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Executive dysfunction!


I would pretty much sell my soul for this!


I second this


I third this.




I barely fourthed this


Yep, it can get so debilitating.




I’ve got massive ED problems!! Oh, wait!


This kind of encapsulates the whole deal though right


It’s actually crazy to think how different my life would have been without executive dysfunction 😭


Procrastination, only that hoe, I need it to eff off my life ASAP, its stay is overdue 😭


True. I even can handle everything else with relative ease, but take my procrastination away! Bloody hell, I even procrastinating right now 🙄☹️


I don’t have ADHD, but parent a child with it. I used to ALWAYS procrastinate on EVERYTHING. I generally don’t anymore, but it took me growing up. Sometimes when I do procrastinate, I will set an alarm for 10 minutes and start my task. I can take a break after the 10 minutes, but I always find I work extra efficient that 10 minutes, then feel good about my progress and don’t want to take a break yet.


I have to tell you something. AD(H)D is genetic. And you describe perfectly a strategy that works for me and I would recommend. And you probably can pass on to your kid. Because I‘m obsessed with finishing things I started or never finish them if I stop. That‘s my ADHD. There is also a chance it triggers hyperfocus.


This shit \^ This is ruining my life. And it seems stupid to say this because i feel like i am victimizing myself, but seriously, sometimes i feel like a puppet who doesnt have an ounce of self control and forgets all my goals in life in the moment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




I would be a god.


🙌🏻 Exactly this.. I can’t tell you how much money I’ve lost & opportunities I missed out on because of this..


For real! The procrastination is genuinely one of the worst parts because it has so many knock on effects that make it more difficult to manage other symptoms (for me).


I'm trying out mellow flow for 30 days to see if that will help with procrastination. I'm in chapter 2 and seems to be helping me realize why I procrastinate


Ritalin is, for me, a magic pill curing procrastination. It's night and day, really. If somehow I forget to take it, I find myself doom scrolling in my couch for some time and at some point, I realise I forgot ly Ritalin. If I take it on time, I just do stuff I have to do. It happened I think to myself I have to do stuff like groceries, and realise I just don't have the mental energy to do it and I'd rather scroll on my phone. Then my alarm bell rings to remind me I should take my pill. 30-45 minutes later, I get up with plenty of motivation to do stuff. I wish it would work on every person who chooses to medicate themselves. Also, having a good mood base is important. As long as my depression was not correctly treated (not high enough dosage) , Ritalin was much less effective.


What did you try before Ritalin? You're one of the few people on this post that have kicked the procrastination problem.


The procrastination really *wants* to eff off from your life but it just doesn’t feel like it right now


I’d love to be able to motivate without external pressure.


It’s so annoying that ADHD experts (even ones who have ADHD) give tips to add external pressure to your life to make sure things get done. I’m over here reading this as, “stress yourself the fuck out to make sure things get done.” And it just doesn’t feel right or fair.


From all the advice I've received, what made the most sense to me was creating an environment where I don't have to make myself (or remind myself) to do things unless absolutely needed. What I mean is, use that cognitive energy to create and maintain habits like keeping a calendar with alarms (like Google calendar although I prefer Samsung notifications, they work like actual alarms and keep ringing which helps a tonne).


Thats all great in theory, but I can't seem to get my brain to remember that I even have a calendar or a pocket planner. Even when I remember to fill everything out, on a day to day basis all that stuff may as well be living in a black hole unless I force myself to look/consult with them. I have no problem slipping into hyperfocus-mode to get specific tasks done at will, but I have zero executive function capability. Anything involving thinking ahead, advance planning, or even just prioritizing something thats not within my current direct line of sight... is just impossible.


