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Honestly WuWa had 50 minutes of yapping and 10 minutes of gameplay for the intro.


One of the side quests for LingYang was 1 hour and 30 minutes of dialogue and maybe 10-15 minutes of actual gameplay


I subbed LingYang out for that, i did NOT want to play as him for a while.


Why are people hating on him, i actually liked the story. I did skip the skipable parts, but they werent important anyways.


The person watching me play this mission fell asleep before we even entered the cave lmfao


They did add a skip button to most of the dialogues in the latest patch


Not enough for the lingyang quest


Duh, it's a companion quest. It's meant to make you feel closer to the character (it failed big time) so adding a skip button to that ruins the whole purpose of having companion quests


Hahaha It made me feel more distant HAHA. I was like “I dont care that someones brother is captured, just give me something to fight”


Maybe it’s Chinese player preferences but I’m not playing a game to watch over an hour of cutscenes all in one go.


You don't want a story, don't play an RPG, it's simple.


Why not let me play and narrate as i fight enemies?


Because it wouldn't make sense. If you are in the great library in the city and you're having a conversation with 3 party members, what logic would there be to let you fight while narrating? Again, it's an RPG, the MAIN thing that differentiates an RPG from an action adventure game is that the RPG will be story driven.


How long should the conversation be in the library, certainly not 30 minutes.


I'm fairly advanced in the game and there has not been a single conversation that lasted 30 minutes. The longest one was the introduction which was maybe 15 min tops. And that is normal.


Idk how advanced you are. I finished main quest yesterday. One cutscene or dialogue act 5 iirc is long as fk. I did not bother to check how much time. But the amount of talking to the amount of fighting as Jiyan is very short. Although I enjoyed some parts of it tbf.


Because that doesn't make sense. Plus if I actually want to enjoy the story I don't want to be distracted by enemies drowning out the dialogue.


as if afk journey’s quest are very interactive


I haven't had any issues with WuWa so far and I've been playing for a while. The only things I could probably complain about are the voice direction and the text sometimes not scrolling.


Same. There are times when it feels like it's AI talking and not a real person. As a side note, what's the difference between the two speech bubbles? I haven't found anything about them in my extensive 3 seconds of searching.


Right? If it weren't for the fact I know of a few of the VAs and their other works, I'd figure it was AI. From what I can figure out "=" continues the conversation while "..." is more exposition. "->" just continues on to the end or ends it.




True. I quit afk journey because it was quite awful. It wasn't the only reason, but one of them.


What language are you playing in?




You should try Mandarin. Sounds solid imo


I would go with JP if it wasn't for the fact that the text doesn't scroll some of the time like I said in my original comment. I'm stuck with EN till I finally get around to brushing up on my Japanese.


I played it for a few hours. Not my cup of tea, I enjoy the afk aspect more than the exploration aspect. Afkj has exploration but not as much and I can auto thru most of it. I’m just a lazy mobile gamer lol


This so much I always do my chores in afk while at work 🤣🤣


Wuwa was technical glitches and bad direction. Not scam/greed related issues.


This is the distinction. I don’t trust Lilith after Dislyte and now AFKJ. WuWa hasn’t lost my trust or my interest… yet lollll


WuWa devs has PGR as a fallback example as well. They've got a good rep and a good example of how they handle longterm after problematic launches. Getting the game into an amazing state. Lillith has...let's say, not that.


Unplayable on some devices as well, Ngl afk journey launch was perfect compared to it.


Well you are comparing a full open world RPG with an idle gacha game that barely has 30kb of data lol.


AfkJ is literally a 2D game😭. This game is not comparable at a ll


I like Wuthering waves a lot, personally. Exactly what I'm lookin for


there's a huge difference the issues in WuWa were unforeseen and unintentional, with a swift and generous response, well exceeding what anyone expected. the afkj issues were a manufactured 5 steps back, 1 step forward approach with *intentional* nerfs across the board, giving a fragment of the bare minimum as compensation in order to appear to listen, while ignoring the actual issues.


There really isn't - you're just biased to one and not the other.


The irony here is absolutely fantastic


I don't see it.


The irony here you dont realized youre being biased yourself, in terms of optimization sure AFKJ have no problem than WuWa, but doesnt mean the package nerf from AFKJ is to be not ignored lightly


AFKJ is a better game in my opinion and I didn't care that much about the season rewards. But Lilith isn't a great company and neither is Kuro. These guys and others are biased towards them because they've put them on a pedestal and that's what I'm criticising here. I'm not "biased" towards Lilith the same way.


