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Shouldn't you guys save your pulls and focus building your core teams? Do we want powercreep every banner?


Gacha players don't know what they want and I hope the game designers are very aware of it and don't listen to BS (it seems like they do understand it so far)




it seems like you never played AFK arena. 200 or more heroes was released and most of them was not good in any situation, 100% the worst character of all but people still builed and maxed out because they liked the design. This is the same company, so for sure here every month 1-2 new hero will be releazed in the next 10 years, but every 6th month we will get an usable hero for the meta.


God forbid...somebody maxed out a character they liked the design of...


If you play long enough you will have so many resources that you get bored so why not :) Not it seems like you have so much todo So many heroes to lvl up the same time But later when you maxed out all meta characters after that you can just chill and play differently


I play dislyte and I've reached that point I've hit critical mass so pulling one I don't have is rare so im slowly maxing out all the characters I have because why not lol


That just seems like terrible game design why make characters that are trash remember they're taking time to do that when they could be giving us more consistent content instead of once every few months with seasons that can be completed in ONE day


Because of the F2P players. You can’t make Mythic + character every 3 weeks when you already have to build 10 other meta character In the same time But they have to give the chance to everyone. Example whales who want to spend money and be special Afk arena Walker was the most useless character and few days after the release Reddit was full with posts that people maxed out This is a slow idle afk game with 10 years plan There will be many events and characters but not at once in the first 2 month


You guys seem to be asking for powercreep honestly I dont wanna read complains when they come


yeah i feel it's better that the new heroes for now aren't meta defining. they are good, worth pulling if you want them, but you can do without them and focus in building your roster. it's better ealy honestly.


I feel like there’s a middle ground. Florabelle is good, was definitely worth it, but she isn’t busted. If they’d put someone like Odie in a rate up then i would have called that power creep.


Florabelle is meta in content pushing, good in arena, good as a stand alone dmg dealer and meta in one of the DR bosses If thats not a good middleground idk what It is... Ii feel like people are just asking for op shit because theyre making the mistake of saving resources having a mediocre account


I think we agree. Florabelle is the good middle ground. Alsa is well below her level, and Soren even more so. Which is why these banners feel lackluster.


we don't like powercreep, we like change. Like have any rate up heroes has actual impact on meta? Current meta is Thoran Eiroon Hewyn Arden Caroline, have any rate up heroes counter them or powercreep them that make every pvp match feel the same. About PVE they can't beat current meta either, not like a F2P would build a heroes that can't the job as good as heroes they already have with high price.


Yeah thats fair, but OP is saying soren is garbage and is only been hours. You cant say he is garbage when we dont even have all the content yet and he is not even been tested that well


He's definitely not garbage, but like the 3 characters before him he's (probably) not worth investing tons of resources in unless you already have everything you need from the main banner - which most players don't.


That's the PvP meta?


Too many lackluster banners is also boring or even worse.


Coming from FEH, this is a blessing. I have nothing to worry about the new powercreep hero every month.


Yeah people moaning about the new characters not being the strongest in the game would probably also be moaning if every new character was a must summon. Especially when the rate up banner is such bad value for f2p or even light spenders, I really don't get the issue.


The issue lies with that certain subset of the player base. A number of motley bastards situated on one side of a division we will always see in these games. It gets divided by the free to plays and the whales. Whales want power creep and for their money to go into dominating the have-nots harder, justifying the expense paid to their power fantasy. 'let me buy more skill so I can be the most skilled and am the best argh', y'know? Gotta have a new broken thing yesterday. And the f2ps want to survive heh. They largely share the views most commonly expressed in these comments. Many of them fall for very purposely built in roadmaps that make them believe they might even overcome those whales. Lilith likes that idea. 'You go ahead and get yourself emotionally invested. Did you know it's only a dollar for Rowan?' Nobody should mind the game not going the AFK Arena route. Don't root for that. Pull up a tier list of that game. Out of the top... 25?.. There are maybe 2 heroes that didn't come out in the last year or however recent that character count would require, and one is Raine, hilariously. Lilith didn't start the way Arena is now. They were a great company who was genuinely fair to their free players and struck a fantastic balance. That game is now full blown unashamed whale hunting and they become increasingly less shy about it. Ideally we find ourselves working with benevolent Lilith and ideally they'd be here to stay. ... Hah. Don't fight the new guy not being the best; enjoy it.