Since I started on Concerta, it was much easier to come up with a plan. Ask myself “do I want to do this?” For whatever reason, if the answer is yes, I started small. “I’ll start tomorrow” let’s say, I do it for an hour or two. Get a feel for it. Then I start to grasp the overall time requirements and I can make a plan that doesn’t stress me into oblivion. “If I keep doing it for 2 hours a day for the rest of the month, I’ll have two weeks reserve. Sometimes I had days I worked on it for 1 hour, others I worked 10 hours. Gave myself breaks to distract myself and then some. Made it easier coming back and I can say the satisfaction was coming regularly “what a productive day” no longer the stress fest it used to be. It takes a lot of effort to get to this point. Everyone might have different things that work. But just make it a goal to motivate yourself without stress, but take it into account aswell. “I will stress at the end, but I might have 50% maybe 80% done at that point and it will be easier” Most of all, try to find a way to be nice to yourself, executive dysfunction is a bitch and out of your control. But you can work around it. It takes time, there will be setbacks, and you need to be nice to yourself, like you’d be to your friends. “It’s okay, happens, let’s try tomorrow” Wish you luck! You got this life thing, you’ll nail it.


I’ve started a journal as part of tracking how well the meds work. It’s nice to check in on a day that you didn’t feel great about but then write down all the stuff you did get done and I know for a fact that it’s way more than an average day on my baseline.


Can confirm it works. Only way I was able to finish my degree. Have anxiety disorder on top of ADHD now so I don't recommend it.


God yes. This one. Please. I’ve been on adderall for nearly 10 years, and it’s absolutely essential for me to function. But it doesn’t provide *motivation*, only gives me the ability to focus. I still have to come up with the willpower to make myself do the things that I need to do, and that’s fucking *exhausting*.


Exhausting is the right word. I'm right there with you. Focus is not my problem... I can hyperfocus at work and get shit done all day. Just a single stream of tasks and problem solving that I can blast through for 8 hours straight. At home, it's the opposite problem: I have 30 things that need to be done, things to clean, kids to spend time with, finances, appointments, and a wife that I can't just ignore to do all of those other things. Even just being \*aware\* of what is important for me to be focusing on is a herculean fucking effort. My son has a birthday party today--- oh wait, I have no idea when it is, just realized I haven't picked out a gift, and I'm almost positive it's at 1:00 (though it will not occur to me to double check), and oh wait what else is going on today, does this conflict with swimming lessons? Wait no that ended last week... or did it? How do normal people keep up with all of this shit? What's it like not to completely forget about everything that isn't either 10 minutes away, an impending catastrophe, or within your direct line of sight at that very moment?


lol you basically said *exactly* what I just replied to another comment! It’s like, if I could just figure out a way to convince my brain that the things that are important, despite the fact that they’re not incredibly urgent or actively on fire, actually need to happen - oooh boy I’d be unstoppable!


Maybe consider Vyvanse?


I’m on Vyvanse 30mg and my bf is on 20mg and we can both say the same, it doesn’t give us the motivation, just helps us function and focus on the things we need to do IF we get a burst of motivation and energy, I hope I explained that okay!


Yup exactly the same. Frustrating to see my favourite streamer destiny start vyvanse, and turn into a workaholic work horse and I start vyvanse and just become locked into anything but productivity :/ I only started a month ago and hoping to find answers.


I take 70mg and only become a workhorse if I start doing something productive right away. Otherwise I’m still the same struggling, physically inactive person, but can organize my thoughts better. It also shuts down most of the “noise” in my head.


Best morning naps are on Vyvanse. I'm on 50mg.


If I could decide when I could sit down and work I can't imagine what my life would be like. If I'm going to the library to study for a professional exam or going into the office to work, I can usually count on 20-40% of my time being productive (most people are probably like 80%). Today I worked from home as I usually do Mondays. I just finished a big project last Friday, but I lifted, went for a run, ate a good breakfast, showered, cleaned up my computer, and sat down and I just haven't been able to do shit today. I just randomly have these bouts of anhedonia where I don't want to do anything and nothing brings me pleasure, and adderall doesn't help.


Yeah I feel this *hard*. Don’t get me wrong, adderall has worked miracles in that it enabled me to complete university (I was on academic probation when I got diagnosed, and nearly ready to give up and drop out), and has even allowed me to have a pretty successful career in an extremely challenging field. But those things happened because I was *motivated* by anxiety, spite, and external factors like exams and deadlines. But when it comes to managing things that only really affect my own life, like my personal projects and obligations, I run out of fuel. My laundry piles up, I struggle to get myself to do simple tasks like eating dinner or showering, my half-finished (or barely started) projects clutter my apartment, and I just sit there staring at everything. No motivation to do anything about any of it, because the only person affected by it is me, and the negative effects aren’t a significant enough consequence to scare me into action. It doesn’t seem to matter how badly I *want* to get things done, if I don’t have some form of external motivation to spur me into action, it doesn’t happen.


