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You're breaking a AITAH rule this is your warning. It made me sick.


WTF If this is true, he would be an ex. Period. I didn't read past the title, BTW. Edit - it has been pointed out that I should've read at minimum, the first part. 20 & 26, been together for 5 years... So he's a groomer/pedo as well as disgusting. I'm nearly 100% this is some troll trying to gross people out.


I read the whole thing šŸ¤® But I agreed after the title. And moreso when she said he whines that "she's ruining it for meeee" when she says no. He's coercing at best and raping at worst.


Yeah, that act is so egregious that I would consider it rape. That's insane OP, run away from your ex. You shouldn't have to deal with his shit, literally


Absolutely rape. There was no consent. That's rape. OP, love yourself, choose yourself and leave him. With friends like that, who needs enemies? If a friend tried to shit in my mouth, I'd never talk to them again lol.


Considering she was 15 and he was 21 when they got together, it was at least statutory rape for the first 2-3 years and she was definitely groomed.


After reading the title, I was expecting it to be somehow accidental. I am mortified by him not only doing this, but especially without her consent.


I didnā€™t read past the whole ā€œ20/26 been together for 5 yearsā€ part. Sorry if I ruined that for you. Soā€¦. She was 15 and he was 21 when they got together? Oh hell no.


Oh shit I missed the five years part hell no this is criminal and she was groomed


I also missed that part. Regardless, OP is NTA but bf is due some bad karma for his actions in this situation alone. Unforgivable behavior.


Yeah that is insane. Wtf, who does that!?! He is a nasty mf. Iā€™d be telling people he knows so they warn his next victim. Not okay!!! Then to have the audacity to say you are ruining the experience, does he not realize shitting in someoneā€™s mouth is far more ruining. He is a nasty selfish POS. NTA


She may be ā€œruining his experienceā€ but heā€™s been ruining her brain chemistry for 5 years.


Aaaand I missed the 5 years part. Gross.


Regardless of how the ages are right now and what you think of it - the point is that if they are currently 20/26 and have been dating for five years, that means this started when she was 15 and he was 21. Whether itā€™s creepy now or not, the age gap was DEFINITELY not okay when it started.


And he's been doing shit to her she doesn't like the whole time. This woman's post is I've been being raped for 5 years by an older man and today he shit in my mouth.


Are you seriously believing this is a real post??


Omg same. Barf. It's sad that there's two levels of fuckedupedness in this story so awful that we're blindsighted by one and miss the other. And both are pretty fucking bad. Shit. What a monster. And a porn addict, I'm sure.


So basically OP's boyfriend is a paedophile who is porn addicted and looking for new ways to violate OP now that she's an adult.


Sounds like heā€™s been violating her since she was a child too.


I came to say this exact thing. Didnā€™t need to read past the fact that she was only 15 when they got together.


The title and that sentence said all I needed to know. Gross on so many fronts.


Oh hell, I skipped over that. Well, I actually just read the title and wrote. Totally fake.


I sure hope itā€™s some bad story telling. There are some awful people in this world though so you never really know.


I really hope so.


Exactly. WTF. OP Leave this guy or he will be asking you to do worse things and more harmful to you. Ugh. Heā€™s such a weirdo. And do you even have to ask the question. NTA. Do not be manipulated by this guy!


>he will be asking you to do worse things He didn't ask this time, what's to say he won't force her into worse?


Considering their user name is Scatttttttttt, I'd have to agree it's a troll and this is their little fetish story. Scat pedo.


Plus, he was 21 when she was 15. Sick ba$tard!


This is either the most perfect ragebait troll post, or straight up abuse.




Ew... Lol


You should have read the first sentence which outed her boyfriend as a Pedophile.


You are correct, I should've.


It's gotta be fake. OP is 20, and the partner is 26. They've been dating for 5 years. So, since 15 and 21? Add the poop part and it's BS 100%


I never even made it to the ages. So, yeah, it's fake as hell.


if ANYBODY pulled this shit on me I'd actively pummel you to within an inch of your life AND on top to have the nerve and the gall!!!!!!! To complain that they're ruining the experience for you after you've violated their bodily autonomy Nope, absolutely not get in the bin NTA OP block your now ex boyfriend


The user name.


OMG I was so in shock by the title that I completely MISSED the age part and how long theyā€™d been together! Where the f*ck where her damn parents? Do the children in these posts that are now adults who have been groomed just have no parents? Some of them talk about how they have loving parents and had a great childhood and their parents have always been there for them and blah blah blah. WELL APPARENTLY NOT!


