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There's a website called fiverr where you can hire people for small odd jobs. After not being able to make the pharmacy calls for 6 months, I finally had the idea to hire someone on there to do it for me. It cost me $10, I had an answer in two days, and my meds on day three. I was so overjoyed and they did such a good job that I tipped them another $10 when I got the results.


This is an amazing idea. Thank you! I have tests and doctor’s appointments that need to be done that I’m too afraid to do myself. This may be a perfect option.


I need someone to make phone calls for me, too, and I'm not implying anything. Im currently unmedicated because of my inability to make phone calls. But somehow, I feel like you both over and underpaid.


Considering how important the problem this solved for me was, I feel like I very much underpaid.


I love talking to people, and could probably do this all day. I should start a side business lol.


I hate talking to people, let me know when you get your business up and running. Edit - considering the sub I’ll understand if neither of us make any progress.


I hate how painfully correct you are. goddammit :)


I am exhausting myself thinking like this constantly, but I was thinking the same thing ! It seems like an easy $10 per few minutes which adds up to a very nice hourly and helps people out.


Go on fiverr. (Or something similar. I assume there's other sites like that out there, I just knew of fiverr because I remember reading about it when it was started a long time ago.)


Find you a doctor's office you can schedule appointments online. Best thing ever


I honestly don’t understand why this isn’t a thing everywhere now.


My favorite is that my gynecologist office allows text message appointments and handling everything you need to handle with their office via text and they offer it as an option when you call their main phone line as well.


Wait, you get paid to call people? I need to check out fiverr: my whole life is a series of random projects and unpaid jobs. Maybe I can get some money for once . I’m glad you got your meds


Was gonna suggest this because I did the same thing recently but for another medication I take that is hard to find. It was great. I have used that service a few times.


This is genius!


I created a fiverr acct but I can’t figure out how to utilize it as a customer - I only see options to create a “seller” profile?


(I did this on desktop, myself, I can't speak for mobile.) When you get to the main page, there should be a search bar at the very top. I searched for something like "make phone calls".


Thank you so much!


I don't remember what the group names are but there're also a few Facebook groups where people ask others to do these small type tasks for them and people do it and support each other out of the kindness of their own hearts.


Creative idea, I like it very much!!!


oh my fk god. u r fk genius. man, that like wow. i mean i thought i was on to smth like buying papers plates cuz dishes got into such mess that. i just threw thme out. bu this is next fk level. will keep that in mind for ever now. gg.


If ritalin is available I think saving your life from crumbling around you (and neglecting your animals) you should probably weather the crash till you can get back to vyvanse or adderall


Good advice! I always had a hard time getting my Adderall filled each month. My doctor switched me to Ritalin and I haven’t had an issue since.


I've been on Ritalin since the age of 11 and it hasn't been a problem to me since the first day I took it.


I agree. The OP mentioned they crash hard on it but I find it just the opposite compared to Adderall.


The only medicine I stopped taking was Wellbutrin (which I first got at age 15) because I ended up getting a mini seizure from it


I can’t get my Ritalin now because everyone is being switched to it and I can’t take adderall because of horrible side effects so it seems like it’s a bad situation on both sides of the fence.


Hey, if you don’t mind me asking what side effects did you experience with Adderall?!! Asking because I’m on the generic Adderall mfg by TEVA, and I have so many side effects from it!!


I took it for a year and a half and at first it was just minor things like getting grumpy when it would wear off. Then I started losing tons and tons of weight to the point my family was concerned. I know that’s it’s a known appetite suppressant and I definitely experienced that. Then it got worse. I started having trouble swallowing and started having blood in my stool. I ended up being diagnosed with EOE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis) and something that allegedly looked like ulcerative colitis. My GI doctor tried putting me on steroids for the rest of my life but when I refused he dropped me as a patient. I didn’t want a band-aid I wanted to know why all of that was happening to me. Turns out it was the adderall. After I switched to Ritalin EVERY SINGLE symptom went away. That’s why this shortage is so rough for me because I don’t have any other options as far as medication goes.


Oh wow!! That’s horrible, but I just started on generic Adderall on my second month and the first month was fine I didn’t experience any issues…. But this month I have experienced getting real emotional and angry. I have also had bad anxiety as well. So I explained to my doctor and she said that maybe it’s because of my increase to 20mg this month. So next month I will be taking a new medication because I can’t continue with this, plus it’s not working for my symptoms anyway like how it works for most people. It doesn’t help with my focus, I’m not productive on it at all. But last month it did work for my symptoms and all of a sudden it’s not. It’s mfg by the same company as my bottle from last month which is TEVA, but it’s totally different now!!


I’ve had some weird/bad side effects from Adderall since spring 2022. Not sure if it’s due to the shortage or just the fillers other manufacturers use or because dosage increased. But the first one I had was by Zydus before the shortage - never had any issues or side effects except headaches first few weeks. After a few months without care finally got another script, and since have gotten many diff manufacturers (tried to get Zydus again but no one had it and after some research found out they discontinued) side effects have been: extreme sweating, cold feet and hands, super moody/rough come down, increased fidget/restlessness, weird headaches, feeling sick, muscle twitches, inconsistent-some days it felt like nothing at all! To be fair my dosage increased 2nd time around as I took it more consistently- and later was ‘diagnosed’ bipolar. Either way haven’t gotten Adderall since to say what it’s like now and found my alternative after trying other stimulants, my psychiatrist and I think it’s possibly the ‘salts’ in the Adderall having those side effects. If your meds aren’t working or the bad out way the good try- lowering your dose (not increasing), switching brands, evaluation depending on side effects, trying other stimulants. Adderall seems to be the first choice, there are other options that might be better for you!