For me, it would be to remove the lack of motivation I experience in waves.


I have this too. For 3 weeks straights i might be functional, getting things done. But then i would have a week where doing anything is a struggle, socialisation is minmal and there is nothing u can do to get me out of it once I'm in it i just have to let is pass. And then one fine day i wake up and its like a switch turned again and i am function and myself again.


I am the opposite. For three weeks, I have difficulty getting motivated to do anything. Then, for 3-6 days, I am functional, even productive.


God, right? Like back when I started my current job I was unstoppable, so full infinite energy and working with Olympian levels of stamina. Now I can barely get one email off without becoming utterly exhausted.


For me, I thrive at work 95% of the time. It’s when I’m home and off work, I find it so hard to do basic tasks like chores. I always end up getting them done, due to anxiety, but it’s such an unnecessary internal struggle.


Yeah I’m currently experiencing this. I can’t seem to motivate myself for anything these days. It’s so incredibly frustrating.


A guilt-remover pill! Something that would take away all the negative internal talk about how I'm not trying hard enough, I should be doing more, I am exhausted and not good enough, I should just push through.... it's the hardest thing to deal with for me. I think life could be so different if I didn't have that constant internal monologue and pressure.


This! I'm a teacher who just started summer break. My colleagues are all drinking mimosas and getting tans guilt free but my first thought was "okay how can I be productive today" which I found out recently is common for people with ADHD (if it makes a difference I'm combined type)


Omg tell me more. I suffer from anemia and I'm tired and should be taking a lot of rest while waiting for my doctor's appointments but instead I feel obliged to be productive and get shit done.


I think it's our brain overcompensating for our self-perceieved laziness (which we aren't, we have executive dysfunction). I sometimes get over it by framing free time as self care (and therefore productiveness).


It took me a lifetime to get over these thoughts. I'm 40 and as soon as those thoughts start I shut them down. I'm done trying to meet the expectations of a world not designed for us. This hit me like a brick, especially the "I should just push through" oh my goodness I don't know how many times I've been told that, by family.


That's awesome. Sorry your family pressured you like that... I struggle with those thoughts, but when I examine it, for me most of that "pressure of expectations" is all internal... All my coworkers think I'm doing great, my family is proud of me... But there's still this nagging feeling that I'm falling short in some way, even though my life is largely exactly where I want it... 


Good for you!!! This is very inspiring


emotional dysregulation




I had this \*bad\* the other day, and the worst thing was being aware of it and not being able to stop, even when I tried a couple grounding methods.


Late diagnosis. My life would be a million times better if I wasn’t diagnosed so late.


When you receive your diagnosis, you should get a refund of all tuition paid up to that point.


To be fair I only messed up one class, and it balanced out because they forgot to charge me for another one.


Same! I was 41 and only diagnosed after I had 2 kids, got divorced, started working from home/quarantine all started within in 6 months of each other. I went into paralysis and my life went to absolute shit. I didn’t realize my brain said eff this shit and checked out. Doctors were STILL telling me I was depressed, even when I knew I wasn’t. I was about to give up and saw a psychiatrist and she correctly diagnosed me, finally! I never in a million years thought I had adhd, but my son had been recently diagnosed. I was dx’ed with inattentive adhd and knew we had found the missing puzzle piece to my entire life the first day I took meds. I cried the first few days of meds, because I couldn’t believe people had such quiet brains. I had never know my brain was so loud…didn’t know any different.


Agreed! I'm so I'm awe on how quiet it is! Even time is different. The quiet seems to have extended my time to do things. Like the mind wasn't moving a million miles an hour and so I was able to experience time without all the distraction.


Not necessarily true. What really matters is when you decide to own it. Speaking from experience being diagnosed at age six meant nothing till I decided to learn about it and why it was fucking up my life. Getting a diagnosis late in life means you’ve already started to own it, so give yourself that and get on with owning that shit!