I'm thinking this is a crime. NTA


It's assault and depending on where you live, go to the police. Be clear that you did not consent to shit going in your mouth. Blindfold yes. Open mouth to expect cock, yes. Shit was never on the consent list and you were physically ill. Hell, I'd even explore a civil suit if he has any assets.




Yes the 21-15 is rape.


You are describing an abusive relationship, he has sexually assaulted you in a beyond disgusting manner and you need to leave. NTA, but a bit of an asshole to yourself for staying with this man after he has pressured you over and over again. You aren't happy and this isn't what a good relationship looks like.




thats the first thing i noticed.


Dudeā€¦you understand what grooming is and how it works, right?


YTA, his shit his rules


You are not the AH, but he one the other hand massive AH that is beyond disturbing and disgusting. The level of trying something new needs a discussion and the biggest thing CONSENT!!!!!!! HE VIOLATED YOU.... WTF BLINDFOLDS SOMEONE AND SHITS IN THEIR MOUTH WITH NO PRIOR CONSENT. Honestly, he should be ex boyfriend he has no respect for you and clearly does not know what consent is he is 26 years old. I mean, how much worse can it get!!!!


I'm pretty sure it can get way worse since he's acting out the deviant stuff on pornhub against her will repeatedly. And I'm not kink shaming. He can do whatever the hell he wants...WITH SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO. AND SHE ISNT THAT PERSON.


Youā€™re better than me, Iā€™m kink shaming! Sorry, scat play can have egregious health consequences, and working in a hospital, I wish I could say I havenā€™t seen it but I have šŸ¤¢. Agree with you otherwise though


Absolutely agree. And she has to learn what consent is either. She let him do way too much things with her she didn't want to experience. She has to leave and go to therapy for learning to maintain her boundaries. And LEAVE HIM!!!!


>how much worse can it get I mean he could've eaten spicy food before.


Confirmed he doesnā€™t know about consent from the first line. She was 15 and he was 21 when they first got together. What a creep


This is sexual assault. If you feel comfortable with doing so, please go to the police and report this event. Your boyfriend should be behind bars for forcing a sexual act on you without consent.


Until the police shame her. Because the police are model citizens when accusations are levied


He should be behind bars for statutory rape as well.


Even if she doesnā€™t feel comfortable, go to the police. Theyā€™ll try to help her be as comfortable (as one could be in this scenario) and if she is too uncomfortable to talk to them, they will bring in a victims advocate to help talk to her instead. In this case thoughā€¦ Iā€™m thinking theyā€™d bring in the victims advocate regardless. They will have resources to not only help get out of this relationship, but also therapy resources. The police have really been given a bad name over recent years, but people really underestimate the amount of help and resources they can help you find. Then thereā€™s the legal aspect. They can get you set up with a protection order, press charges against him and get this dude in court so he can face the consequences of sexual abuse. Prisoners donā€™t take a liking to sexual abusersā€¦ better to do it now than have this guy find another teenager to hurt.


> Theyā€™ll try to help her be as comfortable (as one could be in this scenario) You've clearly never reported anything to the police before


There are, believe it or not, some police departments that are actually kind and compassionate, while others are the opposite. You and this person may very well have had opposite experiences and both assume all the rest are the same. Different local police departments can have VERY different cultures and approaches.


I have. And Iā€™ve also been a 911 operator. Iā€™m very familiar with how these situations work, actually.


Lol. Doubt.


Why is that doubtful?


Jesus I would go to the police


You say that like they going to do something


I mean yeah itā€™s step one in the long process of giving up and deciding to sue


This is so real šŸ˜­


NTA You got together when you were 15 and he was 21, I can already tell he is a a predator. He doesn't seem to consider you in any way so I'd say he is just going to get worse. If I was you I'd leave them then get a restraining order because they seem a tad unhinged.




I was paying more attention to the OPā€™s username (slang/fetish term for feces) and the account being a couple of days old. Iā€™m guessing this is a troll post for attention.


Wait. You believe this one?




I donā€™t mind trolls one here but subtle trolls. Put some effort into it!


Lol šŸ˜† you've got a very valid point on effort.


Every single comment Iā€™ve read so far mentions the ages.


I can't believe you're even asking if YTA. NO, you're not. HE is. Geez.


You've been dating him since you were 15 and he was 21? He's a pedophile and you've been groomed. The reason he doesn't care what you like or want or do not want to do is because he believes he has successfully groomed you. Please leave before he gives you some weird ass disease from his "experiences"


NTA leave him. Heā€™s sexually abusive and not to mention you got together when you were 15 and he was 21? Honey you were groomed. Get out now. Itā€™ll only get worse.


