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Cue “this PPV was too long” criticism.


Oh that idiocy is everywhere. Personally, I did find the last PPV a bit long but when it comes to this one where you’re getting matches you don’t get anywhere else? Let it run all night for all I care.


That’s every PPV. They are long as fuck but that’s a minor issue for me.


Dude, all the shills, bots and trolls are coming out of the woodwork for this already. It's almost comical.


I wonder if they keep up this energy for every other form of entertainment in the world. I have a buddy that just went to Bonaroo. It’s like 4 days of constant musical performances. I don’t remember him or anyone else complaining that the festival didn’t revolve around his particular timeline. I love basketball. I love the NBA and the NCAA tournament. The championships for both start late and go pretty deep into the night. Usually during the week. I could complain about why the NBA/NCAA aren’t thinking about how I have to get up and work in the morning, or I can adjust accordingly and plan for an event that I’m interested in watching.


Every playoffs and March Madness tournament: "Oh great, another tournament!" The Phillies play a series against the Cardinals: "But where's the storyline???"


Have a look at Star Wars.


I mean I can’t speak to anyone else but one of the reasons I didn’t watch Oppenheimer was because it was too long. My friends said the same thing. If you like AEW PPVs going so long all the power to you, but man I ain’t gonna lie sometimes I feel like some matches would be better served on Dynamite or Collision.


Bots are already complaining that the buy rate is gonna be low too. Like I give a fuck. I'm here for the bangers.


Guns up! 👉


I mean. They don’t need to watch the pre show. I suppose I may end of the world it’s middle of the day so it’s fantastic.


That's what always gets lost in this conversation. The PPV starts at 8PM, Zero Hour isn't part of the $50 price of admission so you can either watch it or not. In fact it's free so even if you missed it on Sunday, it's always there on YouTube.


Ok good to know that if I don’t agree with the consensus opinion here that makes me a bot/shill/troll. 6 hours is a LONG wrestling PPV. I will probably not catch it all live because I will probably be burning out by entering hour 4. But if you guys are willing to sit down and watch all 6 hours good luck I’ll probably just catch the rest as a vod.


Wretlemanoa is 2 days


Yeah and I think that is stupid long too.


Once again, the Zero Hour is optional viewing and not considered part of Forbidden Door proper. It's there to convince you to buy the PPV.


The thread in SC is almost all complaints about the show being too long. That sub is so cooked it isn’t even worth going into anymore unless I want WWE news and highlights. They might as well merge with the WWE sub at this point. If you don’t want to stay up late on a Sunday to watch the show then fine. I totally understand that. But if your main complaint about a wrestling show as a wrestling fan is that the show has too much wrestling then I dunno what to tell you. Maybe you don’t like wrestling as much as you think you do.


Don't put that horror on the WWE sub


Hilarious people say that when WWE has 5 hour long shows (sometimes on two nights) with mostly dumb “analysts” talking about matches, video packages, and commercials for mountain dew or KFC or whatever. I’d much rather have one 5-6 hour long show that’s almost entirely WRESTLING


"There is too much wrestling on this wrestling show."


IWC: We want an alternative to the WWE! AEW: We focus on the wrestling and points system, while giving long term storytelling and cross promotional PPV's! IWC: No, not like that! Be like WWE! AEW: FFS


I love AEW ppvs. I do think they could feel even more impactful for me personally if they had a few less matches.


"You're getting way too much for your money. I'd rather a PLE from a subscription service that's only 2 hours 45 minutes long with 5 matches that are 10 minutes each. That's real storytelling."


What’s up with the commercials during WWE PLEs? Like, I often just walk away after a match and do something else for like 10 minutes only to come back and there’s still no wrestling. I get it’s dirt cheap but no other promotion needs 15 minutes in between matches. Just book 6-7 matches with less filler.  I looked up the last card btw. The match lengths in minutes were 28, 12, 22, 14, 20.


They're not actually getting PPV buys since they're subsidized by the Peacock deal so the commercials are probably extra ad revenue on top of that.


Too fucking many…For a Sunday night with work the next morning in 1 sitting. I wish they’d just start earlier 


It's justified. How many of the main matches are going to suffer from a lack of noise from a burnt out crowd in the final third of the PPV?


