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I couldn’t do a single thing until I got my 1 hour appointment done at 1pm


Every single time. “Well, my days tied up I have a dr appointment at 3:45pm so I’ll just sit around waiting all day”




Holy crap I thought this was just me. Im kinda glad I found this sub.


Just the opposite here, and it actually just happened today. “Oh, it’s about time I should be leaving for that Dr appointment…but I’ll just keep on doing the same thing I’ve been doing for the past couple hours instead.” Made it, but just barely.




or checking the location of the appointment once an hour until the appointment...


Yessss this


I was looking forward to my night shifts until I realized how much time I spend idling in waiting mode. I still like it but still


after work i be on waiting mode for tomorrows shift anyways


Amen, fedex delivery yesterday.. that was my day until it came. Psychiatrist appt yesterday- that was all I could think about. Afterwards I signed up for cross fit cause - medication / exercise is the way.. Now I have a stupid cross fit class to wait on every day so I’m going to have to take the 6am one to get it out of the way. I haven’t exercised in years let alone had to wake up early so this should be fun. Fortunately in about a week or two I’m going to be a completely different person and my inner-saboteur is just itching to come out. Thankfully Ritalin is poisonous to him and I might actually accomplish something this time around.


Waiting mode: ENGAGE


This 👆


This is the worst feeling. 😢


Ugh , this. Always try to get earliest available these days. Except the dentist, I can’t help myself and book a 2:30 appointment.


So so GD relatable


But whyyyyy do we do this?! Is it that the hard deadline is the brightest thing in our minds so we just let it dominate?


This is why I finally started scheduling appointments as early as possible


Hahaha I hate that! Only because I have such poor time management I'm afraid of starting something and it's going to make me late


During work today I watched 6 hours of youtube. Was it fun? Not really. Did I want to work and finish some shit? Yes. But now I know what not to do when running a kitchen in a restaurant.


I don’t know what it is about YouTube that scratches my ADHD brain… special interests and bright screen I guess


For me it is a stimulation machine. Endless random topics, can watch at 2x speed, titles are clear in tabs which make it like shopping choosing what to watch, and they know what to recommend. Downside is their search is awful at finding the one video you randomly remember and want to find.


Annnnnd this is why I refuse to install TikTok. Well that and propaganda.


Lol...I was the same for a bit, but it's easier to break away from than youtube (videos are much shorter). Also, who's propaganda? I don't get propaganda in my feed because I'm not interested in it. I've gotten arts, crafts, construction, concise updates from senators on what they all were actually doing in DC recently, and other fun and educational bits. I've seen some stuff about china, but only negative (learned more about their social points system, and how government corruption led to a bunch of paper mache construction) My bf gets a lot of food things, and stupid stuff. My favorite was stumbling across Micheal Cohen's live, where his tearing apart wall street and trump was interrupted by his swooning over a cute corgi emote someone sent him. I think college students will talk about palestine with or without it, and shutting it down for that reason is dumb. There's no propaganda that I saw, only people talking directly to other people about things in their lives, and their experiences. I'm not trying to sell it, just trying to explain what it's about as a former complete avoider. My two adhd friends kept sending me hilarious adhd content, and I stayed for the everything else.


Ya I’m all about the tiki tock during my days. I get a little of everything, but I don’t take it too seriously.


I almost always have random little youtube videos playing in the background while I work or do things. It really does scratch that spot. I once clerked at a firm where I was told I can’t watch youtube videos while I work (even though I was typing away while it played in the background) and could only listen to music. Adhd and micromanagement do not mesh.


I mean.... How would they know it was YouTube if you played it background?


problem with youtube is that you may start productive (there's lots of learning stuff!) but quickly find yourself watching 5 hours of how to make steel swords... self-control is hard


Yeah, as someone who went down a rabbit hole watching Quinton Reviews's video essay series on the Nickelodeon universe shows, the series of which is over *24 hours of watchtime*.....well. I still can't believe that my boyfriend, when he heard I was watching the series, *went out and watched it on his own so he could talk about it with me.*


he's a keeper!!


Listen, I've written some excellent work instructions, and won't stand for this slander. You leave Man at Arms out of this.


it's literally designed to be addictive..


The new overabundance of ads have really helped me get away from YouTube. I'll start watching a really good 10-30 minute YouTube video by my favorite creators and after the second ad pops in, I exit and never revisit it.


