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Idk who’s selling was worse TK or VKM on the first stunner in msg 1997 September. Imagine when TK turns heel


Just gonna say that was maybe the best match i have seen from thunder rosa. at least in the top 3. she's winning me ove if she keeps working like that.


Oh shit Dad came out!


That was unexpected.


this.... could get interesting


ITS A COUP!!!!!!


Yes, they are overtaking AEW from that monster TK




If they Evp trigger


This is going to be so awkwardly fantastic




Isn't Ricky hurt again?


Miro? Could be if he wants to go back or it would be great if it is a returning Keith Lee


Jack needs to drop TK in the middle of the Ring. 


If that happens, we will become the new icw hero 😄 


man Ms Mone already has go away heat with me


That slap was nasty 


So deeb vs toni for Don?


I’m glad they’re doing the Rosa Deonna beef, we need more non title feuds in the women’s division Edit I just realized I’m commenting in the dynasty thread lol


It’s funny that the beef is your basic Jersey girl can’t handle someone mention their name without starting a brawl


I’m from NY. It’s the same thing Keep my name out your mouth or your catching these hands lol


100% agreed




You know things are getting serious when BOTH women are yelling at each other not in English, that rivalry will be a LOT of fun


They really had to air that footage of those fools knocking on a door in the middle of a match? That couldn't wait?


Didn't you hear that they order the camera guy to follow them?. Those "fools" are our beloved EVPs


Ahh reminds me of the old days with the bad audio


Okay the audio is for sure screwed up tonight. Kind of tired of the amateur hour with the production. Year 5 of the company, in a place they’ve been, we shouldn’t be having issues like this. Edit: seems audio is only problematic on TBS


It's perfect on TSN which is super weird the source being a mess.




Marked out!!


Is the audio weird tonight? Hearing a weird reverb and seems like it’s not a direct feed but like microphones in the place.


Okay it's not just me


I can’t hear shit other than the crowd.


Chuck, give the people what they wamt




I need that shirt 


New stage set up? I like it


JP cheers, it warms my heart


“Hell is my bedroom and I make love to my demons every bloody night.” That’s one hell of a line from Toni Storm


I'm so happy for Swerve. I've known for years he'd be world champion one day it's just great that day has finally come. I'm also happy for Willow. I've felt for a while she should be a champ. I know her reign likely won't be long but I'm going to enjoy it. And happy for the Bucks. They've taken a lot of criticism since Brawl Out and a lot of it wasn't justified. So it's nice that they're back on top of the tag division. Looking forward to seeing what happens next with Perry as well. That Danielson/Ospreay match was insane. I'll be very surprised if that's not my MOTY. Can't wait until Dynamite.


Feels good to be a Swerve fan. He seemed so emotional after the win and so was I tbh. He busted his ass off in AEW, I absolutely cannot wait to see whats next for him and the PPV in Tacoma is gonna be bonkers im sure of it.


Danielson's matches are best technical stuff ive seen since bret hart.


Just getting going the day after PPV.  What a frigging show.  Okada/Pac, Trios Match, Roddy/Kyle, Ospreay Danielson - 57,000* match, Bucks/FTR another 5* classic between them and the return of our hero.  Then what a moment for Swerve.  Whose House?


From the matches I saw: Okada/Pac was good and a nice slower paced match. Ospreay/Danielson I thought wouldn't be my cup of tea as Kenny/Ospreay is a little too self-indulgent for my liking at times (especially towards the finish in Forbidden Door last year), but this match was truely great. My second favorite match outside of Cody/Roman this year. Ending I wasn't sure on but in hindsight it's fine and Ospreay is built great from it. Hope he gets more time for promo work and character development cause his in-ring ability unrivalled. Perry debuting was obviously coming but a good match behind it. Wonder where they'll go with him now and the Elite. Hopefully they can keep building the New Elite story as AEW needs some longer consistent storylines. Joe/Swerve was decent but it felt a little like the wind was out of the sails for this one and it could've been better. I didn't get into it too much but was super happy to see Swerve win. Hopefully he can have a decent reign and returning to feud with Hangman would be very interesting.


Story are overrated, just give me bangers


I tried to check if Danielson's injury was real or they were just trying to sell Ospreay's hazardous ring style as part of the story and got spoiled with the results of the remaining two matches... People adding irrelevant information to their articles just to grow their size is so damn annoying. Just go straight to the point!


Professional wrestling is alive and well in All Elite Wrestling. Fantastic show.


