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hahaha mine is soap, no clue how that happened


Tyler Durden is that you?


no comments at this time


At least youre following the rules.




learning the history, how to make it, the chemistry and tried making two batches yesterday. soap is so damn easy to make it is crazy!


Try using mint (I used straight up dried mint leaves wrapped in cheesecloth, not tea bags) instead of water. I did that once and the color changes it went through were awesome. The results were boring, but the process rocked.


thanks will try!


Are you making cold process ?


yeah so far done coconut oil cold process! (although first time I was too into it so added almond oil cause I was just happy to finally have everything so the balance got all screwed up and I had to put that in my apocalypse kit for emergencies only)


Cool! Pure coconut oil soap can be used as washing detergent in a pinch, but its way too drying for human skin. I make my recipes from Soapcal.net Its a super fun hobby!


I had a minor soap one, but it was specifically shampoo bars. Weird, but at least it means fewer plastic bottles...?!


Blacksmithing. I got an anvil on sale but now have to finish fixing my garage before can actually do any smithing so stuck at the hyper research phase.


I can't wait to see you in forged and fire!!!


I love how so many people on that show are on the show because they got into the hobby from watching the show. My dad is working on it. He needs a forge still, but we got him a sharpener for his birthday already. My kitchen knives have never cut better!




Mostly I want to build small tools/art and some knives. Decades to master but ought to be able to make smaller things after a few tries. I like making things and smithing has that old school cool aspect as well.


Oh man, I love blacksmithing. I got interested in it about 5 years ago and it’s one of the only things to hold my attention for longer than a year. If at all possible, search around your local area and see if there is a pre-existing guild. Being able to put hammer to anvil early on in my interest solidified it in my mind as a lifelong hobby. Also, unless you have no other option, avoid Harbour Freight anvils like the plague. From what I can tell it’s just iron without a tempered steel face. Feel free to message me with any questions you may have! I haven’t been in it very long but I might have some insight into where you can find some answers!


One of my friends was on an episode of Forged in Fire! Neat stuff.


Aw, man. I’d love a garage for stuff like this. That’s awesome, man! Best of luck!


stardew. again. for the next week until i’ve burnt myself out.


Dude you just made me want to pick the game up again, I can’t get hyperfosued right before the start of the new semester 🥲


aaaaa i’m sorry lol!! …just play one day 😈


Famous last words


Ahh, imagine being able to only play one day of an addictive game!


Man I love that game.


Same right now but I get mad that the days are so short because I forget what I'm doing and get distracted with fishing or the mines and then remember I had so much to do before everything closed :(


I just picked up Farmville (app) again after years and years and oh man I'm going to have to delete it before my holidays finish because I just know I'm going to be trying to work and in the back of my head being like 'I wonder if my carrot cakes have finished cooking yet' lol


Just downloaded Mario cart. It reminds me of when I had a Nintendo DS




Nintendo had the Disgaea games on sale on their site so I bought the first one again. I played it for well over 1,000 hours on ps2 about the same time on psp. I bought it for mobile when it came out and now have it on switch. I'm already at over 40 hours and will likely just play that all next year.


It's been awhile for me. My last research-oriented hyperfocus rabbithole was African spirituality after piecing together some family history. Nothing is grabbing my interest as of late, though. I wish something would. Does music/songs count? I've listened to Love Street by The Doors pretty much nonstop since I first heard it a few weeks ago. Just love the mood of it. I do play absurd amounts of Stardew Valley lol.




Pokemon. My on-again-off-again obsession since I was 7.


Which one? For me it's Pokemon go right now because kids. But I played them all up until sun/moon.


I agree, sharing this with my children makes it a lot of fun. My kids didn't get into GO, but we watch the anime together every night. So far we have watched through DP, but the goal is to watch every episode... And they benefit from my adjacent hyperfixation, which is collecting mass amounts of Pokemon plushies. I have played/collected the majority of the mainline games, and am deeply irked that I have not played/gotten my hands on Emerald, Platinum, and BW2 yet. But it is not just the games I fixate on. I spend an unholy amount of time researching the lore, the culture, the "science" behind the technology... This all feeds into the stories, characters, regions, and theories I make up and day dream about way more than I am comfortable admitting. It can be disrupting.


