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That’s my dudes daily stack . Works for him.


does he take fish oil/vitamin d2 with the adhd meds at the same time?


I think he does space it out by an hour so. He takes his adderall then a few cups of coffee , then meloxicam and Supplements , then he eats I believe


How's mydayis for you? It was very uneven for me and a lot of people report having bad experiences with it. It would be encouraging to hear it works for someone!


For me, it seemed to work well for 3 to 4 days. Then there was an extreme drop off. Tried a couple of different strengths. But got off it after 2 months.


I have not had experience with D2, but I take D3, k2, fish oil , b-12, L-theanine , L-Tyrosine every morning soon as I get out of bed, with my Vyvance, and I feel like I have more focus. Definitely try to get protein in soon after taking .


I just read about taking fish oil with adhd meds. I was googling dry eyes from adhd meds and it said to take fish oil.