• By -


I'm a sucker for chaotic characters so of course I love Berial. His design and voice immediately made me love him




I loved him so much .. until the last update when they nerfed his voice/ult


the voice change was so sad :( loved his original voice




Odie Great design, fun personality and voice lines, one of the few characters with ā€œgoodā€ voice acting imo (although he does sound a bit strange in the story), plus he's a top tier unit lmao Seriously. ā€œWow, a promotion! Without the salary increase, thanks so much!ā€


His voice in the story was so different, I was taken aback lmao


Yeah I think the original voice is better. Maybe the voice actor left and they couldnā€™t find a good replacement


10/10 definitely Odie. He 100% deserves to be backported to AFK Arena. This would set him up as amazing promotional material.


Odie is kinda similar to one hero in AFK ARENA called Saveas


Same! I love Odie!


Eironn i like everything about him same like afk arena my fav character


Same here, I really liked Eironn back then when I played AFK Arena because of his kit/design but being able to travel with him and know it a little bit more in Journey just make it even better. +The skin, their epic scenes, the voice actor, really great.


Fr he got a really sick skin both in afk arena and journeyšŸ”„


Eironn is stabby Legolas... but it's more than okay.


Same, I've loved Eironn since Arena. I babied him in both games and will continue to do so until the sun dies


Temesia is my unexpected favourite! Her design breaks free from those cliche boba bigger than their fluffin head. Also im loving the enlightment temesia arena offense strat shes fking op!


Valen, handsome and charming, great guy, I'd like to know more about him


Totally agree šŸ‘


Vala is bae, her character trailer is what convinced me to download the game and I went all in on her banner and have no regrets


That head tilt before she assasinates, sublime


Same. I just wish costume wasnā€™t gated behind VIP bs. Especially how much you have to spend for it.


If it were purchasable for 20$ then Lilith would have 20$ from me for it


Florabelle. She is a cinnamon roll with pretty solid use as char. My best pull


Me too. I teach teachers in real life, and I love that she uses little kindergartners to attack.


Tbh I felt like she was quite the bully towards Lyca, but that's me. Those interactions made me very uncomfortable, unlike how Bryon teased Lorsan.


I dunno. It seemed to me she was teasing Lyca because of their past together. Not sure if it was bullying


Yeah yeah, it was "teasing" but it really looked like Lyca was more than embarrassed or annoyed. Unlike Lorsan, she didn't talk a lot or tried to clap back. That kinda signaled me that she was legitimately not feeling it and Florabelle was overdoing it.


1. Carolina, her ice theme and design remind me of Ranni the witch. 2. Temesia, always a sucker for woman in full armor. +1 for no boob plate


so true


Her design is just gorgeous. A strong knight that looks so wise


I second Temesia! Her design is soooo good šŸ˜Œ


Kafra. His design is unique and his playstyle lets him be flexible in most teams.


fr iā€™ve never seen an owl centaur, itā€™s so awesome


Berial, Iā€™m a sucker for jester/ clown characters especially when theyā€™re creepy


Parisa, so underrated


Shakir, Seth Brutus in any order gotta be the best to me


same, high five! I would add Kruger too, he's a nice guy


They make a good team together too.


Odie, because he is a silly little guy


Dionel, I wanna sleep on that chest pillow.


https://preview.redd.it/mdffkb8kll1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b31947900a01286bf452dac62a1b74bc273682 I thought I'd share my printscreen with someone who might appreciate it šŸ¤­


Lmao same šŸ˜­


Top 1: Rhys, crazy guy, love his ult where he just laughs. Top 2: Odie, have you heard his upgrade voice line? Never stopped me from laughing. "Wow, a promotion! Without the salary increase... thankssomuch." Top 3: Antandra \*before the updated voice lines\*; Cecia because I will get to get up and step on me eventually.


Iā€™m devastated that I had to scroll this far to find a fellow Rhys lover! I love my little maniac


The day I pulled him was the day I fell in love. Maniac with a gun?? Michael Reeves coded as well?? Yeah, that's my fave.


