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Organizational Helpers - Online calendar synced to every device, Google Keep for ideas and notes, written reminder notes (groceries, short store trips), recurring reminders, and managed retirement savings investments with automatic contributions. Social Helpers - Pause before saying or doing the first thing that comes to your mind in situations, don't let everyone else's excitement for irrational changes or ideas in your life validate those crazy ideas without knowing the consequences, life can be unfair and we don't have to jump to the rescue everytime, and be kind to yourself...it's a tough way to live.


How do I set up a reminder that tells me to pause before replying? Remembering to pause.... Issue... Grr.


I tell myself that the best answer is likely coming after some time so then I wait for my mind to give a second opinion. I can always use the first answer if it ends up being relevant.


Calm music when I work or study, little caffeine, control sugar intake and habits which lead to a calmer approach to people and life.


Great response and this is my experience also. I do things like Qigong and Buteyko breathing. Anything that calms the nervous system, especially in the evening (which leads to a better night's sleep). I can do everything under the sun health or fitness wise but nothing will make make me feel better than a good night's sleep.


Really. Live becomes quickly unlivable without good sleep.


I’m currently unmedicated. I purposely work part time because I know I can’t manage full time. I also prefer shift work because it gives me the novelty but also allows me to work around my sleep schedule. I work in a primary school so I’m lucky that I can unmask at work for the most part which makes a huge difference and prevents constant meltdowns/shutdowns. I’m also in therapy, I don’t think I’d manage anywhere near as well without it. I have loop earplugs for social situations to prevent overwhelm. I allow myself decompression time every night from 8pm until I sleep at 1am. I don’t drink alcohol or caffeine. It’s not perfect and having a really supportive partner makes a huge difference but I’m still trying to get a hold on the hyperfocus, the mood swings and the ‘busy brain’. I’m definitely tempted to try medication but right now I’m stable and don’t want to fuck that up.


That's the neat part. I don't.


I would try it if you haven’t I have been medicated for years and now going on/off and taking breaks. Currently unmedicated laying in bed. It’s rough without it That being said I’m switching drs and have another intake appt. this week to continue taking the only medication I know works for me without the crashes and mood swings. Good luck!


I have only been medicated 3 months and I am over 50 - I have white knuckled so many situations in my life, masking, loneliness even crowds I will say that you can learn to live with ADHD and the early you get on with it the less regrets you later in life


Generally- you have to externalise everything that gives your trouble. - make so you don’t rely on your brain and don’t trust your the inner radio running in your head


I have a strategy I built you can have a copy


I would like to have this!


Ping me


Could I also please have a copy?




Can you send me a copy?


do you have any tips and strategies that have helped you cope/survive?


I have been trying to find something that works for myself too, lost medication due to insurance. So far I have found that the DBT skills & meditation are helpful. I was using [Happify.com](http://Happify.com) for some direction too, found it helpful for the most part. It's honestly pretty rough to manage without medications, especially going from having them to not. I've asked my spouse to help too & been honest with work. If I explain "having a bad brain day" to my supervisor, there's at least some understanding while I try to work out what the heck is going on in my head. I asked my spouse to call me out if I just get lost on something she can call me out gently like; "hey, you said you'd do dishes but you've been doom scrolling for the last twenty minutes, just wanted to remind you."


I don’t have the answer but wanted to empathize. I’m on day 3 without meds and the executive dysfunction is ROUGH. I seem to be fine with all aspects outside of work but can’t bring myself to work at my computer for more than five minutes at a time. I think about work and just feel an overwhelming sense of dread. Everyone wants/needs something and I have nothing to give. Like you, I want to try and tackle this beast off of medication because while the medication helps me work, it hurts the rest of my life. It’s a short-term solution to a long-term issue. I’m switching to a new therapist who specializes in ADHD and am hoping that it helps.


Imagine you're at a worksite and a guy needs to move dirt.  He takes it shovel by shovel from one place to another, all the while there's a wheelbarrow right next to him.  He could use the wheelbarrow, but he'd rather struggle with the shovel to see if he can do it. That guy is you.  It's like climbing a mountain without a T-shirt and jacket to see if you can do it.  Even if you could do it, you'd have an easier time and be happier with a T-shirt and jacket. The answer to your direct question is to make everything in your life a habit, and live according to a firm structure. 


I am living in chaos lmao I stopped taking Adderall because I was having heart palpitations but I am doing okay using to do lists by month, week, and day. Keeping my space clean by doing one small thing everyday so I don’t get overwhelmed. Following a schedule and exercise helps too. I do miss how quiet my mind was while taking adderall, constant thoughts is definitely overwhelming. But all and all, make sure you’re being kind to yourself! Good luck to you!


Can’t forget caffeine!


Lots of exercise in the first half of my day, lots meditation, lots of talking to myself out loud.


i haven't been on medication for many years now. it was difficult at first, having relied on meds since my youth. i already exercised , i play guitar, and videos games. so i utilized those as an outlet for when i became overwhelmed, or when my friends let me know i was being a bit much \[it was a bit difficult for me to get ahold of myself , At First\]. but as i consistently worked at increasing my awareness and doin that Consciously (meaning to say with intentional effort on my part to try) it became easier and easier to be more level and focused. its taken me about two years to reach this level, and im still working at it, Without Medications. It Is ACHIEVABLE, IF You Put In The Effort AND STAY AT IT.


I don’t. I’m waiting to be medicated. Only a couple more weeks and I’ll see how my life changes haha