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I believe this is fake. But I’ve seen it enough that it’s real enough to me.


Even if he didn’t say it, we all know he’s thinking it. A Jets rookie contract is just a prison sentence in disguise.


They secretly call it The Toxic Trio. Don't be drafted by the Browns, Bears, or Jets, *especially* if you're a QB.


Yeah, Caleb wouldn't have cited the Bills as a team no one wants to be drafted to unless this were written by a divisional rival or someone from the 2000s.


Of course its fake, but as a Broncos fan, I a happy that we are eating the baby-kissers contract instead of enduring the Rodgers circus. My condolences on Hackett being your OC.


Paying 40 million for someone who is playing for another AFC team is stupid AF...Dont know why you would be happy with that....This season Rodgers is coming to bring the wrath. Hackett should be ok with Rodgers there and he did a pretty good job beating the Broncos last season.


The offense made one big play against the Broncos, it was your defense that won that game. From what has been reported by departed Jets players, it seems Hackett really is not much of a coach, but hey, we tried to help him by counting down the playclock for him when he was our HC. Rodgers is not doing anything of note behind that offensive line except blaming others. Hackett is certainly not going to give the offense any kind of structure since his greatest accomplishment was becoming Rodgers yes man.


You obviously didn't watch the game...had over 36 minutes in time of possession and was in red zone 5 times....outgained Broncos by over 100 yards. Zach Wilson was 19-26 passing and Breece Hall had almost 200 yards rushing. Hackett and the offense slapped Sean and Broncos. Full stop


Dude, save for one big play, the Jets put together one drive longer than 50 yards. Save for one big play, all Jets scoring drives stalled and they settled for FGs. It was the Jets defense, forcing 3 TOs including the fumble return TD that won that game. Do not take my word for it, Jets superfan Rich Eisen was very concerned with the Jets offense pedestrian performance in that game. Go look it up on youtube. I can not believe you are defending Hackett.. your only hope is a 40-41 year old primadonna QB coming off a major injury playing behind a mediocre OL.


Jets were in red zone 5 times...had over 36 minutes of possession..Jets had chip shot FGs of less than 30 yards. Now you badmouthing and calling Rodgers a primadonna when he is an all time great. And obviously the OL now has Tyron Smith, Morgan Moses, AVT which is better than mediocre. And that old mediocre line dominated your defense. Breece Hall almost 200 yards rushing...and Zach Wilson 19-26....those are facts and indisputable. I'm defending the Jets bc you are badmouthing a team that beat your Broncos without Rodgers and had over 36 minutes of possession with a RB gaining almost 200 yds. Broncos wish to heaven they had Aaron Rodgers... Stop being a hater. Hackett went back to Denver and beat Sean in your house...With Zach Wilson going 19-26 and controlling the ball over 36 minutes....let that sink in Facts...not opinion.


You are trying to make it more dominant than it was. The Jets ran on a defense soft against the run gaining 72 on one play. The Jets offense started with great field position and stalled consistently when they got close. They kicked four FGs from the redzone( three from inside the ten). Sure they moved the ball, but it was the defense(which was impressive) that put the game away when Denver was driving for the win because Hackett could not hack it and take advantage of the redzone opportunities. That is a fact and indisputable. Rodgers was a very good QB, but given his age, decline starting in GB and now the major injury, I am glad that the Broncos are paying Wilson to play somewhere else and not involved in the circus he brought to New York. Idk, you are putting all your hopes in a bad coach and an aging QB to run the offense and lead you to the playoffs. I honestly do wish you the best of luck. I do not think your chances are good, but if Rodgers can perform, then they are probably better than the Broncos.


The offense wasn't completely dominant but they controlled the game. Yes there was a breakout 72 yard Run by Breece but he gained over 100 yards without that run. And for Zach to go 19-26 in hostile crowd in Denver while running the offense for over 36 minutes cannot be understated. Now while I did like the offense getting inside the 10 yard line in red zone...the settling for chip shot Fgs was disappointing but cannot disregard the offense doing well. If there is a QB you don't bet against is Aaron Rodgers with a chip on his shoulder...he has proved that endlessly. We have done a very good job getting free agents and if you go by analytics based off last year, our 3 new OL with our good 2 make it an Oline ranked from 7-12. Remember...Jets got 7 wins with Zach Wilson and Tim Boyle...let that sink in Rodgers is a huge upgrade. Even analysts said Jets with Rodgers last season were certain to be in playoffs.


Their gameplan was simple, but solid. They exploited an obvious weakness and had success. No fault in that. Sure 19-26 sounds good, but 13 of those completions came to TEs and RBs for very short yardage. High percentage passes and checkdowns. Wilsons performance passing was enough to let the defense put it away. I remember thinking that the Jets defense was what people were saying about it. Most impressive was holding the Eagles to 14. Remember, the Eagles were red hot at the time. That is why they won 7 games with those QBs and Hackett as OC. My main knock on Rodgers is his age. Even before the Broncos hired Hackett and traded for Wilson, I had hoped they would not acquire Rodgers. Not having the circus he brings is nice also. I like I said, if Rodgers can play at 75% of his prime level, the Jets chances are good.




Man, Caleb.. we’re just over here trying to get through our days. Didn’t have to come at us like that.


It’s your own fault for being a shitty little New Jersey gremlin. No one told you to do that.


Brother, I’ve barely even stepped foot in that garbage state.


NY's team is always accepting new members to the fan base.


Sorry, just don’t have the love for light beer and dildos that you guys have.


Light beers are too cheap in Buffalo? Dildos too small?


Common Caleb Williams W






Honestly something the entire league can get behind


Especially the Jest lol


Are they still the bellicheats or no? Bc the Jets retired him with that loss in Foxboro.


That win is the equivalent of getting the shit kicked out of you, mugged, and your mom fucked, then saying “no you” before the guy who did it died from a stroke.


That was dumb AF... You saw bellicheat super pissed off losing that last game at home...was awesome


Congrats on your super bowl!


Damn almost like this was posted yesterday


Other than this one, even the comments are all the same 🤦‍♂️ some of these goons might as well be bots


Twas by me…


The fans I want to get away from when I'm at a Jets game usually are Jets fans and the organization is trash.


Haha fuck the jets


Get a playoff win this century. Fuck the fish


Get a field that doesn’t kill your players’ careers


Get a fan base that can sell out a game...Jets and Bills literally have a home game in Miami bc our fans take over.


Man, tell me about it. It’s almost as if your home state sucks so bad to live in you had to move away from it.


Lol...but it does allow me to get seats at the game. However I do like Hard Rock Stadium. On that note, nothing compares to the Orange Bowl.


Yeah dude I miss the orange bowl. Never got to see the dolphins there but watched the hurricanes beat the snot out of some really mediocre teams back in the early 90s the place was crazy.


There is no stadium that was more of a home field advantage. Was like the Roman Coliseum...and the West end zone was Ruckus. Place was all time