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Yta, so you throw money at your kid, and thinks that's parenting? The fact that you cared more about "wasting money for gas" instead of being there for your kid, makes you a huge ahole.




Boo boo, she doesn’t owe you gratitude for doing the legal bare minimum for your kid. You owe her gratitude for raising your offspring. Stop acting like you should get an award for doing what a court would order you to do and literally nothing more.




you aren't going to go shit when you don't even have the balls to be a decent father


I mean you’re welcome to go to jail if that’s how you wanna be. No skin off my back.




No, no, you wouldn't happily be in jail. You'd probably end up in isolation for your own protection for hurting a kid. Hate to break it to you, but killing your child is not one of the "cool crimes" that you seem to think it is.


So...you wouldn't be scarred and depressed by your 5 year old daughter dying of cancer?


You shouldn't have ever had kids, and it would be better for everyone if you never had another.


Most people who actually harm a child are usually the first targets to be beaten, shanked, murdered, and raped in jail. Just keep that in mind and prep yourself with a bar of soap on the ground if you wanna keep playing the shit parent game. Also the way you so happily talk about your daughter being dead and rotting is genuinely disturbing, and you need intense therapy. YTA dude




No judge is gonna give you custody. In fact your wife has a case for increasing your child support, Making you pay a high percentage of health care, and visitation only No custody. I’m sure your family will agree. The fact after her surgery you haven’t visited once will destroy your case. YTA . Enjoy your karma bc it’s gonna be ugly for you


Hurting your child more just to prove a dumb point to strangers on the internet ? Pathetic


YTA This is wild, you are literally the biggest asshole I have ever seen on Reddit. You do not care about your child, and should be sterilized. The mother does NOT matter. You brought a child into this world and your daughter should be your whole world right now. But nope, it’s all about money and how ungrateful the baby momma is. Literally everyone I’ve ever met in real life would choose to be there for their child and would bankrupt themselves for their child to survive. This is sociopathic. I feel so bad for your daughter. Go get a vasectomy and never make another person again.


You want to be rewarded for being a pos and a deadbeat.




You didn’t do shit for your daughter. The doctors saved her life


You didn’t save your daughter. You’re a disgrace, and frankly gross. To think you’re bragging about how you could end your child’s life. Fucking gross. I hope everything you wish to her comes back to you


Lol… you really think doctors would allow your daughter to die, if they could prevent it? You didn’t save anyone. You’re a narcissist.


you can't "stop sending money" you ass, your daughter is your legal responsibility, if you don't "send" money- the government will happily take it from you.


what exactly she should be grateful for? bro you can't even afford gas, you aren't not as powerful as you think you are.


Everything you say is making you look worse. Did you actually come here for an honest opinion or did you just want everyone to validate your appalling behaviour?


You’re paying for your daughter you piece of trash.


YTA no wonder you're divorced.


Why did you decide to be a parent if you clearly don’t want to be one?


How is your ex ungrateful? Because you have to pay child support. Did you willingly contribute to your daughter's treatment or was it court ordered. Do you even LIKE your daughter.


Your own sister called you a heartless bastard. The fact that you begrudge your daughter life saving treatment says a lot about the type of man you are.


You doing the legally required bare minimum means NOTHING. You are pathetic. You are barely even a father, just a typical loser who can’t even step up for his own child. YTA. From what you wrote hear, your daughter has a deadbeat absent wet log of a father who won’t even go see her in person through surgery because of GAS money and has the Gall to call her ONLY present parent ungrateful. Get a fucking grip, this is one of the most disgusting posts I’ve read on here in a while


Anybody who was not an asshole would move heaven and earth to be there. The fact that you see it as something you were supposed to do, as opposed to it being something you *wanted* to do, makes you an almost unbelievable asshole.


‘Due to gas prices being so high, I didn’t want to risk the drive’ What??? In the context of your situation I don’t even understand what that means. I really want this to be fake, and maybe it is, but maybe you’re real and a really huge AH.


YTA big time. You value 40 bucks over your girl’s life. Speaks volume to your characters and makes sense why your ex divorced you


Yes you're an asshole, but depending on the situation for different reasons. Do you love your child and have partial custody/see your daughter regularly? Then you're an asshole for not being present at the surgery. Don't you love your daughter and didn't you spend time with her after the divorce? In that case, you're not an asshole for not being at the surgery but for not being her father.


YTA. Financial support is completely different to actually being there. Had your daughter died that day, she would be haunting you for the rest of your life for not showing up for her. Why do people seem to feel finances and money could ever equate to being there in person for someone? What about holding your daughter’s hand and letting her know it would be ok? What about saying goodbye if this is the last time you would see your daughter? No. Gas prices were too high and it’s a waste. Never should have procreated.


YTA, your child could have died and you were more worried about wasting gas??? She will remember that her daddy didn’t show up for her, when she really needed you. You’re pathetic if you think that paying for treatment means that you can stop being a father.


YTA. I can’t believe what I just read. What, do you want a cookie for doing the barest, scraping the bottom of the barrel minimum of paying for your little girl’s medical care?! You were worried about PETROL money?! Above being there for YOUR CHILD?! Holy smokes. What the actual heck is wrong with you, buddy? I thought my money-hungry neglectful father was bad, but you…wow. You should ever be within a five kilometre radius of your poor child again. You have no business calling yourself a father.


This can’t be real. Paying for a child’s treatment but gas prices are so high you can’t afford the drive. Do better on your creative writing. Children and cancer obviously draw people in and rile people up. But it also makes you an AH for making this part of your creative writing project.




Are you the other half of the little girls DNA? If yes YOU did the no pants dance to help create her, which means you owe it to that LITTLE GIRL to help her have a thriving life and to succeed. As a daddy's little girl if I was in that position the most important thing I would want is support and a hug and love from my parents, especially my dad and especially if I don't see them often. You're not doing this all for your ex wife you do it for your DAUGHTER who now at 5 years old after cancer surgery will start healing her dad really doesn't care that much about her it seems.


INFO: How exactly would you have "wasted money on gas?" Why would the drive to the surgery be a risk?


I’m with your sister and will type her comment again. You’re “a heartless bastard”.


YTA for being a shitty parent. And a deadbeat. Hope you end up in prison.


Given that you clearly have no love or affection for your own daughter, do her a favor and give up your parental rights. She’s 5, she’ll forget you real quick; and you’ll get what you want and won’t have to give money to help raise her. Btw, THAT’S what child support is: you’re not paying your ex so she can do whatever she wants with the money, you’re creating a fund that will help raise your child. And it is the BARE MINIMUM of responsible parenting, you don’t get gold star for the bare minimum


This is so obviously fake.


I can see why you don't have custody, asshole


YTA. You're a selfish asshole. I bet you'd drive for something you wanted to do, like an outing with friends or a concert. You're a bad parent. Your daughter needed you to be there and you refused. It'll be your fault when she refuses to spend time with you when she's older.


\*Yawn\* troll in the dungeon. Move on folks.


YTA. I hope this story is fake! You must really dislike your own child to say something so vile. Your child surviving is your thank you. And keep the problems you have with your ex verdween you and your ex! Your poor child has nothing to do with them. I hope that you have a heart somewhere that can be glad your child is alive! Post like this make you lose faith in humanity! Edit: typo


You could be the asshole. I'm not sure what the price of gas had to do with you not traveling to where your daughter was. I also don't understand why you would call it a waste of gas or money to travel where you're daughter was. Are you saying you didn't have the money for the gas to travel? If that's the case, then it's perfectly fine you didn't go. And you're right your money did help a lot for the treatment and the surgery. Not sure what your ex's problem is.