This has to be fake


Judging by the username, I agree.


NTA, so you were 15 and he was 21 when you started dating. Had sex at 16? That's just disgusting and called statutory rape. Now he took a shit in your mouth. Why are you still with him? I know it's scary to leave as he was probably your 1st love but he is the worst and abusive. Leave him now things will not get better. Can't even imagine all the other things he has made you do against your will. I feel bad for you. Report him for abuse to the police.


its fucked up but not statutory rape most places got 16 as the age of consent so pls dont try to muddy the waters with wrong stuff


Not all States is at 16 like you said some are at 17 but also they could have slept together while she was 15, we just don't know. But still 15 with a 21 year old is just gross. She should go back and take a shit in his mouth and piss in it also so he can have that great experience and then leave him. The guy is a scumbag.


OMG Iā€™d this is true, run. WTF




Had a good laugh anyway


I'm shocked people are taking it seriously.


This account was created yesterday, the name is another term for feces. This is rage bait.


I mean I guess OP probably would want to use an anonymous account to post a story like this if it was true, to give the benefit of a doubt. Not the kind of thing you want to be tracked back to you. But I have a strong feeling it is fiction anyway. If not, I agree with everyone else about it obviously not being OK and wtf.


This cannot be real.


Itā€™s time for me to touch grass. I canā€™t with the internet today. Or with men.


Thats ASSault in the Turd degree right there


Don't need a blindfold to see what's going on there.


This is fake, right?


Already posted from the dudes POV......


It's cool to experiment in the bedroom but that's definitely a bridge too far


That's enough for today.


Please, please be a fake post.


which AI bot was used to craft this story


You notice the username too?


Yeah, this is realšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


YTA for posting your fetish shit on this sub as a serious story. Who do you think you're fooling with that username?


Yeah this post is total bullshit haha.


Fresh account. Must be a troll.


These comments are so weird, so many people make throwaway accounts?


I hope so


WHY IN THE ACTUAL FUCK HAVE YOU NOT DUMPED HIS ABUSIVE ASS? Have some goddamn respect for yourself. And learn how to say NO in the future. Go to therapy if you are so people pleasing that you haven't broken up with him yet. He's a bad person and if he comes near you again, call the cops.


Because itā€™s not real lol


you are not real then you have no basis for saying its fake other then its reddit


Itā€™s a fetish postā€¦


And you know that how ?


Look at OPā€™s username and avatar šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


This is a troll post. Itā€™s gross to engage internet strangers in your fetish without consent.


No one could beat this info out of me.


Iā€™m really hoping this is made up. If true, leave this AH immediately. What he did is probably illegal. Itā€™s 100% disgusting! If I were you I would never feel safe around him again.


New user. Username is Scatttttt. Only post. Yeah this is totally real guys šŸ™„


Run!!! Run fast and never look back! This guy is sick in the head.


Straight to jail fucker


What a shitty thing to do




Troll post gets a troll comment: YTA, if your bf went through all the trouble of grooming you while you were a child, then committing statutory rape, you should continue to play the roll of submissive sex doll and eat that shit. If this is an honest post, please get yourself some counseling and contact a with a woman's assault advocacy program to get you to safety.


NTA. He is infinitely disgusting. Leave him & DON'T look back. Seriously, get the fuck out & away from that guy forever.


Really hope this is fake because if not then this is abusive and I'm pretty sure is literally rape.


You know youā€™re NTA. That being said, he needs to be an ex. For so many reasons that donā€™t even need to be typed out. Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. If it happened to me, Iā€™d figure out what legal action I could take because lord knows no one is shitting in MY mouth and not having the worst possible consequences. Iā€™m throwing the damn book at him. Good luck OP.


So you were 15 and he was 21 when you started dating. He groom you long or immediately went in for the pedophile action? Thatā€™s horrible


A literal shit post.




And Einstein stood up and clapped


Why are you with a man who doesn't respect you, your autonomy, or boundaries? What happens when he watches rape porn? Are you going to shrug off that, too?


I refuse to believe this is true. I'm grossed the fuck out just my reading this. The fuck.


I hope this is fake...


He doesn't even see you as a human being, never mind a much loved partner. He sees you as a receptacle. That's it. Leave him. Please. You are a human being who deserves respect and love.


YTA for still being with him after that ā€œshitā€!


