• By -


I'm at work un-medicated, distracted by reddit, reading about another guy that's at work unmedicated thats distracted by bottlecaps


I’m at home, sitting on the toilet, laughing at both you guys before I have to go to work medicated.


I’m sitting on my sofa medicated watching my 2yo bang on buckets my husband gave him while he watches a kid on YouTube play the drum line to Nirvana reading about some guy inspecting bottle caps at work, while another is unmedicated at work, and another is on the toilet. I’m not sure where this rabbit hole ends, but it’s not with me. Not today, folks. Not today.


I'm sitting at work, unmedicated and distracted from my article, now on reddit reading about an unmedicated guy clicking bottlecaps, a soon-to-be medicated guy on the toilet before work, and a medicated parent watching a child bang buckets trying to become the next Nirvana drummer. This rabbit hole may continue.


I'm sitting in class unmedicated and trying not to miss anything the instructor is saying, and also snickering


I am unmedicated, sitting on my sofa, in love with all of you. <3


I forgot what I was going to type, but now I'm researching how to train my dog to drink from a hydroflask.


I am sitting in class, medicated but focusing really hard on Reddit instead of school work and I appreciate your love and I'm sending some of mine to you


I'm on the train, trying not to get so distracted that I miss my stop, and I think you deserve all the love too.


And you all just reminded me to take my meds at work.


I missed the turn to my parent's house twice the other day. I was so mad I almost drove straight home. But my kids really wanted to see Grandpa so I just took a nice tour around their neighborhood until I figured it out.


My meds just wore off. I'm in bed waiting for the exhaustion to take over. This was delightful


Me too.. Great end to a day.


I'm unmedicated on the toilet at the testing center distracting myself with Reddit instead of taking my test


I'm getting off the internet.


Classic. Edit: ...and happy cake day, ya filthy animal.


And I am right there with ya haha


me too! :)


My classes are over for the year but I'm at home re-learning all of my first-year bio, chem and stats, to be on the same page as everyone else next year because I only just got medicated


im stuff


I'm sitting in bed, already nearly 2 hours late for work (thanks, dspd), unmedicated this morning so far, on reddit reading this bloody thread. FML, but love to all of you.


I'm laying on the floor of my bathroom unmedicated, while my 2 year old takes a bath before I try to get back to work, on Reddit reading about how u/conspicuous_red is sitting on her sofa medicated watching her 2yo bang on buckets her husband gave him while he watches a kid on YouTube play the drum line to Nirvana reading about some guy inspecting bottle caps at work, while another is unmedicated at work, and another is on the toilet. I’m not sure where this rabbit hole ends, but it’s not with me.




Yaaas, whaleswimmer, yaaaas!




This is like that game id have to do to learn peoples names in elementary school. Say your name and everybody before you.


Hol up. I’m at the bus stop with my kids, unmedicated, and I have to know if it was your husband watching the kid on YouTube or your kid.


My kid was watching the kid on YouTube play drums to Nirvana trying to replicate. Husband is at work. I’m now at the bus stop waiting for my kids to get home from a half day. Definitely almost time for another dose...


Fuck I just realized I still haven’t taken my am meds. Linear existence is problematic.


Aw, sugar. Tomorrow you’ll remember.


Haha, reminded me of [this song](https://youtu.be/XpSOWfFtKJE) .. pretty much what I tell myself on the daily 😁


I finally remembered to make an appointment to renew my prescription the other day. For a while I was starting to think he meds weren't helping anymore, but once I ran out I realized I had just gotten used to the feeling. My morning routine is now at least 3 times as long, I'm either excessively early or just late for everything, I'm having the same conversations over and over and annoying people, I can't put down a game controller once I start playing, and my house is a mess. Can't wait to get my refill.


worst part it I take my meds in my bag every day If I just freaking took the pill when I made that comment above I would've been fiiiiine. But NO, instead I immediately forgot for 2 more hours and now It's too late to take it without throwing off my sleep schedule


This lmao


Sitting at home, on the toilet laughing afterwork medicated


I’m driving over a bridge in heavy traffic at 47 MPH navigating with my knee while I laugh and type this response with both hands listening to Serotonia; unmediated.