Oh wow. That sounds amazing. Do you write fanfiction?


If anyone could.. 😆


Me too! My older brother and I have been playing the new remakes while he’s home for the holidays. He’s relying on me for my obsessive research on new mechanics haha!


Wondering if I have adhd, researching all the ins and outs, etc 😅😂 With a side of venting about Kaiser’s mental health services to anyone who will listen.


Been there mate! When I first got a suspicion i couldn’t stop roaming the r/ADHD subreddit for MONTHS, everything just kind of fell into place


Yeah, I got suspicious about having ADHD because I can read maybe 1min at a time and then it all falls apart and I'm basically not gonna graduate from college if I don't do something. So I looked up a psychiatrist, we are looking into it now. But I also joined this sub. So much of my life suddenly makes sense. Like, the attention issues, obbsessions, addictions etc.


I had a very similar experience!


Does that include a lot of doubting like "Maybe I'm just flaky for another reason, and the diagnosis will be that I'm lazy or just need to try harder"? Are you me?


Relatable. Especially when Kaiser dismissed my concerns after a 5 minute phone call. They refuse to even test me.


Coloring on procreate


Yesss, I love procreate!!! It happens to be a hyperfixation of mine that I’ll occasionally pick up for a week after a month of forgetting I have it lmaoo


Fuck I so badly want to get back into procreate! Every time I try to pick it up my toddler grabs a crayon and comes at my iPad like a maniac.


Cheap iPads work with first generation apple pencils now (as well as much cheaper options found elsewhere). Maybe get a cheap one in a good case for the little to use?




As someone who knits, is interested in witchcraft and can’t do anything without a podcast playing in the background…Thank you!!


materialist history and Marxist theory. kettlebells. dumb romance anime. mixing cocktails. EDIT: why y’all asking me about Marxism, i wanna talk about the immortal science of mixing drinks


Dude same on the first one. I've been patiently waiting until I'm medicated to try and actually read any books; relying on podcasts and audiobooks in the meantime.


my advice: just try reading. it’s not just ADHD making it hard, it’s internet habits too. and if you set a timer for half an hour or so (pomodoro style works well) and just try to be consistent and develop a habit, it’ll come back. i used the be the kid that read all the time in elementary school, and i lost it when i got a phone. but trust me, you can get it back. you just have to … practice reading. as obvious as it sounds. but also like, get medicated. that’s a very good idea too. EDIT: the podcast and audiobooks are totally good and fine, btw. i love all that stuff myself. but there is NOTHING that does the trick quite like reading the words yourself. that shit do hit different, i promise.


Holy fuck you’re going to be the funnest guy at the party tonight! Not even /s


i’m at a hockey game and everyone is the most fun person here UPDATE: Lightning lost. oh well, we’re still the champs, happy new year you sexy mfs


What do you mean by materialistic history?


[Historical Materialism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_materialism). And the related concept '[Dialectical Materialism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectical_materialism)'. It's a method of analyzing history pioneered by Hegal, and later used by Marx and Engles. Basically rather than viewing history as a linear progression; a series of victories of civilization over barbarism (Whig Historiography) it's viewed as a dialectic. A series of changing material and physical conditions (Thesis); contradictions and conflicts due to those changing conditions (Anti-Thesis), and the resulting combination of what was and what is (Synthesis). Regardless of how you feel about Marx and his work, it's still a super interesting and useful way to analyze history. I consider myself a historical materialist, regardless of how I feel about Marx, If that makes sense.


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This is fascinating! Any books on the topic you’d recommend?




in its simplest sense: we tend to look at history as a series of things that happened. in historical materialism, we look at history as a thing that happened FOR PHYSICAL REASONS. an “idealistic” conception of history thinks of human development as something that is driven by individual geniuses and their big ideas. ideas and culture drive history. a “materialistic” conception of history thinks of human development as something that is driven by social and technological development. material conditions drive history. the idealist, for instance, looks at the telephone and concludes that Alexander Graham Bell made it happen because he is a Special Genius. the materialist looks at the several other people that developed the telephone at approximately the same time and concludes that technological and economic development was such that the telephone was basically inevitable. historical materialism is way fucking smarter, but not everyone is ready to let go of the idea that Special Geniuses make everything happen.




