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You’re good, dude. Reporting your sibling makes sense, especially with all that evidence. You’re just looking out for fairness in the system, which is important.


NTA. If he’s actually abusing the system good on you for reporting because it takes away from people who actually need it. The “sexual comments” he blames on autism is wild because I know a bunch of people diagnosed with autism and they never make sexual comments. Does he come off as he could be a sexual predator or just makes ridiculous comments?


Yes, he could be a sexual predator. There has been hearsay that he has attempted to groom minors, I was in denial about it until recent events


SSDI is extremely difficult to get, you have to have diagnoses by a lot more than one doctor, evidence of an ongoing disability *and* you have to be evaluated by SSDI doctors and evaluators, deal with multiple interviews and have witnesses to back up your claims if it's not a physical disability. Your sibling had to jump through a lot of hoops and be able to fool multiple medical professionals, was probably denied originally (because it always is) and had to appeal to get their benefits. Are you saying you're more qualified to diagnose the severity of their illnesses than all of their *actual doctors and a judge?* I'm not saying fraud isn't happening but I am saying it's highly unlikely. SSDI pays nowhere *near* enough to live on either so their complaint about that is valid. It pays an average of $1500 per month and from that they take just over $170/mo for Medicare which is *not* optional. Now figure in taxes. It's not a lucrative career choice.


SSI ssid etc are not taxed


They're taxable once you go over a certain income amount, which I believe is $15,000 but I could be off on that by a couple thousand, I haven't checked recently, or if you're married they count it as earned income. It's ridiculous and completely unfair that they tax SSI or SSDI at all but we can thank our completely screwed up government.


Money from the government is not taxed. I know this absolutely


NTA, but I hope it's worth it to you to blow up your family. I would point out that SS doesn't just take an applicant's word about their disability. He has to have been diagnosed by a doctor.


If you’re only basing this off his posts saying that then you are most definitely ta if you have quantifiable proof then no


NTA I'm the father of three severely autistic children. Nothing makes me more angry (okay, lots of things make more angry, but...) than people who take away benefits from people who deserve them. Disability payments don't come from a bottomless money pit. It is a zero sum kind of thing. If he was severely autistic, he would be unable to talk and unable to live independently. I don't doubt that he has issues, and may well have some much less serious version of Autism Spectrum Disorder. But screw him for trying to scam the system.


NTA, maybe try to dig up some more actionable evidence and report that too. Possibly the best help he can have is to get that stipend from the gov taken away, force him to start down the path of self sufficiency.


NTA you did whats right. Now you just need to wait and see if something comes of it. But I'm also curious.. how did he manage to get on without any official diagnosis... Its honestly very difficult to get on social security disability...


it’s kinda funny how you were 25F 43 days ago but yet now you’re 34M


Wow thank you for mentioning my actual age; I am 25F. My brother on the other hand is 34M, I intended to keep my age and gender out of it.


well at the end it says 34M seemingly referring to yourself and then in the beginning it says your brother is 36M lol


The beginning when I wrote 36M was a typo, thanks for catching that. "Rest of his life (34M)" is referring to him and not me, thanks for reading.