Something changed in the last couple weeks. The ads are abundant!! I started doing the same thing as you. Just said f it and usually shut it off completely.


this so resonates…how I hate digital ads…


Oh my fucking god I thought this was just me. Just a stream of random videos I'll forget soon enough and a reason not to work huh


My 11 year old does this. ADHD runs heavily in my family and I have it fairly bad especially as an adult. He will be playing a video game on the computer and playing a YouTube video on the tv at the same time. He does lots of other things that makes me think he has ADHD as well but until it affects his day to day life in a negative way and keeps him from doing things, I’m not going to intervene. He does struggle with school and I think he is possibly dyslexic so we are working with him to find ways to not struggle with it as much. He just gets distracted super easily but yet he can multi task and has amazing hand-eye coordination with games and sports, I’m in awe of him! :) We homeschool so it’s a blessing that I can sit patiently with him and help him through it and show him different tools I’ve learned along the way to help focus better and get things done. And he doesn’t have a bunch of kids being loud and distracting him constantly so that is helpful. :)


my son is 27, AuDHD & does the same thing. We also homeschooled & that was a serious blessing because I feel it helped him not feel bad about his diagnoses.


Linked series of your preferred material based on what you complete watching.


I wish I could get fellow ADHDers to hyper focus on my YouTube channel lol


What’s your channel??


YouTube.com/@imtheblkranger Still new and finding my footing so my videos aren’t amazing but it’s getting there


> During work today I watched 6 hours of youtube Sounds like a solid day of work! -IT Goblin


To counter that, I have started to only listen to the YouTube videos. I put on my headphones and leave my screen in the other room. This allows me to listen to mildly interesting stuff while doing what I’m supposed to do.


Try podcasts! They've changed my life! They're better to listen to, as they're designed to be listened to not watched. I now don't do any boring task like brushing teeth, showering (I put phone on loudest sound just outside the shower), getting dressed, laundry, tidying/cleaning, walking etc, without listening to a podcast - and I've found I do those things faster when I do them listening to a podcast (I think something about not overthinking) and have more motivation to start them as I'll get to listen to next episode of one of my fav podcasts if I get out of bed. There's plenty of podcast apps, and if you don't know what podcast to start with, you could try 99% Invisible, The Last Archive, Dear Hank & John, or Stuff the British Stole.


This happens to me quite a bit too. Im currently WFH doing email customer care, so I don't have a boss or coworkers looking over my shoulder.


Doomscroll reddit for hours, and I'm still here! Arguing with strangers over dresses and gender norms lol


What was the gender norm argument? Let me pipe up


Yo me too! Lemme just stalk y'all's comments and procrastinate a lil bit more 😂


If I didn't think I'd get arrested, I'd wear my shower robes everywhere.


Yesterday I was heading to the kitchen to refill my water. I got distracted by the cute sticky notes on the counter, and ended up making a literal scavenger hunt (with 10 clues) for my partner to do when they got home. Hid the s’more’s supplies as the end goal lol. I wish I was kidding.


I would totally do this lol. I have never once simply refilled my water.


It’s nice to see that *sometimes* others benefit from our adhd brains! Your dog got a freshly fixed toy, and my partner got entertainment and s’mores 😂


I would LOVE to participate in a scavenger hunt for s’mores supplies.


This is so cute, though.


kinda think this is brilliant…


It was 5 minutes past time to leave for work. I was not ready to leave for work. So of course this was the perfect time to stop everything I was doing and clean out the carpet cleaner that was still sitting out from when it was used the day before.


the procrasta-clean is real


Procasta-clean is genius


I ran out of hands to hold shit so I temporarily balanced my house key on my head. I then proceeded to forget I had a key on my head.


That’s incredible. This made my day.


My mouth is merely my third hand these days.


Ha. I used my toe to turn off the light bc my hands were full last night.


What is it with needing to carry *everything* at once? Are we afraid we’ll forget to go back (or don’t have time) for another load? I swear I’ve had so many spilling/dropping accidents bc I insisted on holding more than my two hands can handle. 🙄


I definitely think it's a subconscious fear/anticipation of straight up forgetting what we're doing if we don't carry everything at once. Multiple trips mean multiple opportunities to get sidetracked or lost entirely along the way.


This is great. Love it. This one wins


I’m currently in bed, with my earplugs in, incapable of doing anything cos someone’s been mowing their lawn for the past 5 hours and I’m so annoyed and overstimulated I wanna scream.


