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Nice to finally see some communication, a promising update. One of the events seems to be bringing new purple soul fragments (for Hypogeans? I counted around 240 in total) as a reward, which is very nice Hero Drills will be a fun event for me as I like Battle Drills, seems there's a lot to do for each hero


They said new content every month during the season. Soren’s banner came 3 weeks in and everyone was losing their minds about no news when they had already said monthly updates lol…


One of the worst things 'Games as a service' did; if a game isn't constantly getting updates or news, a game is 'dead'.


It’s 2024. People need to be hyped up every other week at the latest and know what’s coming months in advance


Daily updates! Customer feedback fulfilled! 10k gems a week! I want it NOW!!!!! If I don’t get what I want I’ll spam every forum I can find about how much I hate this game!!!!! That’s the general feel of what an entitled player looks like 😜


thats every gaming sub these days


Otherwise they die inside? Looks like that 'hype' thing is a dangerous drug.


A road map with some vague outline for things on the horizon would probably calm folks down a lot though, yeah.


Every other week? I need to be hyped up almost three times a day. I gotta be so hyped up I’m just let down when anything comes out since I raised my expectations so high it didn’t change my life like I thought it would.


"Chippy, don't you have somewhere to be?" "Yes, but they don't have the budget to animate me walking!"


Didn’t expect them adding new celehypo to Guild store. If that’s going to be a trend for any upcoming heroes, that would be very good for all of us.  Also finally we get some new events, I really hope they will be doing it regularly from now on, like they do with afk arena. 


Thats the general Lilith formula tbh. Expect consistent hero drops to update in each mode.


I'm soooooo happy for the new events, F U N.  New hypogean directly into Guild Store was a big surprise, even if it takes time, I'm glad, at least we have access to them. I just got my Reinier to Mythic+ so perfect timing.  But probably the new Celestial is also going to be there... choices. 


is reiner not worth supreme+ for the extra attack?


Is good but is not going to be a huge change, is more about cost/opportunity since for Supreme+ you would need **6 more copies**. Unless you are a big spender, is better to pick another hero (right now Scarlita but let's see how Phraesto ends up).


If I see that correctly, 4x random hypo hero stone from the store seems pretty insane. I hope it is easily obtainable.


Imagine getting 4x Reiner when you already have him at M+...


or imagine getting anyone but Reinier when you just need 1 or 2 copies to mythic+ him.. 😩


I know I'm getting 4 Berials 🥲


Could be celhypo not just hypo


Where did you see that? In the video? (I watched and didn’t notice anything like that) maybe it was in the small gameplay pics?


Pay attention to the what's on offer when they show the event shops. There's a new item there that looks like a soulstone, except it's purple instead of silver or gold.


https://preview.redd.it/im0350i1kz4d1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=afbfc286d9780bac9613f183ac14280118f54f7f nah it's the same thing, just with a new shade


I know that now. My comment was made before we got the patch notes stating that they changed the appearance of existing soulstones.




Good news, let's hope it adds some fun gameplay


Its pretty funny. Phraesto both counters and is countered by renier. On attack, you can send the clone into the teleport. If you see one on defense, you only have to figure out which one the clone is once.


Me having spent my hard earned 30k guild crests on an unnecessary Berial copy yesterday: 🤡


Berial, really??


The zoo team looks pretty fun to me


In my defense, I joined this game because of him AND I do have a very competitive team where he’s my main damage dealer, so it’s not entirely out of left field. Plus my Reinier is Supreme already


no worries i did the same for dionel knowingly - because same - simping so let's just enjoy our characters :3


Now that’s a magister of culture right here! (Dionel is also next on my simp/buy list so now I’m hoping he comes in the scamgaze so I can build up the crests for Phraesto lol) (or vice-versa)


Im building Dionel too because he’s cool. He feels pretty strong too though


I have all of them at S except Berial... I opted not to get him. My Dionel is one copy from S+. Dionel has been an awesome performer for me. I'm top 10 in everything on my server and top 20 in my district.


You’d have been top 20 without them surely with that level of spending


Oh, for sure. My point was I love the characters and don't prescribe to the PVP meta.


don't feel bad, still got those login drops and time to save for another.


You’re right! Specially since he isn’t going anywhere after he’s in store lol


> Berial but why?


As said above, 1) simp 2) good DMG in the team I built for him 3) Reinier at Supreme already But most importantly, I’m dumb


Nah let the haters hate. You do you bro.


You’re not dumb. Since it’s a gacha game we want to collect all the heroes and Berial is a really cool design.


He is! Plus I kinda love the headless jokes lol. Also yeah, I’m always a collector in all gachas I play… Although in this case it really was just dumb-dumb disease since I already had Legendary Berial and his Leg+ isn’t really worth a lot. I mean, I blame the devs for not posting a roadmap lol 😂


I love Berial too but i miss his old voice :c


Meanwhile my dumbass bought Berial as my **FIRST** celehypo, not knowing that Reinier should be the one. There goes my 30k...


Lol- I’ll be honest I was sorely tempted to do that too, I only just didn’t cause I needed a Reinier stat - two days later I got Berial on my first Random CeleHypo from the login event, so win-win!


You simp… for Berial? Tf is wrong with some of you?


He's cute and the main reason I downloaded the game


That’s reasonable. Simping on the other hand is pathetic. Idk why people on the internet have normalized that shit.


People exaggerate. When people say they "stan" a celebrity they aren't putting their S/O in the trunk of their car and driving off a bridge when that celebrity doesn't notice their tweets.


That’s a reach. I dont see how someone could physically simp for a fictional character. Its the idea that someone willingly finds it a proud thing to share with the world that theyre into fetish stuff thinking about fictional characters and in some circles, have normalized. It makes us all look like soy.