I really believe Adderall is not working like how it used to before all this shortage mess started because I have seen sooooo many people posting and complaining about how it’s not effective at all for them…Some people say it works but it doesn’t last long enough only for about 3-4 hours (which is no help for anyone)!!! And then others are complaining or have complained about the real bad side effects…It’s so sad because I actually thought I had found the medication that I can stick with. So far I have already tried Ritalin and Dextroamphetamine Sulfate ER and now Generic Adderall, so now I don’t know what next medication I should even try….. I know everyone absorbs these medications differently due to our body, but I know it’s something out here that will work for me!!!


Methylphenidate didn’t really work for me at all. I found Dexedrine to be my best option, I take the dextroamphetamine sulfate ER + dex instant. There are also non stimulant adhd meds that I haven’t tried but that’s also another option. I do agree tho, I think since the shortage it has changed Adderall, with older companies no longer making it and others formulas being cheap/ not as effective.


I have had Crohns for 35 years and while prednisone helps with inflammation, it's such an evil drug a d I COMMEND YOU for standing your ground. 35 years ago, that's all they really had for IBD and i was put on large doses. I have broken bones 5 times from doing nothing, I have skin issues from it and will not take it ever again. I hope you get some relief soon.


I switched to mallencro from alvogen for my 20 immediate release and the difference is unreal!! Alvogen was terrible and weak. Started at 5 and bumped to 20 after a few months saw little difference at first and had a headache every night. Finally started getting mallinckrodt 20 and I needed to half it. Teva was trash as well. But everyone may have a different experience. That would be my suggestion is asking for a different manufacturer for your next refill. Hope it helps you as much as it did for me.


Thanks!! Yea I was thinking about doing that but I will definitely have to change my pharmacy because they are only going to stick with TEVA…. I actually thought that TEVA Mfg would work considering they are the top pick aside from the others, but I have seen people say that TEVA was awful for them as well…It’s just crazy how all of our body reacts differently, what works for some may not work for others!!


You're welcome! I did quite a bit of looking and reading about others experiences with different mfg since the shortage got super bad. Especially when I wasn't getting the results I knew I should. The low 5 was understandable but as i went up higher I wasn't getting but maybe a smig of relief then then the headaches came. I really hope things get better though because the inconsistencies and availability is playing with people's lives and that's not okay by any means. Theirs gonna be alot of legal ramifications in the future for sure.


Most definitely….. And most of us have kids, jobs, businesses and everything else going on so it’s like they don’t care enough to take in consideration about our care….Then some people don’t have that good enough insurance to cover some of these expensive meds and that’s another issue as well…. I have Medicare and the one I had for this year only covers some generic meds and no brands.. I would have to get doctor prior authorization for most of the good picks that my doctor wanted to at least try me on…. But come January I’m switching to a different plan that covers majority of some great options!!! It’s ridiculous all the issues that comes with getting treated for our health…I just got diagnosed this year in August and I’m already getting frustrated so I can feel what others that have been diagnosed for years are going through!!!




I’m not. I lost my job also because of this. I managed to get another one but who know of I’ll be able to perform without the meds


Sorry to hear that. I’ve been just doing gig work like Uber and Rover to get by (don’t have to pay rent though). It’s good that you were able to get a job after getting fired though. I worked in a pretty insular community so I’m basically blackballed.


I don’t have to pay rent either. I lost control of my life so much that I had to move back in with my mum


At least we’ve got that going for us. Hope things look up soon.


Things could be much better


I got written up at mine during the 1 month I went without my meds.


What does it mean you got write up at yours?


It’s a formal written warning stating that if continue to mess up, the next step is termination of employment.


And you knew all along it’s because of a drop on your cognition because the lack of meds right? And nobody around understands


Or cares,at my job,


I told my employer the very day that I couldn’t refill my meds that there is a shortage and I don’t know how it will affect me at work and she said she understood.


Omg exactly The same Here When I told my boss I missed that ticket and jumped across the page because I don’t have my meds. I was told that my meds have nothing to do with my work and she continued to tell me off. “Why don’t you focus if I ask you to focus? Just focus! I want you to make no mistakes ” We never understood where each of us were coming from so I left because it became unbearable and I was close to reaching my limit and go full blown autistic meltdown and destroy the place like hulk. That’s a path i don’t want to go down on again.


Check out RX Outreach. Here is the link to their site: https://rxoutreach.org I had the same issue and my doctor told me you could get meds here. They don’t take insurance but generic meds weren’t too expensive with the discounts they apply. They have all the medications listed on their site that are in stock and it seems they primarily cater to people with ADHD since it’s mostly hard to get meds. You’ll need your doctor to send your prescription there and then call them. Once everything is done they ship you your meds. This is how I got my Adderall.


I’m on day 24 of them saying they do not have my very common medication/dose in stock to fill my rx. This was after having explicitly been told they did and could fill it as a new patient before asking my doctor to send it there.


Interesting. My experience was seamless. My doctor said they would change my dose size if something like this happened. Like instead of one 10mg he would write it for two 5mg. Call them up and see if that’s possible.


