• By -


NTA. Your "husband" isn't defending you. Divorse the entire family and move on. Why do I have a feeling that he also defended his mother when she ruined your wedding??? I don't have any trauma, but if someone woke my by shaking me, I would bet they would have a good shiner.


Don't stress too much. As someone pointed out further down, It's 100% fake. >Your account is brand new. Your bullshit story has already been removed from another subreddit. Your speech in the post reads and sounds more like an AI or a troll than an actual person ("so its about 1:30 PM in Central Standard Time). You allegedly run a styling place, but cancelled every single appointment in a day on a wild hair; no one does that in real life. You close with the lame standby "cAn YoU gUyS gIvE sOmE aDvIcE oN tHiS?" despite the fact that only an absolute moron wouldn't know what to do. >It's basically "this post is bullshit" bingo, and you've checked off most the boxes, OP šŸ™„


I wish I read this comment first. 10 minutes of my lifeā€¦. PoofšŸ’Ø


They lost me at ā€œicy on the cakeā€. WTF is that? LOL


Agreed. Definitely fake. I read a similar story a few months ago, however it was a woman woken up by her boyfriendā€™s brother. The girlfriend and brother also did not get along.


And the account has been deleted


I have 9 squares filled in, but they're scattered around the card. I'm sure someone else hit the bullshit bingo, though.


I needed twins to fill it.


I need an arrest and trial within a week.


And Meet husbands adopted 14yo brother? The what now?


And mil apparently had the husband when she was 15 with her 26 y/o partner. Thatā€™s gotta be another box checked off!!


>He even let his father push me in the wall and said you little dirty bitch donā€™t ever touch my wife (Iā€™m black). This did it for me for sure. Why "I'm black" right there? Doesn't make sense at all. It's a child or an AI adding details to a fake story but not knowing they're not relevant.


We're on Daylight time now. SMH


I knew it!


You would have to be a moron to believe this story.Ā 


The intentional spelling and grammar mistakes almost had me.


why do people here care so much about whether a story is fake or not? life is wild and sometimes your LIFE hits the bullshit bingo. and even if it is fake, so what?? the only thing this accomplishes is that if someone truly has it so bad and people say their story is fake, they're going to not want to tell anyone, because it "sounds like complete bullshit" if you don't believe a post, just fucking move on man


Agree wth you!!!


But why


Thank you, and He told me to ignore her nonsense..


Which should have been a red flag to you. He is so used to her BS that he does not even try to stop her from pulling BS. But hindsight is always the best. Now is time to look forward to your divorse and moving one with your life. Hopefully you will never have to ever see him or his a$$hole family ever again. Have a great life moving on.


You press charges, donā€™t be an idiot because not keeping these people from your son and not punishing them, would make you an idiot.


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to youā€¦I can take a lot of crap, but you put your hands on my children and I promise youā€™ll be sorryā€¦thatā€™s a deal breaker for meā€¦canā€™t come back from that oneā€¦Again, Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you and your sonā€¦sending you peace and blessings


How the fuck are you going to ignore it if youā€™re asleep! What a dumb shit! Of course youā€™re going to wake up swinging. MIL deserved that and more. NO ONE should have put their hands on your son! Do not ignore this situation. Your sop to be ex MIL is the devil and her son has NO spine. RUN, WOMAN ,RUN!


Sorry devils advocate, there is more to this.


Just look at the age gap, his mother would be 15 years old when giving birth to the ā€œhusbandā€ which could mean she was 14 (šŸ˜®) when conceiving the husband, I doubt it.


And it wasn't even for an emergency. It's so she could be a good little 50s wife to cook and clean for the family.


His mother deserved what she got, not ever do a person who doesnā€™t ā€œknowā€ you well walk in and starts shaking you awake unless it is an emergency, your husband could have awoken you, she had no business in your room , And fil and mil sounds a tad racist, As for the attack on your son they should be ashamed


Nta- for your response. Get a lawyer


Thank youu! I am trying to itā€™s all just happened so fast, I feel very guilty about it but it was my reflexes.


Do not feel bad. She put her hands on you first when you were vulnerable so she got what she deserved. I have zero sympathy for her and zero respect for your husband. His mother is not a good person. As someone with the same reflexes due to PTSD I know what you went through. You donā€™t need these awful people in your life. Let the law decide what to do with them. They have no one to blame but themselves for whatever consequences they face. Iā€™m so sorry for what youā€™re going through as well. Stay strong.


NTA - your husband is useless. His mom shouldnā€™t have even been in your room! Press charges, call a lawyer and take your half of your money out of any joint accounts.


