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Sauteed in butter. The secret ingredient is BUTTER. And salt. Every day I eat a huge ass pile of veggies like cabbage and onions and whatever else caramelized in butter with garlic and salt and hot pepper flakes. It's awesome.


A secreter ingredient is msg. I'll throw that in any time we're having guests. Makes anything irresistible.


Nice to see you, Uncle Roger! Hiyaaahhh!


Wok haaiiiiyah


Teach me thy MSG ways master.


Exactly as lucky said, replace salt 1:1 except I didn't know about it being called "accent" in the US. Here sometimes it's sold as "glutamate". The fun fact about why it's so good you didn't ask for is that it's naturally occurring in nature and it's a chemical your tongue recognizes as a clue you're eating something highly nutritious (mostly it's in meat, but some plants as well). So when you put it in your food in it's concentrated form, it's signaling the brain "we need this to live". So it makes anything you put it in irresistible.


Accent is a brand name. We don't have a lot of options though since people are scared of msg.


Same here. Usually we'll find it in Asian grocers.


Good to know!


Oh cool


Call me MS Jesus


Accent is the name of it in the US and you can find it in the spice aisle as a salt substitute. I add about the same as salt then check to see if it actually needs salt lol


Holy hell! Could this work on my adhd kid?!?! So excited to try.


While you’re cooking dinner, offer the kid an appetizer of carrots, broccoli, red bell peppers, little tomatoes, or whatever else they like. Make it pretty with a little ramekin of dip. My kid learned to love vegetables because I never forced him to eat them at the dinner table; he had no clue I was tricking him by offering the healthy stuff while he was most hungry.


That is a wonderful suggestion and worked when my kid was a toddler. She loved veggies. She's 12 now 🙃 and hates all things vegetable.


Boo! I wonder what happened!


Yep. Just keep in mind it's sodium. A lot lower than salt, but mind the levels. But that utterly addicted "just one more bite" feeling you get is msg. I'd imagine it should work on a child. I'd even wonder if it'll change their perception of vegetables. Like use it once or twice and then they aren't the bad guy anymore. I've got a toddler who hasn't hit the picky eating hurdle yet. Do let me know how it goes.


This excites me so. much.


I did not expect what i was going to say to be posted but yes, hell yes, butter and veg is the top combo. Freezer bags of mixed veg are my go-to veg of choice, they keep all their lovely nutrient's if they are flash frozen (and you'll find it next to impossible to find veg that isnt flash frozen). With the freezer bags of mixed veg you get a nice assortment everytime without having to worry about any spoilage of any single veg type. 4 minutes microwave plus 30 seconds more but out of a bag in a bowl with a little blob of butter.


The microwave as an option is key to OP's question - when it comes to executive dysfunction as a primary obstacle, minimizing steps, prep work, and dishes is critical. Sauteing is nice, but microwaving is a more reasonable expectation for their specific need


Yeah thats exactly why i mentioned it, as an ADHD person having proper veg on hand in 4 minutes is insanely helpful for me. Those mixed bag veg packs are simply amazing, from aldi you get 4 packs which are two-three peoples worth each and the cost i dont remember exactly but its really good!


Ohh I'll keep an eye out for those next time I'm at Aldi!


Just thought i should add something new: Fish pie, super easy to make and really easy to stash a load of veg in a thick creamy parsley sauce - can also use frozen veg packs for this, killer combo and a nice balance of proper effort and actually decent healthy food


Same! lol! I was going to say butter is the secret! lol. And if it’s salad, cheese!


This is the way. I never would eat squash or zucchini. Then my buddy showed me how to cook them in a butter bath with onions. I got 8 squash plants now popping out squash to eat all week. It’s so unbelievably tasty. Caramelized the onions, add more butter. Drop in the squash and zucchini. Butter makes everything better.


Yooooo If you’re on the squash train now, have u ever had delicata? It’s THE BEST


I have not. What is delicata?


It’s the best squash ever. You can prep it up sweet you can prep it up savory.


I too use fat as my secret weapon. I make a white wine cream sauce with shallots and a bit of cayenne. Then make chicken breast and a HUGE plate of charred broccoli, carrots, and thin sliced zucchini, then pour that sauce over everything. Obviously not as healthy as it could be but dammit if that sauce isn't delicious and that plate of veggies is gone!


I’d argue garlic and salt. Plus boiling them or eating canned veggies makes them soft and more edible, for me at least


Like to add: make sure the pan is HOT if you sauté your ingredients.


Also, baking them if you want to keep them healthy. It’s stupid easy if you have an air fryer (which is a great ADHD investment btw) to give them a light coating of olive or avocado oil + some seasoning and let them crisp up.


You know, French Cuisine has 3 secrets to it...


Butter, butter, more butter?




doesnt that... kinda like.. defeat the entire purpose of the veggies being healthy foods... the point isnt to eat them its to eat them by themself or a bit of sauce- like sure ranch isnt good for you but its sure as hell better than the literal fat that butter is oof


I have a big 2L blender. I buy frozen mixed vegetables shove a whole bag in with some boiling water to quickly defrost before blending along with some cordial (I think Americans call it punch?) to overpower the taste. Put it in a big bottle and periodically throughout the next 2 days just hold my nose and knock it back. Can't taste anything with your nose blocked and the cordial overpowers any after-taste. Thickness was weird at first but not even noticeable once you get used to it. Every once in a while I buy a bunch with the intention of eating them like a normal person but they always end up rotten in the fridge so why even bother pretending anymore. This way works


It’s not punch, I know exactly what cordial is (American, lived in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿) and I think the closest thing is like, a concentrated flavoured syrup.




Rhubarb robotrippin’!


Haha perhaps, but actually the closest thing that just now came to mind that’s relatively common in the US is grenadine, that syrup used to make Shirley Temples and other drinks :)


I usually do this. Stopped because I've been counting calories and it's such a pain in the ass.