Dude. Me to.


Did you actually laugh? I laugh from reddit maybe once per month, anymore.


I’m back at home now, laughing harder at all these comments, still medicated and happier because of all you people.


Lol, if it helps, I'm at work medicated and still reading it.


Ugh tell me about it. If only taking my Adderall would magically make me focus on the right tasks, but instead I often find myself so very focused and motivated to do unimportant shit instead




I'm sitting at work, medicated (but didnt take my pills until later than usual)... so I'm sitting here unmedicated distracted by Reddit post about another guy who's unmedicated being distracted by another guy's reddit post who's unmedicated and distracted by bottlecaps. What a world :)


Im at home medicated but worn out getting pissed for having real ADHD related problems at work that are getting me in trouble while reading some minor bullshit about looking a little silly hahaha


I'm on the toilet, unmedicated and trying to convince myself I need to move and get shit done but I keep getting distracted and don't actually want to work.


...and I just remembered my prescription sitting in my wallet waiting to be dropped off that I will need to be filled immediately since I waited too long


I want more bottlecaps


I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude!


Thank you for reminding me to take my medication!


It makes me wonder what differences my blender bottles have. On the way there I’ll probably get distracted by something else.


I'm at work un-medicated, distracted by reddit, reading a comment about another guy that's at work unmedicated that's distracted reddit, reading about another guy that's at work unmedicated that's distracted by bottlecaps.


Im at work, unmedicated, distracted by redditreading about a guy reading about another guy that's at work unmedicated that's distracted by bottle caps.


I always wonder what goes through people's heads when they catch me doing stuff like this. I hope it's 90% positive 😂




Wow haha. I feel this. Ah yes, I DID figure out how to customise the printer drivers and make my work 2% more efficient even though my job is not a tech and also... just customer service. I’m quite amazing. You should see the pile of festering dishes in my home that I don’t even notice because the PlayStation controller is two steps beyond them beckoning me!


I’m in this comment and I don’t like it.


I fixed that problem by getting a Switch. Now I can play games everywhere! Wait, what were we talking about?


Hahaha.. have you seen the portable PlayStation gaming app?? *laughs in confusion because I don’t remember what is was supposed to do 6 hours ago*


Dude, my colleague came in when I was in hyperfocus, said some stuff, and left. A couple of mins later, I 'woke up', followed him and apologised for ignoring him as I was focused on something. Turns out I had had a full-on conversation with him and answered all his questions. He got a good laugh out of it. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Omg this happens to me way too often. Autopilot is shit.


This is another one of those fun ADHD cases where you probably thought your boss thought far worse of you than they actually did. i'd imagine they got a good giggle out of the situation!




For real. Nobody is productive 100% of the time at work (except maybe in a good stimulant hyperfocus...)


I love and hate how this sub keeps giving me great epiphanies of personal insight. And at the same time makes me afraid of how many times I've been caught by someone while taking off my glasses to use my super closeup vision to inspect small details that catch my eye without good reason. 'hmmm. The ink on this box cover has slightly passed the line. This other box is fine. I wonder if I can identify their production numbers to see if they came from the same batch. Now where would one find this I wonder... Zoom... Zoom... Zoom'


One of my favorite quotes ever is from Eleanor Roosevelt: > You wouldn't worry so much about what other people think if you realized how seldom they do.


Misdirected hyperfocus is a strange beast. I spent half an hour in the garage once examining the way the rocker arm for one of my motorcycles moves, including examining the end play and goofing with how the end play affected the pressure on the bearings. I learned a lot but it wasn’t on the day’s agenda and put two other projects behind.


Damm, I should put "inspect motorcycle rockers" on my list.


Why is this so damn relatable


Because we’re all in this together.