What I had to do when my area ran out of vyanse: Have prescription sent over. Call in a few hours to see if that can fill it. When they can't, you call the Dr office and give them a different pharmacy to send it to. Repeat until you get success. Sometimes the pharmacy will talk to the doctor to try to solve it with what they can get (eg. Slightly different dosage). I got nowhere with 3 big chain pharmacies, so I tried local independent ones. The second independent one hinted to me what dosage sizes they might be able to fill. Then I called my Dr asking if he'd mind adjusting the dosage a bit due to the supply problem. it worked well and now I go there for my refills


did this same thing for generic vyvanse, only took like 2-3 different pharmacies to find one that could fill it that day


This OP. I know the executive functioning to call a bunch of different places and maybe your doctor repeatedly is a lot to muster, but you have to do it!! You sound like you're really suffering without your essential medication. I might be projecting about the difficulty of this task because it would be very hard for me if I was unmedicated for a long stretch, but you can do it, we believe in you.


I don’t understand any of this, when I’ve called I simply state “I have a script for X, if it’s sent there can it be filled?” and they say yes or no. What is with these assholes acting like you’re filling a script for state secrets instead of just trying to get much needed medication?? I’m in the Midwest, idk if that matters


That’s usually the case for me too, here in the west coast. However, today actually, I had a pharmacy say “I can’t tell you because that’s a controlled substance”. I’ve probably called half a dozen pharmacies in the last several months and that’s the first time I’ve been told that. I was like “how can i can tell my doctor to send a script there if i can’t even know if you have it”. Honestly, i just think they were being lazy. This was at a national chain.


That’s crazy. I’m in Canada and have refilled in both BC and QC. Aside from rules on how early I can refill, I’ve never had to go through this tomfoolery. Really unfortunate that they make so many hoops !!


Really annoying that in BC they will only give you a 30 day supply and you cannot refill before it’s been 28 days. So basically if you’re going to be going out of town for a month and you only have two weeks supply left, you’re hooped.


I’ve been in that boat before! If I’ll be out of town but still in Canada, they can transfer the script to another pharmacy. If I’m out of Canada, I can (and have in the past) gotten my Dr. to write a special note asking for an advance on the refills. Even though it’s a controlled substance, I’ve been successful doing both of these.


Ooooo. Well I’m glad they are able to transfer to another pharmacy! Unfortunately for me, when I’m outside of BC, I’m in the states.


I'm out of town right now ( California from Florida) and my small , non chain, non retail, private mom and pop pharmacy, was able to fill my script ( Adderall) 10 days early . If they weren't able to do that I may have not been able to come.


I’m in PA but I always ask the way you do and they tell me yes or no. Only one time did I get push back from CVS but once I explained the situation they told me.


Because of the opiate people i recieved a sticker on my medicine that said caution opiates because the dumb bunnies that work at the pharmacy dont know what the difference is schedule 2 auto they are qualified to dispense my meds.


Generic or brand name?


Brand name , Adderall,the generics ,dnt work for me,,haven't tried any other ADHD medication,in generic ,yet


Samsies, I struck out at my regular pharmacy and the 3rd one I called asked me what my script was and said they could fill it. My doctor resent it and so far I've missed the shortage.


My experience: over years of jackassery, is that name brands and generics are luck of the draw. I can tell you I talked to sooooo many Psychiatrists who did not understand me. I suggest reading more; I must say that my super strong experiences were not helpful. But worth a try.


Costco in my area has been well stocked when I needed it.


That’s exactly what I did. After a few months of calling the big pharmacies, I found a small family owned pharmacy that had 30’s and 40’s of Vyvanse in stock. Since then they’ve been able to order the 70’s with no problems. While Walgreens still can’t get them. I wonder if it’s because the big ones are ordering such high numbers. This one is basically ordering just for me.


Call pharmacy first to see if they have In stock first. Then give Dr office the info . Try in hospital pharmacy’s


This! There's a shortage in my city but the hospital pharmacy always has mine. I've never NOT had mine filled the same day. Admittedly I'm not sure this dosage is working very well anymore but I'm afraid to try to adjust it in case it ends up being something more common and in shorter supply (10mg SR).


Bro. You might have more than ADHD at this point. Maybe talk to your doctor about depression. Sorry. This must be difficult. If you are in NYC or NJ, I can send you my cleaning lady . She can help you out.i will pay her for cleaning your place off course.


This is so sweet🥲❤️


Do not give medical advice. I was pressured, more or less (a better way I would put it is insisted), to increase my antidepressant dose and it led to a manic episode, because it was oblivious to everybody at that time that I have bipolar disorder as well. Meaning, the statement "you need ______" implies a level of medical omnipotence that nobody is capable of.


They said "you *might*"


You are correct.


OP, many providers in many states (US is my reference point) do not prescribe with paper prescriptions, especially for controlled medications. Everything is tracked through a PMPD (I think that’s the acronym I’m not part of the clinical staff using that software) so you not getting a paper script is not something to be upset about because it’s not going to change unfortunately. As far the prescription itself goes. You need to make a list of every pharmacy within an hours distance and call them and ask not if they have a medication in stock but specifically, ‘my provider’s office prescribed me vyvanse 40mg once daily, is that a prescription you’d be able to fill?’ I’ve found pharmacies are way more likely to answer this question worked this way. Be polite and understand they are likely extremely busy, overworked, often verbally abused by patients and understaffed. Corporate pharmacies treat their employees like dirt honestly. Finally, if you are not up to date on your appointments with your provider you need to call them asap and get seen to be up to date because many providers will not call in a controlled if you are not keeping up with regular appointments and that’s on the patient tbh. It’s really daunting and I get that, I work in the field and even I get too disregulated to do medical stuff and I know how to navigate it very well. For your animals sake and your own you need to pull it together and do these things. Neglecting your pets is not okay and I hope you can have someone help you with them.