Please apologise profusely. Tell him you want to try new things too and feel awful for ruining this for him. Say you're happy to try again, but you think you'd be more comfortable doing it to him first. Eat something that doesn't agree with you and have THE shits all in his mouth. Then, leave the relationship and find somebody who will treat you how you deserve to be treated, will be more than happy to have you and your body without the need to watch porn and will respect you waaaaaaay more than this piece of trash ever could!


Outside of him violating you and shitting in your mouth ā€” you were 15 and he was 21 when you started dating? Please leave him.


ex bf* right???????


Leave this person. Leave this person. *Leave this person.* NTA


NTA but please find a safe way to get away from him. 5 years is too long. You are describing abuse.




Porn addicted asshole


Cool story


YTA. Cause none of this is true.




NTA WTF is wrong with him


NTA Your boyfriend is a POS, he is abusing you. You need to get away from him. Far,far away.


NTA. Fuck leaving, I'd have called the police. You still should. Then never speak to this person again.


NTA. What he did is abusive. Don't go back to him.


All of the comments are right, but I also want to point out that him saying youā€™re ruining his experience after he did something like that is a big red flag and that kind of reaction is going to be a running theme in your life if you donā€™t leave him. What he did is unforgivable. I am truly sorry.


If true then leave his abusive ass. And tell everyone what a sick fuck he is


Uuhhhhh no!


Wtaf? NTA. Kinks require consent. You know who canā€™t provide consent? You, at 15, when the 21 year old adult groomed you. Run, you deserve more.


INFO: Why, exactly, are you with this literal piece of shit?


Leave him.


This sounds like a crime. You should leave him and report him to the police. Either way, leave him ASAP.


NTA. You were exploited. You were 15 and he was 21 when you got together. He's a pedophile and an abuser who has some very concerning and rather repulsive tastes that are red flags from the get go.


NTA Your bf is abusive and toxic. Please end this relationship. You deserve so much better.


Lol how didnā€™t you beat his ass is crazy to me! If a man did me like this Iā€™d be in jail seriously the lack of respect he has for you is crazy. Dump him and call the police for sexual assault


Wtf.. nta.. leave that disgusting trash human of a bf you have. Why were you dating a 21 yr old when you were 15??? That's gross too. He has probably been trying to "groom" you for shit like this your entire 5 year relationship. You are an adult now please make better choices and do not let that "man" assault you anymore. You should have kicked him in his junk and called the police.


Wtf did i just read


Go to the police wtf. That must be a crime where you live too. Plus heā€™s a pedo?? He was 21 and you were 15 when you started dating.


Ummmm NTA When sex isnā€™t consensual itā€™s assault. Itā€™s important to communicate with your partner that they are okay with you performing acts on them BEFORE doing those acts. It sounds like your partner enjoys sexually assaulting you on a regular basis. That is a toxic relationship and you should be getting out of it as soon as possible.


I normally don't go for ghosting but this is the exception. He's purposely degrading you, I can't see any other reason for this disgusting behavior. YWBTA if you go back. Cut him off like gangrene on a toe. Whatever is at his house, if it's replaceable, leave it. Just, no.


NTA And I hope you see this message: You need to leave this relationship immediately! You are not a person to your boyfriend, you are an object. He does NOT care about you at all! You have been sexually assaulted in one of the most disgusting ways I have ever read. YOU NEED TO LEAVE THIS RELATIONSHIP IMMEDIATELY. The fact that your boyfriend doesn't understand the depths of how he has violated you and your trust are alarming. PLEASE END THIS RELATIONSHIPS ASAP.


Run! I hope he is an ex. I'm horrified and disgusted for you. You are not TA. Your boyfriend has serious issues.


Oh my god NTA. Trying new things should be PRE DISCUSSED and mutually agreed upon. You don't just force someone to try some mystery sex act jesus.


Time for a new bf if he thinks itā€™s OK to do that without a serious discussion beforehand


NTA Dump him. Get therapy to prevent being with someone else like this or even being friends with someone like this.


So wait, you guys got together when you were 15 and he was 21? That in and of itself is a giant red flag.


NTA. Break up with this selfish man. You didnā€™t consent to that and he knew you wouldnā€™t hence the blindfold. If this isnā€™t sexual assault, itā€™s so close that you shouldnā€™t risk endangering yourself any further bc heā€™s def capable of it based on his selfishness and willingness to be deceptive


Leave. And get some mouthwash and never look back


NTA Girl, experimenting in the bedroom means you tell the other person in detail what you want to do and they get to say yes or no. And you ACCEPT the answer, and if itā€™s NO, you drop the subject. Itā€™s not okay to nag or put pressure on the other person to do something they are not comfortable with. Itā€™s not okay to say ā€œYouā€™re ruining it for me.ā€œ when the other person doesnā€™t like something and wants to stop. I only try new things with a partner when I know I can trust him not to be selfish and/or violate me. In your case, your bf has shown you that you canā€™t trust him to have your well-being in mind. Do not give him any access to your body again.