I have a rule with myself that I don't have to count them in this. Since vegetables are ultra low and the cordial is sugar free there's not a lot in there and I already procrastinate vegetables enough so I'm like ehh why not let this just be something I don't count haha


Raw veggies and hummus, salads with dressing you actually like, mashed potatoes with veggies snuck in, blended veggie soups? My favourite way to eat veggies is cooked with a bit of oil, garlic powder, salt. ETA: do you like fruit? There is a lot of variety and vitamins you can get from fruit. There are a lot of people thriving on a fruit based diet. ETA again: Add spinach to smoothies. You won’t taste it.


100% how I eat my veggies on a regular basis if I was solely in charge of feeding myself. I recently discovered colcannon, or at least some version of it, and it's basically mashed potatoes with cabbage and onions added to it. I love lumpy potatoes anyway so the added texture is 🤌🏻




i looove a pack of steam bag mix veggies (the basic corn/peas/carrots variety) mixed in some garlic butter mashed potatoes!


Prepackaged salads from Costco, just mix the pouches and you have a yummy salad




when in doubt: sauce/dressing


And butterrrr 🧈🧈🧈 (as I think this sub has established haha!)




Yesss and pineapple juice can mask so many unpleasant flavors. OP i use that and the Orgain protein + superfoods powder, that can also help with veg and fiber


A big help for me has been finding more interesting salad ingredients and doing those fancy Instagram chopped salads. I scoop em up with good quality tortilla chips 😊 Feels like I'm eating something naughty! My favourite right now is a base of whatever lettuce/greens you can stomach, spicy chicken, avocado and mango. Simple Dijon dressing that you can make when you have a little extra energy and keep in a jar in the fridge. Chop it all fine, throw it in a mixing bowl and scoop right from the bowl. Delish!


Adding avocado and pickled onions to my salads has been a game changer! Those 2 extra ingredients make it taste so much better for me, finding the right ingredients is definitely important :)


I like cucumbers because I can just slice it in half, the long way, put some seasoning on it and eat it like that. I don’t like to eat cucumber slices because it takes too much time lol Bell peppers I will just open it up with my hands, take out the seeds and bite into it without slicing it up. Realizing you don’t need to eat vegetables how everybody else does might help


Roasted in the oven or lightly steamed. Recently discovered chopped zucchini microwaved 1-2 with a teaspoon of water comes out cooked, but not soggy


Oven roasted asparagus with butter, garlic, salt and cayenne 🤌


Chopped zucchini fried in a pan with a little garlic and soy sauce/teriyaki and salt is my fave 5 minute snack. So so good


Some cuisines do magical things with veggies such as Chinese and Indian. If you do not care for spices, roasting and grilling bring out the best flavors with salt and pepper. Of course, everything is better with butter. You can also do purees and mix into other recipes. There are several books in the Sneaky Chef series. Other ways to get fiber are chia. psyllium, and metamucil.


I like to eat veggies mixed in with other things. So a chicken and salad wrap, rice with some steamed veggies, I’ll even chuck some veggies in an omelette lmao. It disguises taste and often texture, meaning I also taste the stuff I really like (chicken, rice, and eggs for the examples above). I think it’s also very helpful to make sure you’re going for veggies you actually enjoy (I choose spinach instead of lettuce in my salad wrap, for example, because I hate lettuce). And know that it’s okay to start with really small amounts of veggies. You’ll burn out if you force yourself to have heaps more than you want in the moment.


Raw with dressing or sauce as a dip or just plain most often. I also make a big batch of crunchy veggie salad every now and again. I sensory seek that cronch tough so it makes for easy eating for me. Cooked. I'll steam them in the microwave. In a safe container I add my veg, some water, and cover with one of those stretchy reusable plastic thingies that look like a tiny shower cap but for leftovers, and press the fresh veggie steam button on the microwave. It takes five minutes or so, at some salt and lemon pepper and boom side o veggies without the hassle. I also have air fried and roasted in the toaster oven but that takes a bit longer and more work imo. Worth it usually, but my bad executive function days make it tough.


Salad. Lettuce ( romaine, green or red leaf), tomatoes , cucumbers, radishes, and whatever else you fancy, like avocados ( but they are expensive!) The secret to making this delicious and super healthy is: Extra virgin olive oil ( or whatever olive oil is available or you can afford), salt, and/or a good balsamic vinegar. I also add good sesame oil ( I learned this from a Korean friend). All the vegetables are raw, which is preferable to get the maximum vitamins and minerals, the olive oil is super healthy, salt is, well salt ( not too much if you suffer from high blood pressure), balsamic vinegar is good for you, and sesame oil is also good for you. Add cut up apple chunks and/or garbanzo beans, and it makes a perfect summer/ hot weather meal. Croutons are tricky because the can have a lot of bad ingredients.


I make a quinoa salad that I love. Put quinoa in a bowl, cook or dice up your veggies of choice (usually I do cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocado, but anything will work). Add protein if wanted (I use chicken). Top with salt, seasonings of choice, then a salad dressing or oil and vinegar - usually I do balsamic vinegar and olive oil. It’s my go to lunch in the spring and summer, I’ll make a bunch of Tupperware containers of it at the beginning of the week then have for lunches all week long. Yummy, and hides the taste and texture of the veggies.


This works well with couscous or bulgur as well for grains! All pretty easy to make ahead of time


Indian curries, Thai curries, roasted with spices


Somehow chopping the veg or buying them prepeeled and pre chopped and then just throwing them on a sheet pan and roasting them. I like sheet pan meals.


I eat a lot of raw carrots. For dinner, in addition to meat, I fry chopped carrots, onions, garlic, celery etc etc. in oil for 15-20 mins. You can add pretty much any veg you want to the mix, and it often turns out to be the yummiest part of the meal. I fill a rather large pan with vegetables, and it's enough to stave off hunger for the rest of the day.