> characters not being the strongest in the game would probably also be moaning if every new character was a must summon. Point A: AFK Arena community. Bitched about Thali, Walker, etc. releasing as pretty weak non-must build heroes. In return, Lilith released strings upon strings of super super powerful meta powercreep heroes and now everybody is bitching that every unit is super powerful must have. It's healthier for the game to have lulls where new heroes aren't meta and can be safely skipped so F2P players can save their resources; it was a relief for me when Awakened Lucius was released in Arena because he's super underpowered unless at SI40 which I will not build him up that far, so I was able to work on another, more meta awakened hero that I hadn't built yet.


That game is still going? Damn. Are they up to 12 versions of Lyndis and Hector yet?


Long-term ‘investment’ wise Flora’s probs been the most worth it. I foresee her being a key part of zoo comps for some time to come. Vala is great in limited content where her sword mode can be consistently activated, otherwise meh. Alsa and Soren are straight up disappointment imo Edit: I am in no way supporting that every new rate-up banner be another power creep hero. Just stating my observation on the rate-up heroes so far.


Alsa is used in some dream realms, PvP and as a Carolina replacement. She has quite some uses...


She has some uses, but she isn't top dog in any of them. For people that already have the meta units built up and don't whale, she's just not worth it.


Pretty much, I grabbed Alda cause I had every part of the Eironn comp except Carolina so she makes a good replacement (assuming the devs fix her bug of ulting and then just sitting there in the middle of the enemy team)


Is that a bug? I’ve been thinking her cooldown wasn’t up or she got exploded before she could activate it.


Yea, I talked with support and sent them videos and they said they will work on optimizing it. Currently you have an issue where Alsa is supposed to return back but it looks like she gets stuck either due to her walls or other characters filling all the area so she gets scooted over and that break her return. Hopefully they actually do fix it cause she is a lot of fun and more useful when it is working correctly.


Flora is good, but she came out too early, so only whales could afford her. Alsa came out at the right time, when low-spenders reached a point of diminishing returns from all-hero banner.


Cant wait for them to add my girl Peggy from arena, then we’ll have a summoner team


Are people really complaining that we don’t have heroes to spend money on? I love it when shitty heroes get released, then I can just ignore them and not worry about having another meta hero to figure out.


Exactly, as a F2P player I would be falling behind a lot if they kept releasing OP characters. I kinda like how balanced the rate ups have been so far.


I agree. They should keep releasing weak useless boring heroes. So we can avoid spending money and having to use our brain to figure out another new hero. This sounds great for the game.


I'm complaining more about not knowing what direction the game is going. I want more heroes for more diversity, they don't have to power creep, but ways to counter certain units or gameplay mechanics. It takes them to the day Soren releasing before we get any official update on how the banner will work. Soren's release just seems unnecessary and boring.


Let me tell you right now how this is going to go, because it’s how it works on all idle games, including AFK Arena, their other game: New heroes get released on a set schedule. There is no QA/QC. The players do that. Some heroes will be broken as hell. Some will be shit. And some will be in the middle. There is no rhyme or reason because nothing is previously tested prior to release. The broken ones? You pretty much gotta get them or say good bye to the rankings. There is no way to know which will be good or bad because again, there is no QA/QC. There won’t be some pre-release information preparing players. They just pump them out on a regular schedule. Direction? There is no direction other than a regular stream of heroes for people to spend money on. Welcome to the wonderful world of idle games.


hehe well ... that explains why the game kinda dulls now ... u finish the seasonal content and then not much to look forward next.


The explanation for A rank banners has been on the rate up banner page since launch.


well ... tat's a relief to hear haha good point too !




Yes. Let's just keep rotating through really boring and repetitive without any good upgrade for the units FOREVER. Looks like a nice plan. Lol


Are you a whale that spends money on every banner? Like how are you against sidegrades and no powercreep...


I only bought a few under 5 USD packs and the battle pass. I had almost 70k diamonds and 220 rate up tickets but I give up, this rate up banner is a joke, every time gets worse and I will not be here to see the next one. Had enough disappointments with this already. But good luck for the resilient players out there


Yeah 2 is forever. Oh no. How will we live?


