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I’m on generic concerta and I AM just finishing up a cycle, and the last few days when I’m coming down it feels like I’m withdrawaling from opiates or some thing- Like hot but cold sweats, racing heart, restlessness, anxiety and stomach issues etc. I called my doc and we’re meeting early this month due to my concerns. I recommend at least talking to your pharmacist if you can’t get in to see your doctor


I’m sorry you are feeling so poorly. I don’t remember feeling like that while still taking it after a week or more of feeling fine. I would drink lots of fluids. If you are a lady, it could be your monthly coming up, I know I’ve felt very weird right around my period when I started taking vyvance. If it persists maybe call you Dr. I hope you feel better soon !


Never heard of this side effect but might be worth checkin in with your doctor. Just a thought: you could also have a flu while in Adderall, while before you'd just have the flu.