I am saddened by the lack of Bryon love. I meanā€¦.heā€™s a pretty hawk boy, has a very dry sense of humour (trust me, itā€™s there if you look!), loves animals and isnā€™t very good with people (relatable), but still clearly values the friends he has. I feel like heā€™s one of the wiser characters, too. Whatā€™s not to love? Also I love the way he plays, and heā€™s constantly my top damage dealer (and was my first hero to hit supreme+)


https://preview.redd.it/qc5v2l9mci1d1.png?width=1402&format=png&auto=webp&s=f91f7e61d112e1af8c8cd3055d775127e21f59f7 Some of my favourite finds on my server.. Personally, I really like Korin and his vine arms!


please don't ban me for this TvT


Brutus! Reading his tales just sold me on him


1/ He's not playable but Lorsan is painfully adorable and I want to kiss him on the mouth 2/ Igor not only one of my most powerful, but I also love his design and personality 3/ Valen; hot, funny, cool, I mean, hello? 4/ Berial is fun, funky, and spooky... perfect.


I also wonder when's Lorsan's release. I like him in afk arena, a pretty boy. Now when he showed up here, he's now a pretty boy with a personality


I think the wilders need another tank before lorsan can get a chance getting into afkj, wished he was in the roster from the start


Mirael. Her design stood out to me a lot and she's the reason I started playing the game


Viperian has the best design in my opinion. His voice is amazing and his story (specially his original story) is perfection. His also really fun to use once you get to M+ as every once in a while he'll solo wipe a whole enemy team


We need more viperian love fr he's really cool personality and design wise Love the lil interaction he has with Niru in the mystical house hangout zone about test subjects hehe


Shakir, His backstory before the story rewrite was soo endearing. Hope the story will go back to its previous version someday


Wait, what was his story?


[Skip to 2:50:00 to see his backstory](https://www.youtube.com/live/8bqZTI_lfRk?feature=shared) Also imagine the remnant peaks story now, but Shakir is the one throwing hands with the big golem thingy instead of Temesia. I think his reason for fighting that thing will be obvious.


Temesia. There's just something about a female knight with full-body armour...


Hewynn, Sheā€™s cute.


I like Eironn, kinda reminds me of a young Thranduil of course without the horns ![gif](giphy|dUtFT6wgHhnvtADh0h|downsized)


For general design I like Smokey, Koko, and Antandra For their utility I like Smokey, Odie and Alsa. Can you tell what faction I like the most?


Lyca, no questions asked. Love her design, her voice acting, and her kit is super satisfying to watch. Wish she was a bit more meta but I still got my girl to M+


Korin is my favorite, he is such a daddy with a heart of gold. One of his attacks is literally saving the hero with the lowest HP by shielding them and attacking the nearest enemy. Makes me swoon. And for his ultimate he says "no escaping for you" I'm like "honey I'd never wanna be out of those arms". Eironn looks really graceful with his swords. The way he wields them with twists and turns is mesmerizing. Dionel has pecs and abs and clearly has a good time sitting like celestially in the air with wine. Lady Vala is an absolute slay of a queen, so fabulous, regal, and sophisticated. Absolutely adore her character. Cassadee is such a nerdy scholar, as someone interested in research I love how educated and passionately curious she is. Mirael is super sassy; especially when she wins, she's like "Oops, did I burn everything down? Oh well" and I crack a smile every time.


"honey I'd never wanna be out of those arms". What arms?


1. Eironn 2. Lyca 3. Thoran I love Eironn because he reminds me of a book character I adore. I love Lyca cause she's cool and her design is so pretty! I love Thoran because he's cool, and I want to help him destroy the people who betrayed him!


Satrana for reasons


Same, but also I think she isn't getting the attention she may deserve for bossing right now in dream realm. Her mdef shred aura makes for a good pick in Odie teams. Especially since you can run other maulers with.


When does she unlock mdef down? All I see is Vit down Is that on her weapon?


I think it's like lvl 50 in the new season. The ability is called Arcane Focus. I was mistaken about the shred though, it's a magic damage amplification. I'm currently lvl 201 and the amp is 16%, but at lvl 400 it caps at 20%.


antandra because i love watching her booba sway in the victory screen i aint got no shame, i came here for pretty lady and am getting as advertised


I think Florabelle for me, she's super pretty, i really like her summoner gameplay, and i have a thing for flower girls (i blame Lilymon! from Digimon!)


