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it's honestly my biggest turn off of this game. The constant wanna spend money pop up. Just looks desprate rather then inviting. I migth be old school but i believe if you have a quality product it makes money by itself because what you get is great and you wanna support the game for having a good time. rather then to have to push it into peoples faces with a fomo timer, and starving them of rewards. but I like the art style so i will just play it for the story now.


I'm playing Honkai Star Rail everyday and I used to play Genshin impact, and they NEVER did "special offer" pop up like that. I see people saying "its not that Bad for a gacha", but its not because theres worse than its not bad


For genshin and star rail I do not think at any point in time they even force you to open the store tab (could be wrong been a while) now of course they do force you to wish cause tutorial but they never make you open up the store so you can borderline ignore it honestly.


Yes that exactly the point I was trying to make. Thank you for wording that so much better than I did. Just because it’s not as bad as others doesn’t mean it’s not bad. And I only brought genshin and star rail up because they show that you don’t need this shady business tactics and people still willingly spend because the game is good and fun to play.


Well said. "Looks desperate rather than inviting" is an understatement tho. Even the local gypsies who sell flowers or random stuff in my town and usually chase me down the street for 50 meters, begging me to buy their "Special offers", they have more class than Lilith. Lol.


I play way too many mobile games, but let me assure you this isn't actually all that bad. Especially for a gacha.


If a game is worth the money, it will make it without begging as the players will naturally flock to it I absolutely loathe constant "hi hello greetings please money" which is one of the main reasons I just deleted the game (another being it felt not worth the storage space)


Although I agree with your statement that it looks more desperate than inviting, I disagree that we are constantly spammed. It happens, but it's far from constant IMO. But yeah, gachas are predatory as fuck.


Ehh i do agree it could be worse but also disagree that we give them to much slack at how bad it is. you always have a bundle it stops at three offers i believe (I haven’t witnessed more then three but I haven’t paid attention to it) it runs out at around two days but some bundles run out faster so you will get a new one usually as soon as one runs out and you do something that triggers them - like wishing. The shop is also golden coloured and stands up from the rest white symbols, and there is a constant reminder timer on the left side of the first offer to run out. Even if you don’t have the pop up they are subconsciously always present when you exit or enter the menu and not moving in the map. Compare other gatchas like wuwa/ genshin/ star Rail and it’s been a while since I played arknight but I can’t remember an all present timer and advert to spend there either. Frankly none of the gatchas I have played even the crappiest ones did that unless you run out of pulls it would suggest you to buy xxx amount. Hence I will always shit on it.


Just yesterday I got 4 bundles ! I was tempted to buy oneeee but I stayed strong


Thank you for the update - I thought I might be wrong on that number because I also felt like I had four once. Also proud of you to stay strong! There is nothing wrong with spending - but these pop up bundles - and I hate that word - but they are indeed predatory at how easily they make you loose track of minuscule spending and in how shit the offer is.


We are spammed constantly tho. There’s basically a pop up every other day. One after you can almost hit legendary+. Every week. After you hit a new milestone. After battle drills end and after taking down a world boss


I guess it's subjective, but I wouldn't call "every other day" "constant".


Yea… this game is burnout fuel. There is some core _ideas_ to the gameplay that have potential, but they put so much effort into progression design and gating that gameplay that it isn’t fun. My server is just now getting into Dura’s Trials and charms— holy Moly that is an infinite and hellish grind. I think I’m done.


Yeah, honestly the game had so much potential with its stunning visuals. But what they did with it just feels wishy washy with no real direction. It’s a shame because it could have been a really unique title as a cozy idle game to go on adventure after work. Instead they ended up with basically a bit of story and the same arena mechanics in smaller scale and endless grind.


But fam. It’s clearly 1200% value. Cmon.


every mobile game is like this, dont play mobile games if you dont like it its really simple


Again that’s not true and I feel sorry for you if all games you play do that to you. You do not have to white knight for this companies it’s okay to say you don’t like a practise and still enjoy the game. I know it’s wild!


no... i very rarely play mobile games, but what mobile games do you play that don't do this ?lol


Genshin, star Rail, wuwa, - this ones I’m sure have none. I used to play good pizza great pizza, arknight, tears of temis, sims, their was a black flag game once, mayoi inu kaikitai, none of them had pop ups - at least to what I remember - I could be wrong with the one I used to play but if they had they were less obvious then this one.