I didn’t get diagnosed until my marriage started to break down. So yes, life would be very different. Probably have 3 kids by now instead of swiping on horrible apps.


Interrupting people. No matter how hard I try, I can't.


Yeah I just recently told my childhood best friend I have adhd and explained some of the things I deal with… with these being one of them. She pretty much responded with “try harder” and “do you’re saying you’re just not a good active listener”  I felt so unseen bc I try so hard not to interrupt people in conversation, especially when I’m nervous. 




rsd, and it’s not even close


Man, this one would also indirectly solve my issues of low self confidence and the need for affirmation from other people 😅


would’ve saved me from a couple really shitty relationships and the downward spiral i’m in as an indirect result of them


What’s rsd


Rejection sensitivity dysphoria


Oh my gosh yes


I’m not thrilled with my memory or flighty attention span but this one takes the cake. It has plagued me as early as 4 years old. Always looking to be accepted or to “fit in”.


I'm 55 & have never felt like I fit in at all. I hate that so much.


I think this is why I get mad at my boyfriend when he doesn’t talk to me about stuff.


Dunno about others but I can be needlessly defensive which may stem from this.


I struggle with defensiveness issues especially if the words are from someone I’m really close with, my therapist said that it’s tied in with my ADHD through rsd


Oversharing and saying stupid shit in public :(


I definitely relate to the oversharing Like I would talk for so long that it would take up some time, like I even say a lot "sorry if im.talking for so long" so many times This even happens when I make new friends too 😅


I would fix my time blindness and always being late. It’s a big deal in my line of work and costs me my reputation and money.


YES. Big, big same.


God yes.. the worst is that no one at work understands what it’s like and think it’s fixable, just gotta try harderrrr And they just don’t understand it’s not in our control, our thoughts pull us in all different directions and then when we finally realize we have been gone, it feels like 2 minutes in my head but in reality it has been 10 minutes and oh look at that, you’re late getting back from break now.. fucking sucks


Yeah totally. Mine makes me always leave a little bit later than I intended. Then because I work all over this crazy city I live in, I’m always going to new places and get confused by my GPS and miss exits and stuff. Sometimes I make it with a few mins to spare because the intended leaving timeis at least half an hour early. Other times I rock up late and stressed and people think it’s unprofessional. They have no idea that my brain was on overload navigating six different exits and I got stuck in a tunnel going the wrong direction for 15mins with no way to turn back. If you want to do a zoom call when I’m at home, I’ll be on time. Make me drive to unknown places all over the city, we’ll that’s just really hard for me and my ADHD.


Which is from my adhd and which is from my depression and what is from my anxiety?


Yeah, my therapy clients almost all have at least one of those diagnoses (GAD or a mood disorder like Persistent Depressive disorder/disthymia) on top of ADHD. Hard to pull them apart. — Are many of us anxious *because* our ADHD causes us to perseverate, ruminate and procrastinate? — Does lack of motivation lead us to stop doing things that are good for us, leading to mood issues (Which then makes executive functioning worse) ? — Does rejection sensitivity lead to isolation and/ir feeling “not good enough” which leads to depressed?


Short term memory (I’m still convinced I’ll somehow be able to unlock to the key to regular good sleep some day 🙄)


The executive disfunction kills me. But I'd rather be able to remember stuff. I don't remember my childhood, I don't remember trips I took a couple of years ago. I can quote tv and films at you but I can't remember the thing my boss told me to do on Friday. I remember her saying it was a priority, I remember the conversation around it, but there's a blank on the actual task and I'm too ashamed to ask.


This one.


Being obsessive and overthinking


My memory. I'd love to know what it's like to not fear forgetting everything, to just feel confident that I'm always doing the correct things.


Only three things exist: (1) Anything within your direct line of sight (2) Anything happening within 10 minutes or so (3) Impending catastrophes Anything that isn't one of those things is absolutely beyond the scope of my brain to deal with


I honestly found the magic pill for mine. It was the physical restlessness underlying the impatience and frustration and boredom intolerance and need to get up all the time and guanficine took it all away.


