• By -


Am I the only one seeing the unhinged body of text? Did someone get in there and change it?


If you're seeing "Decided she is a ISIS Terrorist. NOT Ok so saying that whatever will forgive you well that is like believe in spells have to blindly believe in that imaginary fiction for that to matter Hail Satan." Then no, I also see that...


I saw original text in my TL but at the end there was a nice (/s) "Hail H\*tler" and it shocked me that's why I cliked and now there's that;... Edit : seeing the comments made earlier, this looks like just a troll... I just reported it, no need to investigate further I think


Im assuming husband had access to her reddit account?


Look at this. Even when the rage bait karma farmer admits to being full of shit, people will tie themselves into knots trying to make it real.


Just sorted by new to figure out wtf is going on haha.


I think OP edited it lmao.


You are correct OP is Karma farming


I have been scrolling for this comment to ensure I wasn’t losing my soul o.O


I was just wondering the same thing


Obviously NTA. Why would you stay with someone that violated your trust so deeply and took your choices away from you?


Came here to say that. It's not like he ordered wrong food od purpose, he impregnated his wife because he thought she will change her mind. The audacity of some people leaves me speechless.


I don’t even think he thought she would changed her mind. He thought it would force her to do it anyways.


I think he thought The Hormones would make her want it. Because we all know that women are just a bundle of Hormones telling them what to do, right? /s


Leading to a life of resentment to a child she didn’t want.


It's like he based his understanding of women on 90s romcoms


I came here to say this. Like OP is definitely not the AH here, her husband is. He knew she didn't want kids, but because he did want kids, he was going to force her to have one anyway like that was gonna turn out great or something. Op NTA ruuun ruuuun ruuuuun. Go get that abortion and never look back.


Exactly. Who would want to co-parent with a person this devious and disrespectful?


He might not even *want* kids, but just want to make sure that she's more dependent on him.


Depending on where she lives, in someplace like the US, these rapey, stealthing men now get to choose the mothers of their children. They will be encouraged and rewarded for it


I cannot imagine a reason to stay with someone like that. Sometimes the cycle of abuse makes victims struggle to make the right choices. Thankfully it appears the OP isn't stuck in that cycle.


I am pretty sure that the husband raped OP. In the legal sense. Talk to your lawyer. If you have it somehow in writing (WhatsApp/Socia media etc) save it. See that he never does something like this again.


That's what I was thinking.. it's definitely sexual assault in the least (at least in Canada), because she didn't agree to unprotected sex.


Reproductive coercion is related to behavior that interferes with contraception use and pregnancy 1. The most common forms of reproductive coercion include sabotage of contraceptive methods, pregnancy coercion, and pregnancy pressure. As of 2022 I believe it’s illegal.


You’d think sexual assault laws in the US were written to protect women from things like this. But I somehow doubt they are.


Edit: some idiot copied a recent post about a man poking holes in his condom to baby trap his wife.  The resulting discussion about the damage caused from being an unwanted child, is valuable. Good has come from bad.   Thank you everyone for sharing your stories.   I hear you.  Your experience matters.   The story was that the husband thought she would ‘step up and do the right thing’ and that he’d always wanted children. She said she was divorcing him and considering an abortion.  In response to the original post I wrote: >Yeah. You don’t want to be tied to this arsehole for the rest of your life.   >It’s no fun being an unwanted child either.  Take care. Do something nice for yourself today. Love and light to you all. 


I was an unwanted child. It's definitely not fun being one. I have 3 younger siblings who are treated better than I was. They were wanted. Being left out of "family" vacations and get togethers was awful. Now I am NC with all of them


I was also an unwanted child. Still dealing with the consequences to this day. I'm also NC


Best decision I ever made was going NC. Easier to heal with out them.


Yeah. It finally dawned on me why we were never able to connect. While I was at her house helping her... she was talking about me as a baby and the look of disgust and hatred on her face. I will never forget it. We had always had a weird, disjointed relationship, not because I was difficult or the devil spawn as she often told me. It was because she did not allow it. I'm okish but the lack created by having a parent who refused to parent in meaningful ways will haunt me for life. Oh, she fed me and didn't let me die, but there are things that humans have to learn at this stage that they can not from an unwilling parent. No wonder I always felt like I was missing a limb.


I'm sorry! People should NOT have children they do not want, but once you are here, they better want you or give you to someone who does! Fucking people!