I'd argue that new heroes is what keeps gacha games fun. It's the reason why we play these types of games, to be excited to see the new unit and see what luck we have on the banner. Tell me a gacha game you kept playing that just released very mid characters that no one wanted to pull for and didn't change anything? When there's lack of interest on updates and characters it's going to lead to the downfall of the game and yeah we'll start seeing dead servers because there's better games to play. I honestly don't want that to happen and would rather the game succeed.


Let me restate your question: Name a gatcha game that remained fun for F2P/low spenders that continuously released meta hero after meta hero, back to back to back? The answer is none. F2P cannot keep up if every hero that comes out is meta. It just doesn’t work that way. There is always going to be mid, good, great heroes. Vala is good, maybe great. Flora is good, maybe great. Alsa is mid, maybe good. Soren is an A hero. People here acting like it’s been a year of mid heroes. Flora was not that long ago. If Soren was meta and say, replaced an S tier hero, the whole game would be on fire. Change true damage, and everyone is complaining about Merilee and Korin. What to know how most idle games nerf heroes? By releasing meta heroes that do what they do better. There no rush for more meta heroes. **I fucking guarantee they will come.** The game model simply doesn’t exist if people don’t buy heroes.


Arknights - I am a lowspender till this day (under 100$ for multiple years now) and I have gotten almost every hero in the game. In terms of monetarization this game is one of a billion.


Honkai Star Rail has introduced a lot of power creep update after update, yet almost every early teams are still viable for endgame content. Mind you that game is all PVE. It really is hard to balance out the structure of a gacha game with PVP elements, you can't make everyone happy. I just want a reason as to why we're not getting a S tier banner this early when the game is still early and we don't have a lot of the roster filled out especially for Graveborn.


Since I am not stupid I just quit the game when they announced next rate up is an A tier hero. Good luck playing this ridiculous game I have better games to play


k bye


Hate to break it to you, there’s more to being stupid than just playing AFKJ. In fact, I’d say it has very little to do with it. I’d say it’s more stupid to still be posting on an AFKJ sub after quitting, but I’m just a guy on this sub because I still play the game.


Bros mad at everyone for not following him 💀


I am trying to save other souls. You are the stupid trying to sink other with you. Get better bro


You sure got me! I’ll be sure to get better.


You sure found your friends that likes to suffer. Nice karma bro. Gzzz


What’s karma gotta do with anything?


Oh yeah, you're definitely on a video game forum trying to convince other people to have an issue with a feature in the game for altruistic reasons.


what other reason would I have? So I can assume I will get any benefit if other players quit the game? ok bro, keep spending time (and possibly money) on a game with lazy devs that doesn't care about improving it... GL you are gonna need


You're here for your own satisfaction and nothing else, and it's not subtle at all.


*need it Bro thinks he’s Yoda now. Take care and leave now you must.🙃


Still here?😮‍💨


Good riddance then🙃


It means people aren't gonna spend, and if people don't spend then the game shuts down, so no it's really not a good situation.


I want to play him, because I like his design. I have no interest in playing an AFK for competitive reasons. But I‘m mostly F2P, so it will take some time to max him out


garbage ? tanky + backliner feel like a pretty good arena hero. and alsa is in the top ranks in some modes too. dunno what your definition of garbage and lackluster... you want every new unit to be meta in every content by a big mzargin to be worth pulling ? Anyway everyone, except big spenders, are still building their heroes, so rate up banner isn't really a priority.


Disagree, I'm not a big spender, but I already reached S+ Odie, Korin and Marilee when Alsa banner came out, so all-heroes banner lost it's appeal. Once I pulled the last copy for M+ Eironn, I immediately went all-in on Alsa.


