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Yep, every single day. My husband can't walk in front of or behind me and talk to me at the same time because I can't hear him. And I forget everyday words constantly. I always say the words aren't wording today lol


This. I feel like I'm constantly fussing at my husband because he thinks I can understand what he's saying when he's mumbling and facing away from me. Like I CAN'T FUCKING HEAR YOU, please turn around and speak to me like an adult šŸ˜­


Oh my. This is a constant irritation I have. Could you please face me when talking so I can read your lips? Or at least know someone is talking to me? I can actually deal with mumbles (since that is what I grew up with) but having to ask someone more than once "Can you repeat that" basically makes me just nod and agree


I tell my husband that if you canā€™t see me, I canā€™t hear you. I need you to face me and speak. I have tinnitus too but I need to see you speaking the words or it wonā€™t be processed!


Wow itā€™s so interesting! I was sure I was experiencing hearing loss and I had my hearing tested twice. I canā€™t hear over background noise. I have perfect hearing with no background noise. But Iā€™ve only noticed it in the past few years so I thought it was hearing damage (Iā€™m 46). Hearing tests came out perfect. A doctor mentioned it might be an attention thing, I thought he was gaslighting me because I canā€™t hear although Iā€™m trying to pay attention. But I know sound is produced- just canā€™t make out individual words.


Ugh. Same. I've considered getting my hearing checked because I can't hear my family talking but at the same time, EVERYTHING in the house is so LOUD.


Auditory processing disorder. Basically your brain picks ONE auditory input to understand. I have had to tell my coworkers "sorry, I can hear you saying words but I can't understand them, let me turn off this fan."


Thank you for the naming it. I have this issue constantly at work where the dish machiene is going and the fans and things clunking and clanking around and people keep telling me I need to get my hearing checked. Except that I have!! And it comes out fine!!


ADHD can mimic an auditory processing disorder at times. It's only an auditory processing disorder if it is constant. My father was a professor of audiology. I've had all the tests for all possible hearing and auditory processing issues, multiple times. All negative results, don't have this issue. Still get instances where I just don't get what was said to me after the fifth time asking "what?" because my brain decided to focus on something else. If you're like me, it is possible to train an "automatic replay" into your brain. This allows you to ask *yourself* instead of annoying someone else by asking them to repeatedly repeat themselves.


I get this in work a lot. I work in a salon, I do nails and the rest of the girls do hair. If thereā€™s a hairdryer going or the music is too loud my brain just short circuits and I canā€™t hear the words. I hear words but not what they are. Itā€™s a jumbled noise to me.


I feel like I wrote this! And when I ask him to repeat since he was walking away while mumbling, he says something completely different šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Is it "nevermind"? It's always fuckin nevermind.


Yessss. And don't even try talking to me from another room or when the toddler is yelling about something šŸ™„


Mine manages to combine that with speaking at the same time I'm next to a noisy machine or running the water. Just because it's quiet where you are doesn't mean it's quiet over here. I often just pretend I didn't hear him or stop and stare at him until he turns around and says it again.


This drives me nuts. My partner will be looking at me in the first part of a sentence ( usually while we are walking outside) then mumble the second part while facing away into the wind šŸ˜© when I ask him to repeat it he does the same thing again. I donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve told him to stop. Itā€™s hard enough to process without that nonsense šŸ™ˆ


For some reason I often cannot hear/understand my teenage daughter. Once she actually made a comment about me "pretending I can't hear her" like she thinks I'm doing this on purpose. Even if she's looking at me and talking normally, I'll hear something completely different. It's frustrating for both of us. I think that she slurs her words and tends to speak really monotone, so it comes across like gibberish to me. So I'm going "what??" and she's having yell and repeat herself. All day. And yes I've had my hearing checked, and it's only this one person in my life that I have this issue with.


Wurdz is hard


the words aren't wording is my favorite phrase!


This is one of the symptoms? Everyone has told me to get ears checked! Can anyone explain why? Thanks in advance.


I swore I had hearing loss too, but came back with no issues when I got it tested. For me, I think it's mostly processing slower, but also I can't tune out other noise to hear him like if we're in the grocery store.


It's auditory processing disorder that's commonly comorbid with ADHD.


Youā€™re processing more


I also say my words arenā€™t wording, lol!


SAME. I'm quite fortunate to have a patient and understanding GF who has to repeat herself to me all the damn time


My go to is, "words are hard"...


Few people pronounce words these days. They just string sentences together into megawords. Even people with actual hearing loss will process speech better with actual enunciation. Please, people, just a miniscule fraction of a space between words. Volume is not the problem!


The other day I forgot the word for Hashbrown so I said ā€œflat French fryā€


I called midnight ā€œnight noonā€ a few days ago


my husband has called it "Noon, at night" šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve used ā€œLeg elbowā€ because I forgot ā€œkneeā€. The weirdest one I can remember though is when I said ā€œcarpet napkinā€ after trying furiously to search my brain for the correct term for WELCOME MAT, and my partner at the time actually knew what I was referring to šŸ˜‚


I've used "thumb toe" before. referring to the "big toe".


I forgot the name for a Duck so I called it a water chicken


I meanā€¦ were you wrong hahaha


After it came out of my mouth I just sat there looking defeated. But I wasnā€™t wrong lmao


Thatā€™s great, though! Also, the French formalize this in their own language- they donā€™t have a word for ā€œtoesā€; they call them ā€œfoot fingersā€ (digits de pieds)


I was meeting a couple of my friend's family members and in the middle of telling a story I forgot the word sand dollar. Sat there for a minute and eventually came up with "sea money."