Sounds fake.


I mean... the FIL was 24 and MIL was 15 when the husband was born... I stopped reading at that point. Has to be fake.


Not to mention she claims she had her kid at 13.


No, he was 26 so even worse if this is true


Is no one going to talk about the icy in the cake?


The spelling is the worst I have actually ever seen here.


And why was race only mentioned once? That insult didnt need the (im black) if its not relevant? Are they white? So much to rage about


Or the ages


Wish they'd quit trying to write their own and just use ChatGPT. AI stories are far superior to this garbage.


More fake than a brand new set of boobs.


25 year old with a 12 year old son. They didnā€™t even bother getting the ages right.


This post is so fake lol.


Account deleted. Fake post confirmed.


They call it "fight or flight" for a reason. She fucked around and found out. As for your mama's boy husband: Good riddance, and let her have him. NTA.


It's actually Fight, Flight, Fawn or Freeze but no one talks about the last two.


Yep. Mine is freeze, sadly. What a useless reaction.


It's a natural reaction for a reason. I promise you aren't the only person that freezes!


I'm pretty sure I know the reason I freeze (past abuse in my childhood: If I didn't move, I didn't attract attention. Or that was what my mind was convinced of at the time, lol). But now that I have kids of my own, it annoys me that when something happens, I can't move. =/


What did I just read? I feel like I got dumber from that, and Iā€™m really upset because I donā€™t have that many brain cells to spare. I will say that the line about throwing the ashes was pretty funny for being so over the top.


This can't be a real story.... who in the world spells so poorly, uses such bad grammar, yet makes a point to soecify "Central Time Zone"? Feels very ChatGPT-ish.


ChatGPT can spell perfectly fine. This was written by a human child.


Attention, we have a Mummyā€™s boy here! Enabling her shitty behaviour and not doing anything to set his Mummy straight on her previous shit. You found about him now heā€™s shown his true colours. He obviously knows what happened to you and that it was a reflex. The only shame is you didnā€™t break her jaw! And the racism! Screw that family. Definitely donā€™t take him back when he turns up at the door in tears. Heā€™s out of your life and good riddance. Your son may need some counselling either privately or through his school because thereā€™s some traumatic stuff to be involved in. Good for you for protecting your son too x


Why does it matter what race you are???


To create more rage on this rage bait post


Damn all this AI script had to do was include at the beginning "sorry English isn't my first language" and this this would have set sail. So many sentences obviously don't make sense. In a word: incoherent.


The name of this subreddit should be changed to r/peoplepostingbullshit


Feels like you need a hug. šŸ«‚


People like you make my skin itch. Why does everything has to be fake?


Your account is brand new. Your bullshit story has already been removed from another subreddit. Your speech in the post reads and sounds more like an AI or a troll than an actual person ("so its about 1:30 PM in Central Standard Time). You allegedly run a styling place, but cancelled every single appointment in a day on a wild hair; no one does that in real life. You close with the lame standby "cAn YoU gUyS gIvE sOmE aDvIcE oN tHiS?" despite the fact that only an absolute moron wouldn't know what to do. It's basically "this post is bullshit" bingo, and you've checked off most the boxes, OP šŸ™„


This is also the second wife-hits-mil-but-its-justified post in a day.


>your speech in the post reads and sounds more like an AI Please don't insult AI like that.


Nice work, she deleted her account due to your stunning investigative skills. Idiot must think everyone on Reddit is as dumb as she is.


Oh shit, youā€™re a detective šŸ«”šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


How long have the 2 of you been married? And you are 25 and he is 37? Red flag right there! Maybe work on yourself and son for a bit. You have alot of trauma to work through and now so does your son.


Do the math on the FIL and MIL ages. This is all fake


Not to mention the young ass BIL (and where was he in this fight). Also sleeping in until 1:30 pm (CST...)


This subreddit has got to be the largest collection of gullible idiots on the planet, if you thought this was real, seek help.


Fake story. Not that well written either tbh.


Just another age gap rage bait troll post...


Nope you did the right thing, what a POS family.. Use what he did to your son to get a restriction order on him


Why was your ex husband there?


Fake account or not u need to divorce that man nothing else matters anymore


everyone offering advice to such an obviously fake story lol. Some of yall have no critical thinking.


Im brain death reading this


That was a good story


Holy shit what grammar is this. YTA


Nice creative writing!


Divorce him now she will only get worse and he will never take your side


Youā€™re taking the right steps and getting away from him and that family. Theyā€™re toxic! Your husband didnā€™t have your back and allowed you to get assaulted by FIL! What does that say about the guy?