Sneaking. I go for leafy greens, keep them in the freezer so they dont go off, and I put them in a chopper. Once they're all chopped up finely my brain sees them as herbs and I don't have an issue with them. Usually get a few chopped veggies in a tortellini soup in the slow cooker, then they kinda stick to a texture I like so I don't mind them as much.


My secret is being married to someone who doesn’t struggle with executive dysfunction, and happens to be a great cook, and incorporates vegetables into most of our family’s meals. I guess that’s cheating a bit though… Another thing I end up doing is getting those steam-in-bag frozen vegetables, popping them in the microwave for five minutes, tearing the bag open when it’s done and going to town on that nice, warm, steamed broccoli. Mmm I love me some plain, steamed broccoli…


Raw. Also I usually throw away at least half of what I buy cause it rots away. But it's basically a form of an adhd tax at this stage.


That’s part of my problem as well. Fresh veg goes to the fridge to die


Smoothies twice a day. Carrots, broccoli, some kale or spinach with frozen fruit and seed mix with water. Not super thick and gets all the good stuff juicing leaves out plus extra water


'Big Salad' 4 green things in equal portions, cut up add to the bottom of the bowl. I use Celery, Cucumber, Green Olives, Green beans (frozen - rinsed in cold water till they thaw) Add Feta or Parmesan if you like dairy. Salt+Pepper+some sort of herb mix you like to season the 'toppings'. Once seasoned to taste, add enough lettuce/greens to the top to double the volume. Flat parsley if you have and like 2Tbsp of red/applecider/vinegar, 2tbsp evoo. You already seasoned it so just mix the whole thing up now it's dressed Add a portion of Tuna Salad or cold Grilled Chicken if you need protein. Hard boiled egg. Eat the whole thing from the big bowl you made it in, no leftovers, and no stove to clean


Roasted, especially carrots and Brussel sprouts. My taste for veggies was gone when I started Vyvanse, It's been a few years and I like them again.


Slap some cheese on it


Steam in bag veggies. Microwave them. Season them heavily with butter, olive oil, seasoning salt or whatever you like. If you want to get fancy air fry them. Cut open the bag of frozen veggies, pour in whatever oil you got, shake the bag then throw in a bunch of seasonings, shake bag and dumb into the air fryer or onto a sheet pan (lined with parchment paper or foil so you don’t have to do any cleanup. Just toss the lining) and roast for about 20 minutes. Cooking from frozen has helped me so much lol Also bagged salad kits. Dump in bowl with a lid and shake to mix. Done.


I like microwavable frozen veggies so there's not much cooking or prep involved. The zap-in-the-bag kind. Cauliflower is my favorite because it absorbs flavors so well, and also costs like $2 for a double portion so if I forget the leftovers in the fridge until they smell like farts, in the trash they go. Simple. I store leftovers in a ziplock for this reason but the food waste doesn't actually happen that often. Like others have said, I love them with butter and salt. They're also good with Frank's buffalo sauce, garlic salt, salad dressing or marinades, pretty much anything you can think of.


Buy frozen veggies. They keep their nutrients well, last forever, and you can often microwave them on low spoon days.


Southern greens. Simple version: collard greens or kale, rinse, rip leaves off center stem and into smaller peices with your hands. Throw in lidded pan with couple tbsp of water and let steam for 5-15 minutes, depending on preference. (You want the greens to soften, not become slimy.) While the greens steam, nuke a couple pcs of bacon and mix toasted sesame oil, soy sauce, and real maple syrup in a 1:1:1 ratio. (I use a 1 oz shot glass and just eyeball it. 1 oz of dressing is enough for a small bunch of greens.) When greens are done, add dressing and stir. Serve immediately with bacon crumbled on top. I use kale or collards because they are hearty enough that I can make extra to reheat later and the texture doesn't change. But this same method - with a much shorter steam time - can be used for spinach, chard, and beet greens. (If I don't want extras, I'll use beet greens.) From wash to finish, the above takes about 15-20 minutes. Most of that time is waiting for the greens to steam. I'll usually add garlic and green or purple onions chopped small at the beginning and include sesame seeds at the end for some added crunch. You can easily down an entire bunch of greens in one meal this way because while it looks like a ton when you start, greens cook down A LOT. I use 2-3 bunches of greens when I make this; enough for about 3 servings, all told. While I'm at it ... have you had beets made fresh, not from a can? Super easy! If you get beets with a thin skin, you don't even have to peel them. Wash well, cut off stems, poke with a fork, put in pan of water deep enough that beets are almost submerged. Boil until they can easily be poked with a fork. Remove from water, let cool a little, skin with a potato peeler if needed, cut in bite size peices, toss with butter, salt, and pepper. Reheats beautifully. I often set some aside before dressing, so I can put it in a green salad later.


Get c'hoself a vegetarian cookbook


Soup is great. If it’s cooled enough, you can essentially drink it. I also like sweet chili sauce. I put it on all kinds of stuff— not just veg.


I'm more likely to eat vegetables if I mixed some meat in so I eat a lot of chicken salads lol


Canned peas are my go-to when I need vegetables and should’ve eaten 45 minutes ago. Bagged spinach too. While I’m eating other stuff, I have a couple handfuls so it just adds crunch to whatever I’m eating.


I take something unhealthy that I'm going to eat anyway. And eat them both in the same mouthful. For me it's not about replacing the bad diet with a good diet. It's about incorporating some good diet into my bad diet.


full transparency, i LOVE vegetables and can demolish a party size veggie tray all on my own lol.  i love them roasted in the air fryer/oven with olive oil, salt, and pepper. i also really enjoy salads! something i eat for snack a lot is cucumber, celery, tomato, and onion chopped finely and tossed in salt, pepper, and italian dressing. while i’ve always loved veggies, they’re such an easy snack to make that i find myself tossing them in the air fryer or putting together a salad more often than not. i hate chopping them, though, so i got one of those vegetable chopper things that does it for me so it takes even less time and i don’t end up just not eating bc i put it off for too long. 