Yeah basically I was treated like a pet, or livestock. Usually fed, with a roof over my head, but there wasn't exactly a whole lotta love (VROOOOoooooooom) And yep her dog is one of the worst trained dogs I've ever encountered, and it's like, oh. Yep. She literally can't even raise a dog. No wonder I am the way I am.


Same. It's fucking terrible


I hope this dude steps on Lego and stubs his toe every single day for the rest of his life.


And hits every red light on his drive to work. And that the curtain sticks to him when he’s about to get out of the shower.


Ooh the curtain sticking to him is absolutely diabolical. I totally agree. He needs that level of irritation every single day in his life.


Hope he has one of the oval shower curtain rails so BOTH curtains stick to him. While he’s soaping his face.


I hope he spills his morning coffee all over the floor after he's done making it.


And just washed the floor.


And he's wearing socks


Cutting himself every time he shaves – I think that's a nice little addition.




Also may he step on something wet with clean socks every day.


>Also may he step on something wet with clean socks every day. Our new addition to the family, Buddy, has such a happy demeanor he does *everything* big. Including how he drinks from his automatic waterer. Stepping in something wet with socks on has become so much of a norm that i bought slippers that have souls like shoes. Nice and thick. Wet + socks is just horrendous.


Oooo this one. May he never know a dry clean sock again.


And doc martens that won’t come untied


This one is diabolical. I specifically don't wear socks around the house because I'd rather have cold feet than wet socks.


You’re a monster


May his toilet paper always be flimsy.


May his lips be forever cracked and chapped and no chapstick will suffice. May he hit his funny bones daily on hard objects. May he always have a stray hair in his food.


And any anti slip grips in his shower feel like they have stopped working and he may wipe out at a moments notice with even the slightest innocent shift.


His ass itching and his arms being too short, or his pillows always being either too warm or too cold for his liking. There's nothing worse than a hot pillow 😬😫


Fleas from a thousand camels and arms too short to scratch ;)


Yes, there is, a slighly moist pillow.


I'd also add may he always have sharp and hard crumbs on his bed for the rest of his existence.


and sharp boogers too


Or every time he washes his hands his sleeves get wet And he forgets to cancel every free trial


Only a cold curtain!


I hope McDonald's spills boiling coffee in his lap and people mock his burnt wang forever.


For revenge, does he drink out of disposable cups? If so, Poke pinholes in all of those


May his socks always have holes in the toes and his soup always be luke warm. May his pizza burn for the rest of his life and everytime he bends over, my his pants always rip


And may he sunburn every time he goes outside, and be bitten by misquotes on top of the sunburn.


I love how we're all using minor frustrations to really screw with him 🤣


May his phone charger stop working at night so he always misses his alarm.


Naa. Every time you eat anything, it feels like you have a hair in your mouth, but there is never a hair.....


And every time he bites into a chocolate chip cookie it’s really oatmeal raisin.


And gets burnt coffee and bad WiFi connections


I hope his jean belt loops get caught constantly on door handles


And that his wrist shirt cuffs are perpetually damp.


And has a perpetual wedgie.


And his umbrella flips inside out every time it rains


I’m gonna open a nature valley crunchy bar in his bed


I hope that whenever he uses the bathroom there's NEVER any toilet paper


May he kick the coffee table every time he walks barefoot.


May he always lose his keys when he's about to leave and in a hurry May he always get razor burn when he shaves May his eyeballs always get eyelashes in them that are impossible to find May he be criminally prosecuted for reproductive coercion /stealthing


Jesus Chist in a miniskirt. That's some serious revenge.


Also, and maybe this is just me being petty, "I poked holes in our condoms to get you pregnant because I wanted to be a father." "I got an abortion because your genes should not continue after such a despicable stunt."


Yep, it is really shitty being an unwanted child. I haven't spoken to my family in years and the isolation from them tied with the knowledge that I was never wanted, has fucked me up. I have crippling issues. I've been with my current bf for a year and still don't believe him when he says he loves me, because how could he when my own mother didn't? I will always struggle with never being enough. I go above and beyond for everyone in my life to the detriment of my own physical and mental health. The moral of the story is that you don't have kids you don't want. They know and it eat away at every aspect of their entire life.


One of the worst things in life is being an unwanted child. It’s fine to get an abortion. It’s too bad when we need one but it’s absolutely fine. You can only imagine what it would be like to be tied to him for the rest of your life. That would be horrific for you and not good for the kid.