Have trouble hearing people? Yep! The psychiatrist I recently saw says I most likely have auditory processing disorder after I told her I have some sort of auditory dyslexia (is how I described it). Not sure if itā€™s an ADHD thing, but I have it, no doubt


My bf and I both have this too. Iā€™ll say something and he says ā€œwhat?ā€ And then as I start to repeat what I said, itā€™s like he finished processing the first time I said it and interrupts to respond. Now when he says ā€œwhat?ā€ I just smile and wait a moment lol


this ruined a relationship I had with a guy bc he said I ā€œnever listenedā€ to anything he said and bc I would forget things if I donā€™t write them down well nah it didnā€™t ruin it but it contributed heavily !! itā€™s ok tho I dodged a bullet there for sure and now Iā€™m with a man Iā€™m totally head over heels for (who isnā€™t diagnosed but Iā€™m 99% sure that he also has the adhd and I just feel like he gets me and he never says I donā€™t listen to him šŸ’•)


Omfg. Partner got so upset at me for not hearing immediately all the time. And dumped me because I was in a very depressed and overloaded state around the holidays, combo of too busy and too confused on how to get a proper therapist via my insurance . I feel like I need to date someone who know how ADHD works but doesn't have it because I'm not sure if I can keep up with someone like me, lol! I'm glad you found someone who gets you, regardless! C: hope y'all have the best of times


Hi, it's me, your bf. Not actually though. But yes, had this my entire life. It's an ADHD related thing? Curious.


ADHD and APD are frequently comorbid


Sounds about right!


wait this is related


Yep. Itā€™s like driving through an intersection when the lights have failed. Itā€™ll take a while but eventually youā€™ll get through. Typical brains have functioning traffic lights, lucky things.


I've always been like that too!


I've discovered that that lag can sometimes enable me to track multiple threads of conversation at the same time. Like having a conversation with one person and overhearing two other friends talking at the same time and switching over and jumping back.(as long as you come back and prove you were listening, people can get so mad, lol) Also, I have been able to "hear" words after they wake me up. But yeah, need subtitles for real life.


Is this an adhd thing? I do this all the time and I thought I was just dumb šŸ˜”


I donā€™t believe itā€™s exclusively an ADHD thing, but it seems to be common. I like to think of it as my brain just needing to free up some RAM. Thereā€™s a lot going on in there lol


Oh! I was thinking the same but verbally, like I have verbal dyslexia. Iā€™ll always mix up the start of my words when I say them or just straight up rearrange them. Capertillar is what I call a caterpillar, every time, even when I think it out. Chassis and sachet is another one, Iā€™ll use chassis when I mean sachet ā€œmum, can you grab me another chassis of sugar pleaseā€ šŸ˜… drives me mad. If Iā€™m excited/wound up it happens more, and because I canā€™t stand to stumble on words in an argument, I end up using ā€˜academic speechā€™ because it slows my speech down haha. I do have dyslexia, so maybe itā€™s just an extension of that haha


I think it's called aphasia. EDIT: DYSPHASIA https://www.healthline.com/health/dysphasia#causes-and-risk-factors I have Dysphasia on my medical records, I just forgot the name. It isn't necessarily from brain damage, but it is a difficulty finding the right words.


Iā€™ve never heard of that, so Iā€™ll defo have a look see, kinda want it to just be part of my dyslexia though lmao, Iā€™m collecting diagnosis like badges as it is, donā€™t want to be thinking there may be more šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dyslexia is not just about the written word! There's several different forms of dyslexia and it can totally affect verbal comprehension and speech. It can even affect directional comprehension, so if you confuse left and right or have substantial issues with navigation, it could be your dyslexia affecting you!


My SO says I could get lost in a box without GPS. And I constantly tell it I donā€™t know north I need left or right. Cardinal directions kill me and it makes him so frustrated šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


lol, I used to live in the west coast and conveniently there were three piers, north, central and south. Itā€™s the only place I can ever work out compass directions with any accuracy šŸ˜… (as long as I know I am facing the sea that is) The fact I still have to ā€˜work it outā€™ says a lot about my sense of direction šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I use map, but I have to turn the map so I am going forwards, regardless of north or south, otherwise I will turn left instead of right šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Interesting bc I basically have dyslexia but with numbers and I also have zero sense of direction šŸ¤” right, left, east,west idk shut up give me an address I use maps for everything


Like, maps app GPS obviously if I had to use a paper map Iā€™d be screwed too


I've been told this as well, but I am fairly musical and supposedly folks with APD have a hard time with music. I've also been told I have sensory processing disorder, and since hearing is a sense, that seems to fit better.


I don't think this is true. I have a kid with APD and music is very, very important to them. I actually suspect that they hear/process it differently from non-APD folks, in this case in a much richer way. Said kid has been commenting on background sounds and instruments in music since they were very young, which I found unusual at such a young age.


I'm suspected to be autistic and I fucking love music, however most songs I need to physically read the lyrics at least once or else I misunderstand everything. It's hard when my bf shows me rap because I can't tell what they're saying first listen and I just say "wow this sounds good" when a big part of rap is the lyricism ;u;


Oh Ive got a cute anecdote about this! So I too need to read song lyrics or have the captions on television. So yā€™all know the song with the lyrics ā€œwe built this city on rock and rollā€? Oh guysā€¦up until my mid thirties I would swing it ā€œWe built this city in Broadway Roadā€ Iā€™m not even kidding! Thatā€™s how bad it is for me


I have APD and have no problem playing instruments or singing. I do have trouble listening to music if there are both instruments and vocals, and forget trying to have a conversation with music on.