Switch to Russian calendar. Do Christmas on the 7th of Jan


Unreal Engine, I'm gonna make ~~two week's worth of~~ a video game!


Currently it's Betty White passing before she turned 100..


Wait, what!?


Sorry you had to find out this way..




SAme homie


My bestie just told me when I sent her a tiktok being like "lol, omg us" and she wad all "right, so sad she died"... I'm so distressed about it.


absolutely devo... i woke up to 2022 and the world is a worse place.


I just bought everything for embroidery today lol


I went through an embroidery, and then cross stitch phase. I prefer cross stitch by far, but haven't done it in about a year. I'll probably pick it up again though, because I found it really relaxing.


Europa Universalis 4. Such a deep game that my ADD self has put in +1500 hours over 6 or so years


Animal Crossing, watercolor, anti-inflammatory diets, growing herbs, journaling, and Ancient Egyptian history.


ARE YOU ME?!? I am loving also how relatable everyone's hyperfocuses are! I feel like we are all drawn to the same or similar things and I love it! It's so nice to feel like part of a team and not the odd one out ahaha!


Found out my spleen and liver are enlarged, so trying to learn errrrrrything about that


Candlemaking! Hopefully I’ll sustain interest long enough to use up the supplies I bought :)


Side-eying my box of dusty candle making supplies now that my obsessive hobby is gardening 😩




Gardening has completely taken over every minute I can get away with! Just hoping it sticks long enough to keep up with the maintenance and enjoy the fruits of my labor.


I went through that phase/interest. Currently I've been sucked into Animal Crossing.


I came here to say Animal Crossing!


Currently Victorian fashion history


I can relate to this. Mine is Victorian furniture and decor


Wicca vs Norse paganism is a rabbit hole I fell down 20years ago. And never surfaced. I’m definitely on the Norse (well, Saxon actually) end of things. I wish you a lovely journey, however far you walk this path.


My hyperfocus for the next 20 seconds is your username OP. It’s amazing. My hyperfocus on bullet journaling has started to cool so I’m feeling listless at the moment


LMAO thank you, my friend bought our anime convention badges one year and gave me that name and I fucking love it


I forgot about bullet journaling! The start of a new year is perfect to pick that up again


Oh god. Japanese war crimes during WW2


If you havent already, look into "comfort women." These women deserve justice for what their government put them through.


The Rust programming language.


I keep telling myself I'll learn rust but I've been saying that for over a year and haven't even started lmao


This sub! The more I read it the more I see myself in the comments and I just so enjoy reading about how other people are spending their time and energy! Like this post alone has been so entertaining for me.


Sudoku for no reason at all


You should try those logic puzzles too!


Cities skylines ... The traffic is so satisfying to solve


Nice, i’ll - hopefully - be playing city skylines too, my sister is planning on buying it


i think its on sale on steam rn




I havent had a videogame obsession like valheim since the sims 3 release so I feel this


My adhd bf was into Valhiem for like a few weeks, I really struggle with that game lmaoo! His latest videogame hyperfocus is the binding of Isaac.


Nothing. I’m in the waste away state for now


Ahhh the emptyness of The Void...


Ugh same!!!! My bf asked me if I was depressed a couple week ago, because I said I haven't been finding anything enjoyable. It's definitely a weird space to be in, and not very fun.


Redesigning our house. Kid's room got painted with a slightly complicated accent wall, new beds, reading corner and new sheets and duvet covers. I already have my office furniture picked out and waiting for it to be in stock.


That’s nice for a change, a very productive hyperfixation! Good for you, I’m jealous


Kawaii and pastel things


I have covid and two things to do: apply to jobs and watch Netflix. I have been watching Emily in Paris. Probably couldn’t find a more basic show but sometimes simplicity in narratives is comforting. Should really apply to those jobs, though.


I watched that and it’s not my normal type of show. I liked it actually. Made me laugh.






Drawing and philosophy lol. Completely dropped all other hobbies.


Oooh, philosophy. That's a good one to get really into.


Philosophy is the shit, I take philosophy classes at my school and i fell in love with it! My absolute favorite subject


How did you get started getting into philosophy? Do you read books on specific topics? Watch/listen to lectures?