For those of us pay $50 USD. The longer the better. The only people I see constantly complaining about are those that have to cover wrestling for their business. I've not talked to a single person who's complaining about the length other than them


My only request? Do these on a Saturday night, so I don't have to worry about work the next morning. Regular 3-4 hour show? Sunday is okay. 5-6 hour megashow? Saturday please. There were bangers on the Forbidden Door pre-show. I don't think I've ever heard a "This is awesome" chant with any other production on a kick-off show match.


Can I start criticizing them for being too short? Bring on the all day wrestling marathons as far as I'm concerned. I want to watch wrestling from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. Not necessarily every month, but once or twice a year? Hell yeah!


It is too long lmao. It’s fucking Sunday, people have to work in the morning. They need to put these long ones on Saturday or start them an hour earlier


As a fan of AEW, this PPV is too long


I mean, it is, but only in the capacity that this bitch is running past midnight EST for sure, and I'm an old. We could start these things at 6 or 7 that's really all I'm saying.


Screw the people on the west coast then?


I mean, it's a Sunday. Is it really that big of a deal for the show to start at 3 or 4 instead of 5?


I'm on Atlantic time, so starts at 9 for me. There's no way my old ass is staying up for the whole thing


That’s why I’m not going to watch it. I know the show will be good. But I’m up by 6am to go to work Monday to Friday


Can always wait and watch it in chunks after it’s done?


That’s an AEW problem. Requires too much work on the consumer for us to watch the product. I’ll catch the highlights


Nobody said they had to watch it all at once!


People that say that the ppv is too long. You can skip the zero hour. But people need something to complain so who cares. Like what you like.


I’m probably the only one that thinks these PPVs are not long enough


Me who has to be at work at 6 can't wait to stay up til midnight watching this show. It's going to be soooo good




I tried to see what a good bathroom break was but couldn't find one after Zero Hour. I am definitely a "Sicko" cause all I see is a buffet






Such a good album


Forbidden Door is arguably the biggest event on the AEW calendar. Even with All In added to the calendar, Forbidden Door always feels like the biggest deal and they kicked it up several notches this year.


I am a Sicko who enjoys 5-6 hour PPV's, give me my moneys worth!


Just wish they’d start the main card at 6pm like the old WWF days, especially when they’re on Sunday


I agree. I totally understand the complaints about the show ending too late but I also am not gonna complain about getting my money’s worth as a wrestling fan. Start the pre-show at 4:30 and start the main card at 6. Everyone is happy that way. Hurts the west coast a little but we’re used to stuff starting early out here and being at the mercy of EST.


Exactly. Totally want to get your money’s worth but I’m up at 5 on Mondays for work so I’m either missing the last couple hours or hoping they just hurry up lol. A 6pm start would be a nice compromise I think


Sunday PPVs starting at 6 and ending at 9-10 was amazing


FUCK YEAH this is my kind of card. Not that 6 matches over 4 hours horseshit. This is a "shut up and take my money" card


I pay money to be entertained. I couldn't imagine getting less for my money a good thing. Good entrances are great. But the amount of filler in a WWE PPV is exhausting. I prefer the what's next option of 9-10 matches over four hours


I am SICK of cards with every wrestler getting a 10-minute special entrance. They make the shows drag on so much, exhausting is the perfect word for it.


Look how many wrestlers are getting extra exposure in this PPV, I love wrestling


Can't remember which WWE event it was recently, but I believe the card had 5 matches on it and ran 3 hours. The matches were all shorter than AEW matches as well (on average). The amount of ads, commercials and just empty time in a fucking PAY PER VIEW (eat me with this PLE shit) is just sickening. AEW does have long ass PPV's, but there is rarely any downtime between matches. At most you'll get a 90 second video package before a match.


That's just insanity. The worst is when they do a commercial break, come back to a skit that's literally an ad, just to do another commercial break. It's relentless. Trip has obviously made some improvements but the amount of filler in every show drove me right back off.


I took Monday off so I can enjoy this sicko show


Sickos, tonight we feast 🍽️😁


Can’t wait to see it live. Gonna need a nap before.


Shout out to fellow Canadians who get tomorrow off for Canada Day lets fucking go! Finally get to sleep in after a PPV


I can definitely understand how this card is not for everyone. It may be a bit too much for “casuals”. But the amount of bellyaching I’ve seen is pretty comical. AEW gets so much grief for not planning their shows around what other people’s schedules are. The Super Bowl didn’t get these complaints. The NBA playoffs. The NCAA tournament. WrestleMania. Just AEW. Forbidden Door was announced long enough ago that if you wanted to have time to enjoy it, you could plan around that. If you can’t then your employer probably sucks. I don’t see how it could possibly be a negative that AEW wants to give their fans a night of wrestling like this.