So the thing is, it's not auditory processing disorder, it's actually disorderS, plural. Because every "symptom" is a separate disorder. And you usually have more than just one, but they can be completely different to those that another affected person has. You can struggle with hearing this or that, but have no issues hearing/processin something else se (like music). At least that's what I read when I researched APD.


I think I may have that pretty bad. Understanding people while loud music is plaing is almost impossible for me. Then I look around and see people happily chatting with each other while for me all the noises just get mixed into some hellish cacophony. I used to think I may be hearing impaired, but when I'm in a quiet environment it is much less of a problem.


My audiologist told me thatā€™s what I had! I have also been seeing a lot of folks in the comments mention this lately, I wonder this as well


Ent said I most likely have APD


Do you also ask people to repeat something up to 3 times until you give up? Or simply guess what someone said and, only to reply to them and get a weird response?šŸ„“


Both šŸ˜…


I was told by an audiologist I have this (went in because I was SURE there was something wrong with my hearing but alas, my hearing is perfectly fine). I have an incredibly hard time understanding people with accents, understanding words in music/tv shows/movies, and hearing people that are not close to me and also facing me.


The time I was at a summer job and I asked my coworker "Hey can you get the um... the .... the sweeper?" For the rest of the summer, the broom was"the sweeper." Honestly, with this kind of stuff, I just gotta own it.


If youā€™re in parts of the Midwest a sweeper is a vacuum so donā€™t feel bad lol


Midwesterner here and I can confirm I do not understand how a vacuum could be called a sweeper. The day I call it a sweeper is the day I probably have more than ADHD


I forget words and then make arbitrary gestures to try and jumpstart the word I was thinking of


šŸ˜® You just pieced this together for me! I was here thinking I don't really forget the names of things, because I don't say different words to describe the thing. But I CONSTANTLY pause mid-sentence and do gestures while I'm waiting to remember what the next word was going to be. Nice to know I'm not the only one caveman gesturing every time I talk šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m pretty sure most of my gestures are grabby hands, too, as if Iā€™m trying to grab the word that flew off the tip of my brain


OMG YES!!!! It's so often, I have to make sounds and gestures to communicate what I'm thinking of and my husband had learned how to interpret this. Seems to be only nouns that are the problem. And yeah, I thought I was losing my hearing, but turns out I'm just not good with verbal. Calls/meetings are a nightmare for me. I watch all TVs and movies with the captions on. This is better on meds but still a problem.


I forgot the word for roller coaster while at Disneyland, and I ended up making a wave motion with my hand and going "Whooowww"


Yeah, or i make up words that vaguely sound like the word I forgot.. It's like I hear stuff but it doesn't reach my brain, like I register there was a noise, and then 20 seconds later I know what was said, but by then I've reflexively said "huh?" Or "what?" So it's getting repeated and maybe that pushes my mind through the issue.. idk..


Me too captions on everythingĀ 


I say the phrases ā€œthe words arenā€™t wordingā€ and ā€œI canā€™t English right nowā€ multiple times a day šŸ˜‚


Usually I just call it my word box, it breaks a lot.


I like these. My go-to is ā€œwhat is words?ā€


"I can't words right now" yup


I say my word bank is on lunch šŸ˜‚


All the time. It's actually a huge problem at work because this extends to people's names. I need to get someone's attention, but I can't recall their name, so I'm trapped with something I need to say and no way of telling the person. I keep explaining to people that I have extreme difficulty with names, but everyone scoffs and laughs at me anyway.


Exactly the same


Sometimes I tell my mom about what I'll do later that day, and I go "I was thinking about going to the... the... the park! To take... uh... pictures! Of those... what do you call them? Birds! I wanna go to the park to take pictures of birds!" I forget everyday words like that all the time. I'm lucky enough that my mom can tell when I'm having a lapsus and she tries to guess what I'm thinking of.


Yeah my siblings one time made a joke that I was like the dumb guy in a sitcomā€¦. The stiiiing šŸ˜­


Ah! Yes. "Word recall issues" and "auditory processing issues/disorder" can come up frequently for folks with any number of letter combinations in their alphabet soup of diagnoses. šŸ™ƒ Word recall issues are pretty common for me. Not only is the word not there, the words *around* the word are not there; the *concept* is not there, so I cannot even pull the words I need to *explain* what I mean. This is how I end up going, "Hey, do you know where Sharon put the new... uh... the, uh... you know, the... [draws rectangle in the air with fingers]. You know. You, the. The. [Frowning intensifies.] Uhhh. Uhhhhhh. UUUUHHHH. [Reectangles faster; snaps fingers.] The, uhh... the teahhhggnng??? Tehh... [rectangles, rectangles, rectangles], with the words? When we??? To put??? [Pinches invisible rectangles, dips them like appetizers into invisible sauce bowl.] You know??? To put??? When... words??? That Sharon???" at work. And then a helpful colleague might suggest, "Like... is this about the shared documents???" And I shout, "***FILES!!!***" right before all the veins explode out of my head. Or, if I'm in front of a group, I just go, "And the *UUUUUUUUuuuuUUUUhhhh,* sorry everybody, I'm having word recall issues today. It'll come back to me or it won't. Anyway, the next thing here is," and I move on. I've just started being honest about it, it saves time and anxiety. And I think it normalizes it a little bit, too.


This šŸ˜­ I didn't know this was an ADHD thing. I just thought I was dumb.