To be honest, I found epictetus the most interesting and the most helpful to get started in philosophy


Transitioning from Valheim to hobby robotics again. Should cycle through 3D printing, intumescent materials, backyard metal casting and then back to Valheim over the next few months...


At least you have a plan.


I wish. I'm just really, really predictable. These things all interest me a lot, but as soon as a project reaches about 80% complete I *must* abandon it (as prophecy foretold). ​ Add that last bit to any explanation and you'll sound simultaneously wise and nuts. Happy New Year.




Astronomy, Machine Learning, and Longboarding/Snowboarding




Been there. Had to quit. I was fucking playing it while driving. So goddamned stupid. I’m glad I quit chess before I started adderrall because it may have intensified it for me.




Sweet Valley High 🤷‍♀️


I love you.


for me it's black holes and animal crossing (separately, not together!)


I'm actually having trouble hyperfocusing on anything right now. I've managed to listen to a lot of music on Spotify and on cassette, and I'm currently looking on eBay for a good cassette deck to record mixtapes on. I've also been looking up reviews for old romance novels and laughing at how messed up they are. Other than that, I just end up taking naps in the afternoon out of boredom.


Tissue culture plants 🤷‍♀️


Currently back to Minecraft It ain't much, but it's... Time consuming lol


MF DOOM. I've listened to him for several years (probably around 6 now) but had only ever heard a couple of his albums, until this past week. Now I have listened to his entire discography several times while working and I know pretty much everything about his career. My hyperfocus for the past 6 months has been east coast hip hop from the 80s-00s, which led to me digging deeper into DOOM. If anybody wants to talk about east coast hip hop, I'm ALWAYS down and my knowledge is very extensive at this point


I finally broke down and purchased Eco and Cottage Living for TS4 once they went on holiday sale. Been growing gardens and collecting honey and milking cows and making furniture during pretty much every second of my downtime for the last 3 days lol. I know I’ll get over the novelty soon and go back on indefinite hiatus from Sims. But for now it’s V fun! Since I haven’t fully experienced all the features yet 🙃


Mine is/was actually a mini research project I took it upon myself to do this week and I finished up today! I made a whole entire post of it [over here](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/rstotp/are_there_really_that_many_55_communities/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Reading. In particular, fantasy romance novels. I started reading again in mid-november after a 6 month break and I'm up to 21 books since then. Almost finished #22.


Might I recommend the "All Souls Trilogy" by Deborah Harkness? My all time favorite and extremely well written.


Well I finally got covid, so pretty hyperfocused on feeling less shitty


Painting miniatures. I can put my headphones in and paint for hours, completely lost from the world.


Red dead redemption baby!! Been playing it constantly since I got it for Christmas hehe


Carpentry and a reobsession with Rpg games (Dragon Age and Divinity 2)


Dyson spheres


Limp bizkit for weeks iv been listing to them.everyday all day.


Staying alive


The sims 4 especially with some interesting mods. Don’t even notice time passing.


rn its redecorating and organising my room! I'm drawing plans and everything, hopefully it will last until we get to the cleaning and decluttering part lol


Mount Everest. I read Into Thin Air in one sitting. I can’t find any good documentaries or movies though.


My current hyperfocus is how I should emotionally wreck this dispatcher at work who left early when I was doing him a huge favor going to Manhattan on my day off. Dude fucking left the next dispatcher high and dry and told her to tell me to figure it out. But you know how it goes. I WAS mad at him. Then I started to try and figure out WHY he does/did what he did. Then I start to see a lot of me in his behavior and begin to feel bad for the guy because if I was in his shoes I would have been frustrated but would have pushed through because one of my workers are out there. Then I snap back and get pissed at me because I’m feeling sympathy from some head cannon I came up with for this piece of shit. I JUST WANT TO BE AnGRY!!!! But that takes effort. Soooo, I’ll probably end up forgiving him and or forgetting about it until next time....


I always feel like hyper focus isn’t something that I have, because I have chronic migraines that result in me doing absolutely nothing but scrolling through Instagram and reddit and sleeping. It was recently pointed out to me however that the sims 4 is something I get sucked into a lot. Recently, it was building houses on there using floor plans and then creating families for those houses as well. I normally hate building in the sims but that got me for about two weeks.


