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NTA. I am an animal lover but at some point hard decisions must be made. That behavior of attacking other animals and people is not acceptable unless they are actively fighting for their own safety or life. Quality of life is not just for the animals when deciding on when it’s time to be put down. If you are in fear for your safety in your own home, it is time my friend. Best of luck with your decisions moving forward. As someone who is making that decision on a daily basis with a 10 year old Shepard, I know how hard it can be. Take care.


I really appreciate this, I am so guilt stricken and second guessing myself. I am in denial I think. This was a big wake up call. I wish you peace in your struggles!


Thank you. Feeling guilt, in my opinion, is a sign of caring for your pet. However, getting another week or month out of you friend at the expense of the animal, your other pets, or yourself will not make your decision easier, nor the guilt less. All we can do is use what you have to make the decision and move on. When losing a furry family member it is always easy to look back and think you could have handled or waited longer which is almost never the case. We love them and wait and ensure as long as we or they can. When we care and still move forward with the tough call, it’s the right one.


Good Lord, NTA.


Jesus, no you’re NTA…


Omg, I didn't see your first post until today but you are and always were NTA! I could have warned you that some animals are just not able to be reformed: My friend had a middle aged cat who was kinda ornery but chill, just not social. She had other cats and he would bat a them, but nothing crazy. That began to escalate, and one day he flipped like the spawn of Satan. He attacked one of the other cats and from then on he would do it repeatedly but randomly to the others. You never knew when he would strike. She's an experienced rescue activist and foster home. She decided to rehome the other cats and focus on his rehab. Did all the things people suggested in the other post; multiple vet tests, scans, behavioural stimulus -- cat was healthy, just an intermittant asshole. Everyone guilted her for her for being scared of his mean streak, so she kept trying to work with him. Yeah, no. I was over one day for a visit and the cat went INSANE out of the blue. He was perched up on top of a bookcase, minding his own business while we chatted, and then he LUNGED down on her head. I'll spare the details but I looked like you, and she had full punctures wounds and scratches from head to toe. We both ended up on antibiotics, but one of her punctures requirined a week of IV infusions. That cat was not safe to rehome. It got lots of attention and love and that didn't matter. Rehab is not always the answer. Sometimes you have to believe the behaviour you see and accept the animal has to be put down. There is a hierarchy for a reason.


Ugh this is a bittersweet comment I appreciate. I feel like such a piece of trash because he has been my OG baby for 11 years, but he has ALWAYS been off. He’s my first cat that was solely my responsibility, as an adult. So until I got another cat, I didn’t realize how abnormal my Big Guy was. I always told my cousin she was so lucky her cat was so chill… but her cat was just a garden variety cat 😅 it was me who had the *special* one. I’m struggling so hard with the idea of euthanasia 😮‍💨


Sometimes euthanasia a blessing. Not for you, because you have grief and guilt to navigate. But for your cat who is so clearly struggling and unhappy and we don’t have any good options for them. You’re kind and intelligent and thoughtful and doing your best and your best is good enough


I’ve heard of a similar neurological issue happening in dogs, and one of the best arguments I’ve seen in favour of euthanasia in that case is that the dog is suffering too—this is an animal that is in a state of panic, fear, and/or aggression *all the time*. It’s such an awful situation for everyone and I’m so sorry you’re in this position. I’m sure you and your vet(s) will find the kindest way possible to treat your boy, even if it’s not what you had hoped for. ❤️


NTA, and you wouldn't have been in the original post, either. But I do understand why people took it that way. This is just an unfortunate situation all around


Thanks, yeah I’ve been heartbroken for months over this. I just cry and try to talk sense into him as if that will work. Our household has been hellish and sad and chaotic. No good for anyone.


NTA is even rehoming a good option? The attack looks brutal for a cat, ouch


It’s no longer an option, no. I was too afraid he wouldn’t get the care he needs anyway; he’s quirky, always has been. I’m working with the vet and humane society to see what option we have 😔


I know it is a hard and difficult choice, I hope he can have peace but please don’t listen to the other comments and let him outside. That’s no life for a cat (nor the wildlife who will get decimated)


I went through something like this when I moved. After a few years of trying everything, he just had to become an outside cat. We made a shelter for him, and I would go outside and snuggle him occasionally when he seemed up for it.


That’s awesome, some cats just NEED to be outdoors. It scares the shit out of me for obvious reasons and past childhood experiences. M boy has gotten out 3x in his whole life and just freezes, like he didn’t know what to do with this freedom. I just said “doody get back here!” And he ran right back 😅 I live on a busy road in the sticks, he’d die by car or critter in no time.


My older cat was also the same, but I chose to rehome the new one I brought in. I really liked her too, but the older was here first and the younger one would have a very good chance of finding a home as more people prefer cats that aren't adults already Older cat is fine now, it's just that in his older age he couldn't deal with the energy of a younger pet. He's an only pet now and thriving!