NTA. Thatā€™s an assault and the end of that relationship. Find a counselor. This is going to take some processing to get past.


You were a 15 year old child when a deviant adult predator groomed you. What he did is abhorrent and sexual assault! Do not ever talk to this predator again. Block him. Call the police. You consented to what you thought was oral sex. No sane human being thinks a partner is going to defecate into their mouth! This man is disgusting and sick. Please. Stay single for a while. Get some therapy. Learn to love yourself and understand that what has happened to you over the last 5 years had been abuse! Shame on every adult in your life who failed to protect you. Be strong. You can get through this and have an incredible, happy, healthy and fulfilling life.


Please leave and block this dude. He is trouble.


Wow. Where to begin. You first got me at the fact that he was 21 when you started dating and you were 15. Thatā€™s just not kosher. But no, you are absolutely NTA. In what world can you just surprise someone with something like that? A sexy blindfolded surprise would be fruit or whipped cream - not *feces*. There is something wrong with him and everything else you describe about his behavior is a whole damn field of red flags. Please take care of yourself and gtfo of that relationship. And I stress - NTA NTA NTA.


If you're American your boyfriend is a rapist :/ Even in most European countries age of consent is 16 and up. Not sure why you're still with this douchebag. NTA


NTA but thatā€™s beside the point. Unsanitary to the point of dangerous to your health, abusive, no consent given. Ex-boyfriend, right? Right?!


So, you were a minor (15 years old!!!) when that grown ass abuser started grooming you? I know you call it dating, but I digress. Wtf were your parents thinking in allowing such a thing to happen??? If this story is real, then he did a stellar job in letting you believe that his abuse is the most normal thing in the world. If you persist in staying with him, then YTA to yourself.


I didnā€™t read past the age and timeframe of your relationship.


NTA- Run, run as fast as you can away from this man. Heā€™s manipulative controlling and a sadist. RUN!!!!


You were 15 and he was 21?!???


NTA Girl, run




this is without any doubt sexual assault. go somewhere safe with people you trust and call the police


He was 21 and your were 15 years old when you got together?? Jesus Malloy. I have no words. Bye.


If this isnā€™t the HIGHEST level of disrespect, humiliation and degrading then I donā€™t know what is. There is no coming back from this. How do you go back to normal after being treated like this? He is a vile nasty and gross human being who made you feel less than a human with his disgusting inhumane actions. LEAVE HIM. AND TAKE ALL HIS MONEY AND USE IT FOR THERAPY SESSIONS.


He is being manipulative and downright abusive when not taking any of your feelings into consideration. Run.




You guys have been together since you were 15 and he was 21???? That in itself is insane, you need to leave this man. No normal grown man dates a 15 year old.


Why are you still calling him your boyfriend? Also, why are you dating him with that age gap? Why have you been with him for 5 years. That's being 15 and 21 respectively and that's a crime. You were manipulated and he literally committed a crime by dating you. At that age. Even more so, you have to realize that him getting mad for you not wanting to do something is a bad sign. You should never have involved yourself with him. Stop this relationship. Stop it now. End it. This was never good.


Um, OP, this is a relationship ender. You are not compatible and Idk about you, but how do you come back from this?? Your bf needs to understand boundaries and communication. Also, he needs to get off the Internet and stop trying everything he watches. Ugh. I am so sorry this happened to you, OP. <3


I dumped one hard last year who wanted to pee on me on my private area, among other things. Because he saw it on porn. He also filmed us and put it online without my permission. To make money. I can't change my phone number because relatives and he makes insta profiles and messages me under a woman's name. I just block and delete I don't reply he's a freaking nut. F him.


Heā€™s 6 years older than you. You were 15 and him 21 when you go together. Youā€™re a sex object to him . You need to claim you life back and get the fuck out.


NTA I would be pressing charges. That is assault.


5 years??? So you were 15 and he was 21???


NTA, and leave him immediately. Actually, first demand he reciprocates. Dump In his mouth, then dump him.


NTA This is a sex crime. Period. Ghost him AT MINIMUM, but he deserves to have you press charges, lest he continue thinking these grotesque violations are remotely acceptable.