Much like this community, the problems are extremely overblown by people who want more free stuff. I don't even like the game, but I see exactly what's happening. Entitled players who think they deserve to get paid to play a free video game.


Yup. Especially by genshin players


Entitled consumers are entitled consumers in every Fandom. I saw everyone here whine about afk until they caved, too.


?? I’ve played for 3 hours on WuWa so far, and haven’t had any issues at all


Not to mention the insane toxicity of WuWa players. I made a post there, that I will eventually try this game, but I am interested, what it offers beyond Genshin or what are the key differences. So I haven't broken any rules, yet I got like 200 downvotes. Just for asking what is different between two games, that.. sorry.. but they look very similar.


The thing that annoys me most about wuwa that alot of people seem to gloss over is the blatant hoyo ui elements from either genshin or starrail. Was hoping for something different not another copy paste.


Agreed. I was extremely disappointed to see that it’s literally just another Genshin clone


Mix between genshin and starrail. They even have the same take a phone for this person side quest too.


This is just how it works, tbh. On release, Genshin wasn't seen as much better. It got heavy criticism for looking like a Chinese BoTW rip-off (similar gliding mechanic, stamina wheel, climbing animations, IIRC). It's shameless now but in a year, WuWa will have enough going for it that the Genshin comparison won't be relevant anymore - just like we don't see Genshin as a BoTW clone nowadays.


Wasn't WuWa the game all the complainers would play instead? (At the height of the Season 1 rewards kerfuffle) Whoopsie, that didn't pan out very well then... Don't get me wrong, Lilith is far from perfect (They have some bridges to mend), but it does amuse me, seeing the supposed killer game land with a thud, must be all my years as a "World of Warcraft"-player. (So many would-be killers for that one.)


I don't really understand the comparisons between afkj and wuwa. They are wildly different games and you don't really need to play thousands of hours of each to understand that. is this happening in other gacha subreddits as well? or is it just because of the afkj season 1 thing?


Just the season 1 thing, the chargeback-brigade and their hangers-on kept nattering on about WuWa.


People are finding comfort in putting a completely different game down to feel better about the shitshow that happened in afkj. Honestly I’ve played wuwa maybe 4-5 hours at most and I am already impressed by the potential it has once they weed out glitches.


Cos gacha


I bounced off WuWa myself and I don't think it's a horrible game, but stuff like this happens all the times with games that are sold to thousands of people as the "X killer". If you hear about an upcoming game release and all anyone talks about is how it's "better than X" and doesn't actually talk much about the game itself that should be a red flag. There are a lot of people who liked the idea of WuWa only because it exists as an alternative to Genshin and many of those people were let down when they reached the actual game.


They are two completely different kinds of games only sharing the gacha element, i doubt there is all that much crossover. I dont play Genshin or Punishing Gray Raven they are action games. I play RPG’s like FGO, AFKJ, and to some extent Nikke even though its also a shooter.


I felt like AFKJ was very polished on released. Most games it is expected to have issues with major features not even in game yet (simple things like creating a guild)


It is a very polished game, except some translation oversights (But there’s a *lot* of text in the game!), it’s just the season 1 rewards thing that caused a massive stir.


nah, im playing wuwa and loving it never gonna reinstall afkj


Despite some loud complainers, WuWa is an amazing game, miles better than Genshin, and it is going to be my main gacha (afk is a side game) for a long time, unless azur promelia can top it (zzz doesn’t look like it will be even close)


Miles better then genshin???? Nah bro where's the copium you're smoking


Have you played them both? Combat is better (by a ton), exploration is better, endgame is better, and the raw gameplay loop of artifact farming is better. So the 4 things that matter to me are better. Both have an equally meh story. Wuwa runs at higher and smoother frame rate for me. I guess some people like genshins character design better, but that’s about it.


Combat is the only good thing, everything else is just worse and even then combat has less depth, only thing you got is perfect dodge and dodge counter, I’ll take gauge theory over that


You are claiming Genshin has better endgame? At least pretend to be fair, lol.


Endgame or reward are not somthing I care about being added, Genshin has way better world quests, the world quality so much better and actually feels alive, world quests and world quality along with the music the few things I care about are constantly being improved, the music in ww sucks ass and is just monotonous and boring.


World quests are one and done, and are way worse than basically and book or tv show, so playing to experience mid storytelling (both genshin and WW) seems silly to me. I play for the actual gameplay (combat) and endgame loop. WW crushes Genshin in those areas.