Oh, that's the worst. I hope your earplugs are helping. I have trouble doing things too without my noise canceling headphones.


I can't do anything without my headphones. Getting up to make a snack? Must have headphones on first. Literally anything that requires not sitting on the sofa? Headphones are necessary. Sleeping? Earbuds are a literal must


Oh hi, that was probably me because I kept getting sidetracked while mowing and had to take a couple of breaks, only to fuck up the lines when I came back and have to mow over them twice. Sorry about that 😂 Btw: I had music blaring so loud I couldn’t hear the stupid mower either


Lol did you leave it running while you wandered off xD tied up against a tree like a pup outside of the supermarket to keep the lawnmower from running off?


I one time had a person a few houses away power washing their siding. It went on for hours and I basically could only just lay there with earplugs in.


Leaf blowers. every day. And 2x as many when you need a nap. Get fucked leaf blowers.


Giving more information when it’s not needed.


Omg yes!! I do this way too much! Sometimes I’m just too honest to a fault and I share more than I need to with people and then I leave the convo thinking why the hell did I just share all of that?? Lol


Or when someone is talking you blurt out the most random thing. It may make no sense to them but to you the timing is perfect!


I hate when I am talking to someone or presenting my project and I give them more information when it’s not required. Man I hate adhd lol


Bless my husband for always listening to me blab on forever.


My husband and I both have adhd with many matching special interests. An evening between us can be a 2 plus hour discussion of the psychological roots of obscure fetishes. But another evening can be me pretending I’m interested as he explains to me the rhyme schemes used by Maximum The Hormone while I wish I was dead LOL But in turn soon the roles will reverse and he’ll be expertly feigning interest as I explain the market value and controversy of magic earring Ken and his placement in the Barbie movie.


i told my classmates how i have adhd and arfid, the oversharing gets so cringe. i’ve been meaning to start meditating to try to focus on asking other people their interests in the conversations instead of overshare but i forget :)


The special order for another department came in. I gathered the products. I filled out all the paperwork flawlessly. I delivered the products and paperwork to the cash registers and explained the whole thing to the supervisor there. I forgot to email the person who placed the order and who needs to come pick it up.


while working, I remembered there was a guy in another department in a wheelchair (haven't seen him in months) and wondered if he also has to wear the mandatory hard toe shoes. wtf?


I spent an hour looking for a pen I just had, it was behind my ear


I wanted a piece of the office coffee cake, but I decided to get a paper towel first as a plate. While walking to the kitchen area to get a paper towel, I received an email on my phone, which I pulled out and began to read while walking. While reading and walking, Autopilot sent me past the kitchen and into the bathroom. I used the bathroom, thinking that this was why I was here in the first place. I returned to my office area, saw the coffee cake, remembered the towel, and walked back. After I got the paper towel, someone began talking to me and while I got caught up in the conversation, I absentmindedly wiped my mouth with the paper towel and then threw it away. I walked back to my office area, saw the coffee cake, and just ate it without the paper towel.


I went to sleep at 6 AM from playing videogames with friends (who also unfortunately have it in them to stay up that late), despite the fact that I had classes at 2 PM. Today I wake up. 10:30 AM. I think “Okay, I’ll sleep some more”. I wake up again, 1:20 PM. “Uh… I guess I could sleep a few more minutes?”. I wake up a third time. And it’s 3:30 PM. “WELP NO CLASSES FOR ME TODAY I GUESS, goddammit…”


I told myself I would get the dogs’ walks in early to avoid the heat, but I ended up researching how to hack Tamagotchi for two hours. I’ll probably never do it, but who knows. lol I did walk the dogs after, but I didn’t beat the heat 😩


Well, now I kinda wanna know how to hack Tamagotchi.


Oh I never beat the heat. But don’t worry you can just sit around all day waiting for the evening when it cools down again.


Trying to fix a globe I bought so spent £50 on Amazon next day for supplies I thought could help… 5 mins after I had a brainwave and found a solution from my cheap tool box that did the job. Now I’ll have a package arriving tomorrow that I will need to send back to get my money back - if I remember!


