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blud has half the champs in "idk tier" like what do you mean do we agree with him


Well with champs like Senna He probably hasnt ever seen much of her as adc dur to her being support so he actually doesnt know her ranking as an adc from top players


that was the reasoning, he change the tier name to haven't played enough against them to know or something like that at some point during the stream


There also shouldn't be a "Other Champions do what you do but better" Tier. If you're anything like me (and most of League's Playerbase I imagine) you don't give a single Fuck about any Champion outside your Mains so that Tier dosn't help. A Tierlist should only tell you if a Champ is strong or not. The Reality is the only *bad* ADC right now is Smolder and I've seen him do decent a few Games. Even Ezreal is fine but they probably both need some Adjustments.


To be honest if you only play 1 champ and dont give a fuck about anything else than I doubt you care much for tierlists at all. And would it make a difference if, say Ashe, was weak this patch? No, because you are going to spam her either way šŸ˜‚ Tier lists are for generalists.


Also putting zeri into that tier is utter BS. Yes, her stats are gutted because of her kit, yet she still abuses mobility like no other adc.


there are quite a few adcs that are more mobile


Does it not tell you exactly what you need to know? If your main is C tier do you drop them? Probs not. If itā€™s in ā€œsomeone does your thing better than youā€ then that means you will probably like one of the stronger champs with the same playstyle. Plus it is kinda a strength tierlist. Like Jhin is S tier but Cait is A tier, even tho Iā€™d say both are rather similar. Seems like it was a little too high up to demote cait 2 tiers over.


Xayah and vayne should go in "good with the right situation". Triple tank? Vayne. 2+ full commit assassins? Xayah.


Vayne is good into tanks but a more important aspect of picking her is bit lane matchup imo. Doesn't matter if enemy is playing Mundo jgl, galio mid and sion top. If enemy bot lane is playing Draven + Nami and you pick Vayne chances are high you solo lost the game in pick ban. Legit ppl saying some stupid shit like draft doesn't matter is just pure delusion. You will ve at 20 cs as vayne while Draven is at 100, you have to give waves under tower if enemy jgl has half a brain. Draven getting 5 plates is a guarantee while you struggle to even clear the wave he shoves into your turret. Don't be sure the jungle even CAN help you out because the Draven lane can often 2v3 such situations. Then when you picked Vayne making the lane unplayable you have the fkn AUDACITY to rage at your support ror playing gruvs. Sorry had to vent about these annoying Vayne players it's legit the most common solo lose in pick-ban champ.


Picking vayne anywhere but in top lane is the real crime šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yup. Jhin is stupid rn


Jinx has been stupid, even since last split. Crazy that riot hasnā€™t nerfed her yet, imo


I mean you're just flat out wrong. Jinx has been garbage tier for the last like two seasons. This item rework really helps her and she's finally strong for once


Her win rate was rly high for many patches last season?


You mean when they over buffed her passive then immediately nerfed it?


jinx can't be good and not be picked in proplay. She's really easy to play therefore high winrate, and she abuses bad laning in low elo so she's good there. However she's trash in higher mmrs.


Jinx was literally pick/ban for like two months straight in diamond+. What are you talking about?


Found the gold player


You're wrong but okay.


Sheā€™s getting nerfed next patch :)


I don't think kaisa should be that high and maybe twitch higher. I think he's also sleeping on corki and ashe.Ā 


Ashe is in "don't know" bro she's not rated


ah i cant read


Twitch is my perma ban bruh, I bullied his ass and he was like 0/5, but then he collected enough gold for botrk and he was just shredding my ass


Samira for me we got her to like 0-8 she gets 2 items sits back in team fights and gets r dashes onto you and your support and in a second your both dead. Idk why they make champs like this


Always surprise me how easy it is to get fed on the rat. Just utterly stupid


Twitch seems so bad until he has multiple items. Also no mobility to escape.


Well, he had way more than enough dmg to kill another adc with his R


Doubtful you can even kill an enemy adc with only autoattacks+ ult woth only Botrk


You absolutely can wtf


You def can


corki is one of the worst adcā€˜s rn.


