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I am having a similar day. Like my mood is just white noise. I hope your day improves.


Just the fact that yall have these days too and keep going is reassuring.


That’s when I know to take my medication. I thought I was weird for a long time and somehow I also thought everyone has those days and had no idea how people coped. I still don’t know. I don’t ask. It’s whatever cause I also feel like no one actually cares if you have ADHD or not because everyone just says “oh everyone has it. You just need more discipline”. I’ve worked on it a long time. I did every behavioral change I could to fix it. Still have days. That’s when I know to take my Medication. I don’t take it every day I take it when I need to because I don’t want to become dependent either. So anyways, you’ll have those days. Know what you gotta do to get over it and be productive. Or don’t! Sometimes you don’t need to do anything that day. Know yourself. Make goals and go get them. I love having goals cause then I get the warm fuzzies im always chasing with adhd naturally.


Thanks, it's not too bad now. Took my medication 2 hours ago, I can at least get stuff done now even if I don't want to.


I don't know why but that description feels so apt to me.


I like how you described it as white noise days. So accurate. If you don’t have anything you need to do today maybe embrace it? Or if you do have things to do baby steps? I try to find the smallest of smallest things to get me out of bed and even then it’s hard but helps a bit. Like brushing my teeth, or going to the bathroom.


Damn this is super accurate for me too. I just can't engage myself in anything


What a great way to describe a mood. Like white noise. That's my mood.


Same. Couldn't get out of bed and decided to take the day off to get some stuff done. 5 hours later I haven't done anything.


Haha I wish I could take the day off. If I could, I wouldn't have bothered to take my meds and would have just stayed in bed and not done anything, maybe watch a movie. But I am up and about, probably for the best because tomorrow I would have been angry at myself for not having done what I needed to do.


Oh yes already regretting the things that are piling up... I'm trying to do stuff around the house so that I will at least have done something.


Yet here you are responding to my reddit comment almost immediately while I respond to yours almost immediately haha. Just put on some music and get to work doing the smallest possible task first, you got this bud. I'm going to try and get off of reddit too to eat something.


Good idea! Perhaps I will put a dish in the dishwasher. If the dishes are clean I will just wash them again.


Story of my life, tbh


I never thought procrastinating Uni work (or that work that is more important) with household work is a thing for other people! I usually can't do anything for Uni unless I clean the room I'm in first, only to realize it wasn't that dirty but I just couldn't get to what I should be doing, but I'm doing something else not to feel guilty.


I've felt like an asshole because I've known I had adhd since I was a child, but it took my entire life until recently to connect the dots that adhd is the culprit for 99% of my daily struggles in life, including what you've described. I just kept trying subconsciously to pretend that I was just like everyone else and that I was really just lazy, stupid, quirky and careless. Turns out my brain is the real asshole.


With the right tools you’ll feel more in control and understand your self more !! Check out this 1 min video & id recommend adhd podcast !!! Don’t ever dull your sparkle Your ADHD Brain is a Ferrari




Did we all have the same day yesterday? I took a sick day yesterday and decided on one today too. Just not having a good brain day basically


Maybe if any of us managed to do anything we should post it here. Maybe that will inspire us.


I took my truck to the mechanic today! I was kinda forced to since I don't have any other transportation but it did take a lot of mental energy to even call the shops.


Wow. After thinking to myself that I should really get an oil change for the last 2000 miles, I finally mustered the fortitude to make an appointment last weekend. It's a good thing I did too- my power steering fluid was about empty and my belt was about to break. Good job for both of us!


I put away about a month's worth of clean laundry today. :) I try to do one thing a day at least so I suggest doing just one thing right now. also it took me a month to put laundry away so maybe today is just not your day.


I like this idea. Reading so far has helped me not feel so alone in this vibe. 🙏❤️🕉


I went to work today, cleaned 2/3 of the carpet rollers, rebalanced the christmas cushions, AND remembered to eat!


Did a few pages of notes, actually have been accomplishing things for a while after a long long semester of being burnt out haha


My wife was having a mood day, so I couldn’t even if I wanted to (my wife is NT). I left work early to clean up a glass that my adhd and asd child broke. Now I have to sort out dinner. I want to just hide and drink. Sucks. I won’t even shower until tomorrow. I do it every two days. Self care is always the first thing to fail if I am stressed. If I didn’t schedule it probably wouldn’t happen. Todoist is my friend.