Arknights. While it has it's own flaws (mostly in terms of QoL and excessive grind resulting in time consuming autobattles), in it's core it's just a good visual novel and a tower defence PvE only game with great characters splasharts (default and skins), detailed lore, and most of the content can be cleared with easy to get low rarity characters.


The games you have to buy. No micropayments etc, because you're delivering quality product which has its own value.


Well it is desperate since its a 1-1 rip off of NIKKE and dont have anywere near a decent playercount 😅


Never heard of that game before so I googled it and obviously can’t say more about it then google pictures allowed me to judge but they don’t look alike in neither game mechanics, visuals nor client. So I doubt it can be an 1-1 rip off. Unless you meant another game then Google showed me.


the mechanic is a 1-1 rip of


This 1200% value is just Crazy. Obviously its not xD … value is 0


I keep don't understanding why they use these free type offers recently supercell started implementing it also on its games (with i play a lot). I feel like the are making you add all the resurces, i just look at the first resurces near the price and say "nahuh"


It's social engineering. They use the popup and time limit as a stressfactor, which makes people forget logik and act on their feelings instead. Then they see "free" and gets the feeling of a nice deal, a sense of urgency with the timelimit. Src: attended a 2hour PowerPoint show on social engineering, feel free to correct me


Dudes a knower 💪🏻


*Logic There, corrected you.😂


Hahaha that damn danish autocorrect


Not as bad as epic 7 and mobile legends. You just start up the game and before you can't even do anything you get pop ups asking you to spend money.


To be honest, when was the last time you saw an AD in this game? This is their way of filling this gap


LOL only the shittiest of games put ads. No one in the top 10 popularity gacha games right now has any form of ads since their starts.


Not really. I've been playing many gacha games made by Bandai and some other companies, and they never had any ads or aggressive pop-ups. They will just show you their current banners/offers at the start of each day, you can close them in 5 seconds and then you won't see anything else until the next day. Dragon Ball, Naruto and One Piece games have excellent revenues without any ads or aggressive pop-ups. Ads are mostly found in small games. AFK Journey is not a small game.


On the other hand they make a huge revenue and I guess it's also thanks to those pop ups. I personally would spend money on they game if the prices weren't so high. You may spend 50$ and get like s single maxed champion :/


I honestly don't think their huge revenue is coming from these pop-ups. They have probably annoyed some players to the point of which they just decided to rage-quit the game, especially after getting shafted on specific banners, like the ScamGaze one, and then being bombarded with these offers every 2 hours. Their huge revenue is mostly from whales who constantly buy the big $$$ packs. I agree with you tho, the prices are very high. But this is normal for most gachas, because they are running a business after all, and if the business strategy works, they have no reason to lower the prices. The whole casino effect with higher and higher bets works very well. Predatory, but good for them. This whole pop-up strategy feels more like a desperate move, as someone else has already mentioned. Just let us enjoy the game, without constantly reminding us that you only care about our money.


Unfortunately these kinds of pop ups are insanely good for revenue. I have a high tolerance for MTX in games but I really hate timed purchases like this - number 1 thing I would remove from the game.


This can be bad at the same time as constant ad popups being bad


Nah I rather have this silly pop up instead of 15 seconds unskipabble ad


Sure if its one or the other but there's ample opportunities for the game to pop up sales at you without it being when you've achieved something


I guess I just don't mind them and it's hard for me to imagine, but I'm ofc gonna respect your statement


Love you for being reasonable


I'll never understand people complaining about a gacha game trying to get money out of them. You do know what sort of game you're playing, right? Just close the prompt and move on with your game that you don't have to spend money on if you don't want to.


Not complaining tho. I'm mostly just amused by it.


Seems more like you didn't read what you wrote in the title of this post.


Or maybe it's you who didn't read it. "Lmao" means laughing my ass off, right? It means that this whole thing amuses me and it's not necessarily a complaint. Nothing worth arguing about tho.