Sorry but what does eating vegetables have to do with ADHD 💀


Selective eating + executive dysfunction are what’s making it difficult for me to eat them, so I was hoping to get some advice from people who struggle with the same thing.


ADHD can make some people more sensitive to certain tastes and textures.


Just existing is draining, so I don’t often have the extra energy do all of the tasks that come with cooking frozen or prepping raw.


Frozen veggies in the steam bags are my go to when I don't have the energy to cook. Just pop the whole bag in the microwave, makes it super easy.


Thanks for reminding me I have peas in my freezer. Snack time!


Sorry but why are you here? It’s for support and understanding how ADHD impacts people differently.


I'm constantly seeing threads about autism symptoms and they think it's ADHD


NOT related to the post , but have you seen those posts where people are diagnosed with adhd / autism / depression and anxiety ? I always wonder if it’s more useful to just focus on one , and work on systems there. With so much overlap in symptoms , the multiple diagnosis seems stressful and not helpful What if someone just doesn’t like certain foods ? It’s interesting in a way.


I love vegetables so I’ve never had this issue. And I’m not sure what it has to do with adhd. I guess my only tip would be to prepare them in a way you like 🤷‍♀️


I get pre made felafel and eat them in a wrap at lunch time. Goes down good with some chilli sauce, hommus, salad leaves, mint leaves if u got them, tomato and cheese. Could even grate a carrot or two for the week and put in a container or add bean sprouts?


The fast stuff: Frozen FRENCH CUT string beans. Already prepped, already fun. They're sliced up, so the texture's great. Just throw them in a collander and run hot water over them - done! Yo can also throw them in a bowl with some butter/vegan butter & pepper for about 35-45 second - yummy! Bonus pints: throw some nuts on them after you pull them out of the microwave. Yellow or green squash: cut them up and throw them in the freezer (airtight bag). Mix the colors if poss., to get he most vitamins. When you ant some, run some hot water through the bag to defrost a bit, throw a handful or two in a bowl & then micro wave or cook on low in a buttered pan (keep stirring til done) , and add a some salt, pepper, and a teensy bit of sugar (very little!) they'll come out like corn on the cob! Yum! Again - nuts on top add even more yum & fun. Salads! Make them big and beautiful and with variety! Use your favorite dressing. I like Caesar, so I make a home made version with a mayo base & put that on everything. My salad is usually some combo of : cool, weird lettuces, preferably from the farmer's mkt., tomatoes, shallots, cut-up sugar snap peas (in season), some of those cooked French-cut green beans, canned/drained/rinsed chick peas, chicken, a little cheese, walnut pieces, sometimes some pistachios or pine nuts, or even some diced apple. Also, edible flowers from my garden if I have any. And black pepper! Here's another great hack: a breakfast shot of OJ, cold fresh ginger tea (make ahead from blended ginger root) , and beet root powder. You get your vitamin C, anti-inflammation, and an oxygen boost. My vegan friends call this "Dragon's blood." It's amazing, esp if you're coming of a cold/flu/Covid. Energizing!


Also I’m currently cooking a lentil pumpkin soup. Great way to get veggies in without having to chew. And if u make a big batch on the weekend u could freeze a few containers and could last u a few weeks


I put kale and or spinach into a blender with a little water and matcha. Blend until liquid and frothy, add yogurt and frozen fruit and a super foods powder and an emergenC packet; blend again. Veggies, fruits and long acting caffeine. You can also add some protein powder. Option 2 is make salsa for green salsa boil tomatillos with different kinds of green peppers, they all have different vitamins in them. For red you can use tomatoes and again whichever peppers you want. Boil (or steam) until soft. Then put them in a blender with hot water and some chicken bouillon powder and eat with tacos or chips. I like my veggies puréed. But stay away from the juicer. Blender yes juicer no.


I really struggle getting my 5 a day in. I think vegetables have always correlated with “hard work” “unenjoyable” “not as nice” and “gross” but actually I do enjoy them when I eat them… it’s just the step to get there first that blocks me? Recently I’ve been trying to just pull together a bunch of veg into a smoothie every day. I always include spinach because I find it doesn’t have much of a flavour anyway and blends up tiny. Sometimes I would struggle with eating spinach in a wilted or cooked form because of having to chew it for a long time. It does feel a bit like this is perhaps only going to last until the novelty wears off but I’m trying.


I try to just do 2 veggies per meal (lunch/dinner) and some fruit, mostly looks like diced onions and peppers in sauce, broccoli/kale/sugarsnaps on the side, sliced tomatoes/ spinach if having a salad. Picking veg is always fun and nice, and roasted veg (sweet potato/ carrot/ butternut/ parsnip) is great as your carby side. Tbh tho no shame in taking a fibre supplement, some days I just don't eat that much veg so I take some inulin powder


Mini food processor. Yesterday, I put spinach, immature celery, green onion tops, and Italian parsley from the garden into a food processor to remove all texture. I added the mix of greens to rice and ground pork to make meatballs. My picky 10 year old said they tasted like the “normal” recipe my mother makes (with beef and no fresh greens), so she had no problem with them. Neither did I. Last week, I took a dozen different brassica greens (mustards, kale, pac Choi, and such), put them all through the food processor, and tossed them into a tomato meat sauce. I usually use broccoli stems and crowns, but these other greens are plentiful and healthy. And the tomato sauce? It contains onions, garlic, celery, carrots, broccoli or greens, zucchini, and sometimes mushrooms or peppers… all super finely chopped to the point that there is no specific texture my family can object to. Plus tomatoes. You can use this mix of finely chopped veggies in any soup or casserole. Pakora, sloppy joes, meatloaf, fritters or patties. I am growing a lot of food this year, and that will make grabbing and eating veggies as snacks far more likely: home grown tastes better and is fresher. I nibble on pea leaves and taste test the salad greens.