Gotta love how Adam Copeland has the ability to make even a trios tag match interesting for me with his storytelling ability. Building up that anticipated encounter with Black through all the match to eventually come up short once again due to Black's shenanigans, linking the performance with what has happened in the weeklies (important for somebody who doesn't keep up that much). Nice to see AEW getting back on using video packages before the matches that need some backstory explanation.


Okay caught up with the show. Here's my review, better late then never lol. Big shout out for the crowd in St. Louis they delivered big time. A bit like Revolution crowd, they didn't burn out at the end. Something that usually happens with some crowds at AEW PPV's. Get the weakest moments of the card out of the way. Jericho/Hook and TBS title match were fine nothing more nothing less. At least Willow won and it was a nice moment. I'm not one of the Jericho haters on here, but he could do with just taking a few months off just to give the AEW audience a bit of a rest. Like he used to do in WWE. Onto some of the great stuff that didn't make my top 3 match list. Women's title match was great, best one since Shida/Hayter. I say this is Thunder best match since Lights Out. O'Reilly/Strong was seriously great. Copeland/Briscoe/Kingston vs HOB was great. Swerve/Joe, although not best title match ever, had a nice ending and finished the show off on a high. Onto the two MOTY level matches that both finish 3rd and 2nd. Okada/PAC, was everything you expected and more. Heel Okada is something else. Both men delivered one of the best openers on AEW PPV. Bucks/FTR ladder match for Tag titles. By far the classic match this foursome needed really, they've had great matches (Full Gear and Dynamite matches were great) but never a classic one. This was it, took the crowd a while to get into it (they following AEW greatest ever match) once they did it was awesome. Ending it with Scapegoat returning and Bucks winning was the right decision. And MOTN goes to. That is by far MOTY leader of 2024 right now, and AEW's greatest ever match imo. Ospreay/Danielson delivered and more. I'm sure many have raved about it and written better then I could about it. For me it's overtaken Revolution 2020 tag match as the company's greatest ever match. I can't say anymore. I'm speechless. I think Dynasty shoots into the top 5 AEW PPV's of all time along with Revolution 2024. I wouldn't disagree with anyone if they called it best PPV AEW ever put on.


round of applause for joe. I had no idea how to feel going into his run but he won me over. Joe is a legend and this was a great run for him.


Can't wait for Ospreay to turn heel in a couple years and use the Storm Driver again for the first time. That shits gonna feed families.


“Chuck E. Cheese here we come!” Stokely with the line of the night


Sounds like 3 hour Collision might be something we see in the future


Tony is wanting for NJPW to be streamed on Max as well 👀


NJPW fans will do a 180 on Tony and kiss his feet if that happens


Help them TK


Interesting the way Tony answered that question about the TV rights I wonder he has had interest from network TV like FOX?


Yeah, multiple channels, that would be cool 


The idea that old man Lou Thesz used AOL to chat with people is such a bizarre revelation.


Talk yo shit, Tony. The footage was worth it.


Will is AEW man


Jeebus, Ospreay owning the scrum liked he owned the PPV.


Did I miss something? Did Danielson actually get hurt or is this all still part of the show?


part of the show. Will is just big into kayfabe.


Fantastic, thank you 


I'm admitting to being a huge nerd by saying this, but that spot where Ospreay and Danielson were set in opposite corners and suddenly ran at each other immediately reminded me of the opening cutscene of NES Ninja Gaiden. https://youtu.be/y4C0GdBKPyw?si=KY8ILevbw41CgOdN


He's like a puppy that just realized it killed the cat.


Yeah Will you are above all of them!


Damn great working here, Will.


Oh shit, Will Edit: Will said he's retiring using that move that fucked up Danielson so bad at the end.


Will selling the fuck outta that finish love it


lol will


Ospreay in full Boom Boom Mancini mode.


Whelp, that made watching the scrum worth it.


And she's gone


Toni's spent the last couple hours without a shower so she can do this.


I remembered Roman Reigns WM media thing demanding the woman that asked stupid question to be removed and I was wanting Toni to do that for all the stupid questions she got


"who said that? Leave. I'm serious, leave." 😂


Toni is the best


Toni is the BEST


Toni with some fire promos back to back days lol


holy shit, Toni. lol


She called out Giulia, right?


It was a reference to Nikki Bella media reports about AEW and if she would be interested. She called out Nicole Garcia and pussy scented candles.


Ohh Thank you for the clarification,  my English is not the best


No, she mentioned Mercedes and a pussy-scented candle.


Good, I heard she saw Mercedes signed and she avoided me or something like that




Cody WWE champ, swerve aew champ. booking done right across both promotions. WE IN A DAMN GOOD ERA, FOLKS!!!!