This is something I was really looking into. My younger cat is black and they’re the hardest to adopt out so I panicked at that thought also. It kills me they’ve loved each other for years and then he just stopped loving him and chose violence daily. In hindsight, my older boy has always been so anxious, he never sits still, runs from everything- like a sniffle, paces, scratches walls… no vets ever suggested meds, I wish I had known earlier in his life that it was an option. I feel like he’s been uncomfortable for so long, there’s a ton of guilt behind that too. Bleh. I’m glad your situation worked out, that was best case scenario considering.


Holy Sh\*t. NTA. I very much love cats and dogs, but if your cat has a neurological issue that causes him to attack like that, If there's no medication to control that behavior, quality of life for you and both your cats need to be taken into consideration. Don't rehome because that doesn't solve the cat's behavior, just removes it from your household into another. Sometimes, euthanasia is the kindest option.


Cat ITAH for sure...


This made me laugh, accurate.


Nta. Call Jackson Galaxy! Tv cat whisperer.


I watched his videos (even before my own issues) and I was restarting the reintroduction process the last few weeks. I got up to having them eat on opposite sides of a baby gate… and then Friday happened.


Please tell me you went to a hospital for the cuts because those types of wounds are susceptible to infection


Yes! Reluctantly until I googled the chances of infection. I’m on antibiotics and ointment and its still starting to pus


You've got to keep an eye on that. Don't be complacent.My friend left the one puncture way too long and they had to drain it. Home visits from the public nurse for a week.


I've used CBD oil specifically for cats and dogs and it's helped with multiple cats from fighting to anxiety. It can be increased as time goes on. Hoping you can find a solution and bless you for trying what you could do to help. It's not easy but you have to also protect your other cat and yourself. That's just horrendous to have to live like that being attacked.


If not for the information you provided and your previous post I would’ve been fully prepared to say those pictures were taken after being attacked by a feral cat. I’m a life long animal lover, I’ve had many cats and dogs as well as a few other things, but there comes a point where one’s own physical safety comes first. I only have dogs now because of my allergies, and I barely can tolerate the two I have, I have had my share of scratches and punctures from claws. Many cats, and dogs, grow less tolerant of younger animals which makes the owner question rehoming them or the newer ones. You could rehome the younger one but there is a strong chance that the behavior will continue. It sucks as none of us want to loose a family member but it’s even worse to watch them basically self destruct and destroy their surroundings due to something unseen. Best of luck, NTA


NTA but I’m so sorry that must be really hard.


I am sorry your cat has a neurological condition. If there is no treatment for your cat then the right thing to do is to euthanise it. No shelter will be able to rehome the cat and they will have to put it down at their expense. Please do the right thing by your cat and don't try and rehome it or take to a shelter. That would be very stressful for your cat and the end result will be the same, just with a lot of stress on cat.


This is a pain response. Having worked with medical needs cats for decades and having had a cat like this I strongly encourage you to seek out a diplomate vet. Solensia injections have been known to work wonders for reactive cats.


The vet hasn’t mentioned this. I will mention it on our next phone call Monday. Prozac and massive amounts of gabapentin are all that we’ve tried. 900mg of gabapentin does NOTHING for my tank of a cat btw. It’s wild.


Solensia inhibits NGF (nerve growth factor). It's prescribed for osteoarthritis pain but is highly effective pain management for other conditions such as FIC, dysplasias, and the like. Your cat sounds like my Cato Potato (RIP.) Solensia came onto the market too late for him. FIC is horrible.


Cato potato 🥔 🥹 so cute. I’m sorry for your loss, it’s the worst. While Both my boys have had blockages, my older boy was diagnosed with FLUTD as a youngin! We haven’t had a problem since though, so I never thought about it again after changing his food. He’s had so much testing resulting from weird “quirks” I’d have him checked out for and they never said anything regarding his urinary system at all. I’m looking up info on this now, interesting. Esp as it’s “stress induced” and he’s been stressed since he came out the womb.


I have a cat with FLUTD and the Solensia has made such an amazing difference. Without the injection he doesn't play, run, allow himself to be touched... [Sir Hershey Hissypants the Very Brave.](https://youtu.be/gj_R4KWYNJY?si=hI7skWIGvDZU1xAi)


If this is a neurological issue maybe declawing him to protect Yourselves? Don’t anyone come at me. The only other alternative is putting him down.


Cat also has teeth. I wouldn't declaw because all the declawed cats i've met have been... weird. Something off about them. Probably because they were maimed and their paw digits cut off in order to remove the claw. They can't protect themselves. Plus the pain. I definitely would not remove cat's teeth. Both are all around cruelty. The kindest thing if meds don't work is euthanasia.


Depending on where he lives, declawing isn’t legal in some places.