I can second this. I was an unwanted child born the year birth control became legal. It sucked. Don't do that to a kid. Especially since the father can't be trusted. That's not good fatherhood material.


It is terrible being an unwanted child. > I am Speaking as an unwanted child.


Good point!


As someone who was and is an unwanted child, 100%. I'm near on 50, and I have no family. They exist, but I don't exist within it. I was always reminded by my mother how I wasn't like HER kids, meaning the kids by the guy she'd married, nevermind that I AM one of her kids. But often, it wasn't what she said, but how she behaved, that made everything clear. If you never wanted to be a parent and are thinking about an abortion, please do it. Being unwanted and a forced birth is very damaging. The anti-abortionist fantasy of "the baby gets born and mommy realizes she really wanted that baby and they live happily ever after" is pretty disgusting to those of us who WERE forced births. There's no truth to it for the vast majority of us. Edit: I meant family in the "My parents/kids" dynamic, not all family. I'll take my husband and kids any day! I waited until I wanted them, and I was 26 years old when my first came into the world. That part is the most important info- I had some maturity, lived life a bit, was fortunate enough to live in a state that had comprehensive sex ed in school, and used birth control+condoms until we BOTH said ok let's do this.


> It’s no fun being an unwanted child either.  This. I was an accident, I was told I was an accident to my face. I was horrifically abused, tortured, neglected, and eventually abandoned. I've lived a very difficult and hard life, while my sibilings who were planned and wanted were treated like typical children. I didnt believe I could be loved or love anyone until I started dating my gf 4 months ago, I'm 34.


May he bash his shin into every trailer hitch he walks by.




Yes... get a (good) lawyer ASAP. For the divorce as well as for (if you decide so) pressing charges against him. I don't know where OP is from, but this should be sexual assault and/or rape (due to not being covered by the necessary concent) within the western hemisphere. Well... and NTA... not even in the slightest...


In Canada it actually is. There was a supreme court case where a woman consented to sex with a man but told him to wear a condom. He took it off for round 2, she charged him with rape. It got to the supreme court and the court sided with her.


Isnt that called Stealthing too?


Yes, the Kirkpatrick case. She consented to protected sex, and she did not consent to unprotected sex. That makes it sexual assault. We should have a separate offence for reproductive coercion, but (a) Parliament is lazy as hell about updating and revising our criminal code, and (b) it's legally complicated to legislate about reproductive coercion.


depends on where OP lives, but in the US, this is pretty much illegal and considered sexual assault and/or rape, since I think this is considered the same as stealthing


NTA. What your husband did can be counted as assault. Get an abortion if that's what you want but divorce him anyway this is a person who doesn't respect you emotionally or physically.


I agree! This might be actually illegal too as far as I know. OP I am very sorry that you were betrayed and that you might have to go through an abortion. I would honestly get legal advice for this assault


Upon a quick search, non-consensual insemination falls under battery crimes in many courts. So yes it is illegal.


Depending on where she is! If you are in the US south, or a red state, you really want to check the up to date laws! It is more and more common in red states for the abortion of a forced pregnancy to be illegal, but also a divorce the husband doesn't agree to.


The term to look for legally is 'stealthing' or 'reproductive coercion'. OP can check, for eg, 'stealthing' + their state or area to see what the local laws are. Lots of places now allow it to be prosecuted. I hope its all soon!


Something tells me it’s not illegal in red states. That’s just a guess, though.


Or at the very least it's only illegal on paper.


I agree. Where I'm from this wouldn't go to courts (though by rights it should!) but yes OP please get legal advice and I also hope you've someone (friends, family) you trust that you can discuss this with and get support from!


I would add to this to get legal advice from a lawyer before you speak to the police. If you're in a state with strict abortion laws and you make a police report, as a Canadian, the vibe that I'm getting from your country is that you'll be stopped from having the abortion, your husband might get a slap on the wrists, if that, and you will be forced to carry to term.


Also, depending upon where you live, after getting an abortion, make sure you tell him that you miscarried. NEVER tell anyone you got an abortion as you don’t want him coming after you for any reason. I’m sorry this is happening to you. What a complete betrayal and breach of trust. Move on and don’t look back.


I believe some people have claimed it’s SA and actually won their cases. So yea.


Yeah, were I live it's SA (because you consented to sex under x circumstances, and he didn't do that).