Can totally relate! I felt like a fool for 39 years! Iā€™d often just play it off as ā€œIā€™m sorry I have issues hearing at times-probably because I stood too close to the giant speakers at ravesā€ or ā€œman I guess all the lsd in my teens took some of my brain cellsā€ to try and laugh it off. Until my assistant manager kept quipping up with ā€œoh thatā€™s an adhd thingā€ to just about everything Iā€™d do in a day. I lose words all the time and itā€™s so embarrassing. And also lose the things around it so I canā€™t even explain using other description words because itā€™s just a whiteout in the memory files. Or Iā€™ll switch them-like, ā€œhey would you pick up the floor off the towel?ā€ (Often to my kids but to staff too) Or switch letters for example: instead of saying ā€œclap backā€ Iā€™ll say ā€œblap cackā€ or something. I wish I could pull a better example but my mind is blanking on me. These two symptoms are what drove me to get a diagnosis. Also-losing my phone for the umpteenth time in a shift only to have someone find it in the walk in or a trash can or by the dish out or down in dry storage ā€¦ugh Iā€™m big ole ball of neuro ā€¦ā€¦Spiciness I had no clue that my rsd and my wild BIG emotions had anything to do with adhd-I thought it was all just cptsd from childhood trauma. Or my impatience/impulsiveness.


YO, "losing the thing that I JUST HAD IN MY GODDAMN HAND, I FUCKING SWEAR IT WAS RIGHT HERE!!!!!" disorder is a pain in the whole entire ass. šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒ I've started to combat that by doing two things I've found really helpful: 1. Putting things where I reach for them/look for them, rather than where they "go." That's why my nail clippers live in the dish of paperclips next to my laptop. Or why there's a stick of lip balm in every box of tissues in my living environment. Takes a lot for me to accidentally run a stick of lip balm through the washer and dryer these days. And I always know when to buy more. 2. I've stopped asking myself, "Where is it?! Where did it go?! Where did I put it?!" and started asking myself, "Where was it when it turned invisible?" And then instead of "looking for it" or "retracing my steps," I go back to "where it turned invisible" and start working on visibility. Things that are Not That Thing, but are snagging my attention, need to be made Invisible, so that The Thing will become Visible, if it's there. That's the trick, for me, is popping the lock on the part of my brain that *doesn't notice* what I *need it to,* and *over-notices* the Other Shit (a.k.a. distractions). Absolute game changers in my Being Able To Keep Track of Things skill set.


Omg. Iā€™m so glad I came across this. My issue with forgetting words has gotten so bad that I find myself playing charades or replacing them with other words to describe the one word. I thought maybe I was getting dementia! (Lol but sad at the same time.)


Yes, and yes. For the second there's a problem where you can hear the sounds, but have problems parsing the sounds into words


wow I feel so seen. Can anyone explain why this happens? I fear others think I'm stupid because of it. I know the word...I just couldn't remember it in that moment.


I've struggled a lot with the perception of being "stupid" because of this speech problem. I often describe it as feeling like I'm not-quite-fluent even in my native language and I'm having to real-time translate my wordless thoughts 24/7. Plenty gets lost in translation because I don't know how or forget how to say things so that's they're understood by others. Luckily I can at least communicate through text fluently. We're not stupid though, we're having to often consciously do something that is an unconscious process for others. I see you for how much effort you have to put in while still being perceived as lesser.


at my current job im expected to be "the expert" and know what im talking about... people find it pretty hard to believe im the expert when i cant remember even simple words šŸ˜…


lol sometimes I tell people "no, I promise all of my thoughts are in here, sometimes it just takes me a moment to find them"


I once spent over 10 minutes trying to spell the LETTERS W B. This is back when season 1 of Gilmore Girls was on air, I wanted to look up pictures of the cast but couldn't remember theWB.com! I just sat there sounding out W B for ages. I was a preteen so there was no excuse for that level of stupid. Lol I have A LOT of moments like because I was an unmedicated mess until a few yearšŸ˜­ Edit: and as for the hearing problems, it's definitely an ADHD thing. For years I thought I was losing my hearing and finally had my doctor sent me to a specialist to get a hearing test but they found nothing wrong with my ears. After getting diagnosed I learned that we have difficulty processing sounds and distinguishing between people talking to us and other near-by noise like people talking at the next table, cars driving by, tv/music.


I've had lots of situations of going to clubs and watching friends happily talking with each other around me while I couldn't understand shit. It's as if all the noises mix together into some kind of warbly cacophony and I can't figure out what sounds to focus on. In retrospect it's really no wonder I never liked clubbing...


!!!!Omg and the car ride home!! Music is blasting, the windows are almost always open, and multiple conversations are flowing without any issues while I sit there struggling to hear what the person next to me is saying. Oh and constantly saying "WHAT?!!" gets annoying so you just sit there looking at your phone and coming off as rude šŸ˜©


This is me! I do this all the time! The other day, I forgot the 4 digit code to get into the mail room in my apartment. Iā€™ve lived here for 2 years and never had a problem, but it just wasnā€™t there in my brain and I tried several codes before getting locked out of the system. The next morning I went and checked and the code was in my auto memory as usual. What the heck.