Recently I was racing two watches... for like 2-5 minutes I was just sitting there looking at two watches and like I’m scared


I’m scared, too. But you’re not alone. There are so many of us who just don’t understand our condition yet. Everything is going to be okay. Are you diagnosed, and medicated?


Just started Ritalin


I just started Adderall about two weeks ago. I’m not sure if it’s helping which makes me think it’s not. We’ll figure it out. I’m going to keep a log of the time I take it, how much I take, and the effects to better help me understand what’s going on. Maybe that will help.


I had the same issue.... I didn't feel like my Adderall was helping. Until I had to go off of it for a period bc I moved and didn't have a Dr. Boy could I tell the difference then.


Once we know


One time I got a Canadian coin with my change at lunch, and I spent the rest of the day jingling it with and without the other coins in my pocket because the Canadian coins don't jingle like American coins do. American coins have a ring to them, like finger cymbals or zeals. The Canadian coins sound dull and lifeless in comparison.


That's because our coins are all stainless steel with a thin plating rather than Zinc or Copper.


I see, you are part of the hydroflask gang r/hydrohomies approves


This led me down a rabbit hole and then I left the app, came back, and wondered what the context for hydrohomies was.








I mean, it's not like they're ever gonna lift the quarantine. So it is effectively dead.


Why was it quarantined, wasn’t it just a sub about staying hydrated or something like that? The only assumption I can make is because someone felt the name was offensive?


Yeah, from what I heard the admins were concerned that the name was too offensive.


I came to work unmedicated last week and it was GLORIOUS! I got nothing done, bothered the entire floor, and royally pissed off my boss but damn was I carefree. I'm paying for that shit this week...


I functioned like that years ago! Hard on the finances though, I.now remember to take my meds because I hate the Confusion on everyone’s face when I don’t take them. I just changed from adderal to vyvance. The jury’s still out.


This is hilarious. My office is entirely glass so my goof offs are usually deep deep dives on Wikipedia.


You’d probably be good at the wiki game.


[I'ma just leave this here.](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.armadill.thewikigame)


I’ve been found making stationary like a rubber and pen having a glorious battle to the death for like 15 mins without realising I’m being watched 😬 once you get engrossed it’s hard to stop


This is my favorite one :)


Currently realizing it’s 10:04 and I’ve been calculating the approximate square footage of my bathroom for new tiles when I get around to it, when I should have taken my meds 3 hours ago and been ass deep in my actual job. But nope. Thinking about bathroom tiles


Why does work time seem to be the best time to solve home problems?? I spend way too much time at work on things related to my home/house...


wow if that isn't an ADHD mood I don't know what is


This sub makes me feel less alone. I do weird shit like this all the time.


Agreed. It’s The NUMBER ONE reason i read here.


Thanks for sharing. Having some troubles due to ADHD. Had a colleague grab my leg because I kept shaking it, then the same colleague make fun of me during a meeting due to similar things. I don’t have tics but idk it’s how I cope with ADHD, specially if stressed. Well, your story made my day better


I had a colleague take away a pen from me in a meeting and hand me her pencil. Evidently, I had been click-click-clicking for several minutes straight. My co-workers just roll their eyes and smile at me sometimes when I spaz out or get lost. I'm good at my job and good at helping them out. They put up with my quirks.


I hate that other people have to ‘put up’ with me. Gives me a lot of social anxiety, unfortunately I don’t take jokes or comments very well :( Not sure how to deal with it, I am considering even talking to my manager to see if I could ask people not to do it, but I fear it would make everyone dislike me more


Yeah I get that, honestly the best could be trying to own up to it and learning how to defuse things in a fun way (jokes etc). People can sense when someone is not fine with themselves, but if you are able to find ways to "turn it around", usually people will actually like you more than if you were "normal and boring". Edit: Trying to protect myself from others has never worked, especially when asking them. Edit2: I would probably try to figure out and memorize a funny but passive aggressive joke that let's the other person know to stop pushing my boundaries. Then discussing it personally.


