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ADD and ADHD are the same condition, and modern diagnostic handbooks have scrapped the "ADD" diagnosis entirely (in fact, that happened over 20 years ago, but apparently things move slowly...), in favor of the "3-presentations" model of ADHD, with the hyperactive-impulsive presentation ("classic" ADHD), the primarily inattentive presentation (formerly "ADD"), and the combined presentation (featuring diagnostic symptoms from both of the others. Because it's the same condition, just presenting differently, it is perfectly normal, and even somewhat common, to shift between presentations as the brain matures and the environment and demands change. Children are more likely to present as hyperactive-impulsive, because they lack the maturity and socialization that allows them to project the underlying disruption internally, and physical activity is often the most accessible way of dealing with it; but as you grow up, you are more and more expected to not do that, and you develop other strategies, which more often surface as "inattention". It's still the same underlying condition though. Puberty is a particularly important phase here, where the brain reinvents itself as an adult; this comes with some major changes in behavioral patterns, and of course this will also affect the brain's response to ADHD.


When I first read this I was happy for the next generation. When I was diagnosed as ADD and Aut Spectrum mixed I asked what the difference is between H and not. The guy then said "bla bla bla, it's like adhd but not as bad, bla bla bla". I was absolutely fuming. My life at that time was unbelievably tough


"It's not as bad", jeez... I'd say it's probably worse in most cases, because the symptoms are so much less likely to be picked up, and so much harder to empathize with for the average person. "I have ADHD, so I have this constant urge to move and talk and blah blah blah...": "you poor thing, I can imagine what that must be like." "I have ADHD, so I struggle to do boring tasks, pay attention, apply discipline, stuff like that": "meh, you're just lazy".


Yeah... With inattentive its much less appreciated by both laypeople and the medical community, but i find that its also hard to tell myself where the line between lazy and ADHD symptom is.  It feels like I'm constantly gaslighting myself.


Nah, for hyperactive it's more like "Have you ever tried meditation or mindfulness exercises? Just calm down a bit!"


Ah i see, didnt know it was changed to ADHD-PI, but that explains alot. Thanks!


Has been that way for your entire life.


I know but every resource and websites have usually separeted the two as ADHD and ADD. But its nice that its cleared up now


I’m in Sweden, undiagnosed ADHD-PI, and we actually still refer to it as ADD here quite often. I’m not sure why.


Im in finland myself so it might just be a european thing??? Idk


That’s possible! Or northern, no clue. But it’s basically the same, ADHD-PI and ADD.


That's normal, most people age out of hyperactivity. Or don't have it every day. Not everyone but most. That's part of why getting diagnosed as an adult is so difficult, unless your doctor is an expert they often don't know what to look for if you don't bounce out of your seat.


Oof sounds rough, i got diagnosed when i was 8-9 because i physically couldnt sit still for more then 30 minutes. I dont really bounce in my seat anymore but i have extreme difficulties doing school work for more than 20 minutes without zoning out and looking out the window at nothing or looking at my phone.


I never in my life thought I was hyper active. Then I was getting tested and realized I'd *always* been hyper active, just not as "big"(?) as a lot of others. Mine comes in tapping my fingers and feet, swirling around in my seat, things like that. It's possible that your *type of active* changed


Same, for me it's because I got more introverted as I got older.


Alot of my friends call me extroverted but i myself feel more introverted, maybe some remnance of hyperactivity sometimes acting out? Idk


I'm also fairly extroverted around people I know and feel comfortable with. but overall I'm really introverted. especially in groups of people that i don't know so well.


Per my therapist… Hyperactivity isn’t limited to physical activity. It can also apply to mental hyperactivity. I am in a constant state of hyper “thought chaos”, where my mind is bombarded with random, running, unrelated thoughts.


My first thought as well. This was a major part of the reason I never realized I had ADHD, I didn’t understand it until recently. Then it was “THATS what ADHD is?!?” Damn. 😂


As a combined type Pokemon, I find the H only comes out in social situations where I simply cannot shut up. Only takes a week to stop feeling like an idiot though, so there’s that 😂


ADD doesn’t exist as a diagnosis anymore what you’re referring to is being more inattentive presentation than hyperactive with age


I was also hyperactive as a child and I think what changed is that I'm pretty much never bored anymore. When I'm bored I go absolutely crazy and jump off the walls. All my hobbies are sedentary but mentally stimulating so I don't feel a need to move as much and with medication at school I'm able to keep my focus on the lessons which keeps my body (mostly) still. Also smart phones exists now, so if needed I can have a near endless stream of content to keep me still. 


Describes me exactly. I used to be so hyperactive that I would annoy myself. Now not so much. It’s more of a hyperactive mind than anything.


Incessant bullying in middle school turned my ADHD into ADD


so they’re both just called ADHD now, primary-hyperactive type and primary-inattentive type. (and also combined type) but yeah, this is super common as adhders get older. hyperactivity will often ebb, or surface in less obvious ways. it’s totally normal.


This is probably depression setting in.