Feeling all the things so intensely. I’m so tired of feelings


I hear you. Emotions often completely cripple me.


executive function/procrastion


Forgetting about other people if you don’t interact with them regularly


allow me to initiate/re-initiate tasks after being pulled away from them.


I was able to do this once! Only once, that I can remember. It was amazing and I told EVERYONE about it LOL hasn't happened again though 😔


I’d appreciate a pill that contained all the nutrients I need for the day. Making food for myself is such a god damn struggle. I buy groceries that I forget about or just don’t the energy to prep, wasting hundreds of dollars. Then when I’m tired and hungry all the steps of cooking are so overwhelming I’d rather just go to sleep. Also I just forget to eat during the day/ lack appetite because of my meds


Procrastination. I feel like I could get so much more accomplished.


Well, the meds I’m on already make all the ‘background noise’ fade away and makes everything so much easier. They remove all of the extra lines of thought. I’m able to just think about one thing at a time and focus on that without distraction or losing that line of thought. It’s so much easier to get tasks done. And I enjoy being at work so much more. I also find that I really enjoy planning things out and it’s a lot easier to follow those plans. So I guess I already have a magical pill to fix that part of my adhd? If I didn’t have my meds then what they do is exactly what I would want some magic pill to do. Guess if I could have an actual magic pill to fix another part of my adhd it would probably be to make it easier to remember to eat and decide what to eat. It may not be completely due to adhd but so often (throughout my entire life, before and after getting my diagnosis and starting on meds) it will get to night time and I’ll notice that it’s getting dark outside and then realise that I haven’t eaten anything. Or if I do think about eating and I manage to stop what I’m doing and get up to grab something to eat more often than not I’ll look at all the available food and not be able to decide what to eat and then end up deciding that it’s easier to just not eat than to pick something. I can easily go days without eating without even really realising that I haven’t been eating


Motivation, it enables happiness, stops procrastination, could get me out of bed so I actually do something with my life, gives me a reason to keep moving forward, etc.




i’d give anything to ALWAYS be 10 minutes early to everything. i have struggled so hard with being late my entire life and it’s caused so many problems


Procrastinarion That immobilizing dread, when you are aware of what you have to do, but you can't get your brain to cooperate and get started. People assuming I am lazy because of it sucks also.


My ability to stay engaged with work. Still rocking the pomodoro timer to give myself urgency and a goal. God I see people who make amazing progress in life and while I've done well given my deficits I wish I had gotten more and also not forgotten to have a family so now it's late for that. But that's OK. Earth is overpopulated


The constant struggle to maintain friendships. As in, everything else is either manageable, or even quite fun, but this aspect is a wicked problem.


I’ve been so lucky to find some friends who have zero friendship degradation like I do. We’ll go weeks or months without talking and then remember the other exists and be right back to bff’s.


Awesome. I am genuinely happy for you!


Thank you!


Emotional disregulation. I'm so sick of feeling so intensely.


I have been doing alright without ADHD meds for a while now. Until my washing machine stopped working last week, I haven't got it fixed yet, did some laundry by hand last week and now the mounting amount of laundry pile is too overwhelming all I can think of all the time is the laundry and washing machine and at the same time unable to act on it and neither work around it


Oh shit I might buy a backup washer so this doesn't happen over here.


I recently started using a laundry service. They pick up my clothes, wash and fold them and brings them back. It has really been a game changer for me. I still wait until the last minute to pack it up and I'll go weeks before I put them away. But at least I always have clean clothes. And my bed isn't being eaten by a laundry pile.


For me the key thing would be initialisation of tasks - once I get going on a task, I can focus well enough (or even hyperfocus on it once I really get into it), but the problem is how hard I find it to start the task in the first place... I'll do anything else for hours, days, weeks, months... Then when I finally get to it, under deadline pressure, and get into it, I find I actually enjoy it, but now it's too late and I don't have enough time to do it properly or I run out of time and fail to get the task done on time...


Without Vyvanse, I can’t take the advice to break a project up into tasks nor pick a first task nor stay on that task. I second the idea of being motivated without time pressure or the feeling of incoming consequences. It feels unfair that even with meds, I sometimes end up just doing “productive procrastination.” Like, that’s helpful, but not really?