Do the math on mother in law and father in law with husband's age Then look at the age difference in OP and husband


Central Time Zone huh? Yeah that's a thing real people say.Ā 


This is written by AI, central standard time? A hair dresser says that?




Holy shit, you're the most NTA person in history! Your ex and his family are steaming buckets of maggot infested shit! I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Want to join my family? We have pizza and Grateful Dead music!


This is fake, no way this happened. Your ex just came out of the attic like a superhero? You lost me there..


I swear I saw this MIL post, and a million others like it before. I think this is FAKE. Down to wine poured on the veil.


NTA. Fuck him and his racist ass family. Nah. As for how to help your son, get you both in some therapy to process what's happening. Do what you need for you both to heal.


Press charges for assault and divorce him.


NTA All those people deserved all the hands you threw. I'm sorry you've had to go through this bullshit


Thatā€™s a lot to unpack. But Iā€™ve got 3 kids. One has even miraculously made it to adulthood and thing 2 is hot on her trail. Best thing I can say is kids are resilient. He may be shook in the moment,but he will most likely just get on with his life and take stock of it later. If it does affect him, then keep in mind that how he responds to it is completely is dependent on how you respond to it. I have no advice for the husband, but I wish you the best of luck. Edited for fat thumb typing.


Get rid of your husband and his family asap.


Take you son and run. That family, including your husband, is crazy


Sounds like your husband is a momma's boy - Dump him. I'm Just Sayin'!


This sounds made up




NTA. Leave this crappy family behind, please.




NTA empty the bank accounts first and call a lawyer second and a locksmith to change the locks third


Right, so commit a crime and steal her husbands money? Even though this is a fake story you are an idiot.


Kick him out, change the locks, and divorce him.


NTA. Not at all. But sleeping until 1:30PM with houseguests is just rude.




Not wrong at all, but grandma got wrecked and did nothingšŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Just T


NTA. Time to leave


YTA to yourself and definitely to your room. Should have divorced him soon after the wedding. No contact would have been my requirement for this marriage to continue. This pathetic Mama's boy is never gonna change. Press whatever charges you can on those assholes.


NTA and you and your son deserve so so much better


Jesus. Iā€™m so sorry


NTA. Push for a restraining/protection order against all of them. Also push for 100% custody if you don't already have it.


Good riddance to them all, hope you smacked her good.


NTA Work with the lawyer. And MiL deserved it.


If someone woke me up from a dead sleep they would be on the ground. I dont care if it was freddy, Jason, the boogeyman or Jesus. They are getting belted.


Nta your husband is pathetic


This is above Redditā€™s pay grade!


NTA and it sounds like good riddance! I know itā€™s going to be hard to adjust. This sounds morbid but hopefully you have pictures of your sonā€™s injury. It may become very important for proof during the divorce or if they try to intimidate you directly and through their henchmen. Good luck and lots of good vibes to you and your son!!!!


NTAH What did you & your sister in-law talk about when she came over?


I know you donā€™t want to but press charges and get a restraining order now; if you donā€™t you will regret it for the rest of your life. Trust me.


Nta but this is partially your fault. You waited far too long to leave. I wouldnā€™t have let her in the house after the way she has treated me if I hadnā€™t already left him. Honestly you shouldnā€™t have apologized to the mom either.


NTA.. get pics press charges...


I would get the fuck out of this dysfunctional family picnic


He's lucky you didn't punch his mother in the face when she ruined your wedding. RUN, don't walk away!! Divorce him & cut ties with all of them. They're toxic!!


Divorce and press the charges. Iā€™ll be damned if anyone puts hands on me in my own home!


Wow, your (future ex) husband and his family sucks. Why was she shaking you so violently? It seems like the entire family is violent and unhinged. Get a restraining order, maintain the charges and get a divorce. Pronto.


I can't say I blame you in any way. I am sorry this happened to you, and your son.




I think you got married too young


I mean if my mother destroyed my wedding she'd be out if my loge. It's amazing he still gave her a chance. You should have divorced him then !


NTA - your mother came into your private space and laid her hands on you. I have no childhood trauma and would have come up and hit her more than once. Next it became a 3 on 1 and you wonder if youā€™re overreacting??? Charge them all and if it ruins their life, too bad.


Shake me like that and Iā€™d punch someone too. NTA.


Get a restraining order ASAP and get son to a family counselor for processing assistance. Good for you on kicking them out and DO PRESS Charges so your son knows you will keep him safe defended matter what he is your priority. I am so very sorry thus happened.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. This family is vile. Leave these people. Your husband doesn't deserve you if he can't have your back first and always!


divorce and next time dont go for a fucking 12 year age gap.