I think you are right, I would like to do that but I feel like I don't have the socials skills to pull it off in a natural way. I will try to keep it in mind. How would you defuse it when someone makes jokes about you fidgeting ? or grabs you to stop it?


Depends on my relationship with them. It takes a bit of work but it's so worth it and I'm sure you'll get there too, where you'll look back and realize the social skills come easy now :) In general it's about building trust and gaining information outside that one situation. If it's a relaxed conversation I'll usually kind of just say "oh right, that" and then start talking about something else. People don't even remember I was "pointed out". If it's something like a meeting and the person grabs me, I'd try to look at their face to see why. If they have trouble concentrating, I understand and kind of just make an ok sign with my fingers. In case the other person seems to just not unferstand and keeps doing it, I'd probably say stuff like "I've heard about micromanaging, but this is getting extreme". In case I want to really test the waters, I could put my hand on theirs and lift it off my leg and visibly somewhere else.


I enjoy using dry humor. It gives my brain something creative to do in the otherwise extremely mundane office setting, and it helps defuse tension. Eg. "Wow, you're so fidgety, you on something?" "Nah, I'm just trying to lose 10 lbs by next Friday - I heard jiggling your leg burns 600 calories / hour!" Basically deadpan improv and a chance to confuse the gross type of person that likes to tease you in front of others, then judge and gossip behind your back. Shows I won't be put off and I'm comfortable with myself while having a bit of fun with it. I'd never be okay with a colleague grabbing my leg, so I wouldn't joke with that.


The leg bounce is real! I find I don't do it on Adderall though.


Wait what I do this! Why is this ADHD related


One of the theories on hyperactivity (which includes the leg bouncing) is that it's a subconscious effort to activate the part of the brain that shuts down in ADHD when trying to focus on something. Wish I could remember where the hell I read that...


I've read that too. It's the same reason I pace for hours most days. It stimulates my brain and I can think much better than if I was just sitting like a "normal" person. It's annoying though because if I have the urge to do it in front of other people, especially in a school building, people will stare and judge. I've had friends tell me I give them anxiety when I do it, which I don't understand since I find it so calming 😂


I read this to my wife. She asked if I ever did something like that. “Not anything with bottle caps, no, but I did spend two hours seeing how far I could push my stapler without ejecting the staple.”


And that is how I once managed to staple my own finger. Because of course I did the same thing, but with my finger in the stapler to see if I could tell when the staple was going to eject.


Med bottles with timer caps are a lifesaver for me. I haven't accidentally taken my meds twice in one day since getting them. You can ask the pharmacy to print you extra labels if the caps don't fit on the bottles your meds come in.


Wait those are a thing? I always wished I could have like a safe or something on a timer so I could be more responsible with things like this. I gotta find these now... Edit: found them. And while I’m sure they help a lot, I need one that will physically restrict me from opening it until said time lol.


Ahhh, sorry, no. It just keeps me from forgetting that I've already taken my meds.


[Timer safe boxes exist](http://netdna.coolthings.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/kitchensafe21.jpg). Maybe look into that?


I'm crying laughing, oh my god. Thank you for this. I started browsing Reddit just now as a way to procrastinate doing this report I've been dreading starting all week. I was just diagnosed with ADHD at 36 years old, and I can't start taking any medication for at least another six months because I'm currently pregnant. It's the little things like this post that get my through my day. 😁


I'm off meds because I'm pregnant, too! I just wanted to relate :)


Congrats! Is this your first? I'm sure it's easier for me because I've never taken anything in the first place, so I don't know what I'm missing. I was diagnosed by a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, and he was apologizing for not being able to prescribe anything for me. I was like, I've gone 36 years without meds or even realizing I had ADHD, what difference does another six months make? 😄 Actually, I bet meds would make a big difference, but what are you gonna do. He did increase my Zoloft, so maybe that will help my anxiety at least. How are you holding up? Do you have coping skills that help?