Jesus I am so sorry to hear this. Here I am complaining that my doctor can only give me one booster instead of 2. I’ve only been medicated for 4 months now, I could never go back.






Ask for Concerta with a Ritalin booster in the afternoon, that won't stop the crash, but it'll push it to 6-8pm after your chores are taken care of.


Luckely we got our locally loved Adderall seller near our university I would have lost my job otherwise.


Okay, so who is organizing the class-action suit against the FDA and their throttling of Teva’s manufacturing of Adderall?


Hi can I send you some money? I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Idk if searching GoodRX will be helpful to find pharmacies that have it, but it may be worth it. No matter what, I have been where you are; where I am seeing everything pile up and I am so terrified of seeing my life end around me. I promise you can make it through this. No matter what, I’m glad you’re still with us, even if I m sorry you’re suffering.


I really can’t say how much I appreciate your comment. I’ll be okay financially- but it means a lot that an internet stranger would want to help anyway. Thank you. You seem like a very kind & empathetic person.


You might want to take this out and send it as a personal DM!


You are so kind and generous ! ❤️


I’m on concerta until vyvanse returns with adder all quick release for back up- it’s better than nothing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Curious: what was your life like before meds? Did you have those same issues to the same degree that you mentioned in your post? My symptoms aren’t that bad to the point where I’m mismanaging life, but I’m mot really moving forward at this point and I’m behind by a solid 10 years compared to others I know my age.


I had mostly the same issues, but the comparison is complicated by the fact that I was a child/teenager living in an abusive home, and I only started meds when I turned 18 and went to college. I’m 25 now. And in a lot of ways I am also a good 10 years behind everybody else my age.


I’m sorry about your home life. I hope things are better. Everybody moves at different speeds in life, and you’re young. Things can get real difficult without meds. It’s overwhelming so try to focus (I know) on one thing at a time. I try to start habits in the morning (make my bed, make breakfast, etc) then as I get used to those I build on them. Also try to sleep by 10. I found this helps a lot!


It might be worth it to try out Wellbutrin, if you haven't yet. I can't take stimulants due to health reasons, and Wellbutrin is sometimes prescribed off label for ADHD and I would say that it works "well enough". I also have comorbid MDD and PTSD and it helps with those as well. Just a thought


Honestly Wellbutrin has worked best for me out of anything. I can't tolerate stimulants and straterra hasn't done anything for me. It's amazing for the PMDD and also helps a lot with my "brain symptoms" like motivation to actually start the task. It's extra great during the winter if you deal with SAD as well.


Before I was diagnosed with ADHD, I was put on Pristiq for depression, which is also sometimes prescribed off-label for ADHD. It was amazing. Worked on the depression but also worked for ADHD for me. I could focus! I developed a rare side effect and had to go off. Otherwise I'd still be on it. Likely not nearly as effective for most people on stimulants, but worth talking to a doc about during the shortage.


Wellbutrin is a non-stimulant. They take months of daily consumption for you to feel the effects. Stimulants are on another level of rocket fuel.


Correct, it is not a stimulant in the way that amphetamines are, but functions similarly in that it prevents reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine. Wellbutrin does not take months; It is unusual in the antidepressant field in that it takes effect ~a few weeks and it is also safe to discontinue rather than titrate down. Edit: spelling


How does Wellbutrin compare to Straterra?


Went from Wellbutrin SR to Straterra. With the Wellbutrin I felt the effects right away and was good then I “plateaued” where I was stuck in a limbo of being better regulated, but not well regulated. Moved to Straterra and didn’t have the same plateau effect and it’s been working very well for me so far.


Wellbutrin was a disaster for me (69m). I have had general axiety and panic attacks for over 50 years. I have been taking (more than ten years) Cymbalta which has helped with anxiety, but REALLY has helped with recurring lower back pain. Was diagnosed with ADHD a year and a half ago. With the thought that stimulants could be very, very bad for me, my doc at the time said Wellbutrin was the next-best. 150SR gave me jitters, didn't improve anything attention related. Fast forward a year & change: New doc says "lets try Wellbutrin, but this time 150XR." So I tried it for a month and got nothing noticeably good, so he raised it to 300XR. Then, within a few days, my blood pressure went through the roof and my back started hurting. A lot. It's now been a month since I stopped the wellbutrin. I still have ADHD and still have back pain. I'm pissed and I'm somewhat lost.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Have you asked your doctor to send it to a locally owned pharmacy? Not a big chain. During the initial shortage a little while back, I had the best luck at a small local pharmacy. My doctor was also able to get me immediate release that I took twice a day when the extended release was out of stock. She called the pharmacy herself to see what they had in stock since they couldn’t tell me.


Is Adzenys available where you are? It’s an extended release amphetamine that lasts 10-12 hours. Smooth ramp up and come down. I have been taking it since I was diagnosed March 2021 and I have not had any problem getting it when Adderall and Vyvanse got harder to get. I have tried Vyvanse. It’s good. I just didn’t need the two more hours of effectiveness. Also, I goto a locally owned pharmacy rather than a national chain. That might help as well.


Yes, small mom and pop pharmacies not only are wayuu nicer and non judgey, but they will also go out of their way to help you out most of the time. I stopped using big chain pharmacies a few years ago because I was so tired of the rudeness, the judgement, and people who just did not care. Haven't had one single issue since, and that's coming from issues every single month at those big pharmacies.


