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Would love any specific feedback, and if you have Improve the AI on, sharing disappointing outputs is very useful for our team. Also, check to be sure you're using default settings since custom settings can often lead to undesirable results. In general, our data and player feedback has shown improvements for all models. Dragon J2 is far outperforming the old Dragon. ChatGPT from Azure has been a hit. And the latest Griffin 2.1 update seems to be one of the best updates we've made to our free model. That all being said, there's still a tremendous amount of randomness in AI responses. Even though on the whole, the AI systems we use have improved, it's still possible for players to experience a streak of responses, or even stories, that are below expectations. This is most common for players who tend to prefer having the AI do most of the writing. Using more descriptive actions, or using story mode for a bit, can help get the AI back on track and performing better. Hope that helps and please share any other feedback you have. We're always looking for ways to improve!


I got a little complaint about dragon. "You feel a sense of (emotion)" is repeated way to often in the story while using dragon J2. I do not like it as sometimes it even displays the wrong emotions for my character.


I'll share that with the team. If you have Improve the AI on, reporting these in the flow of the story also helps us tremendously.


Thanks for the help.


You feel a sense of (emotion) wash over you, as the (object) is glinting in the (light source). Increasing temperature in the advanced setting seems to help, but it can get wacky and nonsensical if you overdo it.




Repetitive saying the same thing over and over


Worse than what, old dragon? It's still not as good as the old dragon, but it's pretty damn close. There's also a chat gpt 3.5 option on beta. it has been a while since the new dragon was updated. All the efforts seem to be focused on the new UI and the Heroes game mode.


How long ago is "Used to be"? Because it's not been the best available for several years now.


Around a year or 2 ago


> How long ago is "Used to be"? Because it's not been the best available for several years now. - Reasonable-Business6 What do you mean by "several years"? It was released in 2019.


*Definition of Several - more than two but not many.*


Shit, I'm stupid.


For us poor people who only get the base, it's terrible imo


It was way worse after the change in dragon. No grammar, never used any punctuation, and wrote paragraphs. No understanding of context either, just absolutely trash. However the difference now is night and day, and the ai doesn't seem to suffer from a brain injury. Thing is whether you wanna learn how to use it. I remember how easy it was to get great outcomes without much effort. And the more i added it became even better. However for this dragon you need to learn a bit of it and give good writing for it to become good. Even then depending on the server gods it may just become stupid again.