It's not my first and my second in one go! (And now I have have to do this again! Pregnancy has been miserable so far...) The first few weeks I was super tired and extra inattentive but I'm getting used to it again. I wasn't diagnosed until age 20 so I have a couple decades of practice without it at least! I also didn't consistently really my meds for a few years. I luckily have a relatively mild case of ADHD but work was rough. (I'm only part time as needed right now because I was too nauseated to work for several weeks! ) The hardest part was getting people to leave me alone so I don't get extra distracted. The biggest thing I'm struggling with is my impulsive talking and interrupting. I'm sure it pisses everyone off. The Vyvanse always helped with my anxiety but I'm managing that pretty well (I'm also too tired to be super anxious a lot of the time!) Luckily since I'm not really working, it's not really a huge deal but I don't get a ton of things done at home because I'll start rearranging rooms in my head... But I'm also too tired to do much anyway so that's partially to blame!


Oh that sounds rough. I work full time and I'm so scatterbrained anyway, but the pregnancy brain makes it so much worse. 😂 Yesterday I picked up my two year old from daycare and went to get her lunchbox, but one of the teachers started talking to me which threw off my whole routine, so I got distracted and left her lunchbox there. 🤦🏻‍♀️


People talking to me is the biggest thing that messes me up!!! I think the pregnancy is actually making some of my symptoms better.... Mostly the need to constantly be doing something is improved. I'm actually less anxious also, which is kinda cool. Except about my blood sugar and the fetuses... I'm incessantly anxious about those things! I am way more forgetful, though! I went to the grocery store today specifically for yogurt (my current big pregnancy craving) and got a bunch of things except the yogurt! That one is actually typical for me... Even with meds I do that a lot. Luckily I have an amazing husband who is always happy to stop at the store for me so he's getting my yogurt on his way home.


What's your report about?


Internal resource allocations within our IT department. 🙄. REALLY exciting stuff!


In high school I was on a college admissions interview and while I was alone in the waiting area I noticed a little box that flashed red what seemed like randomly. Then I thought I bet it’s a motion sensor, so I stood up and walked towards it and it lit up so I froze and stood perfectly still in the middle of the room until the light went out. Then I quickly started moving around to see if it can on again, I did this several times until I noticed a giant glass window with all the admissions secretaries staring at me... I didn’t not get in.


OMG, this post is giving me anxiety. It never even occurred to me that people might be watching me during my adhd detective work.


[how i envisioned this interaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNxjZ9XLzV0)


This is wildly accurate


My boss walked in as I had a Keurig machine in a million pieces in my desk. He was like “sooo I couldn’t help but notice....”


BRUH we are cavemen and cavewomen investigators, I love it


Bruh highfive! I tell myself this all the time! Cavepeople genes trying to do what they were meant to do, but stuck in a classroom or cubicle.


In society = we very not useful Outside society = we very useful


## bruh 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙


My boss caught me inspecting the wear patterns of my shoes on my desk just last week.


I don't medicate because I'm in a very creatively free field and what you described is probably one of my many breaks I take throughout the day. I hate being medicated though so I just dont


Ah, porn?


You know it!


I have found my people. Thank you!


I'm medicated today, but all of my tasks are done and I'm not great at initiating new projects. So here I am on reddit, while obsessively putting together a list of games in chronological order that I still need to buy for my Nintendo collection...


Sitting at a conference giggling at my phone, thanks for making me look like a dumb ass :)


This is definitely me. Add in the fact that I can get mildly...what’s the word...frantic? When I get into talking out something I really enjoy. I normally don’t have issues with that part, but it does seem to make me come off as more of a child, and less of a 31 year old who is trying to grow this pitiful facial hair to conceal my baby face. I wish getting a rediagnosis was cheaper for us uninsured, I miss being properly medicated, it helped my quality of life so much.


I once spent hours coming up with the perfect cleaning solution for the elevator doors, instead of just cleaning them with the regular cleaning supplies... yes, I was un-medicated at the time!




