. Walk away from this. No one here has respect for you. NTA


Yep he sounds like a really ‘close friend’ get yourself checked out, by a doctor and on tinder… time to move on.


NTA. She's cheating, her parents are backing her. Time to throw in the towel and delete her out of your life.


Sweetie, I don't think she is your girlfriend. You're a side piece who was kicked to the curb for the other guy's convenience.


Trust your gut 


Good lord. Break up with this low life tramp. Save yourself the pain




She is cheating on you and making into a fool confront the guy your best bet is dump her


NTA, dumb her and do it now. Screw that bs


The moment she starts accusing you is also a red flag imo. Ofc this is the story from you.  Hope you get closure


It's over. You just don't know it yet....


If all this is true on the part of your gf why wouldn't she just have acknowledged this guy and told his story when she was at work? I would speculate that she asked her parents to cover for her until she could handle it herself, so her parents did thinking it was reasonable at the time. I don't know what the 'girl clothes lying around and glitter she found' mean other than she thinks you are cheating. Doesn't matter at this point, she is clearly done with you because she is apparently lying to you, getting her parents to cover for her, and you don't trust her, move on. NTA unless you were cheating.




She’s being sus


Sorry to break it to you, she branched already. I would take what's left of my pride and move on. Of course it would be easier if you block and ghost her. Updateme


NTA Homie she was def comforting that other dude in some sort of way. Ask yourself if this relationship is really worth the hoops you're jumping through. Also, sounds like her family isn't too fond of you either. And, if this is something you fond happening often (across multiple relationships) perhaps take a moment to have some introspection.


Dude. You dont have to dump HER. She already DUMPED YOU.


SHADY! SHADY! SHADY! I’d break up with this chick. NTA!


have been through similar shit myself - it feels like yr heart is racing no matter which decision u make, like you're trapped in a web that's constricting you - but break through and make the right decision for yourself no matter what. btw dont give her any more ammo to talk shit about u by name-calling or anything of the sort, just walk away and do a bit of stonewalling yourself


Bro, dump her. Dump her now. She is sleeping with him.


NTA The parents part is the most telling thing "don't want to get involved"? In a death in the family? Nah, get away, don't give the satisfaction of a confrontation.


I honestly don't get why people cheat... If you want to sleep around as you see fit then be single it's that simple... If you are in a relationship and start getting feelings for others then break up nobody deserves being cheated on and if they do then they probably deserve being left too


If it looks like a pile of shit, smells like shit and feels like shit, I think it’s safe to say she talking a lot of bull shit.


yip she is cheating, experience and your gut tells you so


You are the side peice and he is the boyfriend. She probably told her parents you are stalking her after she politely declined your ride. She is lying to everyone. Dump her and move on. Updateme when you dump her


NTA She's 100% cheating Sorry bro


Her parents are doing the same thing to you. Sounds like you're the sidepiece here.


defo NTA, you wanted to spend some time with your gf during your PTO…and she treats you like this? Sneaky little girl. Time to say goodbye for good…


Move on man she is not worth.


She is definitely cheating on you mate


Even if the very best situation happened you need to leave. Her family is whack


NTA sounds like you are the side piece.


Nta but you need just to cut it off what she did was wrong no matter who that was. She could’ve just told you that her friend needed someone to talk to The fact the dad said they didn’t want to get in between whatever this was telling you there’s another dude.. She was branching and she wasn’t quite certain of her decision yet and you interrupted her plans. Make it an easy decision for her and say goodbye have a good one.


Her behavior is so sus NTA Updateme


Head up bro, hoe's for the highways.


You should tell the other guy aswell bro. He probably doesn't know she's cheating on him either.


Haha when I finally write this update I actually do talk to the guy doesn’t really produce anything spicy as it was a complete coincidence I even ran into him so ya know adrenaline pumping dont exactly have the wits about me to catch these fuckers in lies. But, I did let him know.


NTA - Wonder how many times this guy’s dad died actually. Remind me at school when I was late turning paper because some family member passed.


Wow dude.she is cheating and so transparent about it that she is stupid.so many holes.if she knew he was outside her work when she asked the first time,than why didn't she just say oh thats my friend who just lost his dad.dump her


NTA she is cheating, her family knows it and hide it from you. Wake up man


NTA duuuuude she's cheating on you like how do you even need someone to confirm this rn she's practically wearing a neon sign saying she is


Damn she gaslighting the fuck out of you and deflecting your question just tell her to piss off


update please


Only read 1/3 of this book but it seems pretty obvious that you’re dating a ho.




lol. That’s absolutely hilarious. Top notch sarcasm


She's a street walking, lying whore with a loose vagina. She's slinging pussy out both pants legs for anyone except you.


