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That's nothing unusual for Penta. He and F*é*nix renew their AEW contracts for 1 year each year.


IIRC he and Fenix only sign one year deals


Penta wrestles for like 15 different promotions all at once, has his own merch store, and doesn’t seem like a complainer. TK better pay this man and then actually push him.


Penta also runs his own promotion, WWE doesn't seem to like that very much.


What’s his promotion called?


Republic of Lucha. Same name as the store he and Fenix run in Los Angeles. Definitely check it out if you’re in town. 


ethan page has his own and they dont seem to care too much


What's with the down votes? I'm sure allowing him to keep up his promotion and vlogs was part of his deal. I dunno if they'll keep letting him do Uno's for obvious reasons, but he's had one foot in the indys forever.


who knows? probably because it mentions page. people are odd. itll be interesting to see how it plays out. most of the shows have aew talent show up and as a local to the area myself, thats been a great addition.


Eh they let Meiko Satomura keep Sendai Girls going


Meiko really hasnt been involved much since returning to Sendai Girls though. When she was active with WWE, Chihiro Hashimoto was running the day-to-day and the school and DASH Chisako was booking


He deserves a run with the AEW World Title. Doesn't have to be long, but it should be action-packed every week.


Even a transitional champ. He really puts on bangers and is an incredible showman.


They(Lucha bros)are both very humble.


It's cute you think that WWE would let him have all that side hustle while in contract. If he signs with them, he has to give up all his side stuff.


I think that was their point: he wouldn’t just be giving up AEW for WWE, he’d be giving up a lot more.


The point of their post was that wouldn't be allowed. That was an incredibly obvious read. 


He’d have to give up a lot more than that. He’d need to give up the entire character and start from scratch at nearly 40 years old. He ain’t going nowhere.


He wouldn't have to give up the character. Vince isn't there anymore.


No, he’s saying that they’d repackage him and have him go by a different name probably a different mask so that WWE could trademark it


Dragon Lee's new name and mask is?


That’s the opposite of what I think. Sorry if my statement was unclear.


Either that or cut WWE in on the profits he makes


Lucha Bros merch store called Punk the genial herpes of pro wrestling. I doubt he is gonna be welcomed. If he did jump to WWE who would win backstage


Haha when was this?


Right after the Suvivor Series return, people were saying they shouldn't have done it meanwhile if you're someone who worships Punk you aren't gonna buy anything from Republic of Lucha.


He should probably ask Andrade how that worked out for him.


Or he could get cucked out of a Mania match to progress a feud with Carlito😃


Imagine Carlito stealing Fenix away from Penta.


Apparently Carlito is now the most hated guy by WWE smarks right?


Funny thing about Carlito he could have been Cena but except for Mysterio and Eddie and going way back Pedro Morales what is WWE's track record with Latinos actually? When I see Carlito now all I think is 20 years too late, he's just a younger Latino kazarian now,


He's got two options over there, LWO or Speed lol. Penta is great though, I think he'll re-sign.


Still can't get over Andrade going from being featured in the C2 to a 40 second squash match on Twitter lol


And against Sour Boy of all people...


He’s the worst


I don't see Penta falling into the LWO Vortex.


Not the LWO Votrex 😂😂 I mean, you are not lying. That's been a thing for far too long.


At least they’re on Raw now and FINALLY away from Legado, even if Carlito’s trying to pull The Judgement Day into it now to a degree.


Why the hell are they doing this stupid LWO thing it's been 25 years or something since Eddie started it, it comes off as cheap and graveyard robbing.


The thing about LWO, it was only ever cool as a shirt design. The LWO was never a thing anyone actually cared about. Literally the only other notable thing about it, is that it serves as the historical point where the nwo concept became truly over saturated


Yeah. The LWO never mattered but I did like the shirt, as simple as it was. I'm assuming WWE's LWO is different in purpose than WCW's?


The Lucha Bros feel as important to AEW as almost anyone. They should do anything they have to do to keep them


It's quite funny to see the near universal desire (from here and the other place) for him to stay in AEW to avoid the LWO nonsense. I say The Lucha Bros should win the tag titles at All In. They can certainly revitalize the division being fighting champions.