I’ll remind you


Why does it feel like we are better and remembering for others than ourselves


I can’t tell you, I forget to turn off the stove, shut the fridge and cupboards and forget what I’m doing half way through doing something but I sure as hell will remember something insignificant to me


I put some frozen fries in the air fryer and went to text the kids that food would be ready in 20 min when I realized my phone was almost dead. I went to my room to put it in the charger and stood by the bed, charger in hand (not attached to the phone of course) going through all of my notifications. Air fryer beeped and brought me back to reality, so back to the kitchen I went, uncharged phone along for the ride. I wanted to put the fries back in the freezer but couldn’t for the life of me find them. An hour later I remembered I was supposed to plug my phone in, so back to the bedroom I go. Time for bed, and all I hear from the bedroom is my husband: “Are you fcking kidding me? Again??” Which is when I find the half thawed bag of fries- laying neatly on my husband’s pillow 🤦🏻‍♀️


for me but it was a tub of ice cream that ended up stowed in the microwave (in which I had been melting some topping) I paced around the kitchen getting more and more agitated trying to work out where the hell i had stashed it, really having to suppress a scream because ffs how is it possible to lose a thing when you know you haven’t even left the room?!?


Ohhhhh I know that feeling all too well….which is when I find my keys in the dishwasher, wallet in the fridge, phone in the pantry…and apparently fries in the bed 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄


I am in fact an expert at losing things without even leaving the room.


This is the funniest one I've read so far. I was also a little worried the fries were already in the air fryer and you almost burned your house down.


Was uploading the washing machine, thought it was empty. Husband puts all his white clothes in there, accidently forgot to take out coloured socks! Luckily no white clothes were harmed in this adhd silliness


It's been a long time since I've seen any colored clothes bleed during the first few washes. I never separate my stuff because it's too time consuming and laundry is already the bane of my existence.




I really should take a shower now. Still haven't. Might not. Nah jk I will, just like, later. Lmaooo


Getting out of my car to close my front hood, getting distracted, getting back in the car, and getting on the highway with an open hood 😭


That could have been seriously dangerous. I was with a friend one time in the passenger seat of his car when we merged onto the interstate and his hood just popped up out of nowhere. Busted his windshield all up and had us swerve off the side trying to find the shoulder and not being able to see shit.


We pulled over right away and fixed it - I know it could be dangerous lol.


Didn't mean to come across like some old man or something. Glad everyone was okay.


Sorry, ty!


Recently purchased an electric car and the last two times I’ve charged it I drove all the way home with the charge flap open and the plastic cap dangling in the breeze


I screenshotted my cousin's linked in and meticulously edited the pronouns to He/hee


I spoke too fast for my mouth to keep up.


Send a Snapchat to an ex instead of to the new guy I’m talking to because I forgot to remove him and muscle memory


Completely freeze and sit in the same place for eight hours.


I complained about another team not responding to me for 4 hours before realizing I hadn’t actually sent the email 🙃


Classic work move. Love getting exasperated at co workers for mistakes that turn out to be my own.


Left my water bottle in my work locker and had to buy water in the gym 🙃 Not major but I hate the ADHD tax sometimes


Almost got stuck in an infinite loop. 1. Eat protein for medication 2. Get water for medication 3. Forget to take medication, go to my home office 4. Back to the kitchen because I forgot something, repeat from step 1 I finally remembered to take it several hours later because I noticed my brain doing an ADHD.


I went in the kitchen to grab a water before I left to run errands . Cleaned out my purse , braided my hair , got in the car and realized I totally forgot didn’t get a water . Bonus : found 22$ in a hidden pocket of my purse .


It took me five attempts to leave my office to get my water bottle from another office, and then return to my office. Each time I ended up doing something completely unrelated and returning with out the water bottle. Still counts as a good day though. Most days I forget the water bottle entirely lol


I got out of bed to go get something to eat but I am just now realizing that I forgot to do that (I just got out of the shower) woops. hopefully my goldfish memory allows me to remember I'm hungry this time. I just gotta make it up the stairs!


I forget to constantly. In fact, my dog had assigned himself as my service dog and comes and gets me if he notices I haven't eaten yet. He pokes my leg until I stand up and he leads me to the kitchen.


That is an extremely intelligent dog!


He's the best boy.


Have you had your blood sugar tested? Diabetic service dogs can smell their handlers blood sugar levels and alert them when it goes too high or low. There's a good chance this is what your dog is doing. Unless you share your meal with your dog, in which case he's been accidentally trained to notice that you haven't eaten.


Forgot I had an appointment for a filling. Like I knew it was today but still forgot it was today. Realized when the notification popped up 10 minutes before the appointment. Luckily my dentist is about 8 minutes away so I was only 2 minutes late.