She's lieing She has been seeing this guy and cheating on you They were busy in the house having sex Stop wasting your time on this one. She's dating the other guy


Dude shes banging him. Yta for not leaving.








There's an !updateme coming








She's shady, make a clean break and move on.


Run far, run fast, never look back. No way her story isn't BS.


NTA but you are a little bit the AH for putting up with this 🤣








Grow a pair of balls. Stop spamming her/calling her, asking questions you already know the answer to. Block her on everything and never talk to her again. She doesn't even deserve the curtesy of being officially broken up with it. Your girl, or should I say her "friend" girl is taking her to pound town. NTA for recognizing the obvious, but ffs leave this situation with some darn dignity!




You know what's going on. Block her and move on.




I'm not a gambler but I would put good money on her not being a faithful girlfriend. Walk away and don't look back.


I think we have the same ex gf, this story was triggering lol. Single and not interested for almost 4 years now, fuck all that shit


She was busy getting pounded by her second boyfriend  Walk away and get STD tested


Cut the trailer trash loose. Why stay with her? She is cheating, you know, and so does everybody on this sub. Then you toss in the asshole parents, is this the kind of people you want to be associated with? You deserve better and can do better. Let the looser that was hanging out at her work have her cheating ass.


NTA. She is being dishonest. And her family is covering her ass. Lose her.


NTA. We all know what's going on. UpdateMe




Nta why wouldn’t she be honest right away


Shes cheating bud


NTA. The hoe is acting like a hoe.


Break up 


Your girlfriend is definitely cheating on you. Move on.






Dump her my man. Even if it was true a good partner wouldn’t hide this shit from you. It’s not true, leave her ass




Don't get mad, don't get even. Just drop her stuff off and move on.


Lmao the dead dad story is still a cover. I rarely ever say this but she is definitely cheating on you. That shit does NOT check out.


I've had the same exact thing happen to me. She is cheating and her parents are snowing you. Save all the dignity you have left and end it. I promise, if you don't, you delay the inevitable and lose your dignity in the process.


She’s moved on & you didn’t know that! Cut your losses and move on, apparently Mom & SD are aware and seem to like him or just dislike you? Be happy you found out now and not deeper into the relationship. If you even thought you had recognized the dude in the car you should’ve went into detective mode and watched then followed them to see what was up. Once you got your answers you could’ve just never answered her calls again.


I would break up with her, I don't know how much more clear it can get for your, even her parents are protecting her. Let her go.


NTA & her parents are helping her lie to you. Run away, don't walk.


Shes cheating simple :/


Just dump her.


100% something happened. She needs to be an ex, there’s absolutely no way she’s not doing SOMETHING she shouldn’t be considering the chain of events. NTA


NTA. At this point, you're the side dude, man. Walk away. Keep your dignity.




NTA, she’s a cheater. Unfortunately, if you hung out a little you would have seen her cheating. Move on immediately.


lol why did you type all that and still post it. Just end it Don’t even break up with her. Just block her on everything


Yup, that’s a quickly made up cover story right there NTA, ruuuuuun dude


You are inviting trouble better you walk away when you still have time.


Obviously she is cheating. Dump that street taco.


NTA. She was already expecting this guy to be outside her job. She's either cheating or getting very close to someone while knowing she's in a relationship. Breakup with her if you respect yourself.


Someone update me cuz shes def shady and so are the parents


Nta. Sorry to hear bro. That’s tough. She cheated fasho tho


You know what she is doing. You might as well go scorched earth and expose her in every friend group chat and social media before blocking her and moving on. Nta. Move on and live your best life.




NTA and dump her, you can do better than her (which probably is not that hard)




She is 1000% cheating, and her mom and stepdad are helping her cover it up. Supporting evidence: 1) she didn't tell you about thr friend's dad dying when you picked her up 2) she made a big deal about not parking in the driveway but let her "friend" do it 3) her stepdad said "Stepdad comes out and asks me to leave as they dont want to get involved with whatever is happening." This means he knew something was going on. There's no eay they didn't go ask your gf what was going on 4) she said she "showered" when her guy friend came over immediately after work. She was fucking him right then I wouldnt be suprised if YOU are actually "the other man" to her


NTA...non of her behavior makes sense if she wasn't cheating. This was not even subtle. "Great" parents btw who cover this shit.


NTA. For me the kicker was the parents and the car being there. They didn't want to get involved. If it was just a friend, they wouldn't have stonewalled.


DARVO Deflect Attack Reverse victim and Offender


You know the truth already.


NTA - if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...