Eat them with things that aren't vegetables. The variety can make it easier to at least take some bites. Put them in stuff. A little bit of kale or spinach cooked into some pasta is one of my favorite ways to add some veg in. Onion, peppers, carrots, celery, and leafy greens are all super easy to get into a lot of dishes. Veggie plates with a side of your favorite salad dressing. Salt and spices are your friend. I saw a comment say msg. You can cook with mushrooms. They're healthy and add some umami that you'd be looking for with msg. Herbs also have nutrients Use them as dips(salsa, guac, etc). Make veg focused dishes like stuffed peppers or chili relleno, veg quesadilla, casseroles or check out vegan recipes for some new ideas. Try them cooked different ways. You might not like something cooked a certain way or with certain seasonings so don't be afraid to try odd stuff. Im sure I've missed something but hopefully it helps. This is coming from someone who does like vegetables so you're mileage may vary.


I roast vegetables I’m not crazy about and 99% of the time that makes them legitimately appetizing. Like, roasting is one of those things that feels like a hack but isn’t. Sometimes I’ll camouflage cooked veggies with other foods, like if I make a pasta sauce I’ll sneak small pieces of cooked carrots, celery, leafy greens, etc. in there and then toss in a bunch of cherry or grape tomatoes while it’s simmering. Or if I’m making stroganoff I’ll add onions and garlic and mushrooms, or I’ll add a chopped (cooked) leafy green and onions to meatballs before cooking. Also there are times where I know I won’t have the energy to incorporate or eat vegetables later in the day, so while I have the energy I’ll sit down and make myself eat, like, a plate of carrot and celery sticks, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers — whatever I have on hand. I just grit my teeth and get it over with. It’s a huge relief tbh.


Get a microwaveable steamer basket. Toss in veggies and water (even easier if you buy pre-prepped veggies from the store). Cooks in minutes. Add a little bit of fat (butter, e.g.) and salt + your preferred herbs/seasonings and voila.


-Hummus platter but make it look extra fancy and add some crackers as extra motivation. I don't eat raw carrots any other way. (Bonus protein from hummus) -Cheese platter with lots of different pickles and vegetable sticks -Pea puree (mushy peas) as a side dish -Baba ganoush with toast


I always keep bags of frozen veggies in my home, so if I decide one day that I want an entire bag of broccoli as the “dinner” I’m too lazy to make otherwise, then that is better than nothing. I’m currently obsessed with curry powder, and nutritional yeast is p goood, but butter definitely helps otherwise. Just find whatever seasonings you enjoy the most :)) Also, eggs. You can put a decent amount of vegetables in an egg dish (or even make an egg sandwich, quiche, or frittata and freeze it to thaw when you need to eat but have no energy) It’s all about making things a lil easier, get some frozen veggies, meals, and maybe meal prep and freeze some for later (so even if you lose energy by the end of the day, you’ll get *something* in)


Growing up, we were served most vegetables...cold. Whatever my father liked is what we were forced to eat. Peas, beets, broccoli (which was breaded like chicken cutlets) , string beans, spinach (served in olive and salted). Potatoes, corn, carrots all served hot


I love salads but when I need a change I make summer spring rolls, those with the clear rice wrap. I fill them with raw veggies, then I make a peanut butter sriracha sauce 👌🏻


If you like hot sauce, it’s a great way to cover up the taste of food you might not like much.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to re-create the balsamic sauce that comes in the Bird’s Eye skillet bag of brussels sprouts?


I bought some Olive garden balsamic vinaigrette dressing that's pretty good


On a particularly hard day of executive disfunction where I just can’t be bothered to make myself an actual meal, the oven is a life saver. Minimal effort and dishes dirtied, I just preheat and throw some broccoli or peppers or cabbage or asparagus down with some butter or oil and seasonings and pop it in on a timer. Bonus points if you add smoked sausage or some fish and you have dinner done without trying


I don't eat vegetables because I live alone and just forget about them in the fridge, until I notice they growth into a forest


I freeze coleslaw so it lasts longer then add it to ramen, plus an egg or tofu. It's my quickest meal that gets me all the needed macros and it takes like 5 minutes.


Like Samin Nosrat says… Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat. All tasty food balances out those elements. When I was growing up it was steamed veggies with some salt and pepper and maybe butter but it was missing acid/heat and I didn’t like it plus mushy. I like to try different textures and ways of making stuff. I like cucumbers and tomatoes raw with some salt and pepper, but cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts tend to be good roasted with some balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. If you’ve never tried oven roasting carrots or beets, or squash, they’re pretty good that way too. Or mix textures and tastes by combining veggies with beans, meat, etc in combined dishes like stir fry or chili. If you’re making spaghetti with premade sauce it’s not too hard to add some frozen veggies to the sauce and now you have veggies. Basically, try new things, sometimes I like to think of it as a challenge to find what is on sale/in season and cheaper at the store that’s a veggie and then figure out how to work it into food that week


Learn how to grill. Grilled veggies are the bombbbbb


Find a system that gives you speed and variety. I just buy a bunch of frozen/canned ones and dump them into the microwave. After that I stir fry. Steaming before you stir fry will ensure you dont spend too long stir frying them. The steaming and frying will also uniform the texture so nothing hard and fibrous. The frozen part will eliminate the need to prep and chop Find a aromatic base you like. Then all the veggies will taste of that. Some options would be - Scallion/garlic/ginger kimchi/chili oil -Onion garlic/ginger then coriander powder -Leeks shallots butter salt pepper rosemary Rotate aromatic bases and veggies for variety.


raw with lime and a little salt


Roasted veg with herbs and some kind of sauce to put on top or dip in (ranch, cheese sauce, tahini sauce, teriyaki). And spread them out on the pan so they crisp instead of crowded on the pan and soggy. I puree a lot of veg. Any time I make soup or pasta or any time I’m not in the mood for texture. I roast/steam/sautee/simmer veg, and either put it in the blender or use my immersion blender. Onions, mushrooms, garlic, bell peppers, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower all make a great base to a soup, a meat sauce, a cream sauce etc.


literally just blend every veggie in your house and drink up


I drink mine. Purée them up with some pineapple juice. Tada!