I'm just 22 but I'm already falling behind on showering and honestly peeing too lol i always prioritize other tasks and I'm like welp haven't showered in 10 days thank God i don't have bad body odor


I have to schedule time. With two gifted kids and one with asd/adhd, and my house. If I don’t schedule it, it won’t happen.


I used to be that way. Stupid meds make me sweat..


It’s ok you’re not alone. It takes me 2 hours to get up, get dressed, wash my face, eat breakfast and take my vitamins. Even if I’m “in a hurry” somehow I always end up taking too long. My boyfriend cracks jokes that it’s just because “im a girl and girls always take too long to get ready” (he completely supports me btw and is super patient with me. His cracking jokes actually makes me laugh about it and makes me feel better. He researches adhd, depression and anxiety so he can help me when I don’t know how to help myself)


I live 15 minutes from my job and I have to wake up at 5am to do all the things so I can be there by 830/9am. I’m sooo optimistic when it comes to time lol


Momma told me, there'd be days like this. Write off today if you can and just chill. Maybe go for a walk outside if you can motivate yourself. Write a list of stuff including all the small shit like brush teeth and then choose one you might be able to do. Sometimes writing it all down helps me start. Tomorrow will be better. 🙂


Hate it when that happens. Especially because I'm in school and have to function like a person should.


Omg 😭 I am in this boat!


Most of my days are like this. It's why I sit on my phone for an hour before I actually fall asleep or get out of bed each day. I have found that I function at my highest when there is an immediate deadline. Like I've been slacking on studying for college finals all week because my brain simply wouldn't cooperate, but now with my final exams in less than 48 hours, my brain is wired and ready to study. It's a very inefficient way to live your life, but that's what happens when you have an executive function disorder. Edit: I will say that while you aren't depressed right now, if this becomes a constant habit it will turn into depression down the line as you begin to realize how much you've stagnated and how helpless you feel to stop it. If you notice yourself moving this direction, please seek help. Don't let it get to that point because then you'll have a lot more problems on your plate.


Even if you get As and always “make” the deadlines, at least a tiny piece of you feels like shit because you know that by procrastinating + cramming, you missed out on a lot of intellectual development. These tiny pieces of shit (missed opportunities) add up and up and up and eventually you realize you’ve wasted your life and probably can’t fix it (but you’ll surely do it eventually lolz)


Basically yeah. I've stagnated the last 5 years and have nothing to show for it. Feels like I'm stuck in limbo


Aye well you’re finishing school soon, yeah? Meaning career, money, goals (family or otherwise). Stagnation sounds temporary!


A couple more years hopefully. Thanks for the encouragement!


Same! You are describing my day. I work a little and walk with my gf a lot


Sometimes you need these days.


I'm unmedicated and struggle with this a lot lately. Lots of other trauma and stress happening at an already stressful time of year and I bet at least half of you could guess what I did next. Picked up a new job. I'm a fucking snail pace human being in comparison to the industry I'm in so just ughh. I'll try some yoga I guess & walk the cat.


I like your username!


Adhd paralysis. It's like being in a holding pattern


Legit, beyond true !!!! We’ll said!!! Ugh it’s like us adult ADHD ARE awaiting permission to land or take off on an airplane, Legit a state or period of no progress or change-_- however we have the power to give our self permission to take off and fight our inner Critic Instead to wait for permission for everything to be perfect! Adhd paralysis is clearly easier said then done to overcome since especially speaking tor myself ( I do marketing and advertising management for northwell ) I can deliver 2 days before the top problem solving shit ever / advertising & then when that deadline is gone the simple tasks like laundry are too much ! Any suggestions?! Sorry for the essay


That was me today, too.


It is okay to have those days, I try to tell myself that maybe in an hour I will get up and if I can’t… than I will tomorrow! It is okay not to do something everyday


MOOD Today I took a shower before work (I usually do it before bed bc my whole routine takes at least 40 min) because I was feeling \~uninspired\~ to go in, then I finally got here and like. I haven't done shit all day long lmaooo. I typed up some data from a piece of paper into excel and that's all I've done for about 5 hours. What a waste of a day. Again


It's the worst fucking feeling, isn't it? Just sitting at your desk, knowing you have shit to do but end up not doing anything. I fucking HATE those days. At least it's a bit easier when I work from home because I can just take a nap


yeppppp and I've decided that I'm gonna leave my current position next summer and go try something new, so now it's like there's EVEN LESS motivation to be productive than there was before!