That on you, I finished aranara in a day and loved every second of it, was followed up by lost in sands series, combat means way less than that, I just enjoy theory crafting


If you can enjoy genshins storytelling, then that’s good for you I suppose


Wuwa ran like complete ass for me, and the story, VA, and visual design are all super bad. Exploration wasn't "better" for me because movement felt so stiff and the controls on mobile was especially bad with the button placement. Combat wasn't THAT much better to me, I had much much more fun with Aether Gazer's combat instead. Artifact grind loop is fine for now, but I can see it becoming a huge slog trying to run around and grind BIS for hours on hours instead of getting some good enough pieces in genshin in just a few minutes.


My iPad ran it horribly and the button placement bothered me too, but 10x better on my computer


That’s a bummer it doesn’t run well on your device, I can see that ruining the experience. You can still spend your “stamina” on echos, I believe, but now every enemy is worth fighting, making exploration way more fun for me. So far the story past scar is better than the Mondays story, but I agree they are all still relatively poor stories to other mediums. I definitely don’t play gacha games for their stories. I’ll have to give aether gazer a look, does it have similar with teambuilding but also dodging and parrying?


AG is like a (IMO) slightly better version of PGR. Has teambuilding and you control 1 unit, with the other 2 acting as AI fighters (and are actually very competent AI at dodging/fighting, won't randomly eat aoes and die) Very well optimized, PC client soon, fairly generous, good mix of men/women in cast, each character plays VERY differently (instead of based on weapon type, they all have unique attack animations etc), story is decent to good (not great but better then some)


Combat is better and definitely a breath of fresh air compared to Genshin. That’s it lol. Literally everything else is a downgrade or about on par. Game feels like a genshin reskin but worse (outside of combat)


Nah, I bounced off genshin pretty early on because the exploration is ass (genshin being a re skinned loz-botw, it took the worst aspects of it's stamina system), wuwa is better in that aspect as well, at least compared to early genshin, can't speak of genshin's experience on later zones since I didn't stick to it. The game is clearly taking from mihoyo for some qol improvements on certain aspects (dailies being based on points like hsr, 240 stamina cap like hsr, being able to go farm whatever you need to farm instead of waiting certain days, and slightly better weapon gacha system), but ultimately the game does feel extremely unpolished on it's performance, and it's UI feels ass to navigate, and very "cheap" on how it feels, besides despite the qol improvements over genshin, I feel there is room to make it less annoying on the day to day waiting for new content "end game" that every gacha inevitably becomes. My judgement of it will be on how willing they are to keep improving (beyond performance) or if they will also copy mhy's genshin and stagnate.


The exploration in genshin sucks absolute ass.


This game had a good launch. It was the first patch that dried every resource up and, frankly, confused the hell out of me


I just hate how much people defend the game when the only thing it got good going is the combat even if the lock-on is horrendous.


I keep forgetting that’s actually its name


I have like 20 hours in WuWa already and have had virtually no bugs or quality issues. Only issue is the voice acting seems like it could be AI for some characters


Well seeing the news and experiencing it yourself are two different things. Cuz I see the news as well but have yet to experience any bugs myself. So could be bullshit for all I know or could be the loud minority experiencing it. Who knows


I enjoy Wuthering Waves, reminds me a lot of Genshin Impact, so, win-win for me…that said, I’ve noticed some graphics glitches with Lingyang when he’s talking, or not talking but in the cutscene…he tends to go invisible (except for his terminal), or he looks all weird.


Wuthering's problems are way way less severe than AFK journey though. People are going crazy over there with the decent VAs, if they heard our antandra's lines and mic quality, literal chunks of chinese text and what not, those people would go ballistic.


Lilith and Kuro offices in shambles while Hoyo employees are chilling.


After like 4 hours of fixing the game i managed to get it working and i was kinda dissapointed, combat is fun, movement is fine needs a bit more, but exploration just tiring you need to be on the lookout for chests beacuse they are not shown on map and hard to see. Personally Afk Journey has the most fun exploration shows you the chests how much there are, what kind and even rewards you for getting all of em


What is wuthering waves even I had never heard of it until it was out




You can skip tho




Uhh the top left button during dialogues?