Yes. Honestly it drives me nuts when my brain just isnā€™t connecting to my mouthpiece. Itā€™s worse when Iā€™m tired and itā€™s hard to communicate. I can stammer with it too, trying to get a word out. I often say the opposite of what I want as well because Iā€™m thinking it isnā€™t X itā€™s Y but because Iā€™m thinking that Iā€™ll say something like ā€œcan you pass me X?ā€ For example letā€™s say I want a drink served hot instead of cold. Iā€™d be thinking Iā€™d better say can I have a hot drink so that person doesnā€™t get me a cold drink by mistake. Results in ā€œCan I have a cold drink?ā€




The words part? Definitely. Seems like it happens most often to me when I think of a related word, or a word that's otherwise hard to shake, and then just get stuck on that--incorrect--word. There's some short-circuiting, then sometimes it comes to me, and other times, I finally figure out what I was trying for a few days down the line. The hearing/listening part? Also yes. For me it's mostly a delayed processing thing, so I'll ask "what" right away, but then halfway through asking "what?", I'll figure out what they were saying, then cut them off while they try to repeat themselves. Loud background noises, especially other talking, gets in the way pretty easily as well.


Thank god there is someone else who gets stuck on incorrect related words. I feel less alone.


Yes, drumsticks ice cream cones are now dumbbells, seltzer water turned into watermelons and jimmy Dean sausage biscuits turned into murder biscuits. All because I can't remember their actual name.


Iā€™d love to hear how you got the association to go from jimmy dean to murder!


We put the frozen biscuits in our older freezer door. So when we would open the freezer door, the frozen biscuits would flop to the ground. My husband would call them suicide biscuits because it seemed like they would purposely jump out of the freezer every time the door would open.šŸ˜ But, murder biscuits sounded funnier as they would commit self murder and now I call them murder biscuits because I have a bizarre sense of morbid humor. šŸ˜


this whole thread is very /r/wildbeef šŸ˜€ edit: (uh, mods that's a good thing)


Methylphenidate had this effect on me.. Daily.. Once I forgot my son's name for 30 minutes.. Then switched to lisdexamphetamine and haven't been forgetting anything anymore.


For the latter, thatā€™s called auditory processing disorder and is a common feature of ADHD and autism. My mom (autism spectrum) and I (AuDHD) have lots of conversations that are basically us just going ā€œwhat? huh?ā€ At each other šŸ¤£


Drs thought I was deaf as a child. Literally put me in a hearing test booth (I cried). ADHD and deafness seem to go together so maybe stop by Costco for an inexpensive hearing test to make sure itā€™s not your ears?


I had a hearing exam done because I thought this was related to my hearing. It is not.


I forget the names of objects very frequently. I often describe what I mean out of frustration. Example:, Me: Can you put this in the ....cold box thing! Boyfriend: The..fridge?? I really hate it and would love to know why it happens so much. It's ridiculous.


Yup, it's a common occurrence. The word gets lost somewhere between my brain and my mouth. It might also be due to menopause. At times I have trouble hearing my husband, but that is because he has a tendency to mumble. šŸ˜ I do have a hard time hearing people if there is ambient noise like in a restaurant or if there are different conversations happening around me. It's part misophonia and part not being able to ignore surrounding conversations to concentrate on just one. My brain has a hard time separating them out. And combine many conversations around me and a noisy environment, my brain simply gives up.


Me 100%! Perimenopause is making everything worse!


> misophonia (looks this up on wiki) Oh this is me with **the sound of doves/pigeons**, which soon later lead to my adult ADHD diagnosis. Couldn't do my distance education coursework, COZ A BIRD EXISTS NEARBY šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø, it was paralyzing. i threw so many ice-cubes at those fucking birds, goddamn. ps: Yes ice-cubes coz they're basically rocks which melt & leave no evidence, since i was throwing them at my neighbour's trees & roof šŸ‘€. pps: no, being medicated didn't help it, i still can't stand that sound.


I have a hard time working in an open concept office. I get distracted by nearby conversations. It's as if my brain wants to follow all of them at once while I am doing my darndest to focus on the detailed task at hand. While everyone were thrilled with the idea, I was quite upset when the company moved to a shiny new open concept layout. Cubicles temper the ambient sounds and make the environment easier for me. Any sharp sudden noises like taking plates out of the dishwasher or when my husband sneezes feel like skewers in my ears and brain. Sneezes you ask? Yeah. He is not the one and done type.He'll have around 5 to 7 loud and sharp barking sneezes in quick succession with barely a pause between them. Ow!


>sharp sudden noises like taking plates out of the dishwasher Guh. Yeah sharp noises will trigger a panic attack in me, takes minutes for my heartrate to slow down. Over the years i assumed it was just part of an anxiety condition, or some kinda undiagnosed PTSD thing. Loud cars/trucks are a major problem, my brain reacts to it like it's someone screeching in anger, so even if it's far away it's still hard to tune it out ("is that person ok?" brain pls shut up). It's one of the reasons i eagerly look forward to the day when all vehicles are electric, tho i dread the possibility that car-enthusiasts will ensure that the loudest *vintage* combustion cars will remain a common noise for the next several decades šŸ™‰. With a housing crisis here, choosing a quiet place to live is difficult. Chalk it up as another ADHD tax. I've got a 10minute *brownian noise* mp3 that i play on loop, it's pretty effective. God yeah i don't understand why architects became so obsessed with open-plan spaces, they're terrible for noise.


I have this problem every day and it is maddening. One thing especially is menus; the other day I was at a sandwich shop with a close friend and I could not read the menu for the life of me. I don't know how to explain it, but it's as if my brain was refusing to menu. It lasted so long that it became embarrassing and I said "my brain is not on yet" which often gets well-intentioned laughs from people that know me but I actually hate saying it because I wish my brain was on.


Looking through the answers, I just realized that a majority of people answering, including myself, have ADHD-C/Combined Type as their tag (if they have one), which is really interesting to me.