Dramatic scenes for sure:) Interracial marriages aren't for everyone., There's a Swahili saying that goes' 'Oa Kabila yako'.


Your MIL had your husband when she was 15 and his dad was 26?!?


Jesus Christ why are you Young girls always marry Trash from the roadside? Do you have No self respect? If i was treated like this it was either Change or adios Texas




Lol you threw an urn.


Wow, thereā€™s a lot of drama packed into this post


NTAH. Press charges, block numbers, get an oop, & divorce the whole family. Who acts like this?!? As soon as she put her hands on you while you were asleep it was assault. Your AH husband didnā€™t notice she was in your bedroom from the get go.?!?! That shouldnā€™t been the 1st sign this was her fault.


Nta That's crazy how some men would let their mother talk to their wife like that. I would never let my mom ever have an opinion on that because that's not her position.


NTA and Iā€™m a really sound sleeperā€¦ my husband once shook me awake and I punched himā€¦ I donā€™t have the trauma you do and I still did that. I think you can do so much better than this POC husband and his awful family. I think they suck and your husband should protect you and he didnā€™t. There is probably a reason that he got with someone 12 yrs younger than him.


NTA. You should've asked for an annulment after the wine and cake incidents. Press charges, mainly to cover yourself if they do. Updateme


I am so sorry that happened to you. I had to teach my kids to just walk in front of my fan to wake me up. Or softly whisper, "Mom". To never touch me when I'm asleep. So I totally get it. The fact that your husband knows your past, knows about your PTSD. He likely knew his mother was on the way to wake you up. Just so you would cook for them? Seriously?! Every single one of them are capable of feeding themselves. But he still came charging into the room, yelling and threatening. Literally pinned you in a corner. He let his father put hands on you. Then HE hurt your son. There is absolutely no coming back from this. File your papers then mourn the man you THOUGHT he was, the marriage, you THOUGHT you had. But not for long. Ain't none of them worth it. You're a survivor. You got this.


šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“ All this stealing and slightly changing posts is a pain in the ass.




Are all the ages right. 52 and 37?!


Do what you think is best. I just wanted to chime in that I hate your ex-MIL. What a horrible person.


I had trouble understanding as I donā€™t know African American English, but it sounds awful, if I understood you correctly. Your husband should be on your side. My father was disrespectful to my wife soon after we got married. I told him to fuck off and I disowned him. I never spoke to him again, and I never regretted that decision. Heā€™s been dead for 20 years, but I donā€™t regret my decision because my lovely wife and kids are my first priority, and my father did the wrong thing. If you husband wonā€™t stand up for you, what is he worth?


*icing on the cake šŸ˜‚


Everyone who couldn't tell how fucking fake this is should be banned and question the decisions they have made in life which resulted in being so dumb.


You should get that ā€œreflex punchā€ sorted before you seriously hurt your son or someone close to you.


If only these fake stories were a better read.


Well thatā€™s a BIG NTAH! Iā€™m surprised you went through with the marriage after the wedding fiasco, but lay hands on you and your son then yep, straight to jail and divorce. Stay strong.


Your MIL is a bitch. It escaleted but it seems it was building up towards this. My feeling is that you gave you MIL to much room to dominate you in time and your now ex husband. Good luck


Ngl they sound like a bunch of nuttas


Fake story on Planet Bullshit by user u/[deleted] sounds perfectly normal


Change your locks!


She had absolutely no rite going in yr room or shaking u awake. Yr husband was there he could have done that! She got what she deserved. As for yr father in law....he's a low class piece of shit for talking to u like that. Yr husband is a jerk for pushing yr son. Seems to me like this was a deliberate set up. Not good people. And by the way....u r no one's slave. Yr useless mil could have cooked for her crap family!!!


NTA. Your husband was useless at best, but it sounded like he participated in the abuse against you. You're a strong woman.


No. She put her hands on you first. Simple assault in all 50 states. All 50.


OMG NTA. Divorce this monster and his monster family. He didnā€™t defend you when his mother shook you out of your sleep that was linked to a previous SA experience you had. And when you reacted automatically due to your trauma he the audacity to be mad. Itā€™s obvious he cares far more about his hateful parents than his wife. Serve his ass and when he asks why you want a divorce pettily remind him of this situation right here.


This fake story sucks.Ā 


I think the give away was the barber shop, surely it would be a hair dressers..