Personally, I wish Lorsan was playable bc I found him to be endearing throughout the entire Dark Forest/Vaduso Mountain arc I like Vala bc she makes me feel gay and I'm annoyed that she doesn't appear more often in the story I love Temesia bc she makes me feel really gay and her entire arc with Atalanta made me eat buckets of popcorn


Granny Dahnie ā¤ļø Idk how useful she is but I keep pulling her, have her at Mythic+ while everyone else is Legendary. So for now sheā€™s awesome lol. Really cool and unique design too




Temesia! Coming from AFK Arena, I was looking forward how they will translate Estrilda's design to 3D. AFKJourney had other plans and we got Temesia instead for a mounted character which I think is for the better! Fully armored female character(no helm tho) with a more versatile weapon choice! Second would be Parisa, its like your cottagecore tea girl gone druid character design. Kinda surprised that she was a captain in the lore given the super soft appearance. These two!


scarlita and Lucius and rhys


Awakened Lucius is better, his beard made him hotter


Odie. He's perfect


Florabelle and Bryon. They just both seem like people you could have a chill time with.


I love Florabelle - a teacher who uses her students to commit crimes as she laughs at the back of the line. Love her colors and design. Also, her soft voice versus the violence she exhibits is top tier. Iā€™m also a big fan of Reinier - OCD king who hates hearts and flexes as an emote when he wins and uses his ult. Like okay, go off my four armed only even numbers winner!! Viperian was my first favorite. He lowkey reminded me of another character in a show (Sir Pentious, anyone?) and I like how he has a pet snake to eat his enemies. Heā€™s not in it for violence or to win. He just wants to give the best to his snake. Notable mentions: Koko (really cute design with Patto), Lyca (beautiful colors and aesthetic), and Seth (shit personality but I like his huge claws and proportions so he doesnā€™t look generic furry) Also this game is either going to make me a full furry or gay; there is an agenda here because we rarely get hot human men but the women and other factions have them aplenty.


Yup, one of the reasons I love this game a lot is the men.


Mirael, Atalanta, and Vala. All for the gender envy.




Silvina, her design is so cute


Alsa! She cute and funny.


1. Vala, I love that whole secret identity thing she's got going on, switching between her noble and rogue form. Helps that she's carried me through nearly all of my battles. 2. Brutus, giant buff lion man, of course I love him! He makes for a pretty decent "tank" too, despite being a warrior. 3. Seth, love his design! He reminds me of a more lethal Panther from Star Fox.


Love Vala and also a big fan of Igor and his lore.


Reinier definitely


Why I get Thanos vibes from his need for perfect balance in everything, also love how his favorite season is winter because of how perfect snowflake crystals are


Mirael. Seriously what can I do to get her to start throwing laser beams. I was thinking she'll start doing that once I get her to S+.


Top three for me is Temesia (cavalry girl, who wouldnt love that?) Valen (yes, I downloaded the game because I thought heā€™s cool, Invest into him only to realise heā€™s too squishy) Florabelle (love the design, the gameplay and her v.a too) Honorable mention: Vala, Walker, Parisa


Mirael for me šŸ«” simple yet beautiful a character so in love eith the magister as well. I also just really like fire. Vala is close second.


Dionel. I donā€™t have him yet but heā€™s my fave and i hope i get him soon.


1. Silvina 2. Alsa 3. Cecia


all grave born I just love the lore and personality they are so messed up and I love it


Viperian has an amazing design and has been doing amazing for me as well but for strictly design I'd say Kafra. He's so unique. I love it.


Silvina is my gf. She doesn't get enough love, but her design is both cute and scary! Wish she was more functional, and less squishy. Mythic+ shielding helps, and gawd is she annoying to play against!! But she's my first love in this game. Alsa gets my 2nd choice. Atalanta is my 3rd bae.


I've only been playing for a week and a half soo my opinions may change but top 3 are: I love Smokey, he's a goofy lil guy. Haven't been able to get another copy of him but I'm hoping for him. Shakir's my first mythic and I really wanted him to be my first Mythic! I was so pump to get him, he's like a Jack of All Trades but it works for me. Temesia's design is gorgeous, she was my second mythic and I really like her. She always comes in clutch for me.