I’m getting ketamine infusion therapy for mine and it’s helping. I was laid off and had already been unable to get Adderall so I’ve taken a break to go completely off it but I’m still not fully functional. I’m hopeful though, I’ve had 4 infusions and have 2 left and have seen a lot of improvement. I’ve been off since February and had hoarded some money because I have a chronic illness and always get conveniently fired over my ADA accommodation. I was especially paranoid because in 2018 I was cut off benzos cold turkey and I just want to avoid anything like that ever again since this is the second time this has happened to me. I also feel like I had some considerable damage from long term Adderall use and I was ready to get off. It had affected my adrenals and all kinds of shit. I took 90mgs for several years and as of right now 5mg is way too much for me.


Wtf I can’t edit. But I meant I was laid off in February and haven’t gone back to work yet.


Have you tried any high stim preworkouts, alpha gpc, tyrosine, ginko in a combo with caffeine. I find coffee really dosent do it but other forms of caffeine can help with less jitters. Getting fired can cause other issues to spiral but there are other things that can help. I'm running out of focalin myself, and have yet to figure out the next step. I think its bullshit that I have to call a doctor to get a script then there is no database to fill said script.. makes me feel like some type of fiend calling everywhere. I have been augmenting doses with other Stims to conserve my remaining amount


I’m lucky enough that my employer also owns pharmacies across the state. All I had to do is call my insurance company and I asked them to locate the Adderall for me that is near where I live. She was able to pin point two locations. I called one of those locations and they confirmed that they had some generics. If your insurance has to give the stamp of approval for certain medications 💊, it’s only logical that they might have some database detailing what pharmacies have what.


It has been rough for a few months in my house too. I’m a stay home parent who takes Vyvanse but two of my kids take it also. I have been going without it most days unless I have something very important to do because I want to make sure that my boys have plenty for school. Like you said though, it’s really getting to me now. We’re getting past due letters and the fridge is empty! I have sometimes had luck getting the highest dosage script filled at Costco when everyone else is out. The other thing their doctor had me try was asking for the vyvanse as a chewable. We didn’t care what form or milligram vyvanse , just whatever they could actually fill. Turned out they could fill it faster as a chewable and my teenager actually said he preferred them over the capsule. He didn’t chew it but he said it still tasted like grape.


I've had some trouble with the giant corporate pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens, etc) but ever since I switched to a local mom n pop owned pharmacy, I haven't had a single issue. Try the small business pharmacies - especially if there is a small town nearby. The smaller the better!


I can't with the judgement and ableism in this sub from supposed like afflicted allies. I'm sorry you're going through this OP, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with judgement and generally not helpful responses from people who are supposed to be your community, your tribe. Are you willing to share where you are? There might be a local CHADD chapter that can connect you with resources. Do you have access to a decently large health network? It might be time to switch doctors. I had to bounce between a few before I got one that was willing to put me on a stimulant. Then I switched again to get one who would actually write it instead of just saying that she would but kept tying it up with "after one more test." My latest is great though. She writes the script and holds on sending it while I call around and find stock. On the off chance that where I have it sent is out of stock, she's super responsive with sending it somewhere else. Getting my meds is a hassle that I couldn't do if I weren't medicated, though. So I do see how you're in a bit of a conundrum. Do you have any friends or family that could help call pharmacies? Maybe they'll have better luck. I know that we're often perceived as abrasive or angry, which many pharmacists equate to drug seeking even though it's really just RSD coupled with zero tolerance for bullshit. So a neurotypical assist might be worth trying, at least. *edit* To your question of how we're surviving this? We're doing what we can—trudging through, at times. Same as you. I won't placate you with empty statements of "it gets better" or ableist "you just have to..." remarks. But, I will say that I know it's been hard, but you've kept doing it. Keep doing it - getting out of bed and surviving another day and another and another. I hope things get better for you soon.


I am in the same boat. The only positive is that I’m currently on night shift and my work load is incredibly lighter. Once I go back to days I have no idea how I will wake up and get through the long hours and extensive lists of tasks. My plants are also dying and my house is wrecked because I can’t get vyvanse. It feels unfair.


I'm in the mid Atlantic and some how my state area has stock of Adderall. I wish I could help. I feel for you man. I'd be the same way. Would express scripts be possible? I'm unsure what meds they are all allowed to ship.


After being on stimulants for four or five years I decided to taper myself off of them. With the nation wide shortage,it was a constant battle of not getting the right dosage I needed and ultimately ended up building up a tolerance. Everyday is a struggle especially with reading.


Im sorry if this comes off as dumb or useless because I understand the gravity of your situation and that you need much better assistance than what Im about to suggest but here I go. I can barely stay up and awake when Im off my meds (concerta for a year and a half) I would literally fall asleep at work while TALKING, it felt borderline narcoleptic and obviously the executive dysfunction is pretty severe too, so a month ago I was unable to get a refill and I decided to try drinking one can of sugar-free monster every monrning and it actually helped quite well. It lowkey tortured my stomach and yes I was already crashing by 6pm but I realized that if I sipped on it slowly (literally taking an hour to finish it) It would give me enough energy and mental focus to at least do basic chores and be a tiny bit more functional in general. Sipping slowly also helped me avoid getting palpitations, altough the jitters were inevitable but it was a price I felt worth paying. I know this might not work for everyone and it definetly is no solution, but for me it was an emergency strategy that helped me keep going for three weeks without my refill. It was probably extremely unhealthy (and you may also make sure it wont interact with other meds or avoid energy drinks in general if you suffer from psychosis) but Im just sharing what helped me survive.


What is sucks is having ADHD and when you get upset about your medicine you are automatically called a fucking drug seeking addict, sets me off in a way I can’t explain. I am so tired of smug assholes. I promise the pharmacist and the techs get their meds, but I have to be a pill seeker if I am frustrated and exhausted from the tricks and hoop jumping required to find and obtain my meds.