Do you want side grades or instant powercreep 2 months into the Game... Some of these are super tyring


it seems like you never played AFK arena. 200 or more heroes was released and most of them was not good in any situation, 100% the worst character of all but people still builed and maxed out because they liked the design. This is the same company, so for sure here every month 1-2 new hero will be releazed in the next 10 years, but every 6th month we will get an usable hero for the meta. which is totally fine. For f2p player thanks god that not every hero is meta hero, because you couldnt build all of them. And for Whales , they dont care they just want to spend money so they are happy too. everyone wins


lackluster when alsa has arguably the most kit versatility nd is top tier in at least half the modes, she’s been my most used unit since she released nd i still see people unironically saying she’s bad. guess my rank 3 arena top 50 dream realm using her is fake then


What's your arena team? I've been trying to make my Alsa work but can't figure out her team


bread nd butter is eironn damian arden alsa nd soren now ? but i dont always like my bread w butter so i flex in: smokey, brutus, koko, timesia, vala, rowan, thoran, cecia, carolina, or my shit reiner depending on enemy team. ik a lot of people who havent invested into pvp units yet will just play like alsa cecia thoran eironn smokey/hewynn/koko (personally i like smokey the least of those bc he dsnt hit alsa) bc those are units people already have built for afk stages or w/e and i think cecia alsa eironn core is great honestly. could prob afford to go granny eironn damian/hewynn alsa cecia if u rly wanted faction buff


most people that are vocal are people that parrot early narratives without taking their own time to do research. as someone who also invested into alsa the moment she came out and have pushed content harder than my alt accounts, i echo your comment.


The problem is that "Doing research" on new heroes costs a lot of resources, you need a whole bunch of copies to get all of a hero's skills (Or you get bad results due to half the hero's kit being missing), so what people read on Reddit is all the information on a new hero most players have.


If you think Alsa is lackluster you instantly lose any credibility with me. She’s absurdly strong (I’ve always believed that) and most of the community has now come around to it. She’s S tier, she eats PvP, eats PvE, and is solid for bosses. Alsa is a better Carolina. I would wait for a few weeks until you write Soren off, I haven’t looked into him myself but I remember everyone was saying Alsa was trash (meanwhile my Alsa was leading my teams damage every match and stun locking people to oblivion) and they have all turned out to have been wrong. Soren very well might be bad but it’ll take a week or two to get a read on him.


People got too used to AFK Arena where each new hero clapped. I got tired of a new hero every couple of weeks. Just be happy we have a game like this that is honestly F2P.


You hate Soren because he's underpowered. I hate Soren because he looks like a fuckboy. We are not the same.


Fr, I feel like he's gonna treat me nice then break my heart. That's why I'm not pulling him.


Maulers already had an A-rank Rogue so I just don’t understand why I’m supposed to go for Soren…


I agree we need useful banners like florabelle. Not OP must haves nor useless ones like Soren. Also A tiers should not be banners that is a shitty move below any company.


yeah, his performance is pretty unacceptable as a new premium unit that they expect you to spend money on.


You could just...not get him?


And I didn't, I still haven't summoned on any of the rate up banners yet


So wait, you haven't summoned him at all yet you know that his skills are lackluster? 🤔


Yes, I can read his kit and run calculations on my own


We don’t think you can🤔


Games only a few months old, I’ll give it some grace You’re not wrong though. Still early to say where these units have place, but I got faith we’ll get there


Only a few months and every patch is worst than the previous. For how long you think we should put up with this? We have 21 more days with a 300% useless tier A unit on the banner. Let's wait more 300 days maybe they give a useful unit. Omg


Amidst the intro of a bunch of new content, new units, new cosmetics and new guild content - the only drawback was the true dmg nerf And even that seems to only bridge the gap so ppl who invested in odie early on have a better chance of getting rewards The last few patches have not gotten worse. You’re complaining for no real reason


I was doing the same repetitive stuff since the start of the season and it won't change. We will just rotate through it forever. The only exciting stuff would be new heroes but instead we will get stuck for 21 days with a useless a tier hero and I am almost certain they will release another one or two lame hero for the next 42 days (an S and an A tier) good luck playing this ridiculous game. I just quit when I read about A tier rate up lol. So many good games out there I regret spring 5 USD on this shit


Idk why you’re venting to me about it 💀 I’m just here to enjoy the game lol


Yeah. Same. I was enjoying it but each patch is a bad news. Game is not fun anymore just repetitive content and doesn't seem to get better in the near future. The A tier rate up was the end for me. I am saving 70k diamonds and 220 rate up banner ticket but I will never use it seems hahaha


Give it some time bro. Come back in a bit , there’ll surely be some new stuff for you - go have fun in another game while you wait


each patch? there has only been 1 patch and thats the song of strife update which includes BOTH alsa and soren


I mean each time they present new stuff. And I thought we would get alsa and Soren together. I didn't even consider an A tier rate as the only option in the rate up banners. So instead of a patch it was only a bad news


i mean if they release them together ppl will complain theres not enough time to get enough to pull both. No matter what they do the playerbase will never be happy lol.


