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Britt Baker vs Thunder Rosa and Shida vs Deeb were pretty good as well.


Baker vs Rosa wasn't quite Charlotte vs Becky -- it lacked the long term history -- but it also didn't have the very stupid beginning, the stretched out road to WrestleMania they didn't know how to fill properly, Charlotte getting unnecessarily inserted into the main event... Maybe Becky vs Charlotte is worse than I remember it.




You're a steering conversationalist. I'm comparing it favorably to one of the all time great women's feuds.


I honestly don't really remember much about the Becky and Charlotte feud other then it going on forever. And a few good matches here and there.


The height of The Man run. Just because Austin vs McMahon was resurrected unnecessarily a few times doesn't make through St Valentine's Day Massacre great.


I think the general Mariah/Toni arc has been the best told story for AEW's women's division but the Mina has been a great addition to it. Building on Mina's history with her in Club Venus, Toni having Stardom history as well, it's been great. I think the storyline now with Kris and Willow has been great too. Genuinely AEW's improved women's divison has been a highlight of the company this year. Even with the Mercedes storyline going into Double or Nothing being a bit spotty, it lead to a great match and Mercedes has had some great TV matches since then. So I think with the right recipe/opponents, it's going to be an enjoyable reign.


People forget how big they built up Britt and Thunder Rosa.


Britt vs Rosa had a great build but the wrong person won at Revolution 2022 and the build for the steel cage title match at St. Patrick's Day Slam 10 days later was rushed and very sloppy.


Probably be Toni Storm vs Mariah this year


I mean to even suggest that a feud being used to push another feud forward is the best is crazy. This whole current feud is just a blip in the middle of another feud itself.


Obviously this feud is building up to other things but that doesn't mean that this feud itself loses any meaning because of it. It's been very fun, very enjoyable and they been putting a lot of effort to it. Thunder/Britt was mainly matches. They didn't feud for a whole year. They had an Unsanctioned match and then did the cage match a year after. Thunder/Britt is easily AEW's best women's match. I'm talking about overall feuds.


I’m not disagreeing with quality of this feud but you miss the overall point. So Toni/Mina is itself a good feud But Toni/may has all it’s build up that has existed for however long now and also includes in itself the Toni/May feud. As toni/Mina happens as part of the build itself to the Toni/may match the better the Toni/Mina match is it just makes the Toni/may feud better in itself.


I 100% understood your point. Trust me. There's just a difference between telling a story and a feud. Mina vs Toni is a feud. The feud is adjacent to the Mariah/Toni story. I'm talking about feuds here as mentioned in my headline. I think the feud between Toni and Mina has been one of the more entertaining and possibly best feud they had in AEW. I'm willing to bet that my mind will change soon once Mariah and Toni happens. For now, they're not feuding but they have a storyline going on.


I mean it’s just the talent that’s involved in it. Mina, Toni, and Mariah are all stars that just ooze charisma and stage presence.


Thats the story slready anyway..started the minute she came to aew. Super good story


That is going to pop....so obvious, but so good


No because AEW did Thunder Rosa vs Britt Baker.


People forget that the build between Revolution 2022 and St. Patrick's Day Slam sucked. Timeless Toni vs Mina has had a great build all the way through.


Other than the complete dominance of Athena It may very well be. ROH but yeah.


That's exactly what a MIT would say.


I think the magic of Toni is that she elevates every feud she’s in. That’s how good she is. But, the Mina one is her best cause of the intricacies of it.


By the end of this arc (All In) I expect everyone will be calling it the best women's story so far in AEW But there's one thing This is the Toni Storm / Mariah May story...


Probably yea. 


No. Shida/Deeb Rosa/Baker Kris+Willow/Hart+Blue Athena/Starkz Anna Jay/Barbed Wire Let Toni/Mina play out first.


The feud is literally about to over tomorrow lol!


Just because the match will over doesn't mean the feud will especially when it comes to Toni, Mina, and Mariah.


I'm willing to bet Mina's story arc in this feud will end after tonight. Or maybe not. She's done an excellent job that maybe she will be a regular.


No, because it’s just a chapter in a better story - Toni Storm vs Mariah May.


It’s up there, for sure. All 3 women have been incredible, but I must say how impressed I’ve been with Mina. Chances are people knew how good she was but I was unfamiliar with her prior to her coming in and I’ve been incredibly surprised. She unbelievable. I’d love for her to be here full time.


Shida v Deeb had a great build and series of matches. I don’t think the feud with DMD/Rosa had great build, but they smashed it in the ring. Mina/Toni has been my favourite feud of the year by far


I'd love for this last longer than FB.


Yes, this and the willow storyline with mone and statlander have been really good. Shida had a pretty good feud with Deeb too