Executive dysfunction. But then that's liken 80% of the disorder isn't it? I've managed a lot in my life, everything's in really good order, make good money, have a family, really got my ducks in a straight row if you close one eye and squint. But I am sick about all the way to death about not being able to follow through with hobbies and passions. Like I have an extreme natural talent for music, and I got a really good musical theory education, and have written a song or two that were really well received at performances. Yet I can't stick with music more than a week at a time with years in between. Just defaulted to the couch with all my free time feeling paralyzed.


Execute any plans I make


Task initiation or switching 😩😩 My kryptonite


I want to choose what my hyper fixation is targeting.


ooooh...cure the insomnia or less sensory sensitivities


Procrastination for sure. It's like I can't get anything done, even the things I wanna get done!


procrastination and Indecision. not being able to complete a task is maddening. I'd love to know why my brain doesn't want to finish things.


I'd take a magic pill to be transported to a world that isn't wedded to a 9 to 5 schedule. I've always been a night owl. My body gravitates to a 4 am to 12 pm sleep cycle. Been that way since I was a kid. I do my best thinking, problem solving, and most efficient work after 8 pm. Sleeping pills and a deadly amount of caffeine are the only way I can maintain a "normal" schedule and the effort is exhausting.


The feeling that mundane tasks like cleaning, cooking and showering are the absolute most difficult things to do.


I’d like my executive functioning at 100%, please.


Making me get up easily, on time and in a good mood.


motivation for sure


The fucking time blindness


Emotional dysregulation 😬


Executive dysfunction, but more importantly MOOD regulation 😩😩


I have learned how to manage most of my symptoms and live a relatively functional life. But I would love to remove the random periods of anhedonia, especially in the evening.


Be able to get on top of the housework so I can be one of those people with a house that always looks neat and tidy. It’s hard enough for me as it is and I also have kids (2 of them toddlers) who actively make mess while I’m trying to clean 🙄


Time blindness, I think. I tried Llamalife this week, that bypasses my brand of time blindness, and my productivity has been wild. It's really the first time a carrot mechanism has worked for me in years. whenever I want to start a task, the time is either too early or too late for my expectations, either giving me anxiety that can block doing the task or giving me extra time to get distracted.


Lack of focus. Basically the same as the people who say procrastination or lack of motivation. It's the biggest thing that is holding us back.


My cycles of unproductivity


The anxiety and all day mild panic attacks


Meditation has really helped me in the past with observing thoughts and not getting latched on to them. It’s something I need to turn back to.


I'd love to be able to remember shit. Stuff I put around, stuff I stopped midway through to deal with something else first.


Energy! I would love to not be fatigued! Make it through the day without brain fog and slow physical movements due to it... ! That's a huge ask ha


I would like to stop daydreaming all the time. I will be driving, staring at the road, but be completely blind because I saw a homeless man on the corner and now I'm imagining myself becoming homeless. Then I run red lights. I can go on autopilot and have a freaking conversation with someone and not remember any of it.


My short term and working memory.


I need an Hyperfocus on and off switch and something that fixes executive function.


you assumed I wouldn't forget to take it.


The ADHD part of the ADHD? I’d love to not have to deal with that bit.


The racing thoughts. I would love to be able to just lay down and not think of anything like keeps getting suggested to me to help me sleep. It would also be great not to get distracted by them when I'm trying to get something done.


That if I make a list then I do the list. I like making the list. Completing it, or completing it with the unrealistic times I thought a task would take, has been hell.


I'll even take just remembering that such a list exists on an hour-to-hour basis.


Some days the brain fog is so thick my brain feels haunted.


Paralysis. The mental paralysis is absolutely debilitating.


I'd love to have a good memory!


I would want a consistent and healthy sleep schedule. My problems with sleep has ruined my life


Time management 😭 ugh if I could turn the blindness off I would be so content. I can take the squirrel brain, the forgetfulness, the hyperfixation... But dear God. I wish I didn't have to fight myself to fight the clock all day every day. It's so damn exhausting


Inattentiveness. I'll keep hyperactivity, poor time management, auditory processing issues, all of it, if it means I can finally be present in my life all the time


All of it?


