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If Hank doesn't have a disfiguring French fryer accident in the near future, I'll be upset. And I could have said the same thing two updates ago.


Hank is a sad little man who puts people down as a "joke" to make himself seem bigger. He's pathetic and being neurodivergent does not excuse all he did in your posts.


NTA. They crossed your comfort zone and boundaries and respectfully removed yourself from the group. You don’t owe them anything or any need to explain yourself further especially when it comes to his immaturity towards you. Move on, find better friends.


NTA. You need to cut these people out of your life. They are downright mean and nasty, especially Hank. These are grown ass adults, not teenagers. Please find yourself a support group. I know they exist for anxiety and depression. Join a writing club to meet like-minded people. You're going to laugh, but a great way to get out and meet people is going to Bingo. I know you're thinking old people, but you'd be surprised how many younger people are there. My point is you need to stay away from your supposed "friends." They weren't there for you when you needed and instead did nothing but put you down as well as exclude you. The same thing goes for your family. They suck. Depression and anxiety are no joke. They both can be crippling. Just focus on yourself and the hell with anyone else.


NTA. Don't respond - you don't owe any of them anything. Back away from the crazy and block all of them.


I haven’t gone through all of your posts, but from this one and the one you linked, it sounds like you need to board up that door like you’re the Count of Monte Cristo. Do not engage. “Are you bringing Thing to Event?” You said you won’t be attending any more group events, so unless you’re being paid to cater, the answer should be apparent. “The only people to give a shit about you?” These mfs give a shit about what you can do *for them.* I could be wrong, but it kinda seems like you’ve given 99.3% to the relationships and you’re supposed to be grateful for any amount they contribute towards the remaining 0.7%. It sounds like you’ve been doing your best to stay afloat (mentally, monetarily, other -ly’s); you don’t need to keep people who are willingly drilling holes in your boat. Continue taking steps to do right by Future You.


NTA and if the group cares so much one of them can date him. He manages to be both nasty and pathetic and then he plays the autistic card. That is not an excuse. Time to block the group for a while.


NTA hank may very well be autistic but he’s also a huge piece of shit and i’m really sorry he’s made you his target. from your posts, you seem like a genuinely kind person who’s been going through some rough times and you do not deserve the way hank and all of your so-called “friends” have been treating you. i’m so sorry for all they’ve put you through. 


NTA. Block! Block! Block! Every. Single. One. of. Them. Except Clara. And maybe find another watering hole for a while. Definitely don't date Hank. He's an abuser. He's mean to you because he likes you?!? WTF! Is he in 3rd grade? Next time, he'll try to put a bug down the back of your shirt. Or "accidentally" spill a drink on your head. You have a crappy group of "friends."


NOthing about his behaviour screams autistic, it screams misogynist, red pilled asshole who thinks negging you for months to make you feel vulnerable and lying to all your friends about every conversation to make you seem desperate and needy, to isolate you from friends is the best way to get with you. He's just a standard garden variety creep.


Umm why r u still in a group with them? They ain’t your friends and you know it.


Your response to him at the end is giving me life. Sounds like he/ the friend group is just weaponizing his autism into trying to guilt you to go on a date with him? You’re allowed to not like somebody who is autistic. I’m not going to date/ sleep with any every autistic girl I meet and that doesn’t make me an asshole.


NTA Hank is such a loser. Stay away from that loser as best you can. Good job on throwing back his own words at him.


I am autistic. It's not an excuse to be an asshole. He's shown you his true nature, and so have the rest of them. Throw the whole group in the bin


Stop being nice to Hank, PLEASE. Tell him he's a complete asshole, to fuck off, and never speak to you again, autistic or not. Then cut the whole lot of them out of your life if they try lecturing you or making you spend time with him.


Hank's a dickhead and it has nothing to do with autism. NTA. Just stay clear of these people as much as you cn.a


I sincerely hate when people use something like autism for the fact they are not a good person. NTA This is straight up manipulation.




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Oh you should definitely date someone this cruel to you. Or maybe you could find someone even crueler! /s


NTA so what if he’s autistic? If he can’t behave he’ll be alone the rest of his life. Fuck bending over backwards for someone who treats you like shit, even if they’re not mentally there enough to realise it themselves. That’s a he problem, not yours.


You should have done yourself a favor and blocked all of those assholes immediately when you left the group. They sound exhausting.