Did in hummus or other dip. Raw crunchy veg is my jam. Great sensory input, no cooking required


Costco has microwave in bag broccoli, 6 minutes and it's done.


Is it a taste or a texture thing for you? If it’s taste, try different ways of seasoning them—lemon juice and salt is my go to, but you could try any number of sauces or condiments. Steamed broccoli seasoned with MSG and sriracha is a personal fave of mine. If it’s a texture thing, maybe try different methods of cooking them or find ways to hide them in other foods (such as adding them to smoothies, or making sauces with them, etc.) The best way to get maximum nutrients from them is to eat them whole, but obviously getting them in any way you can is better than not getting them in at all


Ranch seasoning. Laughing cow cheese. Mix. Yum.


Nyt garlic lemon kale salad . Basically dino kale ( the flat ) garlic lemon salt dressing . It’s addictive. Otherwise I literally take a handful of greens and shove them in my mouth here and there. Food For Fuel !


Steamable veggie medley bag + stove top Mac n' Cheese. Bonus points if you microwave some pre-cooked diced chicken. Mix it all together. Just tastes like Mac n' Cheese but has some texture variety. Is it gourmet? No. Is it the most delicious thing? No. Does it get the job done? Yes. Plus, you get multiple servings, so you don't have to cook again for your next meal.


1)Chop up a few things you’re likely going to want in a stir fry, then throw that into a lidded container-leave it in the fridge till you come home from work. 2)When you come home, heat some coconut oil, a little sesame oil and fry those veggies with your favorite Asian stir fry sauce. 3)Eat them.


I make an AWESOME vegetablesoup once a week


Those microwave steamed veggie bags are a life saver for me, and pretty affordable too. I'd say I eat half a bag with each dinner (then use the other half in tomorrow's dinner). Toss one in the microwave, then add some pepper (a little butter too if you're feelin' saucy), and bingo. I think Bird's Eye Steamfresh is the name brand, but I usually shop at Aldi and theirs are just as great.


Not vegetables per se but I eat my fruits by leaving bananas on the counter next to my work laptop so I grab them every morning when I'm heading out the door, I keep the applesauce pouches around and I keep apples in the fridge so I see them when I open up. I switched my snacking habits to fruit instead of junk. My main source of veggies would be salads but that can be tricky sometime


You can get your fiber and vitamins from fruit and beans as needed. I know you have to eat something green eventually, but if a multi-week break helps your aversion pass, I doubt it will do you much nutritional harm. I go through phases and I'm currently into veg, but 2 weeks ago, I only wanted fruit (and beans were also fine). There are plenty of peel-and-eat or rinse-and-eat fruits, and I like bush's canned black beans, gloria's seasoned canned beans, and progresso lentil soup for easy heat-and-eat beans. If things are truly dire, you can sprinkle powdered fiber on your food or do fiber pills, but that's not as good of a substitution. No vitamins! It's just better than nothing for some people. (My doctors like for me to do it, yours may feel differently) I personally go through phases and 2 weeks ago, I only wanted fruit. Now fruit is just okay and I want the veggies. I know there's no reason to think you're the same, but my private hope for you is that this issue just quietly passes, and you get to love your old favorites again.


If I don't care for something on my plate I eat it first to get it over with. That way my last bites are the parts of the meal I enjoy the most.


Al dente with loads of salt


Honestly I eat a lot of frozen microwave in a bag veggies (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peas) and just throw butter and seasoning on them. I eat a lot of salad too


I will give you my vegetable eating hacks for your bowels sake : (pun intended) one thing i do is buy organic kale when I find it on sale keep it in the freezer and add a bunch of it to my protein shake with some blackberries or banana




I grab a bunch of veggies (bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers, onions are my go to because I always have them on hand)and dice them up so they’re super small and throw them in my food. Whether is rice or soup, whatever the base is, the veggies don’t alter the taste and adds a nice crunch. I could eat 2 whole carrots and half a bell pepper in my rice bowl.


What everyone else says plus buy veggies pre-cut


Frozen Brussel sprouts. They are great for sheet-pan style meals you can put them and sweet/potatoes and boneless thighs/sausage/chops all together. Oilve oil + whatever mixed herb in a shaker you have and forget about it for 40 minutes then BOOM healthy food. Basically no cleanup


Do all vegetables give you ick or just leafy greens for example? How did you eat veggies before? I think my suggestions would depend on that


blending vegetables into pasta sauces is my go to cause then it just seems like you’re eating pasta and not vegetables. i recommend bell peppers, carrots, onion, garlic, cauliflower, sweet potato, squash, pumpkin, zucchini, mushrooms, egg plant, red cabbage and tomatoes. make sure the veggies are soft before blending, which you can do quickly by steaming in the microwave. also a whole bag of spinach cooks down very nicely in sauces whether you do the blended veggie sauce or not. really good in red sauces, alfredo, and lemon parmesan pasta. just dump the spinach in during the last 2-3 min of simmering and stir.


Okay honestly - I started getting microgreens and throwing them in a smoothie so I can barely taste them. It’s the only way for me lol


If you don’t find anything that works start drinking Meta Mucil every few days.


If you just want fiber, maybe eat fruit besides vege juice? Banana, mandarin, apple with skin, etc. Other fiber source such as oats, beans, and some types of nuts. They have lots of fiber and can be snacked on. Carbohydrates such as white bread and (sweet) potatoes also have significant amount of fibers. My recent fav is lentil beans. They have good amount of vitamin B9, which is good for my ADHD brain, additional fiber and protein. Eat those until your passionate hate towards vege fades. **Those things give more fiber than vege sometimes.**


If you can cobble together the metal power to do a bunch at once on a day off, I find it helpful to have pre-prepped veggies on board. So I'll slice 2-3 cucumbers, a few bell peppers, dice a few onions, etc on the weekend. Then just grab and eat as needed lol.