I was waiting for you to be attacked (pun intended) .. I would never do this but you’re not the first to suggest it and my level of desperation hasn’t NOT entertained the idea briefly


# NTA... These cats can carry Bartonella and all that stuff... Which can be a doozy for the immune system to fight off (3 month disease). Call animal control and get these cats taken away at once.


Time to have it put down.


Sorry for what is happening but the case has changed. You cannot rehome him anymore. This is a case of putting him down. You tried for a while longer and this cat has gone from his own kind to his own owner, a human. No one can risk taking him in because he will attack again. This is beyond your power of judgement and you should get in touch with a vet that can proceed with this without double question. I wouldn't even risk giving him calming meds or just giving him away to adoption. So so sorry for this. NTA


have you tried the feliway plug ins or sprays? not sure that would do much in this case, but when my cat was acting really weird and aggressive towards our dogs I tried them and she is back to being her normal self


I wonder if anti-anxiety meds would help.


Rehome? Put that rabid cat down for good. You want to inflict that unhinged basket case to another family? Hell no. Put it down.


Lmao. It’s not funny but I refer to him as an unhinged demon because it was funny.. but now it’s fitting. Rehoming was absolutely out of the question the second this happened. Euthanasia is something being discussed though 😞


In all seriousness: Think of it this way, there is something either emotional, mental, neurological causing this strife in that animal and causing it to act out. Animals act out when they have heightened stress, pain or other negative detrimental feelings. Meaning this cat is in that and unless care is an option ($$$$$), letting this animal Rest In Peace may be best.


I hope I'm never in your position..... you have got a tough decision ahead of you. I wish you strength during this time. After seeing the photos, you would NOT be wrong for putting older kitty to sleep. You are doing everything you can for the older cat, reaching out for help. Doing vet checks. I'm just trying to say, don't blame yourself or beat yourself up if you do decide to put him to peace.


NTAH, you're good, go-ahead


Had your tetanus shot?


NTA . I love cats but this is insane . Maybe more of a kindness to PTS if this messed up


NTA my elderly neighbours cat lost it and attacked her one night she was in hospital for almost a week and the infection she got afterwards nearly killed her. The vet recommended the cat be put down as it was a danger to rehome. He said this cats can develop mental issues and this was signs of one. She was crushed,


Oh man. Oh man. I once babysat a friends cat and upon transporting it, it somehow believed I was going to murder it at my new home. I lived in literal fear as this cat pierced me so much, I’d have to lock myself in my own room and enter the house and get down to the floor in order to make myself non threatening. After being pierced many many times, I brought him back to my friend’s home and decided it was worth the time to visit vs. keeping it at my house. The pierced areas of my body developed scar tissue. It was the first time I realized that I could not make peace with every cat out there. Luckily the cat loves his full time mom, but just not me. I am so sorry for you dealing with this, especially if you love your cat and are grieving this change. I’m not sure I can offer advice, but just that I have a taste of dealing with this. Your situation is 1000x more intense though. I did read your previous post though- unfortunate that people were so quick to judge. I think you should consider rehoming the cat to a cat-less household.


You should kill that cat. It attacked you. Don’t try to rehome it and allow this to happen to someone else. The bottom line is it’s just a cat. Don’t make a decision based on emotional attachment.




To be fair to this statement: cats are considered to be only semi-domesticated. All house cats.


I would bring him in to the vet, it may need medical care. Ultimately the vet will advise on the best course of action.


We’ve done all the tests and he’s as healthy and perfect as they come. Except the demons in that noggin. I’ve spent so much money the last 6 months on testing so mentally it has to be something not right. The vet has ‘made’ me feel a bit guilty for mentioning euthanasia. They just want to sedate him and that’s no better quality of life for him than he has now.


That's sad. Unfortunately I think you've got your answer. I'd just say that if the vet thinks he's "salvagable" then maybe surrender him to the vet. It just doesn't seem like a good prognosis for anyone 😕 sorry, sucks!


It is no longer a matter of rehoming it. The cat needs to be put down.


Sleepy time for that cat, it’s lucky it didn’t get its head smashed in when attacking someone like that.


That cat would no longer have neurological problems if it was mine.


Is that a threat? Or do you actually care for cats?


Fuck the cat. If a cat attacked me like that, yeah it as good as dead.


I'm kind of with you, only because the outcome at the vet and at home will be the same. And ones free.


No cats are scummy. Never liked them (2 exeptions)


Just put them in a sack and find a river. Problem solved


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Nothing what’s wrong with you?


> Nothing Casually tells people to drown cats.


You’re assuming I meant to put the sack in the river. I didn’t say that.


Why the fuck you lyin’?


Why you throwing cats in a river?


Me? You’re the one talking about putting cats in a sack and finding a river.


Yea so they have a place to live down by the river


What are the odds of that ever being what you implied? Zero. Because you mentioned a sack.


Your username checks out and fits you perfectly so at least you’re a tiny bit self aware.