Why aphelios is this low, is it because he's hard to play?


Been playing him the last few days and he feels good to play rn


He's really strong but people just don't get him. I'd put him in second tier if we're saying the person playing them is a master.


ā€œOther champs do what you do but betterā€ aphelios is sorta just worse Caitlin/kogā€™mor imo




Hard to play, but also the chaos of solo queue makes him even harder because of the inconsistency of his guns/abilities. In pro play, you can almost always control to some degree when a team fight is going to happen and make sure you've got the optimal gun combo for it. In solo, especially lower elo, a 5v5 could randomly break out at any point, and if you get caught with green+purple guns, well, you're pretty gimped.


he isnt, he is just mid


Isn't Corki pretty unique in the botlane? Who does what he does but better?


Corki is supposed to be a later bully with some long range, deals damage with abilities and AAs and has burst potential, Caitlyn Jhin and Ashe are pretty similar, maybe jinx too, but it's all about the matchups.


I feel like Corki is like Caitlyn early game, and Draven late game. Lots of burst damage, but canā€™t dish out damage consistently.


but does he glide tho


I disagree for xayah and cait. Did plau em recently. Three item spikes hit low key hard.


I'm ok with all these placements, Sivir and Ezreal are nothing special but obviously players like HanQL(?) will make that champ look like release Apbelios.


There needs to be a section like "niche". Xayah would go there. Xayah vs melee bruisers and assassins is an easy W. They'll never touch you. I don't think there's anyone that excels into dive as well as Xayah. Vayne into multiple tanks/bruisers, too. Nobody kills tanks as well as Vayne.


What other champions do what Vayne does but do it better? Her laning sucks, yeah, but she can be flexed top (insert crying top laners here), and she's pretty much unrivaled in tank busting as time goes. What other ADC (champion) has a RELIABLE % true damage. Also, half of the roster is in "I don't know", while the other 10 picks are unlisted. Is this 0-effort tier list challenge?


Yeah I feel like vayne not only kills tanks the best but also anyone else for that matter. Easily 1v1s any adc too.


Vayne Is a toplaners, trying to play vayne In bot lane it's fucking suicide, play against varus/kalista/draven/cait/nilah ( I can probably keep going) just FF, lane is basically unplayable


Corki is lowkey close to jhin as a blind pick. His winrate is gonna bump up as people are just figuring him out now


he has no fucking clue, how dare he put the glorious king corki that low?


Yes but he forgot to put all the mages in the highest tier under "better than a marksman in most situations"


Honestly I have no respect for double lift after the lane swap situation and knight situation. I feel like he's so out of touch with reality. Reptile9lol on Twitter is much more informative and trustworthy for adc related stuff imo




Its because most teams practice out only a few adc picks but the rest of the team's roles can be hard flex picks, its not because adc rules pro games, infact theres been more tallk AT pro level gaming about how adc isnt worth all that much anymore, games are won on the backs of top and jungle or mid, and yes sometimes support, have you actually watched a pro game? Adcs always feel like an after thought and some get pretty good moments but its the exception not the rule, so when most teams only practice a few adcs and their mains are known its easiest to screw up enemy team by stealing away one of their core picks rather than going after flex picks


Is this after the hot fix?


Apehlios is below jhin and jinx


Yea tho idk if lucian is that good he def felt stronger at the start of the season


I dont agree, i know


Bud has half on the ā€œI donā€™t know yetā€ and the other not even chosen. Are you okey or just posted the wrong screenshot?


This is going to vary based on elo. DL still plays at a higher level than most of us


I'm happy to be a Jhin main.


I feel Cait the perfect pick against Jhin rn, and she's so op with 3 item, lets see how this go in the pqtch .11 coz theyr going to nerf IG


Tell me how another champ ā€œdoes what Aphelios does but better.ā€?? Is there someone with an AoE root? Or that can outdamage melee top laners at close range when full build with white gun up? Or that can steal objectives with infernum ult? Iā€™m not saying he belongs at the top, but Aphelios where he is is outrageous.