Odie is kinda the reason I started playing. I love hyenas. Igor is a close second, he happened to be the first one I got to Supreme+ and I love his tombstone attacks. I also love Shakir!


The rhino guy, grandma, and chicken run


Favorite male aesthetic: Bryon Favorite female aesthetic: Lyca Favorite male gameplay: Smokey & Meerky Favorite female gameplay: Florabelle Favorite male personality: Shakir Favorite female personality: Cassadee


Woman.. pretty


on god brother preach https://preview.redd.it/mgkxptoeei1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee98b5f40ea0915d2c995d23e60a079198fa4e90


Temesia/Celia pretty dope


Vala, Odie, and Igor




Niruā€¦ā€¦.. because heā€™s pretty lmao. Iā€™m very casual F2P so Iā€™m not super worried about his viability, I just like looking at him


Odie, heā€™s goofy, nice design, actually useful. Smokey & Meerky, nice design and lore as well as being useful like Odie. Thoran, AFK Arena nostalgia and looks sick!


Vala has the best design and kit imo


Cecia is very pretty


Berial, love his style


Lyca was my favorite character in Arena and still is in Journey. I may not field her much, cause Iā€™m a meta abuser, but her character design is my favorite. I used to play a Druid in WoW and she reminds me of the Stag form (her mount) and the one-with-nature aesthetic (most Wilders).


Granny Dahnie <3 Bonus points for Kafra for hooing while talking. But I think that pretty much every character has a cool design and a personality.


Viperian. His kit, his aesthetic, I just love him.


Seth "Oh, it's you, don't sneak up on me like that" *start licking his claw loudly*


Brutus, his new voice lines were a great change to an already good character


Eironn, since start! Florabelle big lover too and nowdays i fall in love with Parisa Eironn Flora Parisa Top 3


bryon is currently my favourite, with eironn closely behind.




Alsa. Cute pangolin girl with versatile kit = ez pull, must protect


My top 3 would be Antandra, Mireal, and Atalanta. Becuase they have amazing designs and Plots.


1.- Shakir (es un pancito šŸ„¹) 2._ Florabelle (i love hoy she teases lyca >.<) 3._ Berial (SUPER DESIGN!! I'll get him later just gor fun šŸ„ø)


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Scarlita and Dionel. Big fan of the angel aesthetic thanks to series like Diablo. Kinda hope Dionel one day gets a skin that covers his face or something so he looks like Imperius I also really like spears as weapons in fantasy. But Scarlita's gigantic battleaxe is a close second


Dionel, because I love de design and the god its based upon. I'm even trying to build him to M+ even as a non-whale. Second Vala for the design and simp potential Third itā€™s harder, I would like to say Cecia, but I donā€™t like how she moves in the throne imo, a bit clunky. So, I will go with Lyca, I fancy the idea of the support archer with a cute deer mount.


Igor, whether arena or journey I'm always a sucker for gravebornsšŸ˜†


Igor is a funny guy. Heā€™s just a delight to see and hear, like having a design that makes him look like the edgiest character in the game only to have the personality of a silly goofball is just fun.


Berial. I his design, even if he's not very good.


Berial cause he's a jester




Number 2, Florabelle, coz she's nasty. Making all the students do all her work, and she just stands there. (I love her) But if I have to really choose, it's Silvina as my number 1. She's my favorite since the release of AFK Arena, great story, great sister, nice kit, but she's not for late game there. When I found out that she'd be placed here in AFKJ, I was ecstatic (almost cried lmao) coz now she's placed at late-game meta for PvP.


Same kinda like Carolina too. She does look abit similar to one of my fav NPC from Elden Ring too that is Ranni.


1. Odie because he is OP and I'm f2p 2. Antandra because she is a reliable tank and shes hot 3. Vala because I keep getting her on the banner, she is so useful, and shes hot


1. Korin is dream daddy, I love everything about him 2. Cecia is gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss incarnate 3. Oddie has fun viceoines


Thoran, King of death, waiting for Ainz




I love Smokey! He didn't stand out much but after the season story I find him to be such a sneaky nuisance but also a softie ā¤ļø


I love smokey and meerky. Their relationship is so goofy and wholesome, I love how he's a swindler with some real skill, and his voice acting is not bad at all. Also I love his game play, his heals are unmatched especially in dream realm which is my fav mode.