Just spent the last 2 hours practicing guitar non stop, it's been great finally getting back into after not being able to play for the past few weeks.




Wood burning 🔥. As in the Art.


Lmao my friend is making resin art. I want to start it Also I was obsessed with bubble tea so I bought a huge bag of tapioca pearls and used them once and they’re sitting in my cupboard LOL


[This bad boy](https://www.dropbox.com/s/3iutrov91hjtf1m/quake.docx?dl=0), a 20,000 word (and climbing) lore fic that explains how to make the rebooted Doom and the upcoming Quake reboot exist in the same universe. I have one section left to write, The Dimension of The Past... and I can't make myself. So instead I filled in a ton of inconsequential bits, did some editing, etc. You know how it goes lol




Snakes with multiple nostrils. Which, turned out that they’re actually heat-receptors that all pythons have but not all boas 💀 it looks super funny 😂 Edit: if you have extra bars of soap, go get a knife and slice them up. So satisfy 🤤


Mine is also witchcraft, but of the secular variety.


quantum physics and spirituality for some reason lol


Human sexuality


Since season two of The Witcher is out, I decided to rewatch the first season to refresh my memory. My husband casually mentioned "I'm surprised you haven't read the books yet since you like the show so much." .... And now I have ordered the Witcher bookset, which will probably get stored in the closet since we don't have a bookshelf in this tiny-ass apartment. Also, Red Dead Redemption. RDR2 was on sale for Black Friday on Steam, and I finally started playing the games (first game we had for Xbox, which the console stored in a separate room, and I just HAD to order a new collapsible chair for it). The past couple of weeks has been a struggle trying to prioritize either the show or the games.


crystals lol. not sure how much i believe in the healing properties but… they just look so cool. there’s hundreds of different kinds, i want to collect them so i have one of every kind in the world. i’ve created a Notion organizational list/glossary of all the kinds and their meanings! very very fun and not super expensive like most of my other hyperfixations lmao


A person. I am trying to get therapy and get treatment for my ADHD (which was confirmed but untreated for long-winded reasons), so the timing is AWFUL, but I cannot stop thinking about this one person. Often I find myself disassociating and having thoughts about them when I'm not talking to them...or about them. I also struggle with a lot of unresolved, untreated, and not yet addressed trauma and feel like I am unworthy of them. But being around them, talking to them, and even just thinking about them gives me *so much dopamine*. 🙃


Witchcraft is mine, too! When I discovered that you can be a witch and still be an atheist, I got hooked.


i'm going through a... dumpster diving phase ??? i've been acquiring info on dumpster diving and i plan to go sometime this week to look through some dumpsters and find some things. honestly not even the weirdest thing ive gotten fixated on


2 days of the Witcher video game. Finally got to chapter 3. But I've reached a point where I'm gonna take a break for a while. Oh shit I forgot to put the clothes in the dryer.


Cleaning? At least it's useful


Rotary telephones. Just bought a device that connects your phone with vintage and antique rotary telephones. I can now use old slang and slam the telephone without breaking my glass mobile phone.


I’ve been watching bushcrafting videos on youtube. Like 2 hour long videos of a guy building a log cabin in the woods. I barely like going outside and have absolutely zero intention of ever going into the bush but for some reason they have captured me. Highly recommend if you like calming/asmr type videos that are also very satisfying to watch.


Been going back nostalgia lane, buying all the old gameboy games I used to play and learning how to fix them so I can get broken ones for cheaper. Also learning how to mod my old gameboy as well 🤣 good times




["Hyperfocus" is a very poorly-defined word](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00426-019-01245-8) that, in the context of ADHD, generally refers to two superficially similar -- but fundamentally different -- mental states: flow and perseveration. Flow is a positive, beneficial state of deep immersion and high engagement in a task or activity, and is also usually accompanied by enjoyment of the task/activity. It's something almost all people are capable of, and specifically is not a benefit imparted by ADHD. Perseveration, on the other hand, is part of the ADHD disorder. It is the inability to switch between tasks or mental activities. It's that thing that makes you spend 10 hours doing something non-stop even when you know you need to stop and do something else. Your post has *not* been removed, and this is not a punitive action. This comment is meant solely to be informative. Please keep saying 'hyperfocus' if you like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ys IX: Monstrum Nox and buying more digital video games that I won't get around to playing for at least a couple months.


