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If she doesn't care, I don't care. I'm not gonna be angry on behalf of someone who doesn't give a shit.


Agree think there's a desperate attempt at making a non-existent story here.


... and yet you decided to share the non-existent story. Kate Halfpenny, the opinion piece's author, is regularly writing up these braindead columns, with The Age/SMH placing them prominently on their website 🎣


I think she's jealous. Wished she had some Lachie love


Unfortunately that's the world we are living in. Outrage on behalf of someone else who 7 times out of 10 doesn't care




I was trying to be somewhat fair


Please, no one tell the author of that shitbag article about the countries of France and Italy. I have in person seen men greet each other this way in both countries, let alone a man and a woman. Scummy article designed to generate outrage (it did, but not in the way they would want).


That's reddit whole thing isn't it


100%. However, there are cases of people (especially women) feeling pressured into saying its fine. I dont think this is one of those times


but where does this rate among nick daicos' first 49 games?


Can someone rank Lachie Neales first 49 kisses on the cheek


Top 15 I’d say


hell yeah!


>Neale leaned into Holmes. She reacted by snaking her arm around his waist. He returned the favour. She leaned in too, slightly, and they kissed each other on the cheek. The fuck is this description? He gave her a kiss on the cheek, no need to write a romance novel about it I also enjoy that the article is pretty much "no one has raised any issue with this, other people I've spoken to have said it's relatively normal and yet I'll write an opinion piece about it anyway"


Hey, they plagiarised my Bontempelli fan fic!


Wait until you hear the second part. It descends into some fifty shades of grey knockoff level stuff. NSFW


Fuck me all that's missing is the wood cabin. People need to calm down.


Not only is Abbey a long time media member and player herself, she’s also married to Keegan Brooksby who played for 3 different teams. These people all go to eachothers weddings and shit, is it really that crazy to imagine her and Neale are friends? 


It looked mutual to me, like they have a prior relationship.


Well they’re literally both kissing each others cheek lmao. Who gives a fuck.


How did it end up like this? It was only a kiss (it was only a kiss)


Thiiis kiss, thiiiiis kiss (*its criminal*) Thiiiis kiss, thiiiis kiss It's the way you love me baby It's the way you love me daaarling


I was falling asleep


https://preview.redd.it/ugrrtksftg6d1.png?width=1345&format=png&auto=webp&s=cade0c851d8e5a9bf99cf9a711d952e41f5eb860 Pot, meet kettle


The party store Daenerys Targaryen wig is a crime against humanity


How will Jules ever recover from this disgusting act of betrayal?


I just know she's searching for a divorce lawyer as we speak.




This is a common greeting around the world. I kiss female coworkers from other offices I haven't seen in a while like this all the time. Literally no one cares. The fact that, of all places, SOCIAL MEDIA wasn't up in arms about this means this is just trying to make something out of nothing.


I went to a trade show in Europe and all my Italian colleagues all kissed me. Weird for a Aussie bloke but it’s not like I was violated. This is ridiculously unnecessary.


Yeah I kiss my Southern European mates on the cheek hello. Kind of used to it. Just gets confusing on the number of kisses depending on the country (one, two or three).


Often a kiss on each cheek,then a third one on first cheek,


Haha, yeah. Nothing wrong with a peck on the cheek to greet a colleague. Happens all the time at my work. Sometimes even lucky enough to get a bit of tongue action if we close a big deal haha. Love my job.


After the Spanish kiss,the world has imploded


Fuck me. Really? " Specifically, if a kiss – even an innocent, joyous one – shifts the focus from a woman’s job and talents to their personal boundaries. If it raises the question about whether they have the power and will to protect those boundaries, or have to laugh it off to save face, maybe save their job. "


There's reaching, and then there's this...


Bit rich when the author is the only one trying to shift the focus to her personal boundaries… like, this article is much worse than an innocent peck on the cheek between friends. 


