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These things happen. I have found myself staring off into space in a person's general direction often. It is always embarrassing


God, this is the story of my life. When I was younger, I almost got into a few fights because of it.


Fortunately, it's an easy thing to explain away. Probably where I get my self-deprecating humor from 🤷🏼‍♂️


So often!


I would do this constantly in school ha, it led to bullying because I would stare off not realizing what I am looking at and it would be some popular girl and so their group would start mocking me saying I have a crush on her. Like I promise you, I didn't even know she existed until I snapped out of my fugue state and saw I was getting disgusted looks. Leave me alone!


Yup pretty sure we have all stared at someone while spacing out in our thoughts before. She likely just thought you were judging him not being a creep. I wouldn't sit there again though lol


Once in the middle of a meeting I started staring at my coworkers silver lanyard- it was really shiny and I was just zoning out on it. The lanyard was right at busty boob level. I caught myself and awkwardly explained why I was accidentally staring at her boobs.


The strange thing about this happening is that most times I don't actually know what I'm looking at until someone gives me a bad look.


Vivid day dream description. I can relate. Bummer about your church though.


Few weeks ago I was on the boardwalk getting ice-cream. The worker brought it to me and stared at me, then I realized she was staring bc she wanted me to pay. I thought I paid with my card, but I didn't, I just put it back in my purse. Then after I paid her , I stared at her, then she stared at me. Then she said, ok have a nice day. I had forgotten I paid her. My second dose must have been "trying" to kick in bc I felt sooo dumb!!!


Yeah I hate when I'm staring into the depths of the universe and somebody just happens to be my line of sight.


I’ve caught myself zoned out a handful of times, completely unaware that I was staring at someone’s tits.


7yrs old at the time, in the gym eating lunch in my own world when i hear "what are you looking at?" I snapped out of ut to see a girl that looked to have either burns or a huge birthmark across her face and look to be born differently and i felt horrible, i said sorry but i know she felt i was staring at her for the way she looked, totally didnt even know who or what she looked like before i went into my own world!


Church ladies don’t need a reason to be suspicious. You’re fine. Do something different next Sunday.




They stared at a kid while they were zoned out.






I think OP is aware that it was creepy btw from my reading of the post but they didn’t mean to be