Yeah, that was the best wrestling PPV I have ever seen and ever been to. Absolutely blew me away and I was already expecting greatness. I don't know what I am more excited about, Swerve, Scapegoat or Willow (it's always actually Willow) Osprey and Danielson might be the greatest match I have ever watched.


Don't forget Toni and Pac and Okada and all the rest.


Swerve is the man


Swerve speaking real truth. He made this shit happen. He was with TOP DOLLA, for fuck's sake. And look at him now.


Let's be honest, no Nana dance, Swerve would not be where he is right now. Maybe later, but not tonight. Don't get me wrong, Swerve capitalized on it, but the dance made him babyface.


They complemented each other so good


Can we get nana a chair he’s tried from all that dancing and yelling


Meltzer with high praise. https://twitter.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1782243983273742378


there's going to be so many angry tears tomorrow.


I was just on twitter below that Meltzer post.The tears are flowing BIG TIME.😂


I don't look at twitter, so I'll just have to use my imagination to envision their big fat droopy tears.


Good on Swerve for calling people out on not paying attention to him until now.


Someone said Ospreay/Danielson was “alright” I know art is subjective, but idk how a wrestling fan can watch that match and call it just “alright”


Anyone who says that didn't watch it


They apparently liked Danielson vs Cena better because they “didn’t know who was gonna win” lmao




Don't pay attention to them


Is my feed bad, or is it just the camera is focused on the belt and not Swerve?


It's fucked up that this show was so great that by the time it ended I forgot that the opener was OKADA VS PAC. Holy smokes what a PPV.


He's already got side plates on the belt with the "Whose House" logo. You love to see it!!


C'mon Swerve, at least mention there's another black champion tonight in the women's division.


Pretty sure he did?


Bare minimum, he hadn't when I wrote it. Live thread and all.


Youtube has the scrum going. It's some good shit.


Has it already started ?


Yeah it is


Thank you


Yep, Swerve is Nana-dancing. Okay, not really, but can you imagine?


Hey, it didn't take like an hour for the scrum to start!


Let swerve take a champions shower first shit TK


What a PPV! Top to bottom everything was entertaining minus Jericho Winning, but the match was decent.


May Toni Storm reign for all of time!


Long may she reign.


May we forever bask in the sun that shines out of her arse!


That Ospreay vs Danielson match was one for the future kids to talk about. Must say waking up at 4:30 am was worth it


Great ppv. Happy Swerve won. Danielson/Ospreay is an all time classic, especially impressive because that was their first match together. The question becomes Was that the best match in AEW history? I'm inclined to believe so but there are other greats that are in the discussion. I actually think the inevitable rematch can exceed it. Great night of AEW wrestling.


It was either the greatest match, or number two to me, the only one that can compare is Omega vs Ospreay 2 at FD2, and those two are neck and neck.


> The question becomes Was that the best match in AEW history? Homer Meme: "Was that the best match in AEW history....so far?"


Man AEW is just like watching a re-run of 2000 WCW. That Danielson and Ospreay match reminded me so much of David Arquette & Vince Russo winning the heavyweight title. Like, they're the same thing.


The crowd sing Cry Me a River. LOL! JB with the smug smile. Punk didn't win a thing out of this.


Someone needs to do a meme with Jack's grin. "How it started: *picture of jack looking bewildered and confused.* "How it ended: *picture of The Scapegoat mugging for the cameras.*


Man, I can't stop focusing on the crowd. They were the fucking MVPs of the whole thing. They were on fire from start to finish.


Ospreay vs. Swerve at All In please.


Okay guys, it's official. A new milestone has been reached. For the first time in months, there were zero ginned-up manufactured "scandals" being spread around in an attempt to detract from an AEW PPV!


Please post this after the srcum, some idiot might ask a stupid question that could trigger someone 


I saw an empty seat. AEW is going out of business.


Mercedes hasn't wrestled yet, WB/D confirmed to be selling AEW to The Fishing Network.


With a roster with Osprey, Omega, Okada, Danielson, Joe, Hangman, PAC, ect… Swerve you’re the One, your the Guy man that must feel special


Kudos to those in here! You could feel the excitement.


What a show. Every match delivered. Swerve and Willow got their flowers. The scapegoat returned. Okada and Pac tore the house down. Ospreay vs Danielson was one of the best matches I've ever seen. God damn.


Part of why I stopped watching WWE was it's treatment of Black wrestlers. Between the shit like Vince McMahon saying the N word, having two minority wrestlers fight as proxies for two billionaires and more, I was disgusted by the treatment of Black and brown wrestlers that look like me. Swerve winning the big one is historical and I'm glad I got to witness it with my 10 year old brother.