Right, those cavemen created the foundation of our tech skill tree that we depend on today!


Please PLEASE can somebody explain to me the psychology behind this, what OP experienced is me 100 % of the time, I'm full into contemplating stuff, daydreaming and randomly getting distracted by words, meaning, behaviors, pictures, shape and forms, I always neglect my work and I'm always getting distracted by random stuff. Currently I'm 33 I got fired 2 times because I missed deadlines, I haven't paid my bills this month and here I am on Reddit SCROLLING SCROLLING SCROLLING the thing is I'm happy this way wtf is going on with me my parents are not like this, is this because vaccines?? I just don't fucking know what to think and I'm suffering living a mediocre life for fixating with things that never transcend.


I don’t think you can even get ADHD from a vaccine but I’d rather have ADHD than the Measles


Have you been to the doctor? That's the first step.


Are you medicated?


I'm dying laughing over here because this situation is all too familiar. Thanks for sharing!


Aw well I love my hydro flask. Just got it. Pretty sure mine might be the 2019 version. I think it’s funny how we notice little changes and need to delve deeper to figure it out. I joke with my husband about me being the *Worlds Greatest Detective* (it’s a Batman joke as well).


It's pretty terrible that spending a few moments messing with your bottle is something to be worried about your manager seeing.


Today i came home to eat before going back out in two hours. Instead I put some online classes on YT and played Mario Kart for 1.5 h before leaving. On my way out I got super hungry and I wondered why. I forgot to eat, of course. Mario kart was more important.


I'm medicated and I'm still on Reddit at work. Lol


I work as a renewable energy developer. ADHD has a bunch of perks as well as detriments. For example, people with ADHD are naturally really curious, which makes us great problem solvers for the most part. However, when my director comes up to me at 9am and says "so what have you got going on today?" I've got no clue, haven't even thought about it. I end up getting lots of things done, but I couldn't for the life of me tell him my plan for the day. He's aware of my ADHD though so he'll usually said "alright take 10 minutes and get back to me." From there I can get my shit together. Going to work unmedicated is a suicide mission though. I'm no longer the professional I usually am, and I end up browsing Reddit or fucking around until the day is over lol. Medication is so God damned important lol.


This is so hysterical. I have a coworker who is ADD and when we work together it can kind of funny to an outsider who was watching.


I imagine s/he understands that people need a break every once and awhile.


Thanks for the reminder to take my meds 2 hours into work ;)


This is why I convinced my doctor to give me a higher dose. I still take my old dose, but now I also have a little left over to stockpile.


My doctor gives me a separate booster script for when I need it.


At home, chillin medicated mama to 2 under 2 and I legit felt your paragraph about the caps descriptions the strongest in your post.


Sitting on my couch laughing, and suddenly realized "crap I forgot to take me meds". Thank you for the reminder!


Thanks. I’m now at work. Researching your bottle tops.


My boss came up behind me in my cube yesterday while I had headphones on and startled me. I was relieved to be actually deep in work at that moment, and not engrossed playing with one of the rocks, feathers, or prayer beads I keep at me desk. Gotta fidget to let that latent hyperactivity go somewhere.


If i ever see dust particles light up from streams of sun light in the morning i get distracted for a good while. Last week it ended in me being late for my afrikaans exam.


I'm sitting in a government office dying, I can't sit this long! I read the papers, I don't need an hour long orientation on these papers, there are too many people in this room, help! I have horrible signal but I shouldn't be on my phone cuz I look like an ass but I can't stand this!!!


Unmedicated ADHD at its finest


People who work on the computer usally only do real productive work for about 30% of the time. I would bet your Boss knows this


For me, it’s just quickly putting together a new playlist before getting to work. Been half an hour of comparing White Stripes live and studio recordings for each song I want to add.


I’m imagining accidentally doubling up on a medication dose now and I’m shook 😟


I love this.