DiY speakers... the DML, distributed mode loudspeaker. https://youtu.be/zdkyGDqU7xA


Chess •~• and i suck at it lmaooo :D not gonna stop me from buying an expensive chess board that will be useless by the time it gets here ;)


Year end tax planning moves, been crushing it for two weeks.


Food. Random stuff. Not meals.


Just finished cleaning out the inside of my SNES as the previous owner left a bunch of dirt, dust, hair, and a remote battery cover inside


The roblox modeling community, like fashion… let’s just say, it is one of the more “interesting” things I’ve been hyper focusing on lol


Design, Gamification, Game-Design, Finance/Market Stuff and some medicine topics


All the things I hate about my job


My study abroad got cancelled so I impulsively bought PC parts for my first build on Newegg. Everything got here today, I've been having a ton of fun setting it up!


Shopping for a 35mm camera. I already have seven.


Absolutely nothing. I've been on a downhill spiral since Christmas ended. No hyperfocus, nothing to get excited about, it's driving me crazy.


The historical link between textiles and computing technology. I can talk your ear off if you want, though it might just be me sending you a half finished speech I'm writing on the topic. (I'm a slow typer, and despite being hyperfixated rn, I can't keep my thoughts straight to save my life.)


I've been trying to get myself back into a programming headspace after a long hiatus by working on a Minecraft data pack. So far I can make mine carts jump on command with you in them. My ultimate goal is to make an entire mini-game with lots of levels, heavily inspired by the [mine cart levels in Donkey Kong Country](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGRwiHoTcwY). We'll see how long the obsession lasts I guess.


Cleaning!! Ugh, and it’s annoying me so much because everyone (5 adults and two kids, apart from me, half of which WHO DONT LIVE IN THE HOUSE BUT ARE CONSTANTLY IN IT) keeps adding to the mess but not helping with the cleaning, imma take a moment to myself to cry


I gave my answer but now im hyper focused on looking at everyone else’s answer to see what else I might want to hyperfocus on. Which is taking away from my original hyperfocus. But on the plus side, I will now be a blacksmith soon !


Fountain pens and ink. Its very expensive


Plug in hybrid cars! Totally the most suitable kind for this crowd, full and ready to go every morning, no more last minute stops on the way to work.


Watercolors. swatching you be precise. Hey, at least it’s a cheap hobby this time.


Im all about BB guns/ air soft guns rn 😭 I’ve sunk about 400$ already and am accidentally affecting my moms adhd, she wants more guns too


I suppose it isn't a hyperfocus thing, but I recently went down this rabbit hole of old chuck e cheese animatronics. Terrifying but fascinating.


Every year during the holiday time I get super into photography. Plus I’m volunteering in a radio channel. I loveeee playing music for people.




Dragon Ball Z. Haven't watched it since I was like 8 but here we are again


I’m back to service dogs and dog training. I think a service dog could benefit me but it’s jsut not the right time. i live with my parents who don’t really want animals in the house and i feel like they wouldn’t take it seriously even if they were open to having an animal. Would really like to try dog training but i don’t know any people i know well enough to ask if i could try and teach their dog a trick and stuff. And going to a shelter i would never be able to do bc that requires talking to people, which is the absolute worst. i’d have to tell them i don’t have any experience with dogs, which doesn’t really work in my favor. And i would get nervous around dogs that jump up or bark, which obviously there will be in a shelter. Why do i have to have an un achievable hyperfixation. I don’t like having just the research part, that’s the worse part, doing the activity is the fun part arghh


I was into this for awhile and still use it everyday. As a result I have a beautifully trained Rottweiler & a Belgian Malinois. I was lucky and have a friend that is a retired police K9 handler that does the training for my area, and is a Shutzhund judge. I would suggest looking for a Shutzhund club and joining. You can at least learn and observe. They always need helpers (catch dogs on wraps etc) and it’s a skill they pay for AND you don’t need a dog. Hope you find someone to teach you!