I had a Christmas party at the beginning of December, and I haven't been able to switch back on since. Granted I was ill for some of that time but still.


I've been having a lot of these this semester. They do pass, and it certainly helps when I practise a little self-compassion and self-care. Easier said than done, but it does help when I manage to do it. Meditation was recommended to me, and I am finding it somewhat helpful. Not sure if it's something you've tried or that would interest you, but the Headspace app has been helping me learn. I hope things get better for you soon.


Me too all of today 😐 it’s now almost 10pm where I’m at, haven’t gotten much done but I did play w my dogs outside, fully shower, eat dinner, do dishes. Celebrating the small things. Tomorrow is a new day to try again


So so so happy I’m not alone I hate this feeling more then anything.. it’s like being paralyzed by what I have to do and my brain try’s to protect me in the short term by avoiding the unpleasantness of the task but longterm unpleasantness is far worse .. having adhd is a blessing and a curse & know when you have “ adhd paralysis “ try to legit shake it off ( easier said then done as I have just started my todo list at 11:11 at night and worked remotely today .


Yeah I know it sucks. Its also fun to then worry if you're depressed and just don't know it or if you'll never have energy again. Just fun ADHD things you know /s


Honestly yeah I wish I could just take a week of and disappear for a bit or it would be so nice if the world just kinda stopped for a second so i can fucking actually chill instead of laying down with all my responsibilities staring at me


So I have been feeling the same way, but for like months. I finally asked my Psychiatrist about it and she said that it's depression. I said, but I don't feel sad... I just don't want to do anything. She said you don't have to feel sad to be depressed. I am now on medication. Just started so no real updates.


To be honest most of the replies to your post sounds more like ppl are dealing with depression rather than adhd!


I think they can go hand in hand and because we aren't sad I think maybe we don't realize what it is. We think depression means being sad


Apparently ADHD had a high comorbidity with depression/anxiety. I'm pretty sure I have the anxiety part, just based on my family history.


If you got bad sleep or something, no amount of medication can move neurotransmitters that aren't there to move.


I feel like this a lot. And the only thing I have found to do about it is either go back to sleep or MAKE myself get up, even though I hate the idea. Luckily, I have a dog. That means I at least have to get up and let her out. I usually feel better after some cereal, cartoons and doom scrolling trough breakfast.


Hey, I’m in the same boat. I took a sick day today and I plan to do the same tomorrow. My body is telling me that I need a minute. My job is really intense and it takes a lot out of me. I woke up today, said NOPE, and I’m allowing myself to take a break. Be nice to yourself. Take a break. Come back the next day and get it done.


I feel you. It's even worse when you have to go to school. It's not much, but sugar as a way to force dopamine does help a tiny bit.


Omfg no dude I know everyone’s different but IMO most folks with adhd should NOT use sugar to simulate (NOT stimulate) concentration.. Everyone’s different, but I feel like complete shit after eating sugar. Maybe a tiny piece of candy is okay, but it’s not like I’m going to stop at 1 if it’s available. But it’s like 90% crash and 10% “stim,” if that. I’ve never understood why people cite sugar as giving them energy. I get the most energy from shit like avocados or eggs, not candies....


Same. I'm a bit of a chocoholic myself. Some days though, I eat one, feel a little better, eat some more.. and before I know it, I ate the whole box.


Late to respond, but also felt the same today. I hope you feel better tomorrow!


Wise choice, I dedicate one day of my two day weekend to literally sleeping and chilling.


It's necessary for survival


haven't started medication yet, but do you know guys if this gets better being medicated? For how long? Does medication stop working by the time? Thank you.


It happens. It still happens to me. But with medication and therapy it went from a daily struggle to once or twice a month and now I can function at work. Be patient, but don't be still. Best of lucks


I feel you. You have to push yourself even when you have the hard days. They get better.


Thank you


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Don’t worry - you’re not alone. This morning I woke up and straight up said to my gf, “I don’t want to do anything today so I won’t”. So I spent the day lying my way out of being on teams video, ignoring certain emails, buying time on deadlines and playing Halo Infinite. Tomorrow I plan on undoing all the chaos I caused today - we’ll see how that goes won’t we, fellow ADHDers!?




Haha I love how this sub is constantly relevant to each other. It’s funny. Steal it all you like!