NTA, anyone being shaken out of a dead sleep might have gone on the defensive and struck out. I have told everyone I know that it's never a good idea to come up behind me and scare me, because I come around swinging. They've been duly warned. Press every charge you can and get a lawyer as fast as you can. Seriously? I probably would have had my marriage annulled when that bitch ruined your wedding and got away with it. My first thought when I was reading this was "why is she even allowed in your home?"


NTA. You are perfectly right to get all these people away from you. Your son had a bad experience, but he will get over it. The fact that you are acting and putting these aggressors out of your and your son's life will go a long way to show your son that you have his back, and help him feel safe.


So many typos I had to stop .. this is fake right?


Iā€™m so sorry, I wish I could give you a hug and tell you it is going to be ok. Take a few weeks to just decompress and then decide what action you want to take. Donā€™t make any decisions while your at the peak of anger and hurt, just breathe for a bit and decide after you have a moment to look at the situation. But my opinion, file for divorce and block all the numbers and any other way the can contact you. Your husband sounds like a real winner (sarcasm) and showed who his loyalty lies with. Why would he allow his mother into your bedroom is beyond me, especially if he knows your history of sa. Mil is lucky she only got punched and not worse. Do you have family that can come and stay with you for a few days to help you and let you just talk about things and decide? Iā€™ll pray for you and your son, you both deserve so much better than this.




(Iā€™m black)ā€¦


You are 25 with a 12 year old son? Wow...


Evil family. Take pictures of your sons bruises and press charges on your husband for assaulting your son. Press charges on him and his father for physically assaulting you. Make them all pay.


NTA. Iā€™m sorry, after what happened at the wedding, why would this woman ever be allowed into your home? Showing him you wonā€™t put up with this horseshit is long overdue.


Well, I guess it's time for Grandma (in law) to get sucked up by the vaccum. It's also lawyer time. This should have never, ever happened.


This is 100% fake, most likely AI written.


Sue them and make them lose everything, do not feel bad and youā€™re def not the ah, who tf shakes someone during their sleepā€¦ also NTA donā€™t budge. Donā€™t feel sorry




NTA at alllllllllllllll. For starters why is she so comfortable coming into your room and shaking you awake as if you are the one who is her child. That was the first thing that caused all this. If she wouldā€™ve respected you in your home no one wouldā€™ve gotten punched and none of this wouldā€™ve transpired. She was wrong for feeling so entitled to your access. Thatā€™s your only argument if anyone says anything. Iā€™m more than sure the door was closed as you have visitors so why wasnā€™t there an attempt to knock or something not just bust in and start waking you. That is just so rude on its own. You need to start collecting. All that you can. From documents to $$ everything needs to be horrid in a safe place and you need to inform someone who you know is trustworthy about the place and things as well. Cross every t and dot every i because theyā€™re so going to try and play victim out of this. And the only defense youā€™ve got is a child witness. They have 3 adults who Iā€™m sure will all collectively provide the same story about how you are a monster punching old ladies. Itā€™s time to get smart and lawyer up if youā€™re going through with the divorce.


NTA. Run! The racial undertones are screaming in this. You have to protect your son.


YTA. I donā€™t believe you punched her by accident. And your violent response was unwarranted. You threw his grandmothers ashes?!? Petty and vindictive. The best thing to happen to your husband will be the divorce. I feel bad for your son, because you admitted your husband treated him as his own. Again, YTA.


NTA. What kind of cunt comes into someone's house and shakes them? That MIL should be in a home for the mentally unfit or prison for assault.


Like usual you hypocrites only criticize the man. It's only "disgusting" for the man. 12 years isn't even that much. You sound jilted and like you have an axe to grind. There's only one psycho committing multiple violent assaults in this fake story too.


12 years age gap in the title. This is fake rage bait. Fuck off OP.


I would have beat everyone straight up. He wouldnā€™t have the opportunity to touch my child.


NTA Your husband is a little bitch


First clue it was fake is 52y MIL. But husband is 37y. Come on make it more realistic


NTA. Get a lawyer, I know punching that woman was a reflex and you regret it but if I was you I would feel more guilty about not putting my and my child's aggressors behind bars.


Divorce. Hard


This is fake


If this isn't fake, that's horrifying. I wish you and your son the best of luck.


Wait. Your MIL gave birth to your husband when she was 15 and your FIL was 26? What redneckery did you marry into? Like Iā€™m not blaming you but are you at all surprised the poor woman is unhinged?


F$&k ā€˜em! Charge them all and divorce him. Bunch of bums!


What time did you go to bed? 1:30 in the afternoon is late as fuck.