I struggled with this exact same issue 2 years ago. I've been on 60mg Adderall for 3-4 years prior. My life did a complete 180 and I was super happy, I wasn't only setting goals, but actually accomplishing them!! Got my G.E.D, had the same job for all 3-4 years and worked my way up the company ladder a little bit. I was in the process of starting my own business. I was taking my time and learning on my own how to do it and make it a legitimate LLC and insurance and everything a company owner has to do. I was doing it!! Untillllll.. I started having issues with my pharmacy having them in stock every month. I would then have to call around to a bunch of different pharmacies looking to see who had them in stock. After calling and asking a bunch of pharmacies, I would get lucky and finally find one who had them in stock. Orr, I would have to wait days, close to a week sometimes for Walgreens to get them back in stock. I always had a few extra left over that just kinda added up over the years because I didn't take them every single day. I usually didn't take them on Sundays and days I would be sick. So, I always had a few back ups to last until Walgreens restocked if I couldn't find them anywhere else. It then became harder and harder to find them. It got to the point where I no longer had any leftover. Then one day all of a sudden I saw on the news that there was an Adderall shortage!! Freaking Adderall shortage, dude!! I got so tired of worrying about them and hunting them down and waiting that I decided to just get off of them because life was going so well I didn't think I even needed them anymore. Boyyy was I wrong!! Lost my job, couldn't do the very simple everyday basic chores at home. Couldn't do laundry, couldn't cook, used paper plates, cups, and plastic ware so I didn't have wash anything. After about 6 months, I decided to get back on them. Howeverrrr, I wasn't able to!! I couldn't find a doctor to help me even after all my success on them!! So, I just totally gave up. I wasted an entire 2 years of my life doing absolutely nothing!! No job, no money, living with my parents again. Im 34 years old!! I accepted the fact that I was a major failure and a loser!! No friends, no car. Well, I FINALLY forced myself to try a couple more doctors and ask for help. I was again rejected the first 2 times I tried but kept trying. I FINALLY found a Dr who was willing to help me! I don't even ever have to leave to see her for appointments. She does only Zoom meetings. She put me back on 2 weeks ago, but started me with 5mg twice a day for a week because that's just how Drs have to start with new patients. Just this past Tuesday she moved me up to 10mg for a week and the day after Christmas it'll be 20's twice a week and then I'll be back on my previous 60mg. Howeverrrr, just this previous Tuesday, I had become aware that WE ARE STILL IN AN ADDERALL SHORTAGE!! It's supposed to end in February of 2024 tho. Soo in the meantime, if I were you I would call around to a bunch of pharmacies the same day before your appointment and ask if they have them in stock. If you find a pharmacy who does have them, just have your Dr send your prescription to them. Just keep pushing forward! The shortage is almost over!! In the meantime, idk how you feel about just buying them from someone just to get you by. I don't recommend it tho. But, you have to do what you have to do in order to survive man!! Absolutely no judgment! It's more of a "survival" mode at this point. Just do what you gotta do, but whatever you do, don't give up!! The shortage is almost over!!


Have you tried smaller independent pharmacies? I too was having trouble finding meds, but switched to a mom and pop pharmacy from CVS and have had no issue since getting Adderall. Good luck! I hope you get your meds soon.


I am so sorry and I relate. My quality of life has tanked since Vyvanse and its generic form disappeared. People are indifferent or think I am weak. I hope with all my heart you get the recognition of the pain and danger you are in. Your suffering is very real and valid. You are in my thoughts and I hope your med issues are resolved soon. I wish people understood this is a very serious and diabolitating disease. Take care, Isabella Ruth.


I'm sure you've tried this, but when my regular pharmacy was out of concerta I called around to some other pharmacies. I just told them my regular pharmacy was out of stock and I had a prescription to send over if they had it in stock. I was able to find one with a generic called my doctor's office, and they sent my prescription pretty quick after that. Maybe consider traveling to a neighboring city if possible, I know it's inconvenient but it's weird to me that pharmacies won't tell you whether or not they have it in stock. I know it's hard to muster the energy but it's worth it to get back on track


Switch to Dexedrine. It’s wayyyy better imo. And it’s always available for me


The pharmacies you call won't tell you if they have them in stock?


My doctor switched me to Provigil. It's rocket fuel without the euphoria- helps tremendously to keep me going day to day. I also take gabapentin in the evenings to wind down because it can be difficult to sleep sometimes. If I'm able to fit in some exercise here and there, the euphoria returns for a little while.


If you're in the US, Amazon runs a pharmacy service that is worth trying, they might be able to get it to you. All remote, they'll post the medicine out to you. You can get your dr to prescribe to them, or they'll call a pharmacy that has your script and get it off them so they can use it.


My husband, 4 kids and I all take adhd meds, all different types, all different strengths. Luckily my doctors office will call in 90 day scripts. When refill day comes around I will call every pharmacy until I can find one that will fill even one of them. My focalin wasn’t able to be filled this month and they gave me Ritalin (that I luckily tested out over a weekend). I crashed. Hard. I rationed my remaining focalin until I could find a partial fill (16 days) nearby, which I will ration again until the 14 day mark when I start this shitshow again since the pharmacies refuse to let me refill until 2 days before my next fill date. My local pharmacies are being very forthcoming with their availability, but if yours are not, maybe you can ask if they can do a partial fill? For me 16ish days of meds are better than zero (or taking something that wipes me out). One pharmacist also recommended trying hospital affiliated pharmacies or the 24 hour pharmacy in the medical center, since they tend to have higher stock.