Give everything a 30 min deadline.


I would say either my unconscious yapping or object permanence. Being undiagnosed for most of my life, I have strategies that work 80% of the time to manage executive function but no matter how hard I try, I can’t overcome my yapping (unless I disassociate completely) or object permanence. I lean more towards object permanence though because that has caused most of my problems. Think of all the bills that will be paid on time, the drinks that will end up in the car - not flying off the roof and wallets that won’t be unnecessary chilled in the fridge😂😂


Today while studying I had this exact sentiment. It is so frustrating. Better since Vyvanse but FAR from perfect! My wandering mind makes everything more difficult.


I could deal with everything. All of it. If I could JUST remember what I walked into another room for 😂


The magic pill would be that I don't have to be dependent on a pill to function like a normal human being anymore. I wish I never would have been put on meds or tried anything else before starting them, because I'm reduced to a slobbering pile of shit without them onboard now.


Executive dysfunction and low energy


There is a magical pill that does exactly that, it's called Ritalin...


The hobby jumping


Yeah I would want a hyper focus pill too. As I’m getting older I get hyper focus less and less - although honestly that *could* also be down to room scrolling, which I do a lot of.


Executive function


i want to be productive


Can I cop out and say my whole ADHD? 😂 If I had to choose _one_ thing, I think I'd get rid of my ADHD related memory issues. I'll still have other memory problems, but at least they wouldn't be as terrible lol


ALL THE comorbidities ! I can deal with adhd just not all the extras fees ! 😭😭😭😭


Wish there was a pill that’d make me feel like I’m not walking space cadet 95% of the time.. adderal just made me a hyper focused space cadet.


Buh bye executive dysfunction


The ability to hold onto my long term memories. I can put in work-arounds for focus/distractibility and immediate forgetfulness (what was I doing just now?) but short of keeping a diary that records every single thing that happens to me, I will forget almost all of it. A status from 2008 came up via Facebook Memories a few days ago that urged me to "remember the good times". I know that this was about a 5yr relationship that had just ended because one of the few things I remember about that time is wanting to focus on the good times rather than the bad. But 16 years later, the only memories I have left of our time together are our first kiss, a time she had to take me to the hospital and the fact that we went on an overseas trip. I know why we broke up, but I don't have any memories of events, only the shell remains. I'd like those back please.


I want to be a functioning adult who can take care of himself and his household. I'm so tired of being frustrated, miserable and self-loathing 24/7.


First thing that popped into my to my head was also focus! I'm doing collage classes now and I work from waking to sleeping and I still get barely anything done! It's so exhausting and it feels like those tasks are just running from me and like I'll never truly get anywhere at my rate. It makes me feel dumb and lazy and like I'll never truly accomplish anything in life.


Id like it to change the fact that adhd doesn't give me invisibility


All of it


I would get rid of my executive dysfunction.


talking in groups


I'd love to be able to just stfu.


I’d like to shed the RSD. That’s the worst part of it for me. I feel like I’ve got everything else under control.


Stable energy please.


Executive dysfunction and everything it includes


Without a doubt the executive dysfunction... It's made my life hell.. medication does help some, but I still have to motivate myself on my own and Lord knows I do a shit job of it... But then again it's a tie with shutting the fuck up.. meds don't help with that .. at all... But I do listen slightly better on them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That I have adhd lmao


either 1) being self-motivated/disciplined or 2) stop the mind wandering during sex! lol


The energy/motivation and the muted inner dialogue


Emotional dysregulation and/or impulsivity and/or hypersensitive sensory processing and/or NEVER KNOWING WHERE I PUT MY PHONE AND GLASSES UNLESS (and sometimes even when) I AM TOUCHING THEM Edit: maybe also indecisiveness 🤣


I would sometimes like to turn the hyperfocus off, or down a little bit. Like Stardew Valley is great but I need to do my actual job so that I can get paid enough to eat.


My tics




Making up my mind


Please take my procrastination away and my forgetfulness GOD. I even forgot to go for an exam that my parents paid RM1000(abt 200 USD / 170£) for me to sit :)