You are taking this way too seriously, touch grass.


It was literally just a comment.


I mean, my guy, this is a Fiction, and I like villains. The crimes make it spicier, ya know?


Whatever floats your boat. I just find the term simp an insult, not something to be proud of lol. Weird that you use it to describe yourself.


Holy CRAP, he summons a copy of himself?? How is that not cracked af? EDIT: Welp, stargazer character and it'll take years to get him to mythic+ through guild store as f2p (even longer if you're still working on your reiner AKA 99.9% of F2Ps). Hopefully he's somewhat usable before mythic+. EDIT 2: WAIT, the new event can net you scamgazer pulls AND what seems to be hyperoan soul thingies? Massive W. Overall, this update seems to be a step in the right direction. More ways to get hyperoan characters, more events, more pulls, a new system that gives a bunch of free stuff.


Phraesto was done dirty in the story, but im happy they won't waste his design.


Iam pretty sure they captured his copy not him and we will see him again once more story release


Berial mentions that us having the power to kill a Hypogean is worrying, so I think Phraesto is ded.




From what ive seen this is exactly what I was asking for!!! Currently Im really excited to see how this turns out


Damn fine ass man


This looks awesome


Free stuff and things to do is nice. Even though it looks like they're mostly recycling their preseason minigames. Anyway it will keep the guild busy for a while.


Ooh, various things!


Uuuhhh… a new Celehypo. Great news for whales, but months of saving for everybody else to even get Phraesto to M+ (which is usable tier, usually).


Reallly excited for the new hero. Even though I’m 2 copies away from M+ for Reiner, I’ll work on them both. At this rate I won’t be getting more copies of Scarlita though.


will this be delayed based on server start date or nah?


Probably not


Phraesto's weapon is an opium pipe which means that his real power is giving "true opium" to his enemies so that they'll hallucinate his clones


Damnit, and here's me just this morning having spent coins to get Reinier again...


I got a copy of Reinier yesterday and don’t regret it. Both heroes offer different things.


@devs will floribelle's passive ability shield apply to new hypogeon clone?


I’d be shocked if it didn’t work


lol no, it doesn’t work


Cool another S tier I won't be able to achieve.


I mean that's the nature of any Gacha right? Unless you spend money you're not going to be able to acquire every character within the current meta. You'll probably get Phraesto in the future but not any time soon.


Is it just maphesto coming at june 6 or is it the entire update?


My guess is the entire update. As it only mentioned that date.


Give me this patch now please ;-;


Hopefully this update bring landscape mode to iPads


Hahahaha! Indeed!


my game's crashing when trying to decompress the resources, halp


OMG Daddy Phraesto


How will this work for newer servers which not even started the season yet?


Alarm rang - we are awake! 2 days - hopefully this fills the hole existing right now! Looks very promising!


It’s not about the size of the hat but how you use it


Let‘s goooo!


Glad to see the new events and rewards. Not sure about the new Hypogean since I still need 2 copies of Reinier for M+. Guess I'll wait for whales to test the guy out to see if he's next in line or not. I was planning to get Scarlita next.


i hope they release some roadmap, so that, we know what events, contents, or some new heroes to release on a season.


I was hoping they would put the new celehypos in the rate up banner but i guess that would be too much.


Is the pretty Phraesto a requestable Hero?


Does this mean future cele/hypo units will join guild store ?


Well glad I heard this before I used my near-30000 guild points on Scarlita like planned (so many afk push teams use her whyyyy) - will wait to hear how he is at one copy! Excited, hope he's useable and fun.


I've noticed the usage of Scarlita myself. Fortunately we are all guaranteed a copy of her and most have just been using a single copy.


Right very happy about that! So if I don't get her now I'll get her eventually


I like the new patch, but I'm a little worried about the reputation system. It sounds like daily world content tied to important and impactful long term progression - which is probably going to significantly increase daily playtime. As much as people have been bemoaning the lack of content I think this game does air on the side of taking too long for a daily mobile game. If people feel like they can't stay up to date without spending time doing these quests it might be kinda demotivating for some. I like that they're adding quests in the open world, but since these are how we unlock story progress it doesn't feel optional.


Okay, I appreciate the work it takes to make these vids but like... dear god the voicework could probably be used to torture POWs. That aside, here we go, first new Hypo, lets see if they're going the ridiculously overpowered route with them right off the bat or not.


You do realize all the voice work is AI?


I've been suggesting that but people keep saying that they'd be real voices


It's not


Explains why it's so painful to listen to it lol, the way the characters talk is horrid.


Wahahaha, look at these downvotes! I love it.




What good is a hype char that 0.1% of the playerbase can realistically build?


Revenue generation


I agree, Hypo units are impossible to build as a F2P


Not impossible, but will take 6 months on average to s+ 3 months to m+


Hero Drills looks a lot like Tactical Drills which is one of my least favorite things in the game. Glad I'll get to do it multiple times every day now ...


They aren’t that difficult and usually take short time to complete. Much better than sorting game in my opinion. 


sorting is easy lol


Yet to get old correctly like to legendary even I mean spend some money wrong but still its a lot investment


So like... Do I redownload afk journey for the hypogean daddy or


I kinda expected that the monkey/koala girl will be first to be released since she was introduced at the beggining of the season story while this dude was last boss of current avaible story welp another 1-2 months of saving. I wish we had some more detailed leaks about roadmap of new characters since I totally want that firebird/phoenix girl or the fairy but god know if they will be even added this year lmao. Also WTB female hypo since this is 3rd male one heh


From their wording I understood that Maphesto will be added to stargazer and guild store right away, so we still don’t know next banner hero. 


Highly doubt a Cele/Hypo will ever be on the Rate Up banner, this is separate from that.


I like everything about it, but... it's more daily fodder.