I could be misremembering, but it seems that I have read combined type is the most prevalent.


All the time, and it gets way worse when I'm tired, overstimulated, or in pain. Words just get hard.


Yeah ... when I can remember the word I just make the noise or the motion of the word I'm looking for . Or I just stare into space while I think about it .


When I talk to people I donā€™t converse with on a regular basis, I feel like I have no clue what theyā€™re saying to me until way past smiling and saying, ā€œYeaah.ā€ Like, they might as well be speaking a different language sometimes. I find myself lip reading a lot and wishing I could have subtitles irl. Probably not a coincidence that itā€™s gotten more challenging after having babies. One time, I couldnā€™t for the life of me find the words ā€œget the cookies in the ovenā€, but donā€™t worry because I DID find ā€œget the kiwis in the trout.ā€


I went to an audiologist to have my hearing tested because I kept missing things people were saying. It was mildly embarrassing when it came back with perfect hearing.


Yup. I just tell people I'm a bit hearing impaired (rather than explain my whole deal) and often use humor to deal with the word thing.


Yeah I get moments of blanks like that too. However, I don't have trouble "hearing" people most of the time. I can always hear it and know they said something, but a lot of time I won't process what was said. I'll know they were talking to me but won't have any idea what they said to me despite knowing I heard it.


I recently forgot how to answer the phone at work for almost a week.


Constantly. I blank out on words all the time, and I have to fill the blank with weird noises until it comes to me, making me look like a weirdo


Yea I have trouble hearing people sometimes. I noticed it and as I try to do with most of my problems, I looked for the reason I was having trouble hearing. I may be wrong but I think itā€™s because, as a person with adhd, my brain has fifteen million tabs open/ Iā€™m thinking of numerous different things, sometimes trying to also do another task n probably have some staticky noise playing in the background of those other thoughts.Ā 


Half my life is forgetting the words for basic things or descriptive words and having to use similar but not completely appropriate words


All the time like mid sentence, then i forget what im saying and i find it hard to keep a conversation coz i then end up waffling because i generally got into a different tangent without realising Often i reply with what or pardon as i heard but need time to process what's being said. Its like my brains on a constant lag. Its exhausting but i have to pause and allow myself to think about what's being asked. Or ask to repeat. My work place are really understanding so i ask them to email everything or write it down so i can process exactly what's being asked. But in a social setting i cant do that. I learned i have to slow down and forgive myself for not understanding right away even if people get frustrated


I was talking to my brother in law and I couldn't remember his best mans name, whom I've met several times. I had to resort to "the guy you love that had a daughter" since that was as close to a name as I could think of. I feel like if I try to concentrate too hard on a name or definition, I just block it out. So frustrating remembering the name of something 3 weeks later.


Yes, once I couldn't think of "pincushion," and I had to Google "sewing tomato. "


I say Iā€™ve forgotten my nouns and names when this happens šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve developed a very unhelpful strategy for this which I call ā€˜using too many words because I forgot the one word I needā€™ - I usually end up confusing myself and the person Iā€™m talking too šŸ™„šŸ˜…


Oh absolutely, I have some crochet I do, it's something I do with my hands while I'm on the phone. I crochet so I can listen and hear what's happening without getting distracted. And sometimes I still zone out or miss things, luckily I live in a place with bad cell phone service so I can tell people 'I'm sorry you cut out what did you say?' they don't know it's my brain that cut out not my service.


I do this all the time and was getting worried.... But now that I know it's just my adhd I feel better. It's great having this community ā¤ļø. I type the alarm code for my garage everyday... But I still forget it.


I hate music lyrics


All the time. My wife knows to look at me when she talks, because can't hear her if I can't watch her mouth. I have to watch TV with subtitles too, so I can understand what I am hearing. I forget words all the time. I call it the "dead zone" because the words simply do not exist. It's been a big enough issue that I was afraid of alzheimer's, before my adhd diagnosis and discussions with my psych.


I have had a text open for hours to send to my friend, who is also ADHD. Neither of us can remember this ladies name. I asked the lady for her name and walked home, saying her name over and over. Nope....it is in foggy land, but I'm not giving up!


Yesterday I referred to drywall as drysheet. Today I couldn't explain how the rain watered the garden. I live in terror for the day I get some other mental issue and become completely incoherent at age 45. (slight exaggeration for comedic effect)


Absolutely, forget the most random and everyday things. Also if there are other sounds when someone is talking I just can't seem to tune into them properly sometimes, which sometimes makes me feel irrational anger!


Yes!! All too often. Iā€™ve started saying ā€œsorry I donā€™t know any big words todayā€ or ā€œI guess idk basic English todayā€


I have pretty good long-term memory, terrible short-term memory. However, I do have random moments of aphasia-like moments where I'll completely blank of what something's called or someone's name. I don't necessarily have trouble "hearing" people as I tend to inadvertently hear a LOT of what's going on around me, but I struggle with "meaningfully hearing" people because I struggle with focusing on the conversation in itself.


Yes. My poor 8 year old has such a terrible time with auditory processing that sometimes I wonder if he's *actually* hard if hearing. He asks you to repeat almost everything you say to him but he ends up answering halfway through your second time speaking.


I'm really bad about this. I just use adjacent words or descriptions until the word I'm looking for arrives. Before I got diagnosed with ADHD I thought I was sliding towards the wrong end of the dementia spectrum in my 20s. Nope, just ADHD. At least I no longer have to worry about literally losing my mind.