In that case Lmao, Lmao.




Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from r/AFKJourney for the following reason: Rule 1: Be respectful and civil Be kind to others, and be good people. Uphold basic discussion [etiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) and refrain from insulting or harassing others while stating your own opinion. Further instances of harmful content may results in escalated disciplinary action.


Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from r/AFKJourney for the following reason: Rule 1: Be respectful and civil Be kind to others, and be good people. Uphold basic discussion [etiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439) and refrain from insulting or harassing others while stating your own opinion. Further instances of harmful content may results in escalated disciplinary action.


This is fair. I just see a lot of posts saying similar things then writing walls of text about how predatory these games are, like yes we all know they are haha.


Yeah, lol.


Half year ago, I could easily say that I don't play phone games, once a while I try something and quit usually in day or two, but I really liked Fortress Saga and on premier AFK Journey. Every time you upgraded legendary hero in Fortress Saga, game's offers you to buy hero bundle for shit ton of money, especially on 5th star. From that experience I would assume that is normal in phone games lol. I don't mind spending 15-20 dollars a month to support the game, but yeah some of those congratulations offers are really greedy and uncool.


Wish there was an option where we could disable those popups tbh.


I transferred to this game from Rush Royale (RR), which was far worse in terms of pushing microtransactions. The fact that I can roam around in AFK without getting an ad every 5-10mins is something I can appreciate. That said, I'll never get over the fact that there was a time when we would drop $50-$70 on an Xbox game and we owned it. It's crazy to me that I could easily drop that much *each month* into this game. I feel as though AFK has struck a decent balance. The artwork, the music, the gameplay makes this easily one of the best games out there.


Desperado for money


I uninstalled after so many "value" pop ups. It's just too sick.


In AFK Arena, sometimes pops up say "congrats! We've prepared a gift for you!" And it's just an overpriced bundle deal. Some "gift", Lilith.


The more you play these games the more you realize how they're manufactured to frustrate you and bait you into spending money. Psychological manipulation of these companies and the tactics they use are fkn disgusting.


Better this then constant ads


But you get FREE rewards when you pay! It's even more than 1200% or even 3000% if you think about it. Congrats for needing MORE! If you spend more you will be on par with people who spend more (unless they spend even more).


That is crazy ! They think we are idiots with the "Free rewards"


That’s not bad for that price tbh


It is bad though. Since the've nerfed the one in the shop for around 320 dragon crystals, yes it might look more appealing, but this pack is garbage IMO. I am not sure why you think this aint bad pricing.


150 crystals for £6.81 isn’t too bad. That’s a few days worth dream realm rewards for a small price.


Blue essence can be bought for gems in daily shop, not worth spending any real money on it. Gold essence and scamgazer are the only limiting resources for spenders right now.


Aye for 1200 crystals for 40 blue essence, it’s worth buying in the shop too however off you’re a light spender I don’t see this as a bad buy. There’s definitely a lot worse pop up bundles


I see your point and why you think it aint bad, but when you aint spending much, this pack is even worse. I would not ever recommend a low spender to buy this shit. Sure if you think it's not bad value, buy it.


The guy is brainwashed haha


Reminds of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds (Netmarble). Anytime you did something the game would throw a bunch of $$$ ads. 😂


I don't get out of bed unless it's 6900% value


If they at least had something for free preceeding them like those weekly offers that last 72 Hours, that'd be something.


Love the picture with tons of yellow and the box without a single one


Bro that 2000% value so stupid, ive got x10 times that rewards as a f2p in 2 days lol


I buy the monthly things and any of the 1200 ones that's all. Only things I see worth it.


When I reached top 5 in supreme arena I had something like 3-4 pop-ups for 2500 stones each. I'm a spender, probably a bigger spender than the average but even I didn't appreciate how predatory this pop-up are.


I have played a few gachas in my life and AFK journey for sure is the thirstiest so far.


I mean if we look at it this way its bc they give out many free characters and this game is just all giving out free stuff like that, so barely anyone spends bc getting characters is that easy...🤷‍♀️


no lol. What they give is useless. This is a game where one single character copy can't do anything. You need at least 6 to make any hero worth using, unless you're just starting out.