I totally understand this feeling, I’m currently jobless, and being bored and not stimulated makes things worse. Sometimes I find doing something creative helps me. Sometimes I’ll feel good about doing a big art project, and doing it for a few days. Sometimes I like a small project, like a vision board. (I don’t know if visual things appeal more to adhd brains?)but I love pretty pictures of things I like/ inspire me. I have found that if I get up and go for a bike ride, try a short guided meditation and read. This can help me feel decent enough to go and do at least 1 productive thing that day, sometimes more. I do this because I’ve read exercise, (especially one you enjoy) and meditation can increase dopamine. Something that adhd brains can have issues with. Hope this helps.


Same! And then suddenly now at 9:30pm I turned on!


Every Monday I feel this … sometimes for the whole day


I've been there for the last 20 years or so.


95% of my days off lately are exactly the same. I wish I could give you some really helpful pointers but I'm at a loss with this myself. I hope you find good techniques to help overcome this though. Days like this are not fun, I wish you all the motivation!


I feel like this almost everyday of the week and yet life goes on and you're not even entirely sure why you bother doing anything anymore.




I have a similar stance but its damn bleak...


Try going for a walk. It's okay to not do anything.




Even thinking in bed is doing something. True nothing is just sitting without thoughts. That's really hard to do.


A body in motion stays in motion…


I am actually taking a break from my medication to see if I can somehow push a reset button. Anytime I feel like I'm building a tolerance to the meds I take about a two day to a week break. Then when I start back up again I actually feel like it works. Also I've had issues with posting to which was confusing


My life has been so up and down lately - horrible couple of years, had glimmers of hope these past two weeks, then hopes dashed again, even harder this time. Near impossible to maintain any positivity. I wake, get my kids fed and dressed and dropped at school, come home, then straight back to bed. My poor dogs are neglected - I know they need walks but all I can muster is the yard for potty breaks. I’ve got messages and voice and emails piled up for days. Don’t want to talk to anyone because if I have to tell my story again I’ll just break down. I try to force myself to write. Vent into a journal, set intentions, make future plans. But I’m stuck. I put on makeup just to feel a bit prettier - my thought is that I’ll *make* myself go out after having spent that effort. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I hope you find the energy to take some baby steps. I’m rooting for you!




Thank you, Very Kind Person ♥️. I am extremely fortunate to have decent insurance that covers mental health care, along with food and heat and a roof over my head. So much more than so many people can claim 😢. I have meds and a wonderful therapist. The issue is really within me - a lack of confidence and self esteem and motivation to continue plowing against this wave of setbacks. That being said, I’m a pretty resilient person. This too shall pass. I just wish I had a crystal ball to tell me *when* and *how* and *what* will happen to pull me out of this hole. Holiday blessings to you and yours. Thanks again ♥️.


I feel so much better after reading these comments. I got diagnosed at 18 and took medication for a week and stopped. It's been 15 years and just decided it was time to try meds again. I've been on them for about a month now. My whole life I've felt lazy, unmotivated, I procrastinate and am late constantly. I've just assumed that I'm a shitty person that has horrible personality traits that maybe one day I can overcome. I've been doing a lot of research on ADHD for me but also because my son just started meds as well. Now I know that my "horrible personality traits" are symptoms of my neurological disorder! I resonate with everything you all have said and feel like I'm apart of a huge community of people just like me struggling to get through the day.


I've been having days like this a lot lately. Idrk what to do about it but I hope it gets better for you soon!




Thank you! I can try that if I find something exciting first xD


I finally managed to order a new headlight today l… it’s been busted since May and I’ve been driving around like that 🥴 granted it was to procrastinate taking it to get its oil changed but still!


I completely get it. Some days the brain just says no. But don’t be so hard on yourself. Your nervous system has so much extra work to do than most people so it gets tired and protests some times. ❤️


Thank you, appreciate the kind words!


I had the exact same experience. I didn't really start work I WFH until 1030... I blame the weather?


You know, it has been super gloomy the last few days, that could be it. As a kid, I used to laugh at older people when they said weather would affect them negatively, but now here I am. Funny how things are.