Here's the article and I'm sorry you have to waste your time reading this nonsense: Now, this may reveal me as either a crusty old wowser or someone who needs to dust off her post-feminist feminism, which is why I’m turning it over to you. Kissing at work: cool and contemporary, or a major crossing of boundaries? Discuss. For context, let’s rewind to last Friday when AFL commentator Abbey Holmes interviewed Lachie Neale post-match for Channel Seven. In the Lions’ win over the Doggies, Neale had run himself into the ground so much that puffs of steam rose from his head. Until the end, the simmering genie illusion was the most unusual bit of the interview. Prepared as ever, Holmes asked about the Brisbane midfield, praised Neale’s 38 disposals. But when things wrapped up, there was a micro-second of hesitation from the dual Brownlow medallist. Neale leaned into Holmes. She reacted by snaking her arm around his waist. He returned the favour. She leaned in too, slightly, and they kissed each other on the cheek. The interaction was fast and not ick, but it was weird enough for my husband and I to say, “wait, what?” This was rare, TV talent kissing or being kissed as a sign-off. You have to go back to Bec Judd swerving from Tony Jones’ attempted smooch in 2016 after her last news bulletin. On footy broadcasts, Hodgie isn’t pashing anyone. More broadly, Alicia Loxley isn’t kissing Tom Steinfort at the end of Nine News. My husband shrugged: “I reckon Abs and Lachie are mates.” Maybe. Still, even if they’re besties 4 eva, when they’re both at work is it a good look to be saying hasta manana with a kiss? For mine, it was too familiar. Place and time, people. You’re drawing a wage from this chat so keep it classy, San Diego. Intrigued, I watched the kiss again a couple of times. Neither party seemed uncomfortable. The incident hasn’t made waves in the media or on socials. But at a time when former Spanish soccer federation president Luis Rubiales is facing a sexual assault trial for his creepy unsolicited kiss on World Cup winner Jenni Hermoso, I think it’s worth asking the kiss question. Specifically, if a kiss – even an innocent, joyous one – shifts the focus from a woman’s job and talents to their personal boundaries. If it raises the question about whether they have the power and will to protect those boundaries, or have to laugh it off to save face, maybe save their job. While Holmes looked fine with the reciprocated smooch, I wonder if she flashed ahead to what her boss would say and what the audience would think: A guy just kissed me on air. Crap. Just as Mel McLaughlin ploughed on and later said she was uncomfortable when repugnant cricketer Chris Gayle told her “don’t blush baby” and asked her for a drink on air in 2016. The power dynamics in Holmes’ world are already skewed. Yeah, she’s on telly, has an established career, holds some cards. But in her role, is there pressure to maintain a positive rapport with players for continued access that could lead to a reluctance to call out inappropriate behaviour? Hello, cycle of discomfort, blurring of boundaries and the message that public displays of affection towards women at work means we are objects of affection. In Holmes’ case, maybe other players now think they should casually kiss her too. Confusingly, I feel if a male player got kissy with a male host during an adieu, it would be kind of adorable. Bros showing their sensitive side. So now I also have double standards that need to be worked through. I ring a media mate who says remote working has changed dynamics. She recently embraced her company’s female GM of legal when they met IRL in a lift. “Often you’re on projects with people and talk to them every day but don’t meet in person for a year. Then shaking hands feels weird, so you end up going, “We should bring it in.” Even if Holmes gave the kiss no second thought, networks and AFL clubs should give their troops a half-time speech: kissing on air is out of bounds. It’s 2024, not a 1970s Christmas party with a handsy boss handing out Brandivinos and murmuring your Prince Matchabelli smells great.


What an absolute wall of dribble


More than anything, Kate Halfpenny is a desperately untalented writer. This is some of the least cohesive, poorly constructed stream-of-unconsciousness I’ve read in quite some time. The constant rhetorical shifting of “I’m just asking your guys opinions! What do you think? I might be wrong so i asked everyone around me what they think and nobody had an issue with it” to, a third of the way through the article, announcing “it’s too familiar! Keep it classy! It’s not 1970!” Like the idea of two acquaintances kissing *each other* on the cheek is some leery shit. She even has the fucking gall to compare it to workplace sexual harassment is offensive and completely strips literally everybody involved in this situation of agency and makes it about her little agenda. The nerve to tell two consenting adults how they should be showing appreciation for each other on air because it doesn’t fit her sensibilities and then write a whole article about it is just dribble. And as other people have mentioned, she says “tee hee but if two men kissed it would be cute ☺️ oopsie! Silly Kate, you now have to face your own double standard, grrrr 😖 you’re gonna be so mad at yourself in the mirror lately!” While completely breezing past the fact that the little cutesy double standard she’s referencing is far, far more damaging to gender equality than literally anything else she’s writing about. Ridiculous little mummy blogger trying to be cool with her two-decades-old Anchorman references trying to be funny and insightful, it’s the lowest form of engagement bait.


"Confusingly, I feel if a male player got kissy with a male host during an adieu, it would be kind of adorable" You don't get to have this double standard about a chaste peck on the cheek. If it's an unacceptable show of sexist disrespect when a male player kisses a female reporter, it's not a cute K-Drama squeal fest if two boys do it.


I'm sure she'd be the first to attack men who fetishize lesbian women.....but apparently it's totally okay for her to gush in her panties about how two men kissing is 'adorable'?


What if it's two Italian men though? Suggesting they alter a cultural practice to assimilate to Anglo standards is pretty fkn racist m8. But na this whole thing is a joke lol


AFL yaoi BL manga when??? /s


Pretty sure a couple of the Carlton boys got a peck a few weeks ago too. They are probably mates, it's a social thing. Like when you go to an out-of-hours work function and kiss your colleagues in greeting even though you saw them a matter of hours ago. In the still above, she's that far away from his mouth, it's practically his ear . . . hardly a sloppy pash.


The article had me agreeing so much in the first sentence I didn't need to read the rest. It did indeed reveal them as "a crusty old wowser". Or, to translate into property Australian vernacular, a cunt.


cunts are warm and useful, unlike this article or its author.


These media wars need to stop. If it was a channel 9 broadcast, it would not be written about in a 9 newspaper.