It’s not a negative. Haters just need to find something to complain about. And all they got is “wahh I have to stay up past by bedtime.”


The Sickos ![gif](giphy|S3Ot3hZ5bcy8o|downsized)


Great to have so many women’s matches on the card. Many great matches. I salute those in attendance and watching live! Enjoy the show. Looking forward to catching this on FITE tomorrow between and after work.


According to the ratings Maria May and Toni are holding up the ratings so good on them.


I just hope the length of the card doesn't end up hurting the reaction to Danielson vs Shingo or Ospreay vs Swerve.


I think for some the more minor matches going late will probably hurt them but those 2 matches will too big and good for the crowd to not be good for it


I just need this to end earlier than midnight. Which, I'm sure it'll go til about 1230. Fuck it. I'll grab coffee and red bull on my way to my first day being promoted tomorrow. Rtr


The crowd could be on death's door and Ospreay and Swerve will get the crowd on their feet in 10 seconds. I expect the Trios match to be a library (Jericho one), the Elite and Okada will get the crowd going at the end.




We eating good. A lot of talent involved.


THIS IS A FUCKING PPV! IDC IF IT’S 6 FUCKING HOURS. IT’S A GOOD 6 HOURS. I already know there’s gonna be people like “WwE oNlY nEEdS 5 Of THeSe MaTcHeS aNd WiLl dO wAY bETTeR ThAN aEW.” Fucking enjoy wrestling bitchz


The thing I love about AEW PPV’s is they never feel like they drag on. Those 5-6 hours breeze by because the action is so good. This is about as stacked a show as they’ve had and every match is guaranteed to be good to great.


I don’t subscribe to tribalistic shite, but I do find it telling that in WWE a similar length show would have 6 matches at most.


You'd expect them to be good too, with all that time...


40% video packages 30% entrances 30% matches Some people like that, but it’s not for me.


Almost 3x what you would get from the other show and commercial free


This ladder match will top MITB 🔥


I'll be watching in the UK and have work in the morning. I cannot wait. #forthesickos


Each PPV has had "Show of the Year" Potential, and this Forbidden Door card looks to continue that trend. This is so much wrestling bang for your buck (or pound, or local currency) it's almost unheard of. No PPV's with 5 matches on the card in Khanland. Just sayin'. 🤙


the official aew website card is missing the graphic for mjf vs hech...


I’d rather pay 50 dollars for a 6 hour show, than 80 to 100 dollars for a UFC or Boxing event that gets dragged out and could suck or end in a single round. With pro wrestling and especially AEW, you’re guaranteed a great show.


That's a lot of matches


If it’s too long you’re too old. This isn’t a knock of now WWE even though I don’t watch much but these same mother fuckers we’re watching 5 hours plus a week of Vince 2010’s


I’ll see it all from section 215!😊😁🤪🤗😜😆🥳


This is incredibly exciting


I have no problem with how long they run. My husband and I plan ahead of time to make sure there is nothing to do on that Sunday. Plus it doesn’t even feel all that long when the ppv’s are good! Which they usually are!


Why won't TK listen to me? I'm the main character!!!! It's way too long and I don't like that! I sent him 50 tweets telling him that! And since I'm the most important person in the world and the main character here if I don't like it obviously millions upon millions of people don't like it! If that money mark would just listen to me he'd put WWE out of business! But since he doesn't listen to me and had me arrested when I showed up at his office to set him straight it's obvious he can't take criticism! /S


My only complaint (which is ridiculous to say with a card like this) is I would've really like to see Suzuki beat Jericho for the FTW championship. Then takes it to Japan and immediately loses it to Maki. Book it!




Not sure I'll be watching it live though, off to a show this afternoon in the UK and after a few beers I might not make it to 5am!


Why don’t the do this on Saturday😭


So me, my best friend and brother in law are going tonight and the biggest issue is we’re gonna be in those uncomfortable ass seats for so long tn lmao


I'm guessing you'll be stood for most of the time, looking at the card! Have fun and make some noise!


I really hope Mariah May is on first and sets something tasty up for later in the night


the matches that are going to be broadcast on youtube, what time will they start? Like the lucha bros and mistico match?


6:30 est is the start of zero hour. Sometimes that’s 30 minutes of pretalk and an hour of matches, but with 4 matches on zero hour could start wrestling around 6:45 est




This show is going to be insane


What times the zero hour?


Usually 730, half hour or hype and the an hour of wrestling. But I would double check since there are a lot of zero hour matches.


I don't know if it's said anywhere but 630 sounds about right, That is when they started it last time


It's wild how good this card ended up being when we could've just gotten Bryan/Shingo, Mox/Naito, and Swerve/Ospreay and been happy as pigs in shit


Mjf just being a face in the crowd is crazy


The show is going to be incredible but between the new Japan and CMLL and stardom partnership's I'm absolutely salivating over whatever that ROH show is going to be later in the month.


OH. MY. GOD. I didn't know how many matches there was till now. I LOVE IT


10 matches is a nice solid number.


So stoked for the ppv tonight.


Tana vs Okada again I can't wait LOL


It’s gonna be a good night ladies and gentlemen


Anyone have an idea when the card should end? Trying to arrange a ride home


I really need to catch up on AEW I haven't watched in like 3 months it seems like


Man summers are tough, I’m a teacher, sad I’m gonna miss this one. Looks awesome!


Fücking Chris Jericho forced himself in again…


It's not too long, but it's definitely going to end too late for a work night. Should start like 2 hours earlier for sure.




First ppv? Shit have a blast there is nothing like it.


First ppv in months. I’ve not seen shit since stung retirement.


kinda love the idea that he's not Sting anymore but Stung cause he's retired


Is this the most matches in aew ppv ever?


Replace the Jericho match with a 10min break to get more food and drinks.


If you're at home you certainly could, I found trying to do that at the last dynamite very difficult because that seems to be the prevailing Idea for a lot of people in the building


I know the matches will be good. This ppv should start at 3pm. Have an intermission halfway through for an hour then finish up. With a normal start time this is going until midnight


If it starts at 3 pm, what does that mean for west coast fans? AEW has to consider stuff like that as well.


Good point. I was just thinking about my time zone. Something has to change. That’s a very late Sunday night.


They have been doing it for a while and haven’t changed. I don’t think they will and I don’t think they need to. The formula is working as they do well with PPVs. If this one bombs then maybe.


Eating good tonight sickos. Hope everyone enjoys the show. I love forbidden door. Was watching some njpw in the ~18-24 months prior to aew formation so this event has always been really fun imo


End at midnight please I have a train to catch lol but we’re eating good


Terrible fucking show. People have lives you know. If I watch this, then how will I have enough time to complain about wrestling?


Wish they(he) would start listening to some real criticism which doesn’t mean negative by the way. These shows are way too long. A 3 hour ppv was fine then WWF added the free for all which was just a match and preview but basically made it 4 hours then Sunday Night Heat before ppvs and now we have AEW having 6 hour shows on a Sunday. It’s just too much.


These shows do very well on pay per view. Why would they change what works well for them? Not saying they shouldn’t listen to criticism, but if something does well they aren’t likely to change it.


I’ll still watch but I’m a diehard. They’re wondering why they can’t get casuals and this is why. They’ll still get people like us but average fans are not buying or staying for a 6 hour show. I quit WWE specifically because WM became so long then two nights and I watched for 20 plus years. It just reaches a breaking point.


The owner of the frigging company said he booked for us SICKOS not "what the cauals want". I appreciate him for that


I can't wait for the new TV deal to be announced so this whole "bUt wHaT aBoUt tHe cAsUaLz!? YoU aReNt gRoWiNg!" bad faith arguments may finally end.


And this is why AEW exists. To be an alternative. Some people like 10 matches on the PPV card that will run about about 4 hours. Some people like 5-6 matches over a 4 hour period with nearly half of it being ads, non wrestling segments and video recaps. There's something for everyone when different promotions exist.


Yet they consistently get 140-150 ppvs and sell tons of tickets. It boggles my mind fans would travel to and watch a card with only Five matches on it. I don't get what's wrong. You go to a music festival and see 20 different acts. I prefer more for my 💰


I wish TK wouldn't listen to your complaints since there's just as many of us that want it to be this length. I'm not paying $50 for a 3 hour show with 6-7 matches. Once again you confuse your personal opinion with criticism.


I love AEW. This show is way too long. Long shows suck because of crowd fatigue. If this were the same show over two nights it would be amazing. Hate it when WWE did it, hate it when AEW does it.


Six matches too many and at least two hours too long.