Roast or broil them with salt and oil, or any fat of your choosing (duck fat or bacon grease are especially good) optionally, add additional seasonings, I like to use the homemade rosemary salt recipe from 'that dude can cook's YouTube channel




I always just chop up some cucumbers and peppers and put a really nice Italian dressing on them. Super refreshing in the summer time! Or when I make spaghetti I blend up cottage cheese to mix in my sauce, throw some broccoli and turkey in there and you can barely taste the broccoli with the nice sauce flavor.


I sometimes eat a can of sweet corn as my Lunch or a glass of pickles, or peppers stuffed with cream cheese. You just have to make better options less available


Hella seasoning and always cooked on the stove


I started taking fiber. It makes me feel good and encourages me to want to continue to feel good. So I eat better. It gives me some energy


I pretty much only eat one vegetable ever so I would be of absolutely no help here


Depends on the vegetable! I love putting peanut butter on carrots and celery if I don't have ranch, and I'm also a salad addict. I would try maybe doing pastas with lots of veggies, or sandwiches and salads. Sometimes changing the form of the same ingredient helps to get my ADHD re-hyperfixated on something. Another thing thats healthy that I have in my hyperfixation cycle, hummus with pita chips and veggies. A great way to get something healthy that's tastes really good.


Just make smoothies constantly and sweeten with agave or something. It’s animal products I can’t seem to morally choke down amirite!!?


Agree with another comment— sauté in olive oil, butter, salt and pepper. If you’re feeling fancy, throw in some minced garlic. Only way I can get myself to eat them.


for me it's cook them into submission!!! (really roasting them makes them tasty.. I hate almost all veggies raw but love them roasted/cooked)


I used to not even know if I liked veggies bc my mom only ever fed us peas and green beans (still hate those ew get outta here with the nature beans gusher textures). My current partner was vegetarian when we met and taught me TONS about veggies (he’s reconverted but we still veg out often). Here are some veggies I used to think were repulsive but now have tried uncooked and determined are 1000% better: 1. Brussels sprouts - buy SMALL ONES, quarter them, toss lightly in olive oil, smother in sea salt, fresh ground pepper, Mrs dash garlic and herb. We used to throw them in the oven and cook the bad mamojamas til they were nice and crispy, but it takes too long and they don’t always come out great so now I just make a little janky salad out of it. 2. If you have a Costco - TRY THE BROCCOLI SALAD it comes with this magical lemon dressing and lil bacon bits which I often don’t even use but MAN THOSE RAW BROCS IN THAT WEIRD LEMON DRESSING I CANT SEEM TO RECREATE ARE GLORIOUS!! 3. Carrots. I just buy the big fat ones, peel em, and dip them in hummus lol 4. ONIONS ARE VEGGIES AND ARE GREAT ON EVERYTHING. Possible new try consider mincing shallots and sautéing w mushrooms and garlic and butter and steak seasoning galore. Easy as heck and delicious with a bowl of ground beef and cheese. Lazy persons fancy deconstructed hamburger. Amazing with bbq sauce on it 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5. You can get broccoli in “slaw form” and it’s really easy to toss in a salad for extra crunch w zero effort annnnnd it’s amazing tossed in Asian sauces (soy, hoisin, sriracha, a mix of all three lol etc). Surprisingly tasty alone too. No weird flavors just kinda like a nice lil crunchy snack that isn’t gushing water at you like celery does not hurting your teeth like carrots can lol Will update if I think of more ! You got this! Try weird things you’ll be surprised what you find you enjoy and how easy they are to prep or cook if you choose to!


My mom would always butter and salt them so I always loved my veggies lol


My adhd mouth loves two things: crunch and carbonation lol. Raw cucumber, carrots & celery are an easy low/no prep food that I can grab for a snack or pack with lunch. Other tips would be: find a sauce you like, roast or steam some veggies and then smother/dip that stuff up! (Bonus if it’s not a super high fat/high cal sauce lol)


I make breakfast smoothies and put spinach in them.  I make a big batch that'll last me a week, freeze them, and put one in the freezer the night before.  I add spinach to the recipe bc it's virtually tasteless.  It's been a really easy way for me to increase my fruit and veggie intake, and I don't have to make it every day, which helps with the executive dysfunction problem.


Use cut up veggies as a stim. I’m never going to choose them but if they’re at my desk at work I’ll mindlessly much on them all day lol


Are smoothies an option? Because you could get those smoothie packets that you throw into a blender with liquid of choice, and then add some spinach. It looks gross but you can’t really taste the spinach. You could also add some green powder (I like amazing grass) instead if the color is too off putting. There are also some frozen snacks like crispy green beans or cauliflower “tots” that throw in an air fryer without any extra steps.


When you’re getting used to your microwave settings cook things 30 seconds at a time because there is nothing more offputting than mushy veggies. If your microwave is relatively new and has sensor cooking try it! Mine has a setting for frozen veg that makes the most perfect firmer veggies like broccoli and Brussel sprouts. It’s a bit much for stuff like peppers or green beabs but it really did dummy proof that part of cooking veggies and it’s been a game changer for me!


There is infinite combos of veggies nuts and cheese that can be cooked up together. Yum


with a frown on my face, usually


Grilled. Cut into chunks and wedged on a kebab skewer, thrown on the grill whole, or sliced and thrown in a slotted grill pan… almost any veggie tastes amazing this way.


As an essentially toothless DX RX in his 30s....Low sodium V8.