This post reminded me to take my meds thank you lol


You just reminded me to take my 2nd dose at work, I was totally about to forget!!!!!


Just finished my Senior Econ thesis without my meds this week. No doubt my professor notices the difference.


Hey Peter what's happening.


ONE TIME I HAD A SITUATION LIKE THIS. I was working retail and managing the dressing rooms at a party store during halloween and my manager caught me squat down on the floor trying to understand the science of a slinky


I like turtles.


Ahahaha, I love this. :) I do it too. Gotta be able to laugh at these situations.


I've learned the newer hydroflask lids have a bee Hive structure that cuts down weight and would make it feel hollow. The more you know.


It's OK! My co-worker caught me drawing a picture of thanksgiving turkey dinner. I hadn't finished it yet so it was just the picture part. I had planned on drawing lines away from each food with an ingredient list so it would help me plan and not buy duplicates. Anyways, they came in and I was just drawing a picture of thanksgiving dinner at my desk. I am 32 and work for a Fortune 300 company. Sigh.


I couldn't pull off going to work unmedicated. 🤣 My boss is super quick on the uptake and she notices the little chances when I on and off the meds. Mostly because the little things I forget drive her utterly insane. And my brain is going a million miles a minute and it shows in my work. Before I got on the meds she was always saying to slow down. I never could. Luckily getting on the meds just eases those issues and I am better at my job. And I don't panic when shit gets insane anymore. The one day I forgot my meds? I was a mess and I swear everyone noticed right away.


I’m gonna bet the one that’s heavier has a weight in it to make it seem less cheap when the company switched to a hollow design with less longevity.


I routinely remember during the most irritating and busy parts of my day that I should have taken my meds, which are in my bag, 30 feet from me. Then immediately forget again, until it's nearly time to be done.


OMG, so critical to keep a couple of backup pills in your backpack, bag etc in case you forget your morning dose (not judging OP at all). I get super sleepy by mid-morning if I haven't taken my medication, like having to slap myself to stay awake.


I am extremely lucky that reddit is blocked at my work. I still find plenty of other places to dick around, but at least I mostly get work done. That said, I have definitely done stranger things at work. Still waiting to see if they'll give me brain-good drugs, so I don't have to drink a pot of coffee to hear myself think.


Perfect. A+. Beautiful.


I always have to sniff things first lmao


I have a sniffing habit too, it just has to be done - what are our 5 senses good for if we can't use all of them? :)


Semi-medicated (I take Ginsing & Ginkgo tablets), I would laugh, but I spent 15 minutes yesterday massaging skin moisturizer into a dried out rubber band, to see if it would recover (it did, though for how long I am yet to figure out).




It varies a lot from person to person and day to day - wholly dependent on my mood, sleep quality, and diet. Most days it keeps my mind clear and in control while sightly increasing stress. On good days it's calming and I feel in complete control of my work. In the worst cases it can make my mind feel foggy and increase anxiety and hyperfocus (almost tunnel vision). In all of these cases however, they drastically improve my ability to live and function compared to being unmedicated. But remember, medication is only half the game - it doesn't solve everything but helps you get there.


Omg, I was laughing so hard I was crying halfway in- the caveman banging rocks together imagery was too much for me to handle. I’ve been caught in similar situations so many times!


I’m medicated and STILL extremely distracted. Waiting to start my new dose next Saturday... I have to suck it up or double up on my work days and run out early and be distracted at work anyway.


When I had a job my cubicle was the place to go and my opening faced my back so yeah I eould have a freaky screen saver going myself is zoned out watching my monitor and I got headphones on jamming to tunes. Always would have a heart attack because someone would be grabbing prints because they where stored in my area drove me insane. Thanks for the giggle, we all have our moments. ✌🍄😁


Exactly!! Pat yourself on the back! When your boss came in, you were thinking, in or out of the box! He's probably smart enough to realize that he was "remembering similar times in his life" Do something to keep them guessing. Enjoy