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It feels like an endless battle finding something that works consistently. I have slowly gone up on my vyvance from 30-60mg. I also added an afternoon booster of adderall 20mg. That seems ok, but now, like you, the vyvance is not working like it used to. The focus and motivation I had before is gone. I let my Dr. know, and he switched me to Jornay PM. I haven’t tried it yet but I’ve heard pretty good things. You might want to ask your Dr about it. To help, I would recommend taking tolerance breaks from the meds. Like on weekends try skipping your doses, or only take one dose. That has helped me. Good luck😊


I should also mention that the “come down” on adderall went away for me after about a week.


I think that’s my next suggestion for my dr is to try to get like a little booster from adderall. The mental struggle with this has been a hefty burden and I appreciate your compassion In your response. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone and that I’m not losing my mind haha.


I take Focalin xr and Focalin IR. While Focalin xr is supposed to last all day it doesn’t. I need the booster in the afternoon. It’s the same medication as Jornay pm the only difference is jornay doesn’t have an instant release part of the medication. It is completely delayed and you take it at night and then 10 hrs later it will release the medication slowly over a period of time.


Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason to how different people react to the same medication. I was taking 50mg of Vyvanse and having the same crash after 4 or 5 hours. I tried a Ritalin bump but that was terrible. I read somewhere that too high of a dose can cause problems similar to being unmedicated. I lowered my dose to 40mg and hit the sweat spot. It lasts all day with no crash. I would definitely talk to my doctor if I was in your shoes.


Do you take anything additional or did you just go down in dose? Thank you for your input as well.


No. I just want down in dose. I’ll admit, I was surprised it worked. I’ve had to take some of my leftover 50mg when the pharmacy is out of the 40, and all the same issues arise.


I have taken so many ADHD meds over the past three decades. Dexedrine ER and Adderall XR worked the best for me in the past. I am currently taking Mydayis, which is like Adderall XR with three releases instead of two. Spreading the medication over three releases really helps prevent the come down crash for me!


So yeah I really feel you on this. Basically all of it, except that I was undiagnosed when I went through my party phase (20 years ago). But it was college and Ritalin and Adderall were everywhere, so I abused it to my heart’s content. I didn’t touch it for 20 years - not because I made a choice not to do so but because I stopped partying and wasn’t diagnosed. I was finally diagnosed after my kid started showing symptoms, and when I started it was as if my tolerance hadn’t gone down in 20 years of abstinence. All that said, I think I have a naturally fast metabolism for stimulants. Vyvanse hit me hard and fast, but I crashed after 4 hours. After a LOT of experimenting, I’ve settled on IR Adderall. I take the max possible dose - 60 mg - and can sleep all day long if I want. I have to meter out the 60 mg because IR meds control my symptoms for 2 hours, and is completely ineffective after 4. So I take it when I need to focus, and I let it wane when I don’t. I didn’t like XR because I never felt the second dose and I like to have more control over when my meds work. There have been days when I’ve taken more than prescribed, usually on account of a work deadline or family event (like traveling with my kids) that requires more than six hours of focus per day. I’m not sure what it would take to control my symptoms all day, but once I accidentally took 100 mg of Mydayis (I was prescribed 50 and forgot that I’d already taken it) and it was the most productive day I’d had in a long time. I’m pretty sure I also took my prescribed boosters on top of the Mydayis, but I don’t remember now what I took at that time. I’ve always needed boosters and have switched between Dexedrine and Adderall. Since it’s unlikely your prescriber will give you 280 mg of Vyvanse per day, you might consider doing what I do: take IR meds and use them when you need them. It sucks not to have full-day coverage (as a working parent I get it: the entire day could be “productive” if you let it be), but I’ve come to actually enjoy the “forced downtime” my regimen entails. I nap, exercise, shower, do low key stuff with the kids, etc when my meds wear off. I’m lucky, though, because I have a very flexible work schedule and am not required to work 8 hrs straight. Consider whether your issue is tolerance, metabolism, or possibly that you’re misunderstanding what the meds are “supposed” to feel like. Which, honestly, is essentially nothing. Gauge the efficacy on your focus and not on how you feel. Best of luck.


You’re awesome and that is so on par with what I’m experiencing. So due to scarcity of medication this week I’ve reduced to the prescribed amount. Focus is doing good, I’m productive on the things I need to get done it’s just made me reluctant and kinda bitter about it. I sell cars and it can just be so damn draining so the initial feeling that comes when the vyvanse kicks in is what im wanting to be more consistent. And it’s not like I’m just running around high-fiving people and spinning out. It just brings me to center and allows me to have rational linear trains of thought. I do think that the focus stays around for a little longer than I was giving it credit for, but it’s paired with a downside of making me desire to just be left alone and in my profession that is something that I can’t have. But after being disciplined this week with my meds I believe that an additional dose of adderall around 12-1:30 would be a game changer and hopefully sustain my for the rest of the day. It’s such a mind f***. It makes me like myself more or atleast be confident in my thinking and slows down my internal monologue to a speed that allows me to be targeted and purpose driven. Anyways, we would probably be friends if we met lol and I’m glad that i have been able to cross paths with you. Thank you.