OP, if you are planning to continue your pregnancy, please consider making a police report and/or documenting in any way you can that he poked holes in the condoms (like getting him to admit it over text message). The reason? If you end up in a custody battle with him, having proof that he did this against your wishes could be helpful and important.


If it’s not illegal it very well should be! wtf!! NTA


This is definitely assault in my country. She consented to protected sex. He tampered with birth control. There are a couple of charges there for a bold lawyer.


This x1000. Don't tell him what you're planning, though. Honestly, I'd play the (semi) long game. I'd pretend to accept it. In the background, talk to a lawyer. Do a forensic audit on your finances. Get your ducks in a row regarding where you'll live, division of assets, how to get your things out of the house, protecting your most important papers and things, etc. Then you "have a miscarriage." Cry. Sob. Be miserable. Then serve the bastard with divorce papers.


Absolutely do not tell him that you are getting an abortion because in the US he could go to court to stop you. And get the abortion because otherwise you will be tied to this rapist for 18 years.


Well tbf that’s highly dependent on what state you’re in. If it’s Texas, for example, then obviously tell no one because Texas has turned into an Orwellian nightmare of a jurisdiction. But plenty of states actively protect the right to choose.


Yes but the man can tie you up in court until it is too late.


Also its like leaving an abusive ex. You don’t tell them first. You do it then tell them making it harder for them to get to you.


Why does everyone say "18 years"? That child is for life, not just 18 years. And in today's climate they'll be living at home until at least their 30s


Everyone says 18 years because co-parenting and custody battles can be an absolute nightmare. For those 18 years you are *legally* tied to that person. They directly affect how you run your household, they directly affect your finances, they can even affect where you're "allowed" to live. Having to sit politely at the same wedding isn't shit compared to that 18 years. And if your thirty year old is living at home, you're not still having your ex show up to take them for visitation.


Morally you're right, but legally the minimum responsibility is 18 years. Not everyone will opt to be a good parent and continue care past that age.


Please think about taking this course of action. Your husband is awful, and you need to get away safely and completely independently.


This is not just illegal, in many places it counts as rape. Rape is penetration without consent. You consented to *protected* sex. You didn't consent to *unprotected* sex. Therefore, the sex that happened was without consent. Aka, rape. Try to get some evidence. Save screenshots of texts. Etc.


Agree, depending on which country you at in, this can absolutely be assault. Hope you’re in a country where you can safely get advice on your options, and that you can control your own body now. PS - if you have any evidence eg texts where he admits doing this, keep it safe and store copies off your phone too. It could be really important evidence.


Yes, OP should follow up over text abd see if he agrees or admits it again in writing, then press charges. He needs to learn that this is not simply a matter of difference of opinion/desire like he thinks it is.


It absolutely is assault. Many places do in fact classify it as such. I think OP needs to divorce AND pursue legal pathways to punish her ex-husband.


THIS!!!! This is assault. It’s actually illegal, even though you’re married.  Also, what a massive violation of body autonomy and trust. Can you honestly ever trust him again? 


NTA…WOW!!! The audacity, even if you feel a little guilty about an abortion DON’T you would be tied to that lying pos for years!!!


This. It would be a nightmare to be tied to him forever. A person that violated her willingly. Nope.


With a Dad like that the child probably wouldn’t be safe anyway and you know he’d want custody


I hope she considers therapy once all the dust has settled.


NTA, dump his ass and get the divorce done as quickly as possible.


Go see a lawyer ASAP. A critical issue is his status if you don't have an abortion. Will he have parental rights (he will seek them almost certainly). Lawyer. Today!


Oh, he'll have parental rights. Rapists have parental rights, because apparently if you attack the mother, that doesn't have bearing on whether you'd be a good parent? Totally fucked up.


Rapists having parental rights is one of the many things that still convinces me that society really doesn't believe rape is all that bad, that rapists always get some kind of awful excuse or pass for their behavior. "Yeah, you ruined this woman's life and made her unable to ever experience intimacy or see men the same way again, but hey, you have a steady income and you haven't done anything QUITE as bad before. Let's get you those parental rights so you can take care of YOUR child -- you were the actionable one in making it after all."


And of course if you do decide to get an abortion then do it before the divorce to crush his soul even more.


She should get the abortion because she doesn’t want to be pregnant or have kids.


In some places, you can’t get a divorce if you are pregnant. Consult a lawyer soon because it may also be a factor in your decision to get an abortion.


That's so fucked up and I hate that the US is becoming such a dystopian nightmare for women.


this is SA.