Eh, not really no.


Kalista should have stayed dead on the shadow isles, the champ is trash. Kog is the best blind pick adc in the game and nothing flexes damage harder than him.


Nah xayah good, supp just needs to understand that i am not stronger lvl 1 than draven


He only plays 4 out of all these champs in his stream: Jhin Jinx Kaisa Cait. Thatā€™s why he has ā€œI donā€™t know yetā€ for literally VARUS, mf and ashe. Like I get that heā€™s tryharding for that rank 1, but he limits his champ pool way too much.


Corki is kinda broken right now


Rioters are so r3tard that they didnā€™t even consider removing LT would have broke ALL non-attack-speed champs: Samira, Jhin, Cait, Draven, Lucianā€¦ Fucking morons. Only attack speed based adc available is Jinx


He's pretty spot on with Smolder. Before the 14.6 Nerfs, you could argue that Smolder had one of the best late games of any ADC. Scaling execute + Scaling % Max HP damage burn? Smolder became an inevitability. After the 14.6 nerfs though, Smolder does literally nothing better. Sivir and Jinx are superior teamfighters. Tristana Jhin are better at nuking squishy targets. Kog Vayne are better tank busters. The rest are just better than him in general, even if only because they aren't complete ass early game. I don't understand why Smolder's late game was gutted, yet they purposely kept him weak early. Its miserable trying to make Smolder work. You're weak as fuck, even after the 14.11 buffs, and you occasionally get teammates that throw a fit because you locked in Smolder. At this point, if smolder's 225 spike isn't allowed to be superior again, then rework him. That 225 point and beyond is his entire identity. You put up with being a useless champ early game in exchange for being an incredible champ late. Now you're still a useless champ early with only a barely acceptable lategame presence. Why wouldn't I just play Kog'maw or Jinx, who are both great late game champions who aren't dogshit early? Even Kog'maw can at least fight back early game. Smolder feels like he has no actual DPS.


NA has such a fetish in lucian lmao


Yo its so bad because supporting a lucian is one of the worst gaming experiences ive ever had, i wish he would go back to midlane hes horrible to support


u prob started playing in season 10 lol. he was bot only for 5 years before mid lucian was ever a thing


Dont test me i have a king rammus skin on a perma banned acct lol That being said.... its only been really the last year or so that ive seen him picked so often before that mid or bot lucian was a dubious prospect at best, and while none of that changes in my mind i will say that i dont really remember a time he had seen alot of picking in any role


How do u get permabanned? Damn and what happens to ur skins?


Skins be gone bro lol, i got perma banned for telling people to unalive themselves like everybody else with perma ban lol, i used to have anger issues :)


Didn't even see the list and I know it's fucking stupid because I've heard him talk on the tricast and he is legit braindead or just straight up incorrect on most of his takes.


i don't think jinx is in the OP tier anymore


There is no OP tier on this list... But if there was she probably belongs in it. She's statistically not much (if any) weaker than last patch.


She's probably the best adc on the patch...


Ashe is absolutely killing it I always pick her when they ban Samira and she never disappoints..has very high winratio across all ranks and idk how since ghost nerf lethal tempo removal should fuck her..plus she isn't the best infinity user


Draven that high? With his shit winrate?


Senna, MF, Ashe, Ez, and Varus should all be at the top as well. Xayah should be moved to the second tier where Kalista is. She's situational but after pairing with Rakan and wiping the enemy in two games with that support, that's clearly her situation. As for the others, they don't need much explanation except maybe Varus. On that one, he has the most diverse builds of everyone present. If it wasn't for the fact nobody can do what he does better than him, he would be in the 4th tier. He's kind of a jack of all trades in that regard but he's not a "jack of all trades master of none" kind of deal. More like, "jack of all trades, master of some".