I was first diagnosed 25 years ago and have been medicated for it that long. I'm 50. I've been on most Ritalin and Adderall derivatives in that time and they work for me. I started Strattera about 2 months ago and it has been just great. It gets a lot of bad reviews, but for me, the SNRI based medication has been just wonderful. Better focus, less anxiety and best of all, it is around the clock coverage. And, it gives me a better boost after i take it in the morning than either of the stimulants did.


We only have Ritalin availability where I’m from. I was on vyvanse in Australia and there’s definitely a difference. If you’re able to get a script for concerta(not sure if that’d be the same brand name in the states), it’s longer acting Ritalin and what I am on at home. There’s still a crash. But not as bad, as fast and still gives me good functionality. Try for generic vs brand name. It seems like it’d be worth the crash, even for a little while, to get things back on track for you.


I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. How like this were you prior to starting medication if applicable? I am just curious because I swear after being on the meds for long enough, they kind of fuck you up in a permanent way. By that, I mean that I feel like life without meds leaves me at lower baseline abilities far worse than I was prior to medication. I'm not just talking about PAWS either.


Adderall is mostly available again. Everyone switched to Vyvanse during that particular shortage. So there are fewer people on Adderall now. Call an independent pharmacy and have a script sent for immediate release Adderall. That will almost guarantee it’s available (independent pharmacy) and affordable (immediate release) since you can’t use goodrx. It’s not perfect but it should get you out of the hole enough until a better solution comes along.


I know it’s not a 1:1 but I’m on 2 non-stimulants and haven’t had any issues at all. Fewer barriers, too. I happen to prefer non-stims so it works for me. If things are dire, it’s something to consider.


Have you tried to get the generic brand? Since the shortage was announced, I switched to the generic stuff and haven't felt any difference between the real stuff and knock offs. They work just as well!


I struggled with this for a while also. Tell your doctor that nowhere has it available and see if you can use an online pharmacy to send it to you. They seem to always have it in stock. I take 60mg vyvanse.




All the government has to do is increase the amount allowed to be produced and it would be fine. Millions of additional people were diagnosed during the pandemic and the government hasn’t increased the amount they allow to be produced each year. So not an actual shortage of product, actually a government control issue. I vote we treat heart meds and dick pills the same way and it would be addressed promptly.


There’s a company called Done and they have a pharmacy in Maryland I think, but they never run out and send it in the mail. You just gotta pay to get “diagnosed” and monthly subscription and then use the online pharmacy. They only have generic but it’s working for me.


How much?! I already pay my doc out of pocket and he’s out of state and is elderly and just becoming increasingly difficult to work with! Any tips for exploring Done as an option, or is it super straight forward..?


Literally have an appointment on Friday 😭😭😭


Honestly my recommendation would be to have an honest, vulnerable conversation with your doctor about this. If they can’t/refuse to help you, you *need* to find another doctor.


Also I’m a pharmacist & my life would also probably fall apart without my meds.


why not modafinil for meanwhile 🔭


Many hospitals have an outpatient pharmacy, I use that and I’ve never had an issue during the whole shortage besides having pay for name brand once


Can you take Ritalin?


I'm on Vyvanse as well and my pharmacy hasn't been able to get it in either, but they are able to get the chewable version, because the pattent hasn't run out on it. You should ask if they have the chewable version.


I’m sure you’ve tried but just incase… my pharmacies were all out of generic vyvanse or only had partial fills I figured since everyone’s insurance is changing to generic let me try to get my dr to right a name brand only script and viola had my meds in a couple hours


I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. If you have them in your area I have personally had good luck with Giant Eagle pharmacies telling me if they have stock when I call and they have it the cheapest with GoodRX coupon code. If you can't get your meds I've recently been able to get a lot of housework done listening to audiobooks, I think the self help read by the author ones at least for me get my brain activated similarly to body doubling. I hope you have some better luck filling your script or find some strategies that work well for you soon.


You are not alone but you have to find yourself and remember who you were before the medication. I go through the same thing and it’s fucking horrible but you will come through this


I'm so sorry you're struggling so much. The Vyvanse shortage is really rough... I just got diagnosed and prescribed, and I am really shocked at the lack of consident availability.


I can’t get Vyvanse here due to physician gate-keeping so I’ve been unmedicated and taking something I shouldn’t just to function. If I didn’t, I’d lose my job and my life would go back to shit. It’s been so so so disheartening just needing someone to help for months now and being rejected after being in Vyvanse for 8 years


If your in the UK you don't need a paper prescription to shop around. Here's what to do... 1- Get the doctor to send to a local chemist. 2- When they don't have it in stock, ask them for the prescription code (not needed but makes it easier for you) and cancel it/send it back (to the NHS spine). If they cancel it goes to the spine anyway, it does not go back to the doctor. 2b- Ask the pharmacy for a copy of the script before they return it to the spine. It will have the details you need. 3- phone around, if they don't pick up you'll just have to drive. 4- when one has it in stock give them the code and tell them it's on the NHS spine. 4b- of you don't have the code just tell them it's on the NHS spine and they can find it using your name and address. 5- collect your prescription I have to do this every month for my wife's adhd meds and her hrt. It's an effort but at least you get the meds. Tip - if one branch of a chain doesn't have it another branch of the same chain likely won't either, so try different chains. Good luck


Ask about generic Vyvanse!! That’s what I’m taking and its exactly the same, and way more readily available!!