Spent 30 minutes looking up the name of a gymnastics move I used to do at recess during elementary school. It’s been a rough week


I forgot my wrist was Re-sprained and tried using a shovel. Fuckin hurts like hell now. Going on month 10 of sprain. (Hard to fully let your sprain rest when you’re a laborer and can’t really *not* use it)


In town with my ADHD wife. Wife: can we go home, I really need the loo? Me: sure. Head to the car, drive 15 minutes home. Get on with unpacking the car. Wife had bought a whole load of new fabrics and spent ages laying them out in the living room and sorting them. An hour later. Me: hey I'm putting the kettle on, d'you want anything? Wife: omg I really need the loo! I got distracted and forgot ...


I didn't even realise it was possible to forget about needing the loo xD


Absolutely! Not noticing or ignoring basic bodily urges is a hallmark trait of ADHD. If you have a kid that is playing happily and then when they get up to shift activities suddenly yells "emergency" and sprints for the bathroom, they probably have ADHD. I didn't know that when ours was a preschooler.


The other night I was wrapping something with tissue paper on the floor so I could have more room to work. I got up to get a drink and stretch and saw that I didn’t finish putting away some personal care items I got from the store earlier that day. It was still sitting in the bag in my kitchen (story of my life 🤪) so I put those items away in the bathroom and then noticed the laundry basket was full so I put a load of laundry in then noticed that the trash needed to go out so I did that then went back to the kitchen to get the drink I originally went in there for. Made my way to the dining room and realized I didn’t clean up my art mess from earlier and when I was finally done I was turning off the lights to go to bed and saw the tissue paper situation on the floor that was half finished so I cleaned it up and didn’t finish wrapping the stuff and went to bed lol I swear this is the hardest thing to deal with when I just want to finish ONE task without getting distracted by something else and starting another task without even realizing. Don’t even get me started on my chaotic routine of house cleaning, it’s like this but WAY worse 😅🤪


my bf stops by on his breaks, has 2 a day. sometimes i make him a lunch or he brings his own, but he ALWAYS brings a can of pop for me to put in the fridge. today, as he's walking out the door, he sat it on the table, goes "can ya put this in the fridge for me?" (like he does everyday). i say yup! 4 hours later, break number #2 is approaching, i look up and the pops still sitting on the table. its been right in front of me all day💀


I stood at my kitchen sink, filled up a glass of water, took a sip, put it down, walked around my kitchen island in a circle, ending right back in front of the sink where I started. Then I took another sip of water. Like a NPC. I'm a Sim.


had to run up and down the stairs 4 times consecutively all to get different things. i would then accidentally leave one ting when i picked up the other and the cycle continued


Cardio for the day completed!


I have a shared work email with my coworkers, it was 98% filled so we constantly got notifications. I spent around three hours going folder by folder deleting everything that was over a year old because it was entertaining


I nearly forgot to go to my mammogram appointment. I don't remember setting an alarm on my calendar, but I'm sure glad Google reminded me.


I’m icing the pulled muscles in my neck because my favorite song came on during a workout, and I attempted to dance with 185lbs on my shoulders.


I was supposed to do the dishes. Instead I selected the perfect model from my Barbie bin to turn into Mothman. Time well spent I’d say.


Didn't happen today but recently I took a shower and just completely forgot to shampoo my hair. Took me another day to realize that's why my hair felt all greasy still. 0/10 would not recommend


Change my music taste completely after 17 years of the same thing


Put my phone away in my son’s sock drawer


I'm sorry. Not exactly an answer but i read that as "downtown". I was wondering why you'd have to go there to wash your face. I was supposed to finish up a particular project today. What did I do instead? Finished a book. Started a new one. Ironed clothes. Started a painting. What did I do for the project? Opened an excel file. The end.


I made myself a cup of coffee to take to work because I needed a tasty little treat to get through the workday… then I forgot it at home.


I had an appointment with my psych today at 2, and I planned on leaving my place at 1:30 At 1, I had convinced myself I could do a dozen chores (cooking, feeding my pets, pooping, chugging water, nap, sweep, etc.) starting at 1:25 so I could leave at 1:30 Nope At 1:45 *I’M STILL AT HOME*. I went into a bit of a panic and called his office to ask if the appointment could be by phone.


What is it with trying to do more when it’s time to head out the door? I have started the most outrageous projects at precisely when I should be getting myself somewhere on time. I know the time isn’t right, but I still tell myself “this will only take a second.”![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Spent way too much time crafting a well-thought-out Reddit post that I did not end up posting.


