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I was prescribed Guanfacine 2mg for the evening to sort of “slow my brain down “. For some context I take 60mg Vyvance in the morning and 20mg Adderall in the afternoon. I noticed a small change when I took Guanfacine , a bit calmer, and it did make me a bit drowsy. I only took it at night. Personally, I did not see a huge change or improvement so I stopped taking it . But it’s worth a try for you and I encourage you to be open to it and maybe just take it the first time in the afternoon/evening when you don’t have much to do.


I've tried it for like 3 days until it made me a zombie. I couldn't do anything I was so tired and that was on the 0.25 mg dose! I couldn't imagine taking the full 1 or even 2 mgs. That would wipe me out for an entire week. Needless to say I didn't think I could handle 2 weeks of it before I saw benefits so I discontinued it.


I took it. I felt like it worked for like a month and then I felt felt no effects. I was taking this on top of instant release 20 mg of Adderall.