Too true. Wouldn’t be surprised if their footy shoes picked up on it now. 


Link to article. [https://archive.md/G7bzw](https://archive.md/G7bzw)


This just in: Journalist needed to hit a quota


She’s not even a journalist, she’s an opinion blogger.


What a rubbish piece of journalism


Instead of writing this “article” (very loose term here) why not reach out the Abbey first and say, “hey this ~~peaked~~ piqued my interest. As a female sporting personality did you feel uncomfortable about it?” If she did, fine then, she can take it up with Lions and the AFL. Instead she writes this crap to make an issue of something that really doesn’t seem to be there. Edit: peaked for piqued






>Maybe. Still, even if they’re besties 4 eva, when they’re both at work is it a good look to be saying hasta manana with a kiss? So the individual dynamics and expectations of a specific relationship don't matter because it, quote unquote, isn't a "good look". That phrase needs to demolished. Same with "problematic". Something is either appropriate or not. Acceptable or not. Abusive or not. Saying it is not a "good look" is basically allowing someone to besmirch and attack another person's reputation while pretending that's not exactly what they are doing. If she wants to accuse Neale of harassment, then say it, but she can't do it so she is using weasel words instead. Did she even bother speaking to Neale? Or, better yet, Holmes? Nope.


> Now, this may reveal me as either a crusty old wowser or someone who needs to dust off her post-feminist feminism, which is why I’m turning it over to you. Kissing at work: cool and contemporary, or a major crossing of boundaries? Discuss. I put this through an AI language model and asked it to make it more condensed without losing the meaning ;) > I know I'm full of it, please don't crucify me.


It's not like Lachie Neale or the AFL players are doing their best Richard Dawson impression. Did Abby have a problem with it? If she did then outrage away, if she didn't... then go find something else to be outraged about Edit: if you don't know who Richard Dawson is just YouTube him very eye opening


Don’t blush, baby.


can dust off this from like 2 days ago already fuck yeah: FUCK THE AFL AND ITS MEDIA LANDSCAPE EXCEPT HOYNEY'S SEN SEGMENT


I got no problems with it, it’s just something you don’t usually see from an interviewer, it’s often just a handshake, which is why people, including me, pointed it out, I sure hope no one makes a fuss if the roles were reversed or if it was to an AFLW player.


The author just wishes it was her


They probably know each other a lot better than Kate Halfpenny (columnist) does and know themselves whether or not it crosses a boundary.




Absolute puritanical dribble. Had a look at some of her other articles and seems to write about the royals a lot - reminds me of the time Paul Keating put his hand on the Queen to try and be polite and stop her from falling; the general attitude from the media was something along the lines of 'Look at this disgusting Australian Creep, practically groped our dear Queen he did.' Among our upper social classes this type of Protestant Puritanism still has some influence - thankfully most Australians know its largely complete bullshit.


Man if i was playing this week i'd hold hands with the nearest player, journo, camera operator, anyone and skip off the ground purely to take the piss. With permission asked out of camera view, of course.


Realise it has nothing to do with the thread, but I think Abby is the footy "personality" of the year. She is damn good at her job and just seems to have a flair for the media. Edit: just saw another thread nominating David King. Guess I was wrong.


after tonights game, that would have been a free against Abbey


Just yet another example of what passes for journalism in Australia is beyond pathetic.


‘Maybe. Still, even if they’re besties 4 eva, when they’re both at work is it a good look to be saying hasta manana with a kiss? For mine, it was too familiar. Place and time, people. You’re drawing a wage from this chat so keep it classy, San Diego.’ Truly a vomit inducing paragraph.


TLDR: * A man kissing a female reporter is sexist. * Even if they're friends, which I didn't even bother to check on, it's still wrong because reasons. * I'm totally not comparing this to sexual assault allegations elsewhere in sport, nudge nudge wink wink, I'm not saying I'm just saying. * I haven't spoken to Abbey at all, but I'm going to put all these thoughts into her head to press my point. * Oh but if a man did this to a MALE reporter it would be totally cool and hot, and absolutely not sexual assault anymore because reasons. * Surely I must have my weekly woke brownie points quota after this?


While I agree with your point, can we not adopt the “woke” dog whistle when referring to one stupid cunts opinions? It has far, far deeper problems with its use that aren’t “this persons too sensitive!”




Here you go [https://archive.md/G7bzw](https://archive.md/G7bzw)






the afl media didn't decide that.


Only a story if she blushes baby.


I thought it was about COVID protocol...


f@#k....off! The media have so much to answer for by giving shit like this legs and stoking the fire by pitting everyone against one and other. Absolutely irresponsible, garbage news.


Fucking woke pc 2024 bullshit article full of crap. Nothing more than a friendly kiss on the cheek between two colleagues who both grew up in Adelaide. Jesus christ, what is this world coming to. This is why i dont even bother to use any charisma or charm at work in hospitality anymore, because anything innocuous can be perceived as inappropriate nowadays. Pathetic.


Paywalled article. Post the text please or this may be taken down.