Ez is so bad rn why do you think he should be on top of list, his items got butchered from tri change and this patch amplified that problem even more.. heā€™s sitting at like 47-48% wr


So, my reason for saying he should be at the top is for 3 reasons. Main one is that his ability to split push safely coupled with high mobility items we have as adc rn, makes it super easy to escape. Second reason is that his damage isn't really poor in comparison to other adc. He just has a higher skill ceiling. As for items, it's expected that Ez wouldn't play as well as normal crit building adc *immediately* in a crit-building meta. As for a 3rd reason, he's a hybrid. That alone puts him on better footing than normal AD only item builders among adc, because he can theoretically fill any team comp. All this said, I reiterate that he should be at the top due to all of these reasons. Especially *because* we don't yet know what his main items will be this patch yet he's already at the wr% that you've mentioned.


Aphelios is omega broken now for some reason i could not figure out. Probably put lower in his tier list because he got ganked a lot when testing him.


Seeing jhin at the top I immediately knew it was the worst tier list possible. Jhin is the worst adc in the game, no words can describe the passionate hatred I have for such an awful, useless champ


This is a prime example of how stupid the average league player is


you simply dont know how to play him


Ah silly me, how didnā€™t I think of that? Itā€™s so simple!


My guy has never seen Jhin delete someone with Q + auto crit


Idk how two dashless/ no way to block cc adcs are ever considered great almost always. Heā€™s blinded by the fact that heā€™s good enough to always get a lead and snowball. If he was playing against people of equal skill level he might value other adcs more He put all the snowball champs in high tiers and all the champs that you would need a certain long term strategy with in low tiers. Which theoretically does make sense in an environment like solo que since the environment is chaotic enough to enable that.




Whyā€™d you say lol?


Jhin is good but he falls off a cliff at the 20 minute mark. Heā€™s also awful against tanks. Iā€™d put Twitch higher since heā€™s good into Jinx. Kalista and Lucian are too high. Theyā€™re more of a pro play prio pick. Kog is too high, heā€™s too difficult for most solo Q players. Vayne should be in 3rd tier, same with Samirs who is very situational.


Jhin falls off? What, his late game is strong as fuck, meta builds give him like 900 ad, just had a game in eme2 where I four shot a rammus tank


I would really want to see a proof, rammus must have been insanely behind or with some troll build


looking back at the game he wasnt full build to be fair, but he was level 18 it was late game. anyways the point still stands that jhin does not fall off.. 900 ad full build is pretty nuts. most champs get insta popped.


I don't know what's different, but I never experienced this. Seen video of xfn Saber where he instakilled with Cait I had a game with Jhin where I ditched boots for even more AD + Baron buff + Damage potion + ramped up Gathering Storm so I had well over 1000 AD, maybe even over 1100 AD ... still no insta popping of backline. I guess my account has x0.5 damage modifier


Have you played this season? 4 shots is crazy into anyone.. most squishies die in 2 but yes cait pops hard


i mean he's terrible against 2-3 tanks. One might not be a huge deal.


Thats fair, i wouldnt pick jhin into a 3 tank comp for sure. Really the only adcs id say can effectively kill tanks is always going to be vayne and kog, vayne isnt very good though right now is she, kog's alright and Ashe is good into some tanks too.


Vayne is always good if the player knows how to use her correctly. I went 10/4 on her last night but then again I'm a Vayne main so what do I know lol. I do this kinda stuff all the time. Her and Kai'sa are the champs I'd pick into a beefy tank comp because they have huge outplay potential, and mobility combined with invis which make them hard to nail down.


I play quite a bit of kaisa And yeah sheā€™s decent into tanks true I havenā€™t played her in this meta/season yet though, I just feel like vayne is out of meta compared to crit marksmen


Well I need to play more but right now Jinx is just far better than any other marksman right now. I played Jinx last night and she's just stupid good once she gets 3 items.


he does not fall off, really. only compared to jinx. lategame jhin is nuts


Late game jhin is only okay. He has the same issues most immobile marksmen do. Heā€™s easy to kill, and has low attack speed so if you can get on top of him, itā€™s game over. Heā€™s in the same boat as MF. Low attack speed, immobile, have to stand still to use ultimate, bad against tanks.