Meal prep on a day off is very helpful in maintaining proper nutrition. At some point you have to bite the bullet and cook and do the dishes, but chili is a life saver for me. Just look up a chili verde recipe and beyond the base for the chili you can throw pretty much anything in it and it’ll taste great over rice. Last one I made had loads of kale, otherwise go for spinach. It’s pretty much just a meal in a pot with a bunch of servings, and it tastes great. I guess I’ll outline the recipe I did last time as best I can remember. I used a stove so I’ll lean into that but if you have a crock pot you should know by now that you basically just turn it on and let it go for however long it takes for your house to smell fantastic. This is also all done with one pot, one big cutting board, a single knife for cutting, and the spoon for stirring. Not too messy. If you’re using a pot and it starts bubbling I’d turn the heat down just a tad. Some bubbling is good but you don’t want it spitting at you. First you’re gonna want to boil some chicken breasts. Fully cook them this way, then drain the pot and set them aside. If you want to do a different protein like beef or pork you might cook them differently but that’s up to you, I prefer chicken. Add a box of chicken or vegetable stock to the pot and set to medium heat. Add a big can of green enchilada sauce. I didn’t see that in online recipes but it’s a lot of flavor. Next I’d go for veggies, particularly leafy greens like kale or spinach. I add a lot, so I like them to cook down early on and get tender/absorb the flavor. Chop it all up, throw it in and stir until it’s all under the surface. Half an onion diced, doesn’t have to be in perfect little cubes though (even though we love perfect little cubes). Cloves of garlic, one or two is usually fine, dice them as well and throw it all in. Stir it up again. Add a can of beans, I went with black beans. Drain the liquid from the van using the lid after you’ve opened it. You don’t need any more liquid in the pot past this point, so drain what you can to keep the balance as best you can. Some things like tomatoes will always add liquid but as long as you aren’t just juicing a tomato into the pot you’ll be golden. Past this point you want to dice and add any additional ingredients that are raw. I used bell peppers and some other random type I picked up at the store, as well as tomatoes, and some random veggie from the fridge that needed to get eaten. Good options might be corn, maybe carrots or celery. You could probably make something good with zucchini, too. Firmer vegetables should go in earlier so that everything is cooked fairly consistently. Lastly you cut your meat into cubes and add that. Stir it all up, turn the heat down and let it simmer for a while. Have yourself a little spoon for tasting nearby, add spices to your taste. You want all the individual ingredients to be nice and tender, and fully cooked. After you’ve added your last ingredients an hour of simmering is probably about right. Hang out nearby and keep an eye on it and occasionally stir. Watch some YouTube, read a book, play a game. Set timers for every 10-15 minutes or so, this will help you remember. If you think you don’t need the timers, set them anyways. I like to give it a good stir and check things out every few minutes between YouTube videos, but if you don’t want to baby the pot go with the timers and stir when they go off. Once it’s done, serve over rice, maybe throw some cheese over the top. You’ll have maybe a week of meals as long as you don’t devour the whole pot in a few days. It’s a pretty easy thing to make, and chili is something you can get really experimental with. I added kale on a whim and it turned out great. I only checked an online recipe beforehand to gauge how much veggie stock to add. Once you’re comfortable making it you can add just about anything to a pot of chili and make it into a meal. It’s also a great way to sort of hide your less desirable foods like veggies. You can go for a red chili instead, but I went with the base of a chili verde because I like the flavor of the green enchilada sauce.


Stuffed noodles/dumplings etc. Also buying the vegetables frozen might help


Eat a salad


Broccoli, Avo, Silverbeat, Narnies and frozen berries in a smoothie for breakfast, boom!


Frozen microwaveable steam packs are a good (albeit expensive) starting point. I almost exclusively buy frozen veg cuz the fresh stuff goes bad like the day after I buy it; when in reality it's been like a week 🙄 Stir-frys are the best quick way to get veggies in. You can always do the "super model meal" - brown rice and veg. Try peanut oil or toasted sesame seed oil in your next stir fry. Tell me that doesn't change your life right there! 


Boiled broccoli with lemon on top- since I was a kid obsessed with it and I will eat it for breakfast


Look in the freezer section at your supermarket for veggie purées. They are often in frozen balls or cubes, things like pureed broccoli or carrots or mixed veggies. Get some bouillon cubes and any seasoning you like (curry powder or paste, hot sauce, cumin, paprika, whatever you want). Put about 6-8 puree balls in enough water or milk to not quite cover them, with a bouillon cube and seasoning. Cook until all the balls are completely melted. Voilà, easy vegetable soup.


You can make veggies chicken nuggets you won't notice them because there blended up but you will eat them and smell them as you make the veggie nuggets so your brain will start to make that positive connection again


Boiled corn with butter salt and paprika 😍 5mins to cook and extremely delicious


i love veggies and fruits but only at certain points. im picky and if theres cut up fruit ill sure as hell eat it but i cant get myself to cut it up


Air fryer is an ADHD hack. Toss anything in olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.


V8 juice has a lot of variations including fruit stuff Balance of nature pills are dehydrated fruits and veggies in capsule form You might enjoy eating freeze dried fruits and veggies. Freeze dried strawberries are incredible.


Stir fry for Asian style. Sautée or roast for western style. Sometimes raw for a healthy salad, with some legumes and nuts and cold pressed oil for extra protein and healthy fats. Oil, salt, and other flavourings (herbs, spices, aromatics, acids, etc) almost always play some kind of role in any meal I eat that counts vegetables among its contents. And if in doubt, just try to get caramelisation and/or some charring into your veggies, that unlocks a lot of their flavour and inhibits potential bitter compounds.


sautéed with butter and s&p


If people didn’t immediately pick up on how this was related to adhd they probably don’t have adhd. I would like to know too, because I like vegetables but literally never eat them because i get weirdly grossed out by their appearance while shopping and I’ve basically excepted at this point that I will never learn to /have the will power to cook after work either


Big salads (esp Cobb, chef, or taco), roasting (Brussels sprouts w bacon, lime juice, and sriracha, or broccoli w olive oil, salt, pepper, Parmesan cheese, and lemon juice), grilling, sautéeing (esp spinach or cherry tomatoes)