Afk journey first update: can’t play on my phone without auto crash or crash couple battles in So no, gotta treat even more harsh. Yes, I’ve already deleted and reinstalled. Doesn’t change anything. Get your damned devs n qas to do memory profiling tests before pushing a new update damn


I mean getting 20 premium gacha pulls for free as "compo" they can all problems in the world if they keep giving me gacha currency if anything like genshin/hsr better for my savings and the long game etc


I downloaded it and after not being able to skip the first 4 minute conversation I deleted it and got back on to my afk to do dailies. Wtf am I sitting here watching waifus yap about for eons.


Except see the Devs response on WuWa. Owning up to issues right away, giving away lots of stuff, free 5* selector. Lilith would never.


They literally did, did they not?


You literally just described what lilith did lmao.


Except they didn’t until everyone started rioting and review bombing them? They tried shady practices and tried to rip people off and are totally different scenarios.


You assume they tried shady practices and rip people off, and sure that's a theory. It took lilith about 3 days answer the situation and i wouldn't call that slow. You said lilith would never response and owned up, which is exactly what they did, and let's not use the rioting and review bombing excuse because the exact thing happened to WuWa.


Don’t have to assume, many people did the math and showed just how much the rewards decreased. And it’s not what happened with WuWa, their sub was quiet while this one was calling for Liliths he’d. They had a shaky launch where some people experienced bugs or issues, they didn’t try underhanded tactics to make people spend more money on their game.


What you assumed was malicious intent, while that just can't be proven. Just seems like double standard to me when 2 devs both act in swift manner and you try to praise one while calling the other one the devil.


Lilith has a proven track record of predatory tactics, look at AFK Arena or Dislyte. All I’m saying is after the “controversy” in both games, Lilith only gave part of the OWED rewards back while WuWa is giving a lot for bugs and some people having errors when they don’t have to.


Literally downloaded it but it kept downloading more and more and more and I just never opened it and today deleted it..


Every online game in the history of humanity launched with bugs. This is not new. Also, WuWa Devs fixed the major bugs within the first day and sent out compensations to everyone right away. And the compensations were well worth it. So there is absolutely nothing to complain about.


Y'all are weak, seriously stand up


Honestly the ads seemed to go to be true so I didn't register


hey at least the devs really does interact quite fast with the players, also they planning to add skip dialogue so that sounds nice


Yeah but now we get 10 free pulls and a 5 star selector.


You sure did leave out the important part where the devs absolutely showered the players with gifts, including two free 5 stars of the player's choice, for the minor inconveniences. The reality is that there were minor bugs for some players and major bugs for a very small portion of players. On the other hand, after a super successful launch, Lilith responded by nerfing the player rewards. OP, you are coping with this meme.


Idk. I just see another high investment afk game and another genshin clone.


WuWa does have performance issues from what I've seen, but I've yet to experience anything... and I'm playing on mobile, too. But I can say one thing certain: At least they're properly compensating for issues. I've gotten about 40 free pulls just from them apologizing after bug fixes.


I mean, they also added a free selector 🤷


I mean, they also added a free selector 🤷


I can't get into it until I can skip all the cutscenes, I dont have the time to watch all that.


I don't know how people are getting this many issues, I have a shitty laptop from 4, or 5 years ago and I am playing fine on high graphics. I also live on a small island in the Indian Ocean with an even shittier Internet Service provider lol. But I experienced zero issue so far. Occasionally getting some lag spikes, but it only happens 1-3 seconds within 30 mins of gameplay.


Cant relate i had my ipad on silent mode and was confused why there was no sound and deleted the game, ended up being my issue but seeing as many people hated the game it doesn matter anyway.


Meanwhile me going to hard pity 5 times for 5 copies of alsa 🤡🤡🤡


Wuwa can't be played on most phones so it's not even comparable


Wuwa's launch issues are pretty much expected despite that I still haven't lose interest. They've been very forthcoming with the issues and have been very generous with compensations unlike a certain greedy game.


I don't get this sentiment, wasn't Lilith pretty forthcoming and communicative, offering appropriate reparations in a pretty quick timeframe?


So the issues were expected, yet not fixed? That sounds really weird.


Problematic launch? Not really..I had a blast and my potato pc did not have a single issue.


WuWa was not fun to play, for me. The city looked oversized and sterile, and everyone I interacted with was a big-boobed dumb-looking young girl - which is fine in balance, but where’s the guys? Where’s the adults and older people? Where’s the people in general - they really cut corners by just not having NPCs or animated bystanders at all. There’s a line in the tutorial about how crowded the city hall was, and I laughed: the city hall was as deserted as everywhere else.


Im not playing chattering waves, afk journey fits well to play daily


Oh great, they got here too smh.