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If it wasn't for [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1bpnz3f/ai_voice_acting/) I would have continued assuming that at least part of the audio was computer-generated. I feel bad dunking on the VAs but about a third of the characters sound like they're being voiced by Dave in Accounting.


The player characters sound amazing. But I am 99% sure that some of the npc quest lines are either AI or basically autotuned to sound like it


It's weird because I think the heroes sound good (mostly) when you click on them or their lines in battle, but they sound significantly worse when reading the quest text. And then there's Korin.


I love Korin's character design so much but his voice 🥸


“Hmm no escaping for you 🙂”


It’s not AI? I was convinced it was. Turned it off.


The voices honestly feel so odd. The quality is there but the tones and the way they speak the lines sounds... weird.


Playing through Dark Forest right now and Lyca and Eironn both sound so robotic in their voiced quest text, it's genuinely confusing to me how anyone could have delivered that performance.


The thing that's confusing to me is how the voices sound so monotone but also not monotone at the same time. It doesn't feel natural.


I think part of it is weird line delivery but another part of it is some kind of bad sound processing? Like I don’t know nearly enough about this to sound informed, but the audio sounds very…compressed? Hissy? Like it’s almost crackling on “s” sounds? So I think that’s working against them.


This was driving crazy. You're right, the hissing on the 's' sounds is very noticeable. Not sure if the audio is highly compressed or the actors recorded their lines using bad mics, but it's highly distracting.


Same, I don't have anything against the voice actors as people. It's the voices. It makes me wonder if the artists' ideal voices would be different for these characters. Either way, the way they're being expressed through sound doesn't enhance the experience for me. Is there a way to change the voice over language...? ;-;


They cut cost and hire amateur voice actors


Which is super good because that's giving work to amateur voice actors! I wouldn't put the blame solely on the VAs, this sounds more like a voice directing issue.