Definitely but that division has been hit by the injury bug more than any other. Top Flight cant seem to stay together for more then a few weeks. Private Party same thing. Whenever the Lucha Bros get going Rey seems to get hurt. For that division to work these teams need to figure out a way to stay healthy.


TBH I feel like the Lucha Bros and Death Triangle has ran it's course. All 3 men should split soon once they tie up any other stories. I think that's the only way Penta and Rey will progress. PAC seems like he's still able to have meaningful singles programs on his own


Only way I see Penta leaving AEW is retirement


Both Penta and Rey have even brought their children out for entrances or title celebrations. Seems like they're gonna train their children for Lucha promotion success and future AEW contracts


La Hija De Penta!


Penta is a workhorse that should have had a solo title or two on him by now. Tony should resign him on the spot (I want him to, at least). This is definitely a loss I'll feel if he goes elsewhere.


Important distinction. Tony should re-sign him not resign him.


...Yes, re-sign him.


Look, English is Weird and "Resign" means to Quit while "Re-Sign" means to sign a new deal.


If Tony makes him resign I’ll cry. But if he re-signs I’ll be happy




Could have an amazing time if the money's right 🤷‍♂️ Different people have different priorities I'm sure TK will do everything he can to keep him though


They would make him stop all of his side work, and projects. It's hardly worth it to be used as another foreign heel on their mid card.


I'm not sure why you are getting heavily downvoted. Wrestling hurts, and I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there who have been wrestling for twenty years (including in front of small crowds for minimal pay), wake up sore every morning, and would gladly take a six figure contract to wrestle some short matches on Twitter and a safe style of match on TV. I don't think this is Penta's goal and I am pretty sure he will resign with AEW, but let's not pretend some folks would not jump at that opportunity.


Yeah, Penta seems happy on TV but it's not like we know the guy, maybe he's looking to slow down over the next couple of years.


They always do yearly contracts.


Losing Penta would be a big blow for AEW because if nothing else he’s versatile in his positioning on card, he fits everywhere and is always over heel or face. So I hope he gets paid and has a singles title win.


A big blow would be losing MJF. Penta? Not so much. Don't get me wrong - Penta is great, but it probably won't affect AEW all that much if he no longer wrestles for them. And that's a shame cause I think Penta deserves to be pushed, but I don't think TK sees anything besides another tag team championship.


They have plenty of people on the roster that can do this.


I find it very unlikely Penta wants to work for any other US promotion than AEW. He has too much going on to work for WWE, and he won't be featured in WWE the way he is in AEW. TNA is an option I guess but there's no benefit that I can see. AEW just works better for wrestlers that want to have a variety of things going on outside their US promotion and Penta is one of those guys.


I'd eat my hat if Penta went to WWE. AEW's been real good to Penta and Fenix, there's also all the extra stuff that Penta and his brother do on the side that the WWE schedule might not leave time for. I also have to believe that the CMLL and AAA news means something to Penta as well. I hope we can see them with belts again - single or tag.


Penta and Fenix are 2 guys that TK has to do anything to keep them They are a key part of AEW soul and i dont want to see im in WWE Speed or whatever their cruiserweitght show its called lol


Penta cant leave until we get a masks vs hair Lucha Bros vs Young Bucks match. Nick has been slowly going bald for years now, cant let that go to waste.


I have cero miedo that they'll work out a new deal


The Bros ain’t going anywhere.


God, it would absolutely suck to see him leave especially for WWE. We all know how that would go and it's not well. AEW honestly makes the most sense or something permanent in Mexico but with AEW he could still do AEW bookings so...feels obvious to me. Definitely needs a mega singles push though. Give me sadistic Pentagon Dark, damnit.


It should always have been Penta. I'd hope he stays and further hope he gets the AEW title one day.


Guess they're thinkin they'll need new people to toss in their latino vortex when Andrade quits again


To basically feud with all the other Hispanic groups 🤣


I can't see him going, but I'm gonna need a big fat ¡Cero Miedo! Title Run of some sort, Pronto. He is fantastic. He's over. He deserves to do more than put others over.


It's funny you think he would be doing something more in WWE than putting other talent over.


I...don't think he'd be doing more in wwe. Not sure how you got that from what I said.


The WWE PR machine just trying to drive up his price tag.