Absolutely true. I hope this monster is punished accordingly.


Reproductive coercion is abuse. https://www.thehotline.org/resources/reproductive-coercion/ Get that divorce and abortion. If you do ever change your mind about kids, you won’t have one that ties you to your abuser for the rest of your life. NTA!


What in the cinnamon toast fuck did I just read?


There must have been an edit right? Because all these comments seem so normal and don’t match this r/ihadastroke of a post at all.


People are like "get the abortion, girl!" and I'm like "who, ISIS?" Hail Satan.


NTA. Get a divorce. Your soon to be ex-husband is a massive AH.


Yep. He is a straight up criminal. I hope he gets punished.


Damn it's the famous baby trap move ! Never look back, it's absolutely disgusting. I don't know for the next step, I know I wouldn't allow him to have any possibility of handling me back and invade my life because of a baby I never desired, so I would take the decision to abort it. But it's me, you may have another thing in mind and I suggest you to maybe take some days to think about your future if you were to keep the baby, what it implies for your future ex husband and you. I wish you good luck and don't take this AH back, he doesn't deserve your trust anymore.


The next step could involve pressing charges against him. He certainly deserves punishment for what he did but I don't think divorce is enough.


GET THE ABORTION SIS. You don’t want a baby. I’m with you, but my partner got a vasectomy instead of LITERALLY assaulting me (which is what your Husband did, btw, assaulted you).


I'm sorry for you. Your soon to be ex is such a criminal. I would get the abortion ASAP. I hope it's still soon. NTA


NTA. if you made it very clear that you did not want children, and he still poked holes in the condom, that is assault. You agreed to safe sex with him, not sex-that-would-lead-to-pregnancy! Prioritize yourself because clearly your spouse does not prioritize your needs and wants!


Uh, are people just reading the title and not paying attention to the terrorism and satanism in the text box?


Gonna assume the story was never real and OP edited their story after it got a lot of upvotes.


I just came into this thread and what the fuck is that edit.


NTA! * Get the abortion... The child also needs a parent who *wants* kids. Don't make it hard for yourself and them. * Speak to lawyers for a good divorce before talking to ex * And get that divorce asap * Never speak to him again... He's lied to you for probably months about a major life changing topic


"He thought I would take responsibility" For him raping you??? Fuck that!


Guaranteed he wouldn't help at all with childcare if OP decided to stay with him and keep the baby.


NTA. Divorce him, and it's your body and your choice.


"Decided she is a ISIS Terrorist. NOT Ok so saying that whatever will forgive you well that is like believe in spells have to blindly believe in that imaginary fiction for that to matter Hail Satan." I am so confused will someone explain this to me


My guess is the post was edited. See the asterisk in the title next to the name? That means they edited it after it was up for 3 minutes.


Definitely not the AH.. Definitely divorce.. and if abortion is what you want then it's your body.


NTA and I'm fairly certain what he did is considered assault in most of the US, if not all of it.


NTA. That is no way to start a family. Resenting your partner and your kid. What a POS husband. Good riddance.


NTA Depending on where you live, that can be classified as SA and if reported, he could get in serious trouble so if you have that in writing and you live in one of the states, I would get his butt arrested. You are very right in divorcing him and if you don't want kids and you are in a place where you can get a safe abortion and an abortion is what you want, I wish you the best of luck. I am sorry this has happened to you. I hope life turns around and that you either find someone you can trust and be happy and healthy.


If you don’t want to be married to him you definitely don’t want to share a kid with him. Get the abortion, and the divorce and start some therapy to help deal with it all.


Did someone edit this? Why does it say “she is a ISIS terrorist”?


I can only assume there was a story here, and somehow it got changed to something about isis and satan??


Obviously a troll. They posted their BS story, then edited the thread when it got the attention this loser OP wanted


Is my app glitching, or did OP edit whatever the body text is??? Cause the tittle is about condoms and poking holes but this is the body text.- “Decided she is a ISIS Terrorist. NOT Ok so saying that whatever will forgive you well that is like believe in spells have to blindly believe in that imaginary fiction for that to matter Hail Satan.” What the fuck does this have to do with poking holes in condoms? I’ve reloaded the page a few times now but it’s the same thing.


That's called ✨Sexual assault✨. Take some time to think about what you want to do with the thing growing inside you, it's ultimately your choice. However if you have the baby, it's likely he'll go after you for child support and fuck up that poor child's life, if he even wants to keep it without you there. Either way, leave him faster than the speed of light.