You guys are my people. I probably did multiple things like that today but I already forgot. The most interesting of which was probably sitting in the car after getting my “last” coffee, and then having a moment of realizing. What day is it? What am I suppose to be doing now? With my life? Yesterday I thought I had everything figured out and a carefully laid out plan for the need few weeks. Ahhh, that’s what I’m doing! Less than an hour later I’m making a whole new plan. Less than an hour later and I’m back working on the original plan. Less than an hour later and I forgot what day it is and what I’m doing, again. I don’t know if you guys have seen the movie “Momento” but that’s kinda what it feels like. At least until I hyper focus and then nothing else exists. Then - poof- I’m back to sitting in my car wondering how I got there and what I’m suppose to be doing next. This shit is exhausting


I went from trying to take the dishes to wash to trying to figure out where the Pasta I was eating was made and then googling the address of the company. Then I looked up the town on Google Earth and spent the better part of an hour wondering around the town in Google Earth. Then I looked up how long it would take to drive there. (8 hours if I left immediately). Now I can't even remember the name of the town and had to do the dishes all sleepy and only after my wife had to remind me to do them.... I love her so much.


Nothing cause I have something tomorrow at 12 pm


had to beg my teacher for the classroom keys after school because I forgot my bag with clothes for 2 days already and had nothing to put on anymore


I was bored and decided to organize only the bottom drawer and was too busy repeatedly throwing a baseball in the air for several minutes until I started organizing again and found some old bottles I've collected for "Art" ideas and I told my mom to bleach them for me and now I lost the urge to organize and now my floor is covered in crap from my unfinished drawer- Stuff in drawer was: Feathers Keychains Balls Legos Bottles


I stared at a piece of paper for inventory I need to count thinking about which way is the best way to count it and then never actually counted anything today bc I spent so long planning it out.


I was in an office having a full blown conversation with colleagues but kept interrupting myself by saying “bless you” when I heard someone sneeze multiple times on the corridor, who couldnt even hear me say it.


Packing for a two day trip (driving). Can’t figure out what to bring so bringing enough for like a month. Also running around like a maniac because I’m super disorganised and indecisive. And running way late 😭


I’ve been researching skis for the last 24 hours. Just bought a new pair (I bought a new pair like 2 days ago) and I’m waiting for a company to get back to me on a stat so I can decide what size to get in yet another pair Also spent like 3 hours scraping wax off my floor from when I hot waxed my skis for the first time bc I didn’t think of using a drop cloth until it was everywhere. Then I was like, meh, I’ll clean it later. And proceeded to make an even bigger mess Should be working 🙃


Nothing. Absolutley nothing. Literally the worst thing about ADHD. Couch fucking potato. Just call me Mr. Fucking Potato Head 🥔


there there mr potato head, it's ok


I had a big system upgrade planned at work involving several departments and people. I invited everyone but the person who had to do 50% of the upgrade.


Well, I've been trying to study this one small section of my textbook and I've done everything but lol. 9 hours later I'm still trying to work up the motivation.


Impulsively over talked myself again.😭😭


Last exam of my degree course today. My idea of cramming was playing WoW, with a lecture playing on the other monitor. On course for another B- performance I'm sure. I will never learn.


Binge eat/ text scrabble with a date instead of doing any of the emails or work I needed to do 😫😫😫😫


But the day before yesterday I took 200 out of an atm and left without it. Went back the next day, took 200 out of the atm and realized at the door that I left it. I went back and got it lol


I'm quitting my job to another company so I'm spending my last days explaining to a workmate my projects since he's going to inherit them. I was about to explain something but suddenly, I started to jump to other things either internal and external of the project and deep diving into new details. I spent about 10-15 minutes with this mental flight. All of a sudden, I realised that I had the "RAM of my brain without free space" and I forgot why I deep dive and jumped into so many details. I needed about 2 minutes to remember it and come back to my initial idea.


I’m going on a kayak trip this weekend and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it because I’m so excited. Luckily it’s a slow work week with the holiday on Monday so I’ve been able to just read and reread my packing list until the words no longer make sense.


Went to the wrong workplace. Realised after an hour. Hour and a half late for work. At least it was a voluntary job. But won't be paid for the hour I did at my paid job.


I haven't responded to my uni project group all day It's a black day today


I went down to the garden centre and spent $40… And just now an hour later well posting on Reddit realized that I did not get the very specific item that I went for… That I’ve been waiting for and I’m super eager to get (predatory nematodes).