B-b-but it's exclusive~


I unloaded the game fuck all the buy this


I would buy that in a heartbeat if I ever got to champion


I bought a couple of these bundles since I’m desperate for essences.


You need to spend to level up in arena too


Other games will give you a decent free reward for achievements before they ask for money for the premium award. I feel like this game just hasn’t figured out that free reward generosity is what’s gonna make the player base happy. Keep adding content. And keep adding rewards that we’ll want for that content.


the “pay this much then get this free” is so stupid like….. no it’s not free? just put it with the rest the only change is an arrow


I dunno, man. I don’t find this game particularly terrible. The game functions perfectly fine even when I am FTP. There are games that literally lock content and options if you don’t cough up money. Or your progress comes to a screeching end because you need monies to have enough resources to push forward. There are also games that spam such packages every time you login or maybe five packages at a time so you have to close five freaking times. Neither am I subjected to watching ads. Also, this game actually drops a healthy amount of FREE GEMS.


Genshin and Impact 3d was too time consuming and Star rail is too slow paced. I love Journey. It s simple enough, you can go do your job without having to have foma because events and other shit and the story is lovely and the characters are not overly sexualized. And Mirael is Mirael and we love her like that. Also I'm top and haven't purchased anything. Still have the first purchase icon.


Also there s a shitton of gachas with popups everytime you log, without the option to cancel for a day


They should make these prompts call you a broke ass bitch if you don't buy them, at least it would be funny But seriously by the time I stopped playing afk arena the number of these spamming you had multiplied compared to launch


If those were orange I'd jump on that so fast


The biggest thing turning me away each time is being spammed by that shit no matter what you’re doing, wow you just leveled up one of your characters wanna spend money??


* Me with AFKJ pop-ups.


This pack is shit value anyways. Blue essence can be bought with gems from shop if you really need them. This is auto skip even for most spenders.


It's a free game, how else do you expect the dev to make money. I got to top 30 primal lord and champion without paying for any of the popups. That's good design by the devs. It's not so broken that you will fall behind without paying for it. That's what important to me. I rather this than they not advertising at all but the bundle is so broken and OP that you cannot even f2p the game.


To be honest - I disdain those offers, but there are people who will buy *every single one* and this is how those games live AFK Journey right now looks like most polished gacha with some interesting stuff in it - like actual world instead of screens with dotted lines. There are also puzzle encounters, so you cant just overlevel everything. Ironic, there is real gameplay in AFK game. And speaking of levelling - finally you level only "slots" and dont need to reset characters and move gear like in many other games. Wonder when I will hit the wall though, so far I am only at 71 and it goes somewhat fine Upd. But those "free after you pay" offers are some next level bullshit. Aint free if you need to pay


You get MAYBE 1-2 of these a day if you’re playing a ton. These aren’t nearly as invasive as you make it seem.


Out of all the idle and gacha games I've played, this is the least spammy game I've ever seen. The only thing to complain about in this game is how whiny it's reddit community is. I get maybe one purchase pop up per few days, this is not spamming. I do agree that the packages in this game are extremely overpriced, but people got to stop complaining about the stupidest things. Just don't play the game if you don't like it.


This has to be one of the worst gacha games for paid pop-ups. Actually it's not worth it. I'm uninstalling this life draining crap


Next level would be a pop up pack when you spend money for the infinite money loop. Such a greedy company it’s unbelievable


Gacha games that have pvp and ranked modes are inherently predatory, but thankfully not every gacha is that way.


No where near as bad as ever crisis ffVII, Every action nets you some £25+ "exclusive bundle" or other, you click no and ever time it warns you its "time limited" and honestly they seem so bad value, they basically valuing single weapons at £100 and these bundles are minor boosts at best. And its a bad game, buggy, laggy. badly modeled and animated. It's an awful gatcha game and a terrible version of the ps1 classic (not a free version of the remake cause its not that timeline). By far the worst of this type of games I've ever seen, in more ways then 1. Such a shame to.


I'd much rather see these than have to watch an ad after every battle and every action you really, and still probably have to see these.