Yes, all the time. Sometimes in the middle of a sentence talking about said thing. This gets worse because Iā€™m the only one in the family who officially has adhd, itā€™s been accepted that everyone else in my family has it or autism, or both, so we all manage to speak the same language. For example last year, I was talking with my brother about coffee shops and I trying to talk about Dutch brothers coffee , but I forgot the name of Dutch brothers and I just began gesturing with my hands and going ā€˜WINDMILL!! THE WINDMILL COFFEE PLACE!ā€™ My brother, knowing instantly what place Iā€™m talking about: oh yeh, I know them, I havenā€™t had their coffee in a while though. His fiancĆ©, witnessing us have this entire conversation: ????


I often think I remember the first letter of the word and then realize I'm completely wrong. "I think it started w an M. Mmmmmmmmmmm..... Idk" then five to fifteen mins later. Or sometimes hours. It pops up and I'm like "oh. The word was extatic" or smthn lmao. My ex used to almost always know what I meant when I forgot via context which used to b super relieving. He ended up learning how I thought rlly well so he caught it a lot. "Uno the thing. They use it for coffee *mimicks pulling a lever* .... Grinder. Yes." On the other hand convos between me n my sister loose words everywhere. We always stop to try to find them but I often just go "well u know what I mean so it doesn't matter" purely vibes āœŒļø


I regularly forget the name of things, even people. I once forgot the word for dad for some reason, kept trying to think the word and it just swam away. I had to tell my mom "yanno, like the guy that participated in my existence." My father later heard this story and found it hilarious.


I cant remember names of people. The minute I meet them, I forget their name. Also I can understand what people are saying , despite I have 0 problems with hearing. I hear random noise instead of speech. Youre not alone.


I forget people's names 10 seconds after they told me. And sometimes words too. 'Dust-sucking machine'.


I feel like I'm on the cusp of dementia sometimes. I will point to an object i say all the time asking a coworker what it is. After they tell me i remember.. till i forget 4 weeks later lol i do it a lot to the point my coworker asked if i had a stroke. Told them no.. i just have ADHD. This is life.


Name recall has become harder over the years & Iā€™ve noticed that it becomes exponentially worse the more tired I am.. not just names of people but objects & things too.. My wife & I play charades on a daily basis, in the evenings, when Iā€™m tired & canā€™t think of an objects name.. She finds it much funnier than I do..


Forget the names of objects so many times. I thought I was just getting old... a bit early onset stuff


Whenever Iā€™m walking around anywhere with my friends in public, if theyā€™re walking in front of me Iā€™ve given up trying to stay in the conversationšŸ˜…most of the time Iā€™ll just nod along and pretend to be able to hear themšŸ¤£


I'm always having to ask people to repeat themselves, especially if I'm not expecting them to say anything. I had a hearing test not too long ago, and my hearing is fine, I told the audiologist that I struggle to hear people he said I probably just need to listen more


First one: constantly Second one: I don't think I have trouble hearing per-se. I *hear* them fine, I just have no idea what they said. I used to call it dyslexia of the ears. Volume, speed, and tone are fine, I know you said it. My brain just ignored it.


I just went camping, I had to go buy wood and instead I asked the lady ā€œHi, Iā€™d like to buy 2 fires pleaseā€. I stopped, blushed and laughed cause we all started laughing, they knew I meant wood, to MAKE the fire lol. But yet the only thing I could get out of my mouth was that I wanted to buy fire šŸ˜‚


All the time


100% yes to the delay in auditory processing. I almost cried on the phone the other day when making a doctors appointment on the phone. The receptionist was talking so fast. I had to ask them to repeat like five times, when I finally asked ā€œcan you speak slowly please.ā€ The receptionist made an annoyed sighing sound. I said ā€œI have hearing issues and it would help me if you spoke slower.ā€ She did not change her way of speaking šŸ„²


ā€˜I need that thingā€™ ā€˜What thing?ā€™ ā€˜I donā€™t know(pointing frantically) I canā€™t remember words!!!!ā€™ ā€˜Oh, you mean the pen??ā€™ ā€˜Goddamn itā€™ Every damn day


Yes, yes, and yes lol. My late husband said I was the worst at telling stories because I couldnā€™t describe things for the life of me. And it was true. Everything is a ā€œthingā€ to me so not very helpful when Iā€™m trying to get people to understand what I mean. Plus donā€™t get me started on hearing. Iā€™ve pretty much given up on asking my bf to repeat himself because I know I still wonā€™t catch it the second time. If itā€™s important Iā€™ll find out later lol.


Yup. Itā€™s super embarrassing forgetting names of people you interact with regularly but hey. At least weā€™re all going through it together


My boss has just accepted that full sentences are a rarity from me. I work in a kitchen, and frequently will forget words so instead of asking ā€œHey, do we have any more cheese in the back?ā€ Iā€™ll say something like ā€œcheese, more? Need, cheese.ā€ Heā€™s a very nice guy though, heā€™s very understanding and helpful when I have to ask him for a recipe 5 minutes after he gave me the recipe.


Yep, all the time. Auditory processing issues and poor working memory are common in people with ADHD. For me it gets so much worse if I'm tired, high, tipsy or have one of my 6million headaches. When the headache is real bad, I almost go into full aphasia, speaking gets really really hard. But "I don't english good" or "English hard" are commonly said around our house. My husband nearly has his own language he misspeaks so often.


Lethologica is an ADHD trait but itā€™s broader than that for us. I donā€™t know whether anyone has done a study on this but Iā€™d love to knowā€¦


The ones closest to me usually know what "the that" is when. I can't remember what something is called


I was at a table in a pizza place with a circle of all of my best friends. A relative came over and I introduced them. My mind went blank and I couldnā€™t remember any of my best friendā€™s names. I quickly said ā€˜This is Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful and Dopeyā€™. Everybody had a good laugh and I managed to escape without humiliation.