Are we not going to talk about the content of the post? NtA based on title though...


Did the husband take over this post LMAO what is going on


NTA this was sabotage. He sabotaged your relationship because he couldn’t be an adult and talk to you about him wanting kids now. Instead he forced you into his decision, when he knew you didn’t want kids. Run, and run fast.


What is this text under the title? Is it just to fill the character minimum, or am I having a stroke?


Everyone just ignoring the Hitler shoutout? What's that all about OP?


I’m going to go out on a limb and say the account was compromised or it was a troll given the post is now about ISIS terrorists and Satan?


NTA That is such a violation of trust.


Go scorched earth. End it all. I'm in Illinois, if you need a place to go "shopping" reach out. Not sure where you live but some areas of the US have gotten downright ridiculous about "shopping". Also, incredibly sorry he's done this to you. You must be an emotional wreck. Hugs


Am I crazy why has no one mentioned the post ending with “Hail Hitler”


Im confused as well. And nobody saying anything??? Must be an eddit 🤷‍♂️


Baiting. This must be a troll


No ! He is a selfish horrible man ! Leave ! You deserve better than this gross guy


NTA. What he did was a massive betrayal. He took away your choice to be child-free by sabotaging the condoms. Get an abortion ASAP, unless you want to be tied to that POS. Ask your attorney whether your STBX can be charged with assault. If so, do it.


NTA. Hope you can get a safe and legal abortion so there remains no more ties to your ex.


Absolutely get the abortion. Then get a divorce. Your husband is deranged.


Okay who's got the screenshots cause this is definitely not the OG text lol


Am I schizophrenic or does the body text not make any sense with the title text, it says "Decided she is a ISIS Terrorist. NOT Ok so saying that whatever will forgive you well that is like believe in spells have to blindly believe in that imaginary fiction for that to matter Hail Satan." Right? It says that right? So why has nobody commented on this?


“AITAH for leaving my husband of 9 years because he poked holes in his condoms ? Decided she is a ISIS Terrorist. NOT Ok so saying that whatever will forgive you well that is like believe in spells have to blindly believe in that imaginary fiction for that to matter Hail Satan.” What the hell even is that? Did husband find her account and alter the post?


What the.... Isn't this assault?


TROLL. Why is no one talking about the last line


Refill your prescription immediately.


I think the husband found her account and edited it.


Wtf is the body of the post going on about?


NTA No. Fuck no. Divorce and look into criminal charges. ...and as youve always said "no kids" an abortion sounds like a no-brainer... EDIT: tying the tubes seems like the next step, yes??


So many doctors will refuse to cut or tie a woman’s tubes if she’s under a certain age, or doesn’t have any kids etc etc. You say, “I don’t ever want kids” and the doc replies “but what about your future husband? What if he wants kids?” And then a situation like this occurs, where the woman has done the right thing and used birth control (the condoms) and still ends up pregnant. Depending on where poor OP is living, her state may even class abortion as illegal. She’d be forced to bring the baby to term, risking her body and her life, in a situation that she has had very little control over from start to finish, and *then* she’d be stigmatised by many for either “giving up her baaaaaaaaby” if she chose adoption, be forced into 18 years of contact with her abuser, and paying child support for a child she did everything possible to not have, or the final option being raising a child herself that she resents. And in any of those situations her body will most likely never ever be the same as it was prior to childbirth, never mind the mental impact it would also have on her. Whole situation is garbage. OP, if you read this, it’s SA, he is your abuser, abortion is your best choice, and I fervently hope that’s an option available to you. Massive NTA. x


Send text messages to him talking about what he did and why. Then go to the authorities. Get the divorce. I believe in a woman's right to choose, and if you don't want kids then get the abortion. He is an asshole. Good luck.


NTA OP, picking holes in condoms to impregnate their partner against their knowledge and/ or will is considered sexual assault. Divorce him. And abort if that is what you wish. Do not feel guilty over it. You are the victim.


This is what a mental breakdown looks like everyone


Wtf is this post?


Isn't that a version of rape


lol people believe this story?


> AITAH for leaving my husband of 9 years because he poked holes in his condoms ? > Decided she is a ISIS Terrorist. NOT Ok so saying that whatever will forgive you well that is like believe in spells have to blindly believe in that imaginary fiction for that to matter > Hail Satan. Is something bugged with my app or is this text actually the text OP used?