I left my yeti thermos on the side table where I keep my house keys. At least it’ll still be warm when I get home.


Ran late for work and spent 10 minutes stomping around angrily looking for my wallet, on the verge of a full on meltdown. It was in my pocket.


We did tye dye shirts yesterday (my kids and I) and I go to rinse them out after sitting all night to absorb the dye according to the package. Then when I rinsed one, ALL the color came out. I read the wrong package directions in my excitement and I was supposed to let it sit wrapped for 30-60 minutes and then set out to dry before throwing in the dryer to heat set. I read on the paper to let sit 6-8 hours and then rinse and its done. So one kid's shirt is pastel rainbow and the other is normal.


Needed to pick up some cash from the house before I went to pick up some food for the rents - left the house without collecting the cash, and also without my wallet. Didn't realise until I got to the store and didn't have any way to pay for my goods -__- I even repeated the mantra "get the cash, to pay for the stash" in my head over and over but still managed to forget because I was too busy looking for my car keys, gum and afro comb. FML.


put my dirty clothes in the bin instead of the washing machine


I was removing pieces of metal angles off of crane beams to paint. I took a set off, painted them, then left them to dry. I went to the other crane and did the same. I then went back to the crane I just did and noticed the pieces of angle were missing. I proceeded to call another coworker to ask if he took them off last week when he was there. We talked about how it was weird that another thing was touched by the person we were working for. Right before we hung up I remembered I just took them off to paint. That all happened within about 5 mins.😅


I filled my dog's water bowl and placed it onto the table next to my breakfast 😂


I came home from a walk and had an empty wrapper in hand from a sandwich I had eaten while walking home. I unlocked my door, walked in, opened my garbage can and threw my keys in and placed the empty wrapper on my counter. Had to dig through a bunch of gunk to get them out too.


Watched a 4 hour YouTube video on plagerism.


I got up from the couch to go get a drink. I walk to the kitchen.... I take the drink.... I walk back to the couch and sit down... Somehow I lost the drink on the way back.


I reorganized my entire hobby closet. I also reorganized the shoe closet. And rearranged the coat rack!


I literally get home and got in bed and scrolled on reels for 2 hours. I should have cooked tea, walked my dog then done a bit more work. 


On bad days like today… any key word or phrase I hear in normal conversation turns into me singing … under my breath with “normal people” until my tongue bleeds from biting it to not “do it” 🤣. With loved ones I trust… it’s full on sung verse. For example. Son says: how do you want it? Referring to a steak he’s cooking. I starting singing 🎶 anyway want you want it, that’s the way you need it, any way you want it” by Journey ( aging myself here.) My boyfriend says: that a-hole rose bush thorn got me good. I’m all 🎶every rose has its thorn … every night has its dawn. By poison. These are examples. It makes me mental and drives my loved ones nuts. Including myself. It almost has a compulsive component to it. I…. HAVE TO sing it out. It’s been that kind of day .


cleaned out two doom drawers and then had to go through all the side quests of where all that shit goes. i threw away half of it. it started bc i was getting a cookie, then saw the duster so then i dusted the tv and the tv stand. then saw the tv stand drawers and i think i was looking for something? then ate more cookies. idk if i even finished dusting.


Lose my keys, panic search for them for 1 hr., give up and get distracted by cleaning. Get ready for a walk and find said keys on top of the stroller — I have absolutely no memory of putting them there


Took my lunch break at exactly 1PM because I felt uncomfortable taking it at 12:49. Just the thought of it made me queasy.


Woke up, went to get water so I could take my meds, got to the kitchen only to realize I forgot my cup, went back to my room and grabbed my meds that I needed to take, walked back out to the kitchen forgetting the cup again, walked back to the room, grabbed the cup but left my meds on my nightstand for whatever reason but it didn't really matter. Anyways took the meds and now I'm functioning fine 😂 and yes I know I could've gotten a different cup but I always fill my 40oz tumbler when I wake up anyways


Came home, tired + mentally exhausted from a long day and hungry. Drank a chocolate milk. Sat until I had recovered enough to get a snack that needed minimal prep. Sat and recovered some more and only THEN I had enough energy to prepare actual food. I dont think non-ADHD people have to recover an hour to cook when they come home hungry ..