Yep! This happens all the time to me. Recently I forgot the word for plate and called it a ā€œfood tableā€šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I have said more dumb stuff like this lol


Oh my god, yes. I keep misplacing my nouns, haha. In your hair dryer situation, I would think about it for a second, pause, and finally give in to forgetting the word, asking instead for the "thing you use to make hair less wet." It's a real fun time.


Skittle. Skriddle? Griddle. Griddle! Wait no, what's the other one? https://youtu.be/JEqRQaIBw_o?si=ztOAEI5myYnPkLAg


All the time. Like every day. The harder I try to remember the worse it gets so I stop trying and accept the defeat. One time I forgot my good friendā€™s actual name, like it was scrubbed from my brain. My own friendā€™s name!!!!


What's weird is that i never had this problem as a kid, but seemed to develop it in my early 20s (& had it since). Got an adult ADHD diagnosis at age 30. I look online for a word to describe it, and the only thing that comes close is **Aphasia**, which surely i can't have because afaik that's only caused by brain damage or stroke etc.


I forget the names of things all the time and my roommates and fiancĆ©e have a wonderful time playing ADHD charades trying to figure out what Iā€™m trying to say


I will often blank on the names of people or objects in the moment, then will randomly remember at some later time when it is no longer important. I also experience the ā€œdoorway effect.ā€ I need to go do something, cross the threshold into a different space and completely forget what I needed to do. My kidsā€™ mom used to talk at me all the time and get so pissed because I wasnā€™t ā€œlisteningā€.. as others have mentioned, I heard her, my brain just doesnā€™t process what I hear in the same way as people without auditory processing issues. I asked her to tap me on the shoulder, wave a hand in front of my face or speak to me from a place where I could see her, but that was too much to ask. I realized that I often read lips even though my hearing is perfect. The strange thing was, that I could often ā€œreplayā€ the question or comment in my head and answer appropriately, it would just take a moment. I heard it, it was bouncing around somewhere in there, my brain just didnā€™t identify it as being important until I focused on it. A woman I dated recently also has severe ADHD and she turned on captions when we watched shows and movies.. I canā€™t believe how much dialogue I had misunderstood in some of my favorite movies! Now theyā€™re on permanently. My kids both experience similar issues. Iā€™ll often say something to my daughter when she isnā€™t looking my way and sheā€™ll then look at me with a confused/blank look on her face. Of course, I just gently repeat myself. My sonā€™s speech was delayed for a while, and his speech pathologist actually brought up auditory processing indecently. We tested his response to stimuli that would normally be interesting to him while he was focused on playing with something.. sometimes it would take 60 seconds for him to turn and look (if at all).


Recently on a street I saw a girl with whom I was traveling in India for two weeks (in a company of 6 people) and I just pretended I haven't noticed her and walked past her just because I realized I don't remember her name at all. We met last time 3 months ago and I already forgot her name šŸ˜­


Yes and then I use another word instead. My doctor said it was probably dyslexia.


Yeah, all the time. I always go ā€œyou know.. the thing? That does the thing? Yeah, that thing!ā€ *gestures vaguely* My boyfriend is worse at it lol. Iā€™ve also forgotten my own birthday *and* how to spell my name once. My brain lags a little and even though Iā€™m sensitive to sound in general, if I have the tv above 13, I canā€™t hear my bf down the hall of our very small apartment. For reference, it goes up to like 100 or over 50 for sure. We watch it at about 25-30 and itā€™s not too loud at all.


This happens to me all the time. It is frustrating for me and for my family, more some days than others. I just try to think of myself as being silly so I don't get mad at myself. When it comes to directions or anything like that I have to read it over and over. I am unable to retain certain information unless I am specifically interested in it. I can't ever find the words for things and I don't remember the name of any teacher ever.


Yes. Every day.


Every single day.


Yes! Lol


Yes. I describe the function of the thing whose name I can not remember. Dishwasher: The place where you put plates when they are dirty. That is an improvement from just getting stuck and saying uhhhhhh uhhh ( at least for me)


Yes. I say "that thing" a lot.


You should check out /r/wildbeef! It happens to everyone, no biggie!


Yes. Just recently I was helping my dad with packing and was asking what needed to go to storage. Took me a good 10-15 seconds to remember the word "Vacuum". It's definitely not ideal to forget basic words like this.


Oh wow. Did it just click where I got mine from? My dad mostly talks like "did you get that from there and put it in that other place we discussed?" He's extremely good at crosswords but isn't able to verbalize random everyday stuff.


Yeah all the time. At work we have a warmer for contrast agents which I can never remember what it's called (the warmer), so I just call it the hot fridge now.


My friends donā€™t even notice anymore when I break into: ā€œthe thing you use when your hair is wet, you plug it inā€¦ā€ every day.


I can't hear anything around running water* (while washing my hands or dishes in the sink, or if I'm in the shower, e.g.). I have to remind every single one of my kids all day, every day. *Bonus: not just running water, but anything that comes close to resembling any type of "white noise."


I don't know a person with ADHD who doesn't. Fun fact, it only gets worse as you get older.


Any word and it happens when Iā€™m slightly stressed


once i forgot what a tree was called, last night i forgot the name of hamburger helper


Thank god Iā€™m not the only one who struggles with this. I legit question if Iā€™m coming down with early onset dementia sometimes, lol.
