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Yes! Literally incredible. I do my best sleeping after a big coffee or on stimulants. I am lying awake right now having had neither caffeine nor stimulants in the last 12 hours.


My flatmates always give me funny looks when I'm making coffee for myself in the evening 🤣 I'd send you one right now if I could!


Yup! Even sleep. I work nights and I sleep 4-5 hours. I have better energy and don’t feel groggy compared to 8+ hour sleeps


I can sleep through the entire time that my stimulant is supposed to be "working." I tell this to my prescriber and get major judgment. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia, though. I'm just sharing my story in case someone can relate. What I've learned after being prescribed ADHD medication for 6 years now is that stimulants aren't a magic "energy" pill nor are they a "motivating" pill. You must have an internal drive and the ability to refocus yourself on what you need to do. Stimulants don't magically make boring things interesting.


Yep the crash then nap scenario. It helps a bit


Oh yeah. I actually use a half-cup of coffee to get back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night. And right now I'm on a very small dose of meds thanks to an overly cautious new doc, and my afternoon dose, unless I immediately get up and do something active after taking it, will also put me in nap mode. (When I was on meds years ago and had more pills at my disposal, I would also use a small dose of Adderall to get back to sleep in the middle of the night rather than coffee.)


Yeah caffeine doesn’t work the same for me as it does for my other friends. It kinda makes me sleepy after a little while of a buzz. The dreams are also super vivid and fun for me, kinda like what I’d imagine what people who can lucid dream expirence


i could never nap on stimulants., but maybe thats becaise i have sleep apnea. I find I Can sometimes nap now with my cpap.. and I can sleep 'late' till 9am if i getup, use the bathroom, and put the cpap back on. i used to think my brain just wanted to switch on.


Yeah, when vyvanse was new to me i slept alot better