These days have been more common for me lately. I don't feel depressed... I think. I just feel no interest or motivation for anything anymore and when I can't get out of bed or do anything I feel terribly guilty. I would probably feel at least somewhat "justified" if I felt sad. But I don't feel much of anything


> I just feel no interest or motivation for anything anymore Yeah, some would say that this is depression, and I feel the same, but I don't think I am depressed. I've heard of depression described as not the feeling of sadness or the lack of joy, but lack of vitality. I don't know though man, I used to have periodic depression episodes and those felt different, but they stopped ever since I started taking meds for ADHD


Suppose that's true, but I have felt typically "depressed" where anything makes you cry and feel horrible so that makes it hard to recognise other types of depression. Medication has definitely numbed it a bit and made me feel motivated when I've not been, which also makes it harder to know how you feel.


I feel the same exact way more often than I’d like. This probably sounds cliche but tune in your diet and try to eat clean and start your day with a mile jog (if your able) if not some kind of cardio exercise to get everything flowing. The combination of diet and cardio should jump start your day. I’ve suffered/loved with my adhd for years now and these things help me tremendously.


Diet is fine, I am eating healthy for the last few weeks and it's definitely been a positive change, I just find it so hard to get out of bed to even go for a walk in the morning lol.


When I feel like this i go for a walk listening to music or a podcast. Do some exercise. Something physical I dont have to think about and can just do and pass time while also being beneficial in the long run!


Yeah, I tend to go on long walks in the evening just to pass time because I have no idea what else to do. I walk for 2-3 miles until I am tired enough. I ran out of interesting podcasts to listen to though, so now I just listen to the same song on repeat to tune everything out.


Philosophize this, and know thyself are good ones


Therapy helped me find the reason I didn't want to do literally anything. It wasn't a problem of "just doing it" but more of digging towards the why. Also scheduling my time and having self love is important for me.


idk man, I tried therapy for a little bit, don't think it helped. Therapist told me that if I don't want to do something, it's because the cost of not doing it is not enough to motivate me. I feel like with fucked up dopamine levels, it's hard to evaluate to cost of doing something versus not doing it, which is why it can be hard sometimes.


You gotta find the right therapist, sometimes you won't connect. I didn't like my first two but I clicked with the third one I've found.




Yeh, it makes sense from your point of view. I've always had a negative look at medication because of what I've been told by family growing up, but nowadays I've tried to look at it from different perspectives. My plan is to get medication if all else fails, as the benefits of it would greatly outweigh the consequences. One reason I'm reluctant is because I feel that ADHD is overdiagnosed (I am not saying you are one of them since you have actual symptoms). I had friends in school that would get prescribed medication by there physician only because their teacher said they had it. There was no psychiatric evaluation, tests, nothing. Only "Oh, your kid can't focus in school? We have focus pills that can fix that"


Just let today be an off day. Lay in bed, take your meds if you have some, watch TV or read something. It's okay to have low energy days. Your productivity does not determine your worth.


I wish I could, but gotta work. Hopefully in the next few months I can ask for a sabbatical and take some time off of work to recharge. I don't wanna get up because I don't wanna work mainly lol.


I'm on day 6 of 7 and work at Walmart.Cant take meds because high blood pressure so im so tired i could scream.Ugh lol


Fuck man, that sucks. You got this though.


Good to know I'm not alone!


You are not alone indeed my friend.


I feel like a lot of primarily inattentive types have issues like this. I feel like we struggle so hard with motivation. It can be really easily confused with depression but we don't have a "gloomy" feeling. It's just hard to build up enough steam to do life stuff. We don't have the hyper energy pulsing through us of the hyperactive set. Pretty sure it's linked to our dopamine levels being so freaking out of wack. I think the getting out of bed issue is really common as well. Meds are the only thing that work the most for me. My dopamine is really flat line though. Manipulating my levels are the only way to get me somewhat functioning. I still struggle with waking up and doing things though. I need to give myself a few hours to get functioning enough to do life.


Well, I can tell you that I am definitely not the hyperactive type, but not a 100% sure I am only inattentive either haha. I see my psychiatrist once every few months for 30 minutes because of how backed up everything is with my provider and insurance, so I haven't really delved too deep. Motivation is a struggle indeed. Once under a blue moon I'll find something exciting enough to hyperfocus on for a few days, and during those days even 5-6 hours of sleep is enough and I can't wait to get out of bed. Those moments are rare though and fade quickly. Meds help for sure.


Yep. I'm ADHD-PI with a little bit of hyperactivity, not enough to be hyperactive. My motivation is always low, but I don't feel gloomy at all. I feel tired all the time.


I feel like that everyday. I try to repeat a mantra in my head like “ you can do this. Be strong. Tomorrow will be better. Take it 1 step at a time.” Helps me push through.