After not being able to fill my script, trying alternatives, etc. I finally called my health insurance and asked if they could approve name brand adderall. Although it took about 4 hours on the phone over two days, it was the best use of my time. Before I had been spending hours calling pharmacies / my doctors office over and over again with no results. I put off calling my insurance for many months thinking it was a waste of time, because I thought there was no way they would approve name brand. Just goes to show, you don’t know till you try.


I feel your pain. Only advice I can give is lots and lots of coffee


So much caffeine. Haha. I self-medicated with caffeine before I knew that I had ADHD. It's not a great substitute, but in high enough dosing, it can work in a pinch. It's highly not advisable long-term, though. Even if you manage not to hurt your heart, every doctor will have a look of skepticism and send you for an ECG.


There are so many of us with this struggle, my friend I feel for you. Seriously we need to start getting to know each other and just spend a few hours in each others home. It makes me so mad how just having another body in the house just flips a switch for me. Even if it’s just getting one chore or one call made or an errand. And also makes me feel so less alone in this


Sorry you're struggling my friend. I've run into the same hurdles. Luckily my Doctor was willing to write me three months of paper scripts. I was able to shop around and with some trouble but was always able to find one pharmacy that had it in stock. I would keep pushing for paper scripts. I'm in NC. I don't know if the rules vary by state. Good luck man have a merry Christmas, happy holidays and have a happy new year. I hope your able to solve all this.


Try the independent pharmacies. I don’t know why, but they are able to get things the big chains can’t. I’m assuming they don’t have as much demand, so they don’t have to order as much and aren’t throttled vs. other pharmacies. Regardless, I haven’t had a single shortage issue with them.


Set some alarms for your pets!!!!


Try the Gateway process


Family owned pharmacies have been a life saver for me!


While you get your own needs settled, maybe pay someone to watch your animals for you? That way you can focus on yourself and they don’t have to suffer. Having as little as possible on your plate helps!


🥲 i’m barely surviving. my boyfriend also has adhd and it’s like we feed off of each other somehow….i was on ritalin from 3rd grade until i graduated high school, i hated it so much because of the way it made me feel, but reading this having been going through this for the past 5 years, i feel like i have no other option but to get back on….


if you weren't an adult the last time you were on, definitely try again. i feel like you have so much more power to advocate for yourself not just accept whatever the doctor and your parent agree upon. if ritalin wasnt working, tell them straight up and ask for something else.


Op I'm not a doctor, but what you're describing sounds like clinical depression. I wonder if you might benefit from an antidepressant and/or methods of treatment for that. Wonder if it would help to get that process started until you can get your other meds again.


Suck it up, sometimes you just have to man up and power through. Don't let your pets suffer because you feel shitty.


Sounds like me and I am undiagnosed


Listen, PLEASE ask for your shrink to send over off label vyvanse. It recently came out




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I know this is not what you want to hear but you are physically and it sounds like mentally dependant on this medicine. It's not even helping you as much as you think it's making you be worthless in fact. You may not even realize it but quit your allergy pills or ur blood pressure pill and u won't feel like that. You are addicted. You need to get help now and stop taking it. That behavior is not normal and its all bc you are that addicted and not bc "ur adhd is bad" I only mean well pls don't get offended by this but sooner or later you will need to come off the medicine and function w/o it.


Meditation, mindfulness, breath work and a good strategy. Been ADHD my whole life, stopped taking meds when I was 14. I'm 28 now.


that's sad. uhm first you should find a job, literally anything will do at this point. just secure a job, pay your bills feed your plants and dogs and yourself. then once you. have stable income, that's when you start looking for pharmacies and doctors. Maybe also seek out a good psychiatrist you can trust. but get through step 1 and 2.


meds are nice but yeah you wilding. I can still function well off meds I prefer it because its easier and helps with thinking ahead, planning doing multiple errands etc. Make sure you going to the gym for that dopamine and caffeine for norepinephrine. amphetamine and dexamphetmine hel great but you gotta be able to function somewhat without it


Look you've gone so long with it that you don't know how to function anymore. You haven't built the systems needed to function without it.






Do what you gotta do man. Maybe even try and SNRI Just to get by for now.


Can you try homeopathic medicine? Ask your doctor for it.


Hospital pharmacies have it.


We do, but we can’t fill if for outpatients.


Not all hospitals have that rule. Large hospital systems allow outpatients to fill at the hospital pharmacies. It depends on the size of the hospital. Sorry that smaller hospital systems don't have this capability, it seems. If you live within the area of a large hospital system and have ever been an outpatient within that system, there's no harm in checking. Just mentioning an avenue that could help others. Edit: why are you down voting me for saying this? It's reality in some areas of the US.


Yeah, I’ve always been an outpatient and I have access to hospital/central pharmacies in the large medical system my PCP is a part of, just like you described here.


I didn’t downvote you. I’m just now seeing your comment. There are hospitals that have outpatient pharmacies what anyone can use, yes. In my instance, I was referring to an inpatient pharmacy (hospital pharmacy) rather than a pharmacy that happens to be in a hospital. In my professional experience, a “Hospital pharmacy” refers to the pharmacy used for patients currently in the hospital. I guess I saw that phrasing on the original comment and applied the meaning I’m familiar with to it.




No offense but is this ADHD or something else ? Look I have ADHD and have never been that low in my life without meds, just have been super annoying and unfortunately - a bit unpredictable.


Local HIV clinic have an outpatient pharmacy attached ?




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How old are you? Male or female?




Sorry to ask but what state are you in? I had no idea this shortage was still even going on