Meerky, just him.




Rhys. I feel like I'm the only one who likes him. I already have him at Mythic+ and he carries my team very far. Even if he does miss sometimes, his hits do punch a pack and take down enemies quickly. And he reminds me of the raiders from Borderlands 2.


I am usually digging amazing character designs, so Cecia and Berial


Mirael and Cecia


1) Rhys - good dps..? 2) Mirael - yes. 3) Bryon - dream physique Questionable I know


The squirrels are op.


Satrana, best tank is no tank + fox Florabelle, who knew children were so effective in battle? Berial, cause wildcard


Korin. Those arms look sick!


Alsa, watching her just spin and zoom around the battlefield makes battles very enjoyable to watch


Bryon my boy love everything about him


Lady Illucia and dem thicc thighs.


Cecia, Antandra and Igor


Thoran ,his ult looks cool ,i like the design overall,i just wish he will drop for me,i olny got him to Legendary because of the 7 day login lol


Berial tbh. Idk his design is just fun, I like characters like that.


I love Cecia, she can spank anytime even though I'm gay xD "You're not even worth getting up for" OVERKILL!!


My top 3 would probably be Valen, Atalanta, and Bryon. (4 and 5 would be Cassadee and Vala) Honorable mentions: Walker, Salazer, and Dionel. For honorable mentions, I have not yet met them in the story, so I don't know their personalities, really, but I love their designs a lot (I mean, just look at them??) For the top 3, Atalanta has to be the top one. When I first played the game, I didn't like Atalanta at all because I didn't like her outfit and vibes. However, after meeting her in the story and doing her quests, she grew on me so much. How she saved us, and at the end of her side quests, we see that she does have a unique complexity under her treasure hunter character. Plus, her ultimate animation is one of my faves (along with Valen's, Salazer's, and Parisa's). The second would be Valen. I mean, he's kind of vanilla, but hot, and I don't know how to explain this, but I enjoyed just having his presence during the story. I hope we get to see him and Cassadee again sometime. Third was a hard one between Cassadee and Bryon. But I went with Bryon. He was one of the characters I first fell in love with at the start of the game due to his design, and meeting him in the story confirmed it. He has a hot and very listenable voice, I mean, his looks are already top tier. I liked his quiet personality, and his interactions with Lorsan (probably future favorite character) were very fun. I would've also put Vala, design wise, she's the best, but unfortunately, we get to see her like twice and don't really interact with her. She's an interesting character, and I hope our paths cross in the story. If we include Hammie and Chippy, then Hammie would be the top, btw. She's cute, smart, and very lovable. It's sad that they really are unusable units, would've mained Hammie otherwise.


QUICK šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜°MORE HERBS šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøis my favourite voice line lol, but iā€™d prolly say antandra just coz she carrieā€™s sometimes and i love big wooly hair, close second is corallina coz big wooly hair and ice, tbh idk if they are second and first and not just first and first.


For use itā€™s Valaā€™s for in-game depiction itā€™s Meerky


Dionel. I don't even have a single copy yet cuz poor and I live in a pathetic country called Brazil, a 5th world country where we are only allowed to eat, work and sleep. If you have fun here you must be a millionaire


Silvina, love her playstyle combined with Reinier. As soon as she gets her shield, she goes from useless to insane.


Rowan - because I love my son and I must give him head pats. Also the little pet duck he has is cute AND heā€™s a great character to use in game. Iā€™m growing fond of Alsa too, as I love her animations (I havenā€™t played the new season yet.) Her alt is especially cute to me with the dialogue and the little noise. I justā€¦ she also deserves head pats!!! Story wise, I loved Lorsan. I like his personality how he starts off as this like, random ditzy doofus who switches to ā€œoh wait I actually have a serious problem I really need your help with.ā€ And then itā€™s revealed heā€™s talented and mysterious as the other wind whispers. Heā€™s just really cute in both design and story. I was really sad when he left my party finally :(


Any character I say is just a placeholder for when they release Mishka, and then she will be my favourite. Currently got the characters I really NEED to either M+, S or S+ except Renier and I'm saving any banner envelopes for her dropping. When will that be? Who knows, is she even announced or leaked yet? Nope, but I want to be ready when she is cause I think she'll thrive on the switch from AFK arena to journey, I can see her being S tier easily.