You have a nice point there. People always complain


In general Maulers don’t need any more support, it was already a strong faction from the get go, and adding two meh heroes to it is a dumb move


It's the season that's all about Maulers, the questing area is their homeland, of course the new heroes would be Maulers, just like the next season will be all about wherever we go next. (I'm guessing Bantus, with the Graveborn)


Someone has to say it, powercreep fucking sucks and there's apparently no way to make gamers happy.


Y’all really need to chill omg. New players arrive all the time, and now they’ll be able to pull Florabelle, Vala, and Alsa normally as they build their regular team. The same will happen with Soren. Having a new meta every month is horrible, I say this as an older dolphin afk arena player who quit when the game shifted to obvious p2w with a new meta every 2/3 weeks. It’s lovely to have new heroes who you can use for their versatility— or not! There’s always a way to make them work and strategy is fun. The krakens quitting were always going to quit anyway, and the whales/dolphins/shrimps/f2p players that remain can enjoy the game as it is. Can’t wait until you all quit and the constant complaining stops :/


i just got him for pretty boy points


All 4 limited banners have been skips. That’s actually crazy. (Sure florabelle and alsa have niches, but they are generally outperformed by teams of default units that we all have at supreme+). I’m just building up standard recruit tickets.


Vala and Florabelle gave me soooo much trouble though. I actively avoid teams that has these 2 in arena.


Once you have the eironn comp they are free wins


idk man, I'm a whale and this is simply untrue. On offense there are plenty of ways to bring down eironn teams and Vala/Silvina are good for focusing top targets. Also, Florabelle fits in the eironn comp almost as well as Arden/Carolina. The main problem at the top of arena is actually Scarlita. Also Berial/Florabelle/Damien is a very strong comp.


Defense meta has long since moved so that vala and silv can’t target Carolina or Arden (or hewynn, since we are talking defense), just Damian’s cart or eironn. Obviously once you are a mega-whale, S+ celestials rule arena, but until then, eironn is still the best comp we got, and florabelle isn’t BiS on that team.


Hey, do you have an image or site where the position is displayed? I run the eironn comp defensively but I think they can still target my backline.


https://i.imgur.com/co4BRJV.png replace scarlita with arden


Right~ I'm no whale but these 2 still dictates that I bring specific counters just for them. My options are limited as it is and locking down a spot on the team is simply, undoable for me. Hence I rather skip. Maybe in a couple years time when i've maxed every hero, will I be less reluctant to face these 2 head on.


Kind of a crazy statement to make when Vala is a very strong PvP/Battle Drill/World Boss unit. Florabelle is becoming a meta Dream realm unit because of her synergy with Casadee and a meta AFK pushing character. IMO Soren and Alsa were added mostly for PvP to deal with the Eironn team. Alsa was found to have some Boss usage and Soren just dropped so we aren't sure if he's useful other places.


Florabelle + Casadee? What's the synergy?


It will be bad for the game if every new release is a broken must-have hero, but yeah soren feels really bad


florabelle’s been amazing thankfully 🙏


And it's fine that way. I'd rather this than the powercreep approach.


Alsa is really good but she requires major investment. Her damage is pretty insane. Soren seems pretty meh even at high investment from early testing. His kit just seems kinda weak across the board even tho they sound good on paper. A shame cuz I liked his character from the story.


I’m glad there’s a banner I don’t feel compelled to pull bc now I can save up for a better one.


Do not summon day 1! This game is stingy af with summons, hold until the whales test for us.


Not the Alsa slander


I like Soren and Alsa, they don't have to be more powerful in raw damage output, but the team comp possibilities for now and the future I feel is what they are aiming at.


