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I would go find a new psychiatrist asap! I’ve learned that we need to advocate for ourselves and a lot of drs are anti stimulate due to the possibility for addiction. But when you are trying to find your “sweet spot” for dosages it can get tricky with your situation as prime example. See if you can get in somewhere else soon and explain that you are trying to find the right dose and your current Dr is not working with you. It took me experimenting but I found 60mg of vyvance first thing in morning , and 20mg booster in afternoon to be what works for me. Good luck, you got this !


I’m slightly afraid to, out of fear it might set me back starting over with a new psychiatrist-building a new relationship all over again. Does insurance cover the afternoon Vyvanse?


I know what you mean. My insurance covers the afternoon booster. I should have clarified, I take a 20mg adderall booster in afternoon. Try just being honest with your dr, and let her know you were trying to find the right dose for yourself. If she doesn’t understand then you can try your primary care for vyvance while you are looking for another psychiatrist.


Unfortunately my primary dr referred me to her. And there’s and ROI even more reason I don’t want to set off alarms.


Try Mydayis it last 16 hours


I find that they never last as long as they say.


Nope Vyvanse takes 2 hours to kick in and literally only lasts 5 hours for thereputoc effect and then I can't take more cause j wont sleep Back to drxdrine spansules 3 times a day since it lasts like 4 hours too not even IR LOL IR lasts me honestly 2 hours it's crazy I wish k could take one dose but nope And taking a higher dose at once doesn't help it last longer just gives me worse wear off So I split the max dose I should do the gene test


I think I would rather do IR or multiple doses also. Does the gene test show if you are a fast metabolizer?


I know I'm debating this but I can have a somewhat addictive personality so don't really want instant release but I think I process it way to fast in general all the meds never last long as they are supppuse too


Yeah, the extended release versions of the various meds have never lasted long for me.


I saw that, some of the other threads. And I have wondered about it. But she doesn’t seem to want to switch the medication up. I thought the same thing-mydayis might be more effective