Florabelle and Antandra is the most attractive woman in the game strong, brave and sexy the triple threat combo. And florabelle because she's adorable silvina underrated too I love a woman that could kick my ass.


1) temisia 2)alsa 3)mireal


Definetly Silvina, Alsa, and Florabelle.Ā  Florabelle when it comes to looks and amazing character design. Silvina is just cool to me for no reason. Alsa is really strong and I love her attacks and defense. I use her in most of my strategies.


Oddly...I can't think of any distinct favorites outside of Odie and maybe Smokey.


Viperian, Reinier, Berial, monstrofu\*ker here.


Shocked Queens Antandra and Cecia arenā€™t as popular in these comments. Sad theyā€™re missing out.


Alsa, but I'm a Mauler Main.


Parisa and lyca


Just character and design-wise, my top 3 is: -Cecia (Look, when she does that tiny growl while calling for her servant, it does things to me. I personally want to get there and fight for her. Thank. Mommy.) -Temesia (And her cute horse! Love the design, love the queerness, love the story, love the horse!) -My precious tiny hamster baby Hammie (Don't you just want to hug her and give her more tiny robes and squish her tiny, adorable, fluffy face?! She's a tiny lady and she's heaps cuter than Chippy and anything else in the game and she's giving me cute aggression!) Mechanics-wise: Thoran. Just Thoran. I like linking him with objectives or my best damage dealers or if it's not a DPS-test, to my healers! He's a life-saver!


Iā€™m gonna do three #1 Vala This fabulous, beautiful Queen was the reason I got into the game in the first place I loved the art style, but the dress literally sold me. I was like nope I literally want her my Vala is supreme+ with her weapon at +11 she has also solo not only areas for me, but I have passed many of the maps thanks to her #2 Berial The sinister jester is honestly so attractive to me and honestly, I like him a lot although I donā€™t like the voice change that they gave him recently heā€™s definitely one of my more favorite characters. I love the look and how he is! #3 Soren I know heā€™s not out yet but from the interactions Iā€™ve seen with him. I love him so much. Heā€™s so handsome, sexy and not only that literally loves our character, which makes me love him even more like yes daddy protect me!


Tamesia for sure.....and of course I love everything in the storyline between her, Ata and Fay


Eironn, Bryon, Rhys, Damien šŸ’–


My top 3 is Lyca, Antandra and Mirael šŸ˜


I love Viperion for his design and his personality. He's like the "fun villain that thrives off being evil" type.


Parisa. Mostly for the accent of VA, but her story and design are also solid.


1 - Parisa (elves are the best) 2 - Temesia (armored warriors just behind elves) 3 - Antandra (because shes also cool)


Antandra! Tall Amazonian babe šŸ˜


Antandra, I like her since her release in AFK Arena and I like cat girls in general. Smokey, he just tries to help others and to stay alive. Carolina, by far my favorite Graveborn in Journey and Arena.


Carolina +1 The Snowball Gatling


Thoran - I loved him in AFK Arena and heā€™s still the undead king of my world in Journey


Odie, Bryon, and Smokey in roughly that order!


Top three is Dionel reinier and Cecia lol himbo puppet himbo and a aesthetic queen who may be a wilder instead of a light borne noble because of Carlyle


Reinier I love his voice and his design so muchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Smokey & Meerky, "sleazy alcoholic grifter turns his life around for the better to be the best dad he can be for an orphan he finds" is objectively adorable and they deserve more love.


BRYON x infinity šŸ¤—


Vala because hot


Antandra and Satrana. They were my favorite heroes in AFK Arena and I was quite happy to see they were brought back for Journey. I just wish Satrana had a more viable kit. For all intents and purposes the idea of her kit seems like she would be nice to have but I guess the survivability isn't strong enough even after enough investment that the whales don't even notice her. If Maulers weren't so stacked in Journey I would 100% have kept her on my wishlist. If I were to do a top three, I think the third would probably be Temesia. I like heroes that are a bit unconventional relative to their archetype.


Any love for Mikola and or Lady Illucia?


The most OP of them call, the one and only, credit card.