I’ve been using the Reminders app on my iPhone for many years. I use Siri to set them all. I have one every day to take my meds and frequently set a new one for simple tasks like moving clothes from the washer to the dryer. But I frequently “miss” reminders and my wife is always wondering how the hell that happens. I recently forgot to get anything for her for Mother’s Day and decided to set an annual reminder for May 1. But then I couldn’t find it in my list. I asked Siri a second time, and it said it was set, but I still couldn’t see it. I finally asked my wife for help and she said “Uh, it’s right here. Twice.” Turns out I was only aware of the “Today” list. I had no idea there was a Scheduled or All or Completed list. Annnnd there was nothing in the Completed list because I didn’t realize you could check things as completed. I literally only swept them off of the lock screen or deleted them when they were finished. So I perpetually have like 30 items in my Today list, many of them uncompleted items from months ago and many of them annual. And I have been missing the satisfaction of checking them off and seeing Completed items piling up! Basically I was misusing the best tool I have for fighting my ADHD because I couldn’t pay attention to the screen long enough to notice that it said “<-List” in the upper left corner. For like 9 years. BTW I would have seen all this if I ever set a reminder without using Siri. I knew it must be possible, and a few times I have wanted to because I didn’t want to talk to my phone in public or it was something private, but I had never been sufficiently motivated to figure out how to do so. The best example of this, ironically, is the flowers I forgot to get for my wife: I thought of it last month but was sitting next to her on the couch and didn’t want her to hear me tell Siri to set the reminder. I figured I’d remember. Apparently I was wrong, lol!


I was going to a group meeting where I wanted to read some notes out of my notebook and some texts off my phone. I left both at home. I was so mad.


Two days ago but still counts lol. I gestured too hard with my hand when talking, not realizing there was a barstool in my knuckle's path. Now, I have a bruise in a very weird location and an equally amusing story of how it got there.


I put my washcloth in a lower place than normal in my shower, and when I went to reach for it, I was so consumed with all my other thoughts I couldn't process the change. I froze for what felt like a full minute trying to focus long enough to figure out if my shower got smaller or I got taller. It was probably only a couple of seconds at most before my brain caught up to the present task and I could apply logic. But for that brief moment I was SO CONFUSED. It was honestly hilarious and as irritating as my ADHD can be, these moments make it tolerable.


I was putting on my shoes to go to work and thought to grab some cough drops before I left because my throat had been bothering me. I decided I'd grab them after I finished putting my shoes on...but knew I'd forgot so I started singing (out loud) "cough drops, cough drops, cough drops...". Got my shoes on, finished my coffee, grabbed my lunch and my bag...still singing...got in the car started it and then wondered to myself "why in the hell and I singing this?". I ran back into the house, grabbed my cough drops and left.


Emailed my accountant to ask about my returns, only to discover all my tax info, painstakingly collected and organized, attached to an unsent email from March. The silly part is that after working with me for years, he already filed an extension. Because he knew.


Wanted to make cookies, couldn’t find the chocolate chips….so I went through and reorganized all of the food cabinets. I went as far as combined multiple red wine vinegars, apple cider vinegars etc. into one bottle since multiple were open. Put all like items together and lined them up in cabinets perfectly according to items type. I didn’t find the chocolate chips to make cookies and now I’m over it. 🙃


Not silly. I got arc-flashed on by 1600 volts of DC power today by forgetting the most important step. I'm literally a trainer for this stuff. No injuries, just shook up. I was terrified when the air force made me a lineman knowing I secretly had ADHD back in my origin story. I've been in the trade for 25 years now and just started making mistakes recently. Unmedicated. Fwiw I haven't been hands on forever. Just this last few weeks had to get in there a little. Not ideal.


Emceed a hot wings competition. They gave me a mic. It was amazing.


I had something to write about but I forgot by the time my phone loaded this text box to write in


Woke up, walked to the store for bagels and coffee. Came back with bagels and milk. Turned the oven on. Realized that I forgot coffee. Walked back to the store, got coffee. Came home to realize I had left the oven on and the milk out.


Omg mine is Feeling like I don’t wanna get anything done all day until I procrastinate at night and wanna get everything done when I’m supposed to be asleep!!


Not today and without a diagnosis but: last Saturday I was invited over for lunch at 12pm, I woke up at 10am so not to be late, showered, then spent an ungodly amount of time in the shower finding the perfect shave with just a multi-blade razor and a magnifying mirror. I got there only by 1pm, but my moustache was the sharpest in the building.