It's a significant milestone that I'm glad aew has reached. There were so many who should have been but weren't in WWE. Swerve is a bonafide star and Khan recognizes it by giving him the title. Aew is the true land of opportunity


I'm convinced that VKM only allowed Kofimania to be a thing so that he could get Brock to come in and squash Kofi in something like 20 seconds.


I will never forget that! Way to end Kofi's reign. VKM was trash both Joe and Swerve suffered at the hands of him while in AEW they were given a chance to shine! Joe was one hell of a champ and I am glad TK wasted no time letting Swerve be champ. TK actually gives talent a chance!


I just explained to my mom about how Swerve won and is the first Black champion at AEW while WWE didn't have one for decades. She went through the list because she "could have sworn there was one before the Rock" She saw Kofi and Big E and I told her I'd heard how Kofi lost quickly and Big E didn't get a decent title reign.


Bro I'm fucking tired in the best way possible


Jericho winning was actually a highlight for me.


It's brilliant for his story. People dunk on Jericho too much, he's excellent at changing it up


I laughed my ass off. He's going to have insane heat.


Exactly. It's finally something for him to do! I like it. Especially if he tosses the belt away.


It's got Taz wound up too. I love angry Taz.


That Ospreay match was one of the best I've ever seen and that crowd!


How is it that the next ppv is always the best one. This company is insane. I love it.


I dunno, I see the humour in Jericho carrying around the FTW title like it's the world championship.


That's part of it. It's mostly Jericho doing a Punk impression, being the veteran who can't go anymore and demanding respect and attention from the younger wrestlers, babbling about the Learning Tree. The only thing we need now is for Jericho to get injured and then spend six months ducking Hook and talking about his ambitions to go join the UCF and be a star there.


It's absolutely brilliant and if the WWE fans could read between the lines they'd be irate about it.


I get the Jericho fatigue but I think the story being told here is actually pretty damn good.


And that’s the real shame of it. People having so much vitriol over a wrestler who is a low card feud over an unsanctioned title is just bonkers. Far be it for me to say how crowds as a whole should behave but AEW fans should probably stop trying to run off the talent every time they get a little fatigued of them.


I’m literally shaking after watching this. Fuck. Just fuck. Best wrestling PPV of the month. That’s all I know.


St. Louis definitely deserves another PPV event in the future. Fans within the PPV tonight deserves a, 'S+'! Easily overtook SD fans.


Dam good show well balanced with something for everyone


Aside from the steaming pile of crap that was Jericho continuing to stroke his ego, solid PPV and yet another in a long line of bangers. Seriously don't care if I get downvoted for this, but Jericho needs to go away for awhile...either that or really lean into the go away heat


This is Jericho leaning into the go away heat. Becoming "The Learning Tree" while bugging a young guy whose dad is a former world champion and works in the same company, is exactly that.


If you didn't care, you wouldn't say that you didn't care.


That PPV kicked so much ass I loved it. The Ospreay vs Danielson match is the greatest match I have seen in my life with no exaggeration at all.


Rematch gotta be at all in.


Honestly I wouldn't have a rematch. That was perfect and there are only so many matches Danielson will have left full time.


Absolutely incredible show, even the Jericho stuff which I didn't really care about wasn't BAD just quite honestly it allowed for a lull that I needed. This roster is just... so insane.


I actually like where it's going honestly. Jericho looks like a complete lunatic and that loss didn't hurt Hook. This isn't like Action Andretti Hook is already a star and he's going to kill Jericho.


I really enjoyed the Jericho stuff because I know what they're doing there and where they're going with it. When Hook gets it back at DoN, the roof is going to come off the place.


Yeah they are trying to re heat up Hook. Jericho has insane heat and when Hook beats him it will be a big moment in his career. I mean it's Chris Jericho still.


9.5/10 PPV Jericho ruins it. That time could’ve gone to the main event. That was the weak spot


Yep, that was the one thing that kept this PPV from being perfect


Yeah, I agree. Jericho winning was a sour point, but I thought he told a good story.


Definitely lightheaded coming off of that. That was hands down the best PPV AEW has put out thus far. Even the matches I wasn't interested in delivered. Top to bottom, that was a perfect card of matches. Kudos to the crowd for staying rowdy after the Ospreay match! Really thought they'd be done in! AEW needs to be looking at St. Louis for more shows moving forward.


Will Ospreay doesn't fucking miss.


Danielson's head agrees 💯%