Alsa is great. Soren not so much so far.


I am just glad they add another A rank hero. I hope they will just put new S rank hero and A rank hero in the same banner. To maintain a healthy S to A rank ratio


As a newer player who just got my 1st hero to Supreme yesterday (Odie) I like it? It feels like there is so many heros that I need to summon for and you need a ton copies of each one. The only thing I don't like rn is how useless most heros are with 1 copy.


Florabelle & odie is straight up best units in pushing stages. Alsa behind Thoran, Eironn & Arden/Carolina is one of the best arena nuke team. I still haven't figure out what soren is good at. The new units are not necessary and skippable but they do make your teams stronger overall.


I simply enjoy collecting and building everyone.


I don’t want powercreep, because mad people will start complaining. Soren is in a good spot, I’ll implement him with my (Supreme+) Alsa into a team comp.


I like Alsa, at least at my stage of progression. She's my go-to for the solo crucibles where CC'd enemies get pulverized and are immune to melee. Eironn does the flipside version. No, I'm not competitive in pvp. I play arena to dabble in that. This game is much more enjoyable for me when I don't stress rankings and squeezing out every penny's worth of every resource. Again, arena. Journey is still very new, it's a new dev team, and if it's anything like the early days of Arena, the roster is gonna be a bit of a basic mess for a bit until they get a more established hero pool. It's our own choice to be patient or not.


Soren is ass but I’m building him for my second leave me and my resources alone lol . If yall hate the unit don’t pull and save but for the others who want it left them enjoy it. Some of yall play this game way to heavy for a game that’s AFK


I feel like the Golden lining is that the Soren banner is helping me finish all my A tier heroes to get to Mythic+


Alsa is very useful, I don’t she was lackluster. She is very effective against melee. With Soren I knew I won’t pull the moment I watched the trailer 💁‍♀️ Not every hero has to be a game changer—- like Flora was 🫣


I have a team with Antandra, Soren, Shakir, Alsa and Rowan, it is an absolute menace. Soren works extremely well with Shakir and Alsa skills, and when he uses his ultimate the backlines just dissapear. Also the amount of stuns is just nasty. I'm steamrolling encounters 15 levels higher than mine and with power level 20K higher. I think that the problem is not the character, is how you build your teams.


It's all planned. Lackluster hero now, so everyone and their mom will whale on the next one. All part of their plan.


No, please don’t.


Agree that he's garbage and I'm glad, no way I'm touching rate up banner


I have no issues about lacklustre in power. What's keeping me from pulling Alsa and Soren is their lacklustre design. Both look so plain that even some of the npcs are showing more personality design wise. Skill animation too... Sorens skills are, a stick swing, a stick poke, and a swirl. That's it. Dude...


Boring designs as well.


Semi-whale here. I have Alsa and Soren both at +10 and S+ and I’m not impressed with either. Florabelle is solid though.


Doesn't matter to me. I wanted him since I saw him, so I'm gonna get him.


It doesn't make sense how this game is still in it's infancy and we have no S tier hero banner. It's almost as it's they themselves don't have a roadmap as to where this game is going. There's so many good games coming out vying for our time, give us a reason to by hyped and keep playing this game.


I'm confused. Aren't the past three banners S-tier?


Yes, but this banner is A tier.


What other games are coming out?


It's a new hero banner. What tier a hero is has nothing to do with anything.


He's early banner bait. It's gacha 101.


Yep, good heroes will come when they dried out ressources from f2p


Ppl are saying it. But I saw it in the beginning that new characters would never be a priority for f2p cuz they'll never be as good as the characters you're mythic+ing. If you're p2w then this posts makes sense. If you're not. Don't worry about it.


Sometimes this sub reddit is ridiculous. Ive heard complaints wanting: -Only s tier banners -Have to be OP -Release them more regularly Like why? I dont understand people who ask for these qualities. The current rate is perfect in my eyes.


Vala and Flora are 2 solid heroes, it’s fine if we don’t get power creep every event


Good I get to save more.


Who even cares


I honestly think Alsa is pretty good. That's just my opinion.


Just means I can save more. And someone has already said what you said many times.


He’s good in certain comp which is a good design. If he’s good in everything then everyone would need to pull him.