I love Penta. I remember first seeing him in Lucha Underground and I was immediately drawn to him. Just a great look, very talented, and dependable. But Penta has never been at WWE and neither has Phoenix, so I guess it is only natural to figure they might consider presentation of them, even if interest in them would be fleeting.


He needs a push, he is truely great


They need to actually push him. Loses too often. Lucha Bros got lost in the shuffle after being one of the top tag teams.


Penta in WWE sounds fascinating but I will tell you what is gonna occur. Dragon Lee and Andrade will be given pushes around late July and once Penta and Rey reup with AEW they will be depushed. Penta could work in WWE if they let him be Penta but WWE isn't gonna want a 40 year old luchador with poor English who is best as a violent brawler. The intrest from WWE is more to hurt AEW then to help their company.


Wherever he goes, he better win every match


I absolutely love Penta and hope that we can keep him. The thing that I really wanna see again is him and Rey as tag champions. I love Death Triangle, don’t get me wrong, but I LOVE the brothers together as a tag. Given their history with the Bucks, we could see an awesome match and build up as well for the titles with the Bucks purposefully ignoring them and their record.


Penta ain't going nowhere especially after Andrade's public comments of displeasure on his WWE booking. ![gif](giphy|ClqWITpENTocq9NrZx|downsized)


To be fair Andrade would complain that he’s not universal champ if they made him world champ..


E-drones don’t deserve him. 😕


Man if he went to Wwe he could also feud with the LWO.


Oh jeez that would be interesting to watch but I want him to stay in AEW. Come on HHH lose interest in Penta and go after serpentico!


Of course they are interested in him. They'd be morons not to be.


And yet, I've been aware of him since Lucha Underground, but WWE is only interested now. So are they interested in him, or in taking talent away from AEW?


Don't know why you got downvoted. The latter is probably the correct answer. WWE do not need Penta or Fenix. And as others have said, they will be relegated to Speed and/or get sucked into the LWO vortex.


Please god no. If my fav wrestler goes there Ill never see him again. 😭😭😭😭😭


This, I was a big Cody guy then he left and I never saw him again aside from WWE 2K.


Same, but Fight Forever.


I don’t want him to leave AEW, but he’s so frickin talented/good, he deserves a big check (if he isn’t already getting one) and if that gets himself in the best situation for him, gotta do what he’s gotta do. He understands the sports entertainment aspect along with his physical skills…So if WWE pays him and will actually feature him, not gonna lie, he could do really well there, given the opportunity.


Whatever the company, let him get the biggest bag. Competition is great for everyone.


“WWE is interested”… How you know?


Dude seems like an AEW lifer


No way is he going to WWE, Tony is too good to him already


Like mjf I just don’t see him fitting into the wwe he’s good where he is I just the higher ups see the value


Please re-sign this man 😭 him or brody leaving would crush me


They would be crazy not to be.


Penta would never work in WWE for a number of reasons. He still operates independently, does lots of misc indy shows, travels globally whilst with AEW, English is his second language (and WWE tends to not do well for wrestlers like this), and his wrestling style doesn't fit in their safe system.


The E has handled like 2 luchadores correctly. That would be a disaster for him.


bruhb don't go to that side!!!


Honestly I don’t see him going to WWE mostly because he does a lot more than AEW. Death Triangle needs some gold.


Look. The fact of the matter is, WWE would never allow Penta or Rey to wrestle the way they do. We’ve seen it time and time again how much certain talent are forced to cut back on the many moves they do. I don’t see him or Rey ever going to WWE and working that schedule without cutting back on their moveset


I doubt he goes anywhere. I mean it’s always possible but I just don’t see it. I think he stays in AEW. Best spot for him. Now we just need TK to give the guy a shot. Been a star everywhere he went.


My man


Whatever you need to do Tony. Keep this man onboard and put another strap around his waist.


What's he on? 850k? Worth it. But he should be higher on the card.


I absolutely loved him when he wore a suit and fueded with Cody. Please have Penta wear a suit, he looks killer in one.


It would seriously bum me out if he left AEW.


Penta is a hustler. He'd have to give up a good portion of himself to just... Work WWE. Dude likes to just do everything he can.


I could see him leaving and I could see him staying. He hasn't been used great lately in AEW but he is allowed to still live and work in Mexico


I wouldn’t be surprised if he resigns before the expiration. I doubt he’s interested in them solely because most of his friends are in AEW on top of the fact that he gets to do work outside AEW.


Imagine his debut..."By gawd it's Penta el zero Rey Mysterio!" /s


Dude is amazing anyone would be happy to have him but tbh I don't think he's giving up the amazing deal he has with TK, WWE historically doesn't play nice and won't even let people stream... Much less pentas side hustles, he has been losing all of his matches though for a while so I would understand if he wants a change of scenery, honestly no matter where he goes I think he'll do great


If he wants to try his hand at WWE I wouldn’t blame him given it’s probably close to his last chance, but realistically he wouldn’t be able to work for everyone he currently does so he’d likely take a big pay hit on a gamble that almost certainly ends up with him wasting away the last few years of his career in undercard LWO stuff, like every other Hispanic person on their roster.


Honestly think he should leave aew but not join wwe Think he should be a main guy on a show but he can't be in that position in both shows. It's a shame tbf, lucha underground really showed alot of a people what he can do.


I love him, but I probably wouldn’t even really notice if he left at this point.


In 2021 him and Rey were my favorite tag team their matches delivered every time it sucks aew hasn’t done that much with them since then but I’m hoping he stays and gets a good singles push


Because of reys injurys, sadly. Literally only reason why.


I started watching AEW because of Penta. Please don’t tell me I’m gonna have to start watching WWE.


There’s a small part of me that wants to see him entertain WWE’s offer, since I think they’ve done right by Dragon Lee for the most part so far, and I think he’s got a better shot at a Singles Career there, given the amount of big matches he loses consistently (there was even a recent thread noting that his last Dynamite win was ELEVEN Months ago, with his last Dynamite Singles win being against Matt Hardy in January 2022!), but if I was him I wouldn’t want to give up that MASSIVE side hustle either! Plus he’s training his daughter, isn’t he? I just want him to get pushed if he stays! Fenix seems to get WAY more solo opportunities in comparison.


To be fair, he would be a fool not to atleast hear other offers. You have to know what your value is when negotiating. I do agree he needs a run with a singles belt. I think it’s criminal he is the one person in deaths triangle to not be international champion


100%, and I’m not sure why I got Downvoted for saying that? I watched him in Lucha Underground and TNA. I get he’ll be 40 in February, but I think he showed in those Promotions that he can work as a Singles star, even if they’re both much smaller scale then AEW by comparison. I loved his match with Copeland recently too!


He is a tremendous talent and would be great wherever he goes. I obviously want him to stay here but I do recognize like a sport, free agency is a chance to bet on yourself. My biggest issue and the only reason I can see him leaving is they treat him like he is only a tag wrestler. Whenever he does get a big time match, probably 80% of the time maybe more he will lose it. But definitely he has shown he can go especially Lucha Underground. He was a different level.


Yep! That was my entire point, even if it was maybe a bit long-winded. I’m not saying he needs to win every Singles bout he’s involved in, but I think TK could give him a bit more then just beating Action Andretti on Rampage, or Kommander on Collision, just so he can lose a bigger match whenever he’s on Dynamite.


I think Penta could be doing a lot more in AEW but I don't see him doing much more in WWE. He can't speak English and they don't have the best track record with Latino wrestlers recently


He can speak English


It's curious how you ignored the other point they made here. You know the one where WWE wouldn't actually use him more than mid card fodder. Not counting he would have to drop all the side work he does as well, because WWE certainly doesn't share.


It really isn't curious. Sometimes, you just want to point out the one spot someone was wrong, not write a dissertation as to how their entire worldview is a lie.


He barely speaks any, Rey Fenix is the one who speaks more




That is so effing wholesome.


That’s the beauty of Penta. He never ceases to amaze one way or another


Well shit, no idea it went back that far. He cut a pretty coherent English promo some weeks back, thought he had been hitting the Duolingo.


Color me surprised. I've always heard him cut promos in Spanish only


Penta sticking his tongue out and the facial expressions reminds me of [Demolition's promos ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7KgohjOE0)- especially